def print_prediction(config): cache_m = CacheManager() if not os.path.isfile(cache_m.fileLocation('test_pred.pik')): return None #Load predictions (expected, Y_pred, nclasses) = cache_m.load('test_pred.pik') y_pred = np.argmax(Y_pred, axis=1) #Output metrics if nclasses > 2: f1 = metrics.f1_score(expected, y_pred, average='weighted') else: f1 = metrics.f1_score(expected, y_pred, pos_label=1) print("F1 score: {0:.2f}".format(f1)) m_conf = PrintConfusionMatrix(y_pred, expected, nclasses, config, "TILs") #ROC AUC #Get positive scores (binary only) if nclasses == 2: scores = Y_pred.transpose()[1] fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(expected, scores, pos_label=1) print("AUC: {0:f}".format(metrics.roc_auc_score(expected, scores))) print("Accuracy: {0:.3f}".format(m_conf[nclasses + 2][nclasses])) if config.verbose > 1: print("False positive rates: {0}".format(fpr)) print("True positive rates: {0}".format(tpr)) print("Thresholds: {0}".format(thresholds))
class KNet(GenericModel): """ Implements abstract methods from GenericModel. Model is the same as in: """ def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "KerasNet" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.single = None self.parallel = None def get_model_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._modelCache) def get_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache) def get_mgpu_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._mgpu_weightsCache) def build(self, **kwargs): model, parallel_model = self._build(**kwargs) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model) def _build(self, **kwargs): """ @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not @param data_size <int>: size of the training dataset """ width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = True if 'feature' in kwargs: feature = kwargs['feature'] else: feature = False if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape, training, feature) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.0005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) #opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) #opt = optimizers.Adam(lr = l_rate) opt = optimizers.Adadelta() #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if self._config.gpu_count > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=self._config.gpu_count) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) return (model, parallel_model) def _build_architecture(self, input_shape, training=None, feature=False): model = Sequential() model.add( Convolution2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape)) model.add(Convolution2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(self._ds.nclasses, activation='softmax')) return model
class Inception(GenericModel): """ Implements abstract methods from GenericModel. Model is the same as in: Addapted to provide a Bayesian model """ def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "Inception" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.single = None self.parallel = None def get_model_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._modelCache) def get_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache) def get_mgpu_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._mgpu_weightsCache) def get_npweights_cache(self, add_ext=False): """ Returns path to model cache. @param add_ext <boolean>: add numpy file extension to file name. """ if add_ext: return "{}.npy".format( self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache).split('.')[0]) else: return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache).split('.')[0] def get_npmgpu_weights_cache(self, add_ext=False): """ Returns path to model cache @param add_ext <boolean>: add numpy file extension to file name. """ if add_ext: return "{}.npy".format( self.cache_m.fileLocation( self._mgpu_weightsCache).split('.')[0]) else: return self.cache_m.fileLocation( self._mgpu_weightsCache).split('.')[0] def register_ensemble(self, m): self._model_n = m self._weightsCache = "{0}-EM{1}-weights.h5".format(, m) self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-EM{1}-mgpu-weights.h5".format(, m) self._modelCache = "{0}-EM{1}-model.h5".format(, m) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(self._config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(self._config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(self._config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) def return_model_n(self): if hasattr(self, '_model_n'): return self._model_n else: return -1 def build(self, **kwargs): """ @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not @param data_size <int>: size of the training dataset """ model, parallel_model = self._build(**kwargs) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model) def build_extractor(self, **kwargs): """ Builds a feature extractor. Weights should be loaded by caller! Key word arguments: preload_w: return model with weights already loaded? True -> Yes parallel: return parallel model (overrides gpu_count avaliation)? True -> Yes """ #Weight loading for the feature extraction is done latter by requesting party kwargs['preload_w'] = False if 'parallel' in kwargs and not kwargs['parallel']: s, p = self._build(**kwargs) return (s, None) else: return self._build(**kwargs) def build_ensemble(self, **kwargs): """ Builds an ensemble of M Inception models. Weights are loaded here because of the way ensembles should be built. Default build: avareges the output of the corresponding softmaxes @param npfile <boolean>: loads weights from numpy files """ if 'npfile' in kwargs: npfile = kwargs['npfile'] else: npfile = False s_models = [] p_models = [] for m in range(self._config.emodels): self.register_ensemble(m) single, parallel = self._build(**kwargs) if not parallel is None: if npfile and hasattr(model, 'get_npmgpu_weights_cache'): parallel.set_weights( np.load(model.get_npmgpu_weights_cache(), allow_pickle=True)) if print("[Inception] loaded ensemble weights: {}".format( model.get_npmgpu_weights_cache())) elif os.path.isfile(model.get_mgpu_weights_cache()): parallel.load_weights(model.get_mgpu_weights_cache(), by_name=True) if print("[Inception] loaded ensemble weights: {}".format( model.get_mgpu_weights_cache())) else: parallel = None if npfile and hasattr(model, 'get_npweights_cache'): single.set_weights( np.load(model.get_weights_cache(), allow_pickle=True)) if print("[Inception] loaded ensemble weights: {}".format( model.get_npweights_cache())) elif os.path.isfile(model.get_weights_cache()): single.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache(), by_name=True) else: if print( "[Inception] Could not load ensemble weights (model {})" .format(m)) single = None s_models.append(single) p_models.append(parallel) s_inputs = [inp for s in s_models for inp in s.inputs] s_outputs = [out for s in s_models for out in s.outputs] p_models = list(filter(lambda x: not x is None, p_models)) if len(p_models) > 0: p_inputs = [inp for p in p_models for inp in p.inputs] p_outputs = [out for p in p_models for out in p.outputs] else: p_inputs = None p_outputs = None #Build the ensemble output from individual models s_model, p_model = None, None ##Single GPU model x = Average()(s_outputs) s_model = Model(inputs=s_inputs, outputs=x) ##Parallel model if not p_inputs is None: x = Average()(p_outputs) p_model = Model(inputs=p_inputs, outputs=x) return s_model, p_model def _build(self, **kwargs): width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = True if 'feature' in kwargs: feature = kwargs['feature'] else: feature = False if 'preload_w' in kwargs: preload = kwargs['preload_w'] else: preload = True if 'allocated_gpus' in kwargs and not kwargs['allocated_gpus'] is None: allocated_gpus = kwargs['allocated_gpus'] else: allocated_gpus = self._config.gpu_count if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape, training, feature, preload) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.00005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) #opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=l_rate) #opt = optimizers.Adadelta(lr=l_rate) #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if allocated_gpus > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=allocated_gpus) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) return (model, parallel_model) def _build_architecture(self, input_shape, training=None, feature=False, preload=True): from . import inception_resnet_v2 kwargs = { 'training': training, 'feature': feature, 'custom_top': False, 'preload': preload, 'batch_n': True if self._config.gpu_count <= 1 else False } inp = Input(shape=input_shape) inception_body = inception_resnet_v2.InceptionResNetV2( include_top=False, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=inp, input_shape=input_shape, pooling='avg', classes=self._ds.nclasses, **kwargs) return inception_body
class VGG16(GenericModel): """ Implements abstract methods from GenericModel. Producess a VGG16 model as implemented by Keras, with convolutional layers FC layers are substituted by Conv2D, as defined in: """ def __init__(self, config, ds, name=None): super().__init__(config, ds, name=name) if name is None: = "VGG16_A1" self._modelCache = "{0}-model.h5".format( self._weightsCache = "{0}-weights.h5".format( self._mgpu_weightsCache = "{0}-mgpu-weights.h5".format( self.cache_m = CacheManager() self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.model_path, self._modelCache), self._modelCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._weightsCache), self._weightsCache) self.cache_m.registerFile( os.path.join(config.weights_path, self._mgpu_weightsCache), self._mgpu_weightsCache) def get_model_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._modelCache) def get_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._weightsCache) def get_mgpu_weights_cache(self): """ Returns path to model cache """ return self.cache_m.fileLocation(self._mgpu_weightsCache) def build(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a VGG 16 model instance, final fully-connected layers are substituted by Conv2Ds @param pre_trained <boolean>: returned model should be pre-trained or not """ width, height, channels = self._check_input_shape() if backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': input_shape = (channels, height, width) else: input_shape = (height, width, channels) if 'data_size' in kwargs: self.data_size = kwargs['data_size'] self.cache_m = CacheManager() model = self._build_architecture(input_shape) #Check if previous training and LR is saved, if so, use it lr_cache = "{0}_learning_rate.txt".format( self.cache_m.registerFile(os.path.join(self._config.cache, lr_cache), lr_cache) l_rate = 0.0005 if os.path.isfile(self.cache_m.fileLocation( lr_cache)) and not self._config.new_net: l_rate = float( if print("Found previous learning rate: {0}".format(l_rate)) sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=l_rate, decay=1.5e-4, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) #adam = optimizers.Adam(lr = l_rate) #Return parallel model if multiple GPUs are available parallel_model = None if self._config.gpu_count > 1: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) parallel_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=self._config.gpu_count) parallel_model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) else: model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'], #options=p_opt, #run_metadata=p_mtd ) self.single = model self.parallel = parallel_model return (model, parallel_model) def _build_architecture(self, input_shape): original_vgg16 = vgg16.VGG16( weights=self.cache_m.fileLocation('vgg16_weights_notop.h5'), include_top=False, input_shape=input_shape) #Freeze initial layers, except for the last 3: #for layer in original_vgg16.layers[:-2]: # layer.trainable = False model = Sequential() model.add(original_vgg16) model.add( Convolution2D(4096, (7, 7), strides=1, padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.75)) model.add( Convolution2D(4096, (1, 1), strides=1, padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dropout(0.75)) model.add( Convolution2D(self._ds.nclasses, (1, 1), strides=1, padding='valid', kernel_initializer='he_normal')) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(self._ds.nclasses)) model.add(Activation('softmax')) return model
def run_test(self, model, x_test=None, y_test=None, load_full=True): """ This should be executed after a model has been trained """ cache_m = CacheManager() split = None if os.path.isfile(cache_m.fileLocation('split_ratio.pik')): split = cache_m.load('split_ratio.pik') else: print( "[Predictor] A previously trained model and dataset should exist. No previously defined spliting found." ) return Exitcodes.RUNTIME_ERROR #Priority is for given data as parameters. If None is given, try to load metadata as configured if x_test is None or y_test is None: if self._config.testdir is None: #Load sampled data if required by command line if self._config.sample < 1.0: _, _, (x_test, y_test) = self._ds.split_metadata( split=split, data=self._ds.sample_metadata(self._config.sample)) else: _, _, (x_test, y_test) = self._ds.split_metadata(split) else: x_test, y_test = self._ds._run_dir(self._config.testdir) if self._config.verbose > 0: unique, count = np.unique(y_test, return_counts=True) l_count = dict(zip(unique, count)) if len(unique) > 2: print("Test items:") print("\n".join([ "label {0}: {1} items".format(key, l_count[key]) for key in unique ])) else: if not 1 in l_count: l_count[1] = 0 print( "Test labels: {0} are 0; {1} are 1;\n - {2:.2f} are positives" .format(l_count[0], l_count[1], (l_count[1] / (l_count[0] + l_count[1])))) print("Test set: {} items".format(len(y_test))) X, Y = self._ds.load_data(data=(x_test, y_test), keepImg=self._keep) if self._config.verbose > 1: print("Y original ({1}):\n{0}".format(Y, Y.shape)) Y = to_categorical(Y, self._ds.nclasses) # session setup sess = K.get_session() ses_config = tf.ConfigProto( device_count={ "CPU": self._config.cpu_count, "GPU": self._config.gpu_count }, intra_op_parallelism_threads=self._config.cpu_count if self._config.gpu_count == 0 else self._config.gpu_count, inter_op_parallelism_threads=self._config.cpu_count if self._config.gpu_count == 0 else self._config.gpu_count, log_device_placement=True if self._verbose > 1 else False) sess.config = ses_config K.set_session(sess) #During test phase multi-gpu mode is not used (maybe done latter) if self._ensemble: #Weights should be loaded during ensemble build if hasattr(model, 'build_ensemble'): pred_model = model.build_ensemble(training=False, npfile=True) else: if print( '[Predictor] Model not prepared to build ensembles, implement or choose other model' ) return None elif load_full and os.path.isfile(model.get_model_cache()): try: pred_model = load_model(model.get_model_cache()) if print("Model loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_model_cache())) except ValueError: pred_model, _ =, pre_load_w=False) pred_model.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache()) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_weights_cache())) elif os.path.isfile(model.get_weights_cache()): pred_model, _ =, pre_load_w=False) pred_model.load_weights(model.get_weights_cache()) if print("Model weights loaded from: {0}".format( model.get_weights_cache())) else: if print("No trained model or weights file found") return None bsize = self._config.batch_size stp = round((len(X) / bsize) + 0.5) image_generator = ImageDataGenerator( samplewise_center=self._config.batch_norm, samplewise_std_normalization=self._config.batch_norm) if self._ensemble: if not self._config.tdim is None: fix_dim = self._config.tdim else: fix_dim = self._ds.get_dataset_dimensions()[0][ 1:] #Only smallest image dimensions matter here test_generator = SingleGenerator( dps=(X, Y), classes=self._ds.nclasses, dim=fix_dim, batch_size=self._config.batch_size, image_generator=image_generator, extra_aug=self._config.augment, shuffle=False, verbose=self._verbose, input_n=self._config.emodels) else: test_generator = image_generator.flow(x=X, y=Y, batch_size=bsize, shuffle=False) if self._config.progressbar: l = tqdm(desc="Making predictions...", total=stp) Y_pred = np.zeros((len(X), self._ds.nclasses), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(stp): start_idx = i * bsize example = Y_pred[start_idx:start_idx + bsize] = pred_model.predict_on_batch( example[0]) if self._config.progressbar: l.update(1) elif print("Batch prediction ({0}/{1})".format(i, stp)) if self._config.verbose > 1: if not np.array_equal(Y[start_idx:start_idx + bsize], example[1]): print( "Datasource label ({0}) and batch label ({1}) differ". format(Y[start_idx:start_idx + bsize], example[1])) del (X) del (test_generator) if self._config.progressbar: l.close() y_pred = np.argmax(Y_pred, axis=1) expected = np.argmax(Y, axis=1) if self._config.verbose > 0: if self._config.verbose > 1: np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf) print("Predicted probs ({1}):\n{0}".format( Y_pred, Y_pred.shape)) #print("Y ({1}):\n{0}".format(Y,Y.shape)) print("expected ({1}):\n{0}".format(expected, expected.shape)) print("Predicted ({1}):\n{0}".format(y_pred, y_pred.shape)) #Save predictions cache_m.dump((expected, Y_pred, self._ds.nclasses), 'test_pred.pik') #Output metrics print_prediction(self._config)