Exemple #1
    def test_detect(self, trainsetIdxs, testsetIdx, harvest=False, autoAnnotate=False, displayOptions=None):
        Detect objects in a video

        :param harvest: whether to use harvesting
        :param autoAnnotate: whether to automate harvesting (for testing purposes)
        :param displayOptions: some option about what to display in the video

        self.log.info("Performing detection test")

        framesStep = 10  # take every frameSteps-th frame

        if not displayOptions:
            displayOptions = {
                'enabled': True,  # display anything at all
                'frame': True,  # video frame image
                'detections': False,  # detected objects
                'suppressed_detections': True,
                'sliding_window': False,
                'ground_truth': False

        samples = self.getTrainSamples(trainsetIdxs)

        clsf = self.trainFromSamples(samples)  # train a classifier based on the given dataset samples
        datasetId = self.datasetIds[testsetIdx]  # get the dataset id given the dataset index
        videoFileName = os.path.join(self.projectDirectory, 'videos', '%s.MOV' % datasetId)
        annotationsFileName = os.path.join(self.projectDirectory, 'labels', "%s_output.txt" % datasetId)
        video = Video(videoFileName, annotationsFileName)
        video.cutoutSize = self.cutoutSize
        detectionsTruth = video.getAnnotations()  # get the labeled ground truth for this video

        self.log.debug("Using video %s" % videoFileName)

        self.suppressor = Suppressor()

        cap = cv2.VideoCapture(videoFileName)  # load the video file

        results = []  # results for each frame
        frameIdx = 0
        while cap.isOpened():
            ret, frame = cap.read()
            if ret is False:

            if ((frameIdx+1) % framesStep) == 0:  # use every <frameStep>th frame
                self.log.debug("Frame %d" % frameIdx)

                truth = []
                for truthDetection in detectionsTruth[frameIdx]:
                    if truthDetection['lost'] is True:  # if the detection is not visible in this frame

                    truthDetectionCutoutDimensions = video.getCutoutDimensions(truthDetection, frame.shape[:2])  # dimension of the truth in the frame

                detections = self.detectObjects(frame, clsf, truth, display=displayOptions)  # detect objects in frame
                result = self.matchDetections(detections, truth, frame.shape[:2])  # match the detections agains the truth

                if harvest:
                    detectionsOverlapRatios = result['detectionsOverlapRatios']  # how much the truth overlaps with each detection
                    newSamples = self.annotateDetections(frame, detections, detectionsOverlapRatios, autoAnnotate=autoAnnotate, overlapThreshold=0.3)  # (manually) annotate all the found detections
                    if len(newSamples):
                        clsf = self.trainFromSamples(samples)  # retrain a classifier based on the given dataset samples and new samples

            frameIdx += 1


        totalScore = sum([result['score'] for result in results])
        totalPrecision = sum([result['precision'] for result in results])
        totalRecall = sum([result['recall'] for result in results])

        print ("= Average score:")
        print ("= Average precision:")
        print ("= Average recall:")
Exemple #2
__author__ = 'Rik Smit'

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Creating cutous from video using Vatic annotations.')
parser.add_argument('videofile', help='Location of the video file')
parser.add_argument('annotationsfile', help='Location of the annotations file')
parser.add_argument('outputdir', help='Location of the directory to store the cutouts')
parser.add_argument('--cutoutsize', help='Dimensions of the cutouts.', default=(100, 100))
parser.add_argument('--framestep', help='Use every <framestep>th frame.', default=25)
parser.add_argument('--negativescount', help='Amount of negatives to cutout for each frame.', default=50)
parser.add_argument('--pos', action='store_false', help="Whether to exclude extracting positives")
parser.add_argument('--neg', action='store_false', help="Whether to exclude extracting negatives")

args = parser.parse_args()

videoFileName = args.videofile
cutoutsDirectory = args.outputdir
annotationsFileName = args.annotationsfile

video = Video(videoFileName, annotationsFileName)


video.cutoutSize = args.cutoutsize
video.negExamplesPerFrame = args.negativescount
video.framesStep = args.framestep

video.extractObjects(cutoutsDirectory, extractPositives=args.pos, extractNegatives=args.neg)