def load_balance():
    node_list = ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4']
    node_cpu_list = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
    vm_obj_list = []
    used_cpu_count = 0

    for vm_dict in host_vm_dict.itervalues():
        for value in vm_dict.itervalues():
            used_cpu_count += value.current_cpu

    avg_cpu = int(math.ceil(used_cpu_count / len(node_list)))

    pickle_dict = {}
    lock = LockFile("/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl")
    with lock:
        while (len(vm_obj_list) > 0):
            max_cpu_vm = None

            # pick a vm with the largest cpu number
            for vm in vm_obj_list:
                if max_cpu_vm is None:
                    max_cpu_vm = vm
                if vm.current_cpu > max_cpu_vm.current_cpu:
                    max_cpu_vm = vm

            # migrate the max-cpu vm to first available node
            if vm_migrate_guest(get_host_name(max_cpu_vm.vmid), node_list[-1],
                                max_cpu_vm.vmid) is False:
                return False

            node_cpu_list[-1] += max_cpu_vm.current_cpu

            # node is saturated if it has reached its balance quorum
            if node_cpu_list[-1] >= avg_cpu:

            # re-populate the vm pickle file
            pickle_dict.setdefault(node_list[-1], {})
            pickle_dict[node_list[-1]][max_cpu_vm.vmid] = max_cpu_vm


        with open('/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl',
                  'w') as pickle_out:
            pickle.dump(pickle_dict, pickle_out)


    return True
def load_balance():
	node_list =     ['node1', 'node2', 'node3', 'node4']
	node_cpu_list = [   0,       0,       0,       0   ]
	host_vm_dict = getHostVMDict()
	vm_obj_list = []
	used_cpu_count = 0	

	for vm_dict in host_vm_dict.itervalues():
		for value in vm_dict.itervalues():
			used_cpu_count += value.current_cpu

	avg_cpu = int(math.ceil(used_cpu_count/len(node_list)))

	pickle_dict = {}
	lock = LockFile("/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl")
	with lock:
		while(len(vm_obj_list) > 0):
			max_cpu_vm = None

			# pick a vm with the largest cpu number
			for vm in vm_obj_list:
				if max_cpu_vm is None:
					max_cpu_vm = vm
				if vm.current_cpu > max_cpu_vm.current_cpu:
					max_cpu_vm = vm
			# migrate the max-cpu vm to first available node
			if vm_migrate_guest(get_host_name(max_cpu_vm.vmid), node_list[-1], max_cpu_vm.vmid) is False:
				return False

			node_cpu_list[-1] += max_cpu_vm.current_cpu

			# node is saturated if it has reached its balance quorum
			if node_cpu_list[-1] >= avg_cpu:

			# re-populate the vm pickle file
			pickle_dict.setdefault(node_list[-1], {})
			pickle_dict[node_list[-1]][max_cpu_vm.vmid] = max_cpu_vm

		with open('/var/lib/virtdc/framework/host_vm_dict.pkl','w') as pickle_out:
			pickle.dump(pickle_dict, pickle_out)


	return True
def force_migrate(vmid, source_host, dest_host):
	return vm_migrate_guest(source_host, dest_host,vmid)
def force_migrate(vmid, source_host, dest_host):
    return vm_migrate_guest(source_host, dest_host, vmid)
def process_action_on_current_usage(host, vmid, value, cpu_usage, mem_usage, io_usage):
	node_dict = GetNodeDict()

	#for key, value in node_dict.iteritems() :
	    #print key, value.hostname, value.ip_address, value.max_cpu, value.max_memory, value.max_io, value.avail_cpu, value.avail_memory, value.avail_io

	#Log activity
	manager_activity_log = open('/var/lib/virtdc/logs/activity_logs/manager.log', 'a+')
	manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Alotted Memory '+str(value.current_memory)+' :: Current Memory '+str(mem_usage)+'\n')
	manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Alotted CPU '+str(value.current_cpu)+' :: Current CPU '+str(cpu_usage)+'\n')

	max_cpu = value.max_cpu

	#print 'Max CPU '+str(max_cpu)
	allotted_cpu = float(value.current_cpu)
	#print 'Allocate CPU : '+str(allotted_cpu)

	#Base OS should not go below the minimum memory
	mem_usage = float(mem_usage) + float(_base_mem_size)

	allotted_memory = float(value.current_memory)
	max_memory = float(value.max_memory)

	#Check CPU usage, regarding a 0.1 margin as eligible to scale up
	if((cpu_usage+0.1 > allotted_cpu) and (cpu_usage < max_cpu)):
		if ( obj.is_cpu_available_on_host(host, 1) ):
			#print 'Test 2'
			new_cpu_value = value.current_cpu + 1
			print "New CPU: %s" % new_cpu_value
			vm_cpu_scaling(host, vmid, value.vmip, new_cpu_value)
			manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::Scaling ::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Memory scaled from '+str(value.current_cpu)+' to '+str(cpu_usage)+'\n')
			print 'Test 3'
			new_host = obj.is_space_available_for_vm(cpu_usage, mem_usage , io_usage)
			if new_host is None:
    				print "Cant migrate guest"
				print 'Dest Node : '+new_host
				#Initiate vm migration
				migrate_flag = vm_migrate_guest(host, new_host, vmid)
				if (migrate_flag):
					manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::Migration ::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Domain migrated from '+str(host)+' to '+str(new_host)+' for CPU Scaling from'+str(value.current_cpu)+' to '+str(cpu_usage)+'\n')
					manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::Migration ::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Cannot migrate from '+str(host)+' to '+str(new_host)+' for CPU Scaling from'+str(value.current_cpu)+' to '+str(cpu_usage)+'\n')

	#if(	(cpu_usage>current_cpu) and 	(cpu_usage<max_cpu)	):  -- CPU scaling down is not implemented
	#Check Memory Usage - Memory scale up will be initiated when usage is greater than usage+scaleup_threshold
	#print "MEM USAGE: " + str(mem_usage)
	#print "Alloc mem: " + str(allotted_memory)
	#print "threadhold: " + str(float(mem_scale_up_threshold))
	#print "Max mem: " + str(max_memory)
	if(((mem_usage > (allotted_memory + float(mem_scale_up_threshold))))and (mem_usage<max_memory)):		
		required_extra_memory = mem_usage - allotted_memory
		print "Required Mem: " + str(required_extra_memory)
		if( obj.is_mem_available_on_host(host, required_extra_memory) ):
			vm_memory_scaling(host, vmid, float(mem_usage))
	    		manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Scaling ::'+str(host)+' :: '+str(vmid)+' :: Memory scaled from '+str(allotted_memory)+' to '+str(mem_usage)+'\n')
			new_host = obj.is_space_available_for_vm(cpu_usage, mem_usage , io_usage)
			if new_host is None:
    				print "Cant migrate Guest"
				#Initiate vm migration
				migrate_flag = vm_migrate_guest(host, new_host, vmid)
				if (migrate_flag):
					manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Migration ::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Domain migrated from '+str(host)+' to '+str(new_host)+' for Memory Scaling from'+str(value.current_memory)+' to '+str(mem_usage)+'\n')
					manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Migration ::'+host+' :: '+vmid+' :: Cannot migrate from '+str(host)+' to '+str(new_host)+' for Memory Scaling from'+str(value.current_memory)+' to '+str(mem_usage)+'\n')

	#To scale down memory - Memory scale down will be initiated when usage is lower than usage-scaledown_threshold or
	elif((mem_usage<(allotted_memory - float(mem_scale_down_threshold)))and (mem_usage<max_memory)	):		
		vm_memory_scaling(host, vmid, float(mem_usage))
		manager_activity_log.write(str('::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Scaling ::'+str(host)+' :: '+str(vmid)+' :: Memory scaled from '+str(allotted_memory)+' to '+str(mem_usage)+'\n')
Exemple #6
def process_action_on_current_usage(host, vmid, value, cpu_usage, mem_usage,
    node_dict = GetNodeDict()

    #for key, value in node_dict.iteritems() :
    #print key, value.hostname, value.ip_address, value.max_cpu, value.max_memory, value.max_io, value.avail_cpu, value.avail_memory, value.avail_io

    #Log activity
    manager_activity_log = open(
        '/var/lib/virtdc/logs/activity_logs/manager.log', 'a+')
        str( + '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::' + host +
        ' :: ' + vmid + ' :: Alotted Memory ' + str(value.current_memory) +
        ' :: Current Memory ' + str(mem_usage) + '\n')
        str( + '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::' + host +
        ' :: ' + vmid + ' :: Alotted CPU ' + str(value.current_cpu) +
        ' :: Current CPU ' + str(cpu_usage) + '\n')

    obj = NodeFinder()
    max_cpu = value.max_cpu

    #print 'Max CPU '+str(max_cpu)
    allotted_cpu = float(value.current_cpu)
    #print 'Allocate CPU : '+str(allotted_cpu)

    #Base OS should not go below the minimum memory
    mem_usage = float(mem_usage) + float(_base_mem_size)

    allotted_memory = float(value.current_memory)
    max_memory = float(value.max_memory)

    #Check CPU usage, regarding a 0.1 margin as eligible to scale up
    if ((cpu_usage + 0.1 > allotted_cpu) and (cpu_usage < max_cpu)):
        if (obj.is_cpu_available_on_host(host, 1)):
            #print 'Test 2'
            new_cpu_value = value.current_cpu + 1
            print "New CPU: %s" % new_cpu_value
            vm_cpu_scaling(host, vmid, value.vmip, new_cpu_value)
                str( +
                '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::Scaling ::' + host + ' :: ' + vmid +
                ' :: Memory scaled from ' + str(value.current_cpu) + ' to ' +
                str(cpu_usage) + '\n')
            print 'Test 3'
            new_host = obj.is_space_available_for_vm(cpu_usage, mem_usage,
            if new_host is None:
                print "Cant migrate guest"
                print 'Dest Node : ' + new_host
                #Initiate vm migration
                migrate_flag = vm_migrate_guest(host, new_host, vmid)
                if (migrate_flag):
                        str( +
                        '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::Migration ::' + host +
                        ' :: ' + vmid + ' :: Domain migrated from ' +
                        str(host) + ' to ' + str(new_host) +
                        ' for CPU Scaling from' + str(value.current_cpu) +
                        ' to ' + str(cpu_usage) + '\n')
                        str( +
                        '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::CPU::Migration ::' + host +
                        ' :: ' + vmid + ' :: Cannot migrate from ' +
                        str(host) + ' to ' + str(new_host) +
                        ' for CPU Scaling from' + str(value.current_cpu) +
                        ' to ' + str(cpu_usage) + '\n')

    #if(	(cpu_usage>current_cpu) and 	(cpu_usage<max_cpu)	):  -- CPU scaling down is not implemented
    #Check Memory Usage - Memory scale up will be initiated when usage is greater than usage+scaleup_threshold
    #print "MEM USAGE: " + str(mem_usage)
    #print "Alloc mem: " + str(allotted_memory)
    #print "threadhold: " + str(float(mem_scale_up_threshold))
    #print "Max mem: " + str(max_memory)
    if (((mem_usage > (allotted_memory + float(mem_scale_up_threshold))))
            and (mem_usage < max_memory)):
        required_extra_memory = mem_usage - allotted_memory
        print "Required Mem: " + str(required_extra_memory)
        if (obj.is_mem_available_on_host(host, required_extra_memory)):
            vm_memory_scaling(host, vmid, float(mem_usage))
                str( +
                '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Scaling ::' + str(host) +
                ' :: ' + str(vmid) + ' :: Memory scaled from ' +
                str(allotted_memory) + ' to ' + str(mem_usage) + '\n')
            new_host = obj.is_space_available_for_vm(cpu_usage, mem_usage,
            if new_host is None:
                print "Cant migrate Guest"
                #Initiate vm migration
                migrate_flag = vm_migrate_guest(host, new_host, vmid)
                if (migrate_flag):
                        str( +
                        '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Migration ::' + host +
                        ' :: ' + vmid + ' :: Domain migrated from ' +
                        str(host) + ' to ' + str(new_host) +
                        ' for Memory Scaling from' +
                        str(value.current_memory) + ' to ' + str(mem_usage) +
                        str( +
                        '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Migration ::' + host +
                        ' :: ' + vmid + ' :: Cannot migrate from ' +
                        str(host) + ' to ' + str(new_host) +
                        ' for Memory Scaling from' +
                        str(value.current_memory) + ' to ' + str(mem_usage) +

    #To scale down memory - Memory scale down will be initiated when usage is lower than usage-scaledown_threshold or
    elif ((mem_usage < (allotted_memory - float(mem_scale_down_threshold)))
          and (mem_usage < max_memory)):
        vm_memory_scaling(host, vmid, float(mem_usage))
            str( +
            '::PLACEMENT MANAGER::MEMORY::Scaling ::' + str(host) + ' :: ' +
            str(vmid) + ' :: Memory scaled from ' + str(allotted_memory) +
            ' to ' + str(mem_usage) + '\n')