def get_host_name(vm_id):
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        	for vmid,value in vm_dict.iteritems():
			if vm_id == vmid:
				return node
	return None
def get_domain_object(vm_id):
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        for vmid, value in vm_dict.iteritems():
            if vm_id == vmid:
                return value
    return None
def list_host_and_domain():
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	print '%s%s%s' %(str('Host Name').ljust(25),str('Domain Name').ljust(25),'Status')
	print '------------------------------------------------------------------'
	for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        	for vmid,value in vm_dict.iteritems():
			print '%s%s%s' %(str(node).ljust(25),vmid.ljust(25),'running')
def get_domain_object(vm_id):
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        	for vmid,value in vm_dict.iteritems():
			if vm_id == vmid:
				return value
	return None
def find_lifetime_and_terminate_vm():
    print 'termination'
    while (1):
        host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()

        for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
            for vmid, value in vm_dict.iteritems():
                vm_end_time = calculate_vm_endtime(value.vmid,

                #print vm_end_time
                #For Testing purpose we are subtracting 9000 seconds
                vm_end_time = float(vm_end_time) + float(9100)
                #print 'VMID '+vmid+' Host '+node+' Current Time  : '+ str(int(time.time()/60)) +' End Time : '+str(int(vm_end_time/60))
                now =
                vmtermination_log.write('END TIME::' + str(vm_end_time) +
                                        ' ::: CURRENT TIME :: ' + str(now) +
                if (time.mktime(now.timetuple()) >= vm_end_time):
                    if (vm_terminate_guest(node, vmid)):
                            str( +
                            ' :: TERMINATION HANDLER ::' + node + ' :: ' +
                            vmid + ' :: Guest terminated\n')

def get_host_name(vm_id):
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        for vmid, value in vm_dict.iteritems():
            if vm_id == vmid:
                return node
    return None
def list_host_and_domain():
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    print '%s%s%s' % (str('Host Name').ljust(25), str('Domain Name').ljust(25),
    print '------------------------------------------------------------------'
    for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        for vmid, value in vm_dict.iteritems():
            print '%s%s%s' % (str(node).ljust(25), vmid.ljust(25), 'running')
Exemple #8
def vm_terminate_dependency(source_host, vmid):

    #Remove entry from host_vm_dict.pkl
    #Remove the configuration XML
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    guest = host_vm_dict[source_host][vmid]
    addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(source_host, vmid, None)
    resume_resources_from_guest(source_host, vmid, guest)
Exemple #9
def vm_terminate_dependency(source_host, vmid):

    #Remove entry from host_vm_dict.pkl
    #Remove the configuration XML
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    guest = host_vm_dict[source_host][vmid]
    addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(source_host, vmid, None)
    resume_resources_from_guest(source_host, vmid, guest)
Exemple #10
def update_dictionary(host, vmid, cpu_count):
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    	value = host_vm_dict[host][vmid]
	old_cpu = value.current_cpu
	required_cpu = float(cpu_count) - float(old_cpu)
	guest = Guest(value.vmip,value.vmid, float(cpu_count), value.max_cpu, value.current_memory, value.max_memory,, value.start_time)
	addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(host, vmid, guest)
	update_resources_after_cpu_scaling(host, vmid, guest, required_cpu)
Exemple #11
def monitorAndLogAndReportHotSpot():
    usageInfo = ""
    file = open("/var/lib/virtdc/logs/monitor_logs/vmusage.log", "a+")
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        file.write("HOST NAME : " + node + "                	TIME : " + str( + "\n")
        if vm_dict != {}:
                "VM ID\t\t|\tVM IP\t\t|\tAlloted CPU\t|\tCPU usage\t|\tAllotted memory\t|\tMemory usage\t|\tAllotted IO\t|\tIO usage\n"
        for vmid, value in vm_dict.iteritems():
            vmip = value.vmip.strip()
            cpu_usage = getCpuUsage(vmip)
            mem_usage = getTaskMemUsage(vmip)
            io_usage = getIoUsage(vmip)

            print "Current Memory " + str(value.current_memory)
            print "Task Memory Usage" + str(mem_usage)

            # usage= 'VM ID: '+vmid+'\tVM IP: '+vmip + '\t\talloted cpu: '+str(value.current_cpu)+'\tcpu usage: ' + str(cpuUsage) + '\talotted memory: '+str(value.current_memory)+'\tmemory usage: ' + str(memUsage) + '\talotted io: '+str('\tio usage: ' + str(ioUsage) +"\n"

            usage = (
                + "\t|\t"
                + vmip
                + "\t|\t"
                + str(value.current_cpu)
                + "\t\t|\t"
                + str(cpu_usage)
                + "\t|\t"
                + str(value.current_memory)
                + "\t|\t"
                + str(mem_usage)
                + "\t|\t"
                + str(
                + "\t|\t"
                + str(io_usage)
                + "\n"
            usageInfo += usage

            file.write(usage + "\n")

            if float(cpu_usage) > float(value.current_cpu) or float(mem_usage) > float(value.current_memory):
                # report to VM Placement manager
                a = 0

            # Process over memory usage information based on SLA
            process_mem_over_usage(vmid, float(mem_usage), float(value.current_memory))

            # Report current usage to VM Placement manager
            process_action_on_current_usage(node, vmid, value, cpu_usage, mem_usage, io_usage)

            # print usageInfo

    return usageInfo
def load_balance():
    node_list = ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4']
    node_cpu_list = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    vm_obj_list = []
    used_cpu_count = 0

    for vm_dict in host_vm_dict.itervalues():
        for value in vm_dict.itervalues():
            used_cpu_count += value.current_cpu

    avg_cpu = int(math.ceil(used_cpu_count / len(node_list)))

    pickle_dict = {}
    lock = LockFile("/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl")
    with lock:
        while (len(vm_obj_list) > 0):
            max_cpu_vm = None

            # pick a vm with the largest cpu number
            for vm in vm_obj_list:
                if max_cpu_vm is None:
                    max_cpu_vm = vm
                if vm.current_cpu > max_cpu_vm.current_cpu:
                    max_cpu_vm = vm

            # migrate the max-cpu vm to first available node
            if vm_migrate_guest(get_host_name(max_cpu_vm.vmid), node_list[-1],
                                max_cpu_vm.vmid) is False:
                return False

            node_cpu_list[-1] += max_cpu_vm.current_cpu

            # node is saturated if it has reached its balance quorum
            if node_cpu_list[-1] >= avg_cpu:

            # re-populate the vm pickle file
            pickle_dict.setdefault(node_list[-1], {})
            pickle_dict[node_list[-1]][max_cpu_vm.vmid] = max_cpu_vm


        with open('/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl',
                  'w') as pickle_out:
            pickle.dump(pickle_dict, pickle_out)


    return True
def load_balance():
	node_list =     ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4']
	node_cpu_list = [   0,       0,       0,       0   ]
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	vm_obj_list = []
	used_cpu_count = 0	

	for vm_dict in host_vm_dict.itervalues():
		for value in vm_dict.itervalues():
			used_cpu_count += value.current_cpu

	avg_cpu = int(math.ceil(used_cpu_count/len(node_list)))

	pickle_dict = {}
	lock = LockFile("/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl")
	with lock:
		while(len(vm_obj_list) > 0):
			max_cpu_vm = None

			# pick a vm with the largest cpu number
			for vm in vm_obj_list:
				if max_cpu_vm is None:
					max_cpu_vm = vm
				if vm.current_cpu > max_cpu_vm.current_cpu:
					max_cpu_vm = vm
			# migrate the max-cpu vm to first available node
			if vm_migrate_guest(get_host_name(max_cpu_vm.vmid), node_list[-1], max_cpu_vm.vmid) is False:
				return False

			node_cpu_list[-1] += max_cpu_vm.current_cpu

			# node is saturated if it has reached its balance quorum
			if node_cpu_list[-1] >= avg_cpu:

			# re-populate the vm pickle file
			pickle_dict.setdefault(node_list[-1], {})
			pickle_dict[node_list[-1]][max_cpu_vm.vmid] = max_cpu_vm

		with open('/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl','w') as pickle_out:
			pickle.dump(pickle_dict, pickle_out)


	return True
Exemple #14
def update_dictionary(host, vmid, mem_size):

	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    	value = host_vm_dict[host][vmid]
	old_memory = value.current_memory
	required_memory = float(mem_size) - float(old_memory)
	guest = Guest(value.vmip,value.vmid, value.current_cpu, value.max_cpu, float(mem_size), value.max_memory,, value.start_time)

	#Update memory for guest in guest dictionary
	addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(host, vmid, guest)

	#Update memory for guest in host dictionary
	update_resources_after_mem_scaling(host, vmid, guest, required_memory)
def show_domain_info(vm_id):
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        	for vmid,value in vm_dict.iteritems():
			if vm_id == vmid:
				print '%s%s' %(str('Domain Name:').ljust(30),vmid)
				print '--------------------------------------------'
				print '%s%s' %(str('Host Name:').ljust(30),node)
				print '%s%s' %(str('Domain IP:').ljust(30),value.vmip)
				print '%s%s' %(str('Current CPU [core]:').ljust(30),value.current_cpu)
				print '%s%s' %(str('Maximum CPU [core]:').ljust(30),value.max_cpu)
				print '%s%s' %(str('Current Memory [KiB]:').ljust(30),value.current_memory)
				print '%s%s' %(str('Maximum Memory [KiB]:').ljust(30),value.max_memory)
				print '%s%s' %(str('Created Time:').ljust(30),value.start_time)
def update_dictionary(host, vmid, mem_size):

    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    value = host_vm_dict[host][vmid]
    old_memory = value.current_memory
    required_memory = float(mem_size) - float(old_memory)

    guest = Guest(value.vmip, value.vmid, value.current_cpu, value.max_cpu,
                  float(mem_size), value.max_memory,,

    #Update memory for guest in guest dictionary
    addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(host, vmid, guest)

    #Update memory for guest in host dictionary
    update_resources_after_mem_scaling(host, vmid, guest, required_memory)
Exemple #17
def do_prereq_start_workload(hostName, vmid):
        host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
        print host_vm_dict
        ip = host_vm_dict[hostName][vmid].vmip
        print "IP RUN " + str(ip)

        # copy host configuration file to guest
        scpHostConfig = 'scp -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /var/lib/virtdc/vmonere/dominfo/' + vmid + '.txt root@' + ip + ':' + file_path
        subprocess.Popen(scpHostConfig, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

        start_monitor = 'ssh -n -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@' + ip + ' \"/bin/nohup sh -c \'/bin/python /var/lib/virtdc/vmonere/guest/\' > /dev/null 2>&1 &' + '\"'
        print start_monitor
        subprocess.Popen(start_monitor, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        print "error>", e.output, '<'
def do_prereq_start_workload(hostName, vmid):
		print host_vm_dict
		print "IP RUN "+str(ip)
		# copy host configuration file to guest
		scpHostConfig = 'scp -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /var/lib/virtdc/vmonere/dominfo/'+vmid+'.txt root@'+ip+':'+file_path
		subprocess.Popen(scpHostConfig, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

		start_monitor = 'ssh -n -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@'+ip+' \"/bin/nohup sh -c \'/bin/python /var/lib/virtdc/vmonere/guest/\' > /dev/null 2>&1 &' + '\"'
		print start_monitor
                subprocess.Popen(start_monitor, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
	except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: 
   		print "error>",e.output,'<'	
def show_domain_info(vm_id):
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        for vmid, value in vm_dict.iteritems():
            if vm_id == vmid:
                print '%s%s' % (str('Domain Name:').ljust(30), vmid)
                print '--------------------------------------------'
                print '%s%s' % (str('Host Name:').ljust(30), node)
                print '%s%s' % (str('Domain IP:').ljust(30), value.vmip)
                print '%s%s' % (str('Current CPU [core]:').ljust(30),
                print '%s%s' % (str('Maximum CPU [core]:').ljust(30),
                print '%s%s' % (str('Current Memory [KiB]:').ljust(30),
                print '%s%s' % (str('Maximum Memory [KiB]:').ljust(30),
                print '%s%s' % (str('Created Time:').ljust(30),
Exemple #20
def vm_migrate_dependency(source_host,dest_host,vmid):

	#Remove entry from host_vm_dict.pkl for the source_host
	#Add Entry to the dest_host in node_dict.pkl
	#Remove the configuration XML
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	guest = host_vm_dict[source_host][vmid]

	#update guest dictionay on source_host
	addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(source_host, vmid, None)

	#Update host dictionary for source host 
	resume_resources_from_guest(source_host, vmid, guest)

	#update guest dictionay on dest_host
	addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(dest_host, vmid, guest)
	#Update host dictionary for dest host
	host = obj.place_job (dest_host, guest.current_cpu,guest.current_memory,
Exemple #21
def vm_migrate_dependency(source_host, dest_host, vmid):

    obj = NodeFinder()
    #Remove entry from host_vm_dict.pkl for the source_host
    #Add Entry to the dest_host in node_dict.pkl
    #Remove the configuration XML
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    guest = host_vm_dict[source_host][vmid]

    #update guest dictionay on source_host
    addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(source_host, vmid, None)

    #Update host dictionary for source host
    resume_resources_from_guest(source_host, vmid, guest)

    #update guest dictionay on dest_host
    addOrUpdateDictionaryOfVM(dest_host, vmid, guest)

    #Update host dictionary for dest host
    host = obj.place_job(dest_host, guest.current_cpu, guest.current_memory,
def find_lifetime_and_terminate_vm():
  print 'termination'
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()

	for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
        	for vmid,value in vm_dict.iteritems():
			vm_end_time = calculate_vm_endtime(value.vmid, value.start_time)

			#print vm_end_time
			#For Testing purpose we are subtracting 9000 seconds
			vm_end_time = float(vm_end_time) + float(9100)
			#print 'VMID '+vmid+' Host '+node+' Current Time  : '+ str(int(time.time()/60)) +' End Time : '+str(int(vm_end_time/60))
			vmtermination_log.write('END TIME::'+ str(vm_end_time)+ ' ::: CURRENT TIME :: '+str(now)+'\n')
			if (time.mktime(now.timetuple()) >= vm_end_time ):
				if (vm_terminate_guest(node, vmid) ):
					vmtermination_log.write(str( +' :: TERMINATION HANDLER ::'+node+' :: '+vmid+' :: Guest terminated\n')
Exemple #23
def monitorAndLogAndReportHotSpot():
        file= open('/var/lib/virtdc/logs/monitor_logs/vmusage.log', 'a+')
        for node, vm_dict in host_vm_dict.iteritems():
            file.write("HOST NAME : "+node+"                	TIME : "+str('\n')
		file.write('VM ID\t\t|\tVM IP\t\t|\tAlloted CPU\t|\tCPU usage\t|\tAllotted memory\t|\tMemory usage\t|\tAllotted IO\t|\tIO usage\n')
            for vmid,value in vm_dict.iteritems():
                vmip = value.vmip.strip()
                cpu_usage = getCpuUsage(vmip)
                mem_usage = getTaskMemUsage(vmip)
		io_usage =  getIoUsage(vmip)

		print "Current Memory "+str(value.current_memory)
		print "Task Memory Usage"+str(mem_usage)

                #usage= 'VM ID: '+vmid+'\tVM IP: '+vmip + '\t\talloted cpu: '+str(value.current_cpu)+'\tcpu usage: ' + str(cpuUsage) + '\talotted memory: '+str(value.current_memory)+'\tmemory usage: ' + str(memUsage) + '\talotted io: '+str('\tio usage: ' + str(ioUsage) +"\n"

                usage= vmid+'\t|\t'+vmip + '\t|\t'+str(value.current_cpu)+'\t\t|\t' + str(cpu_usage) + '\t|\t'+str(value.current_memory)+'\t|\t' + str(mem_usage) + '\t|\t'+str('\t|\t' + str(io_usage) +"\n"


                if (float(cpu_usage)>float(value.current_cpu) or float(mem_usage)>float(value.current_memory)):
                    #report to VM Placement manager

		#Process over memory usage information based on SLA
		process_mem_over_usage(vmid, float(mem_usage), float(value.current_memory))

		#Report current usage to VM Placement manager
		process_action_on_current_usage(node, vmid, value, cpu_usage, mem_usage, io_usage)

                #print usageInfo

        return usageInfo