def __init__(self, feed_layer, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "MainWindow.ui"), self) jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('simplejson', sort_keys=True, indent=4) jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('json', sort_keys=True, indent=4) jsonpickle.set_preferred_backend("simplejson") self.__tabs = {} self.uiMainTabWidget = self.findChild(QTabWidget, "tabWidget") self.uiMainTabWidget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.closeView) nodes = self.__loadConfigFromFile(MainWindow.FILENAME_CONFIG_NODES, {}) self.nodes = NodeManager(nodes) views = self.__loadConfigFromFile(MainWindow.FILENAME_CONFIG_VIEWS, {}) self.views = ViewManager(views) self.sensorManager = SensorManager(self.views.callbackUpdate, self.nodes.addId) nodeConfigTab = NodeConfigTab( self.nodes, callbackModified=self.callbackModifiedNodes) self.nodes.setCallbackNodeAdded(nodeConfigTab.add) self.uiMainTabWidget.addTab(nodeConfigTab, "Konfiguration") self.uiMainTabWidget.tabBar().setTabButton(0, QTabBar.RightSide, None) viewConfigTab = ViewConfigTab( self.views, self.nodes, self.showView, callbackModified=self.callbackModifiedViews) self.uiMainTabWidget.addTab(viewConfigTab, "Ansichten") self.uiMainTabWidget.tabBar().setTabButton(1, QTabBar.RightSide, None) self.__updateTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.__updateTimer.setInterval(1000) self.__updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.views.updateWidgets) self.__updateTimer.start() if feed_layer is not None: = feed_layer self.readAllEvents() else: = None self.demoTimer = None
def start ( self ): """Creates all game object instances. No return. This is where specific Rooms, Items, Cotrollers, and pygame essentials are created. """ if(DEBUG):print("Starting"); pygame.init() #Create display self.DISPLAY_SURF = pygame.display.set_mode(self.SIZE) self.DISPLAY_SURF.fill((0,0,0)) #Create Pygame objects here self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() #Player self.player = Character(initial_position = [40,600]) #Veiw Manager self.veiwMan = ViewManager([255,255,255], [5,5], [self.WIDTH-10, self.HEIGHT-10], self.player) #Puts a white VeiwManager on screen #Control Manager self.conMan = ControlManager() self.conMan.setAvatar(self.player) #Creating Rooms greenRoom = pygame.sprite.Sprite() greenRoom.image = pygame.Surface([1000, 640]) greenRoom.rect = greenRoom.image.get_rect() greenRoom.image.fill([0,255,0]) self.room1 = Room(greenRoom, self.player) #Sets background to greenRoom and avatar to self.player grayRoom = pygame.sprite.Sprite() grayRoom.image = pygame.Surface([1000, 640]) grayRoom.rect = grayRoom.image.get_rect() grayRoom.image.fill([100,100,100]) self.room2 = Room(grayRoom, self.player) #Creating items = Item([400, 600]), {"room":self.room2})) self.box2 = Item([200, 600]) self.box2.setInteractEvent(pygame.event.Event(Events.ROOM_CHANGE, {"room":self.room1})) self.room1.addObject( self.room2.addObject(self.box2) self.itemGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(,self.box2) #Making Text #This is not critical code if(pygame.font.get_init): hello = pygame.font.Font(None,64) hello = hello.render("Press Space", False, [0,0,0]) x,y = x = x - (hello.get_width()/2) y = y - (hello.get_height()/2) self.veiwMan.image.blit(hello, [x,y]) pygame.display.flip() self.RUNNING = True
def run_game(): # 初始化游戏 pygame.init() # 创建ViewManager对象 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1024, 768)) view_manager = ViewManager() block = pygame.time.Clock() # 设置显示屏幕,返回Surface对象 p1 = [] # 设置标题 pygame.display.set_caption('pvz') p2 = [] #是否进入点击状态 is_pick = False while 1: block.tick(30) screen.blit(view_manager.background, (0, 0)) screen.blit(, (120, 15)) press = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # 处理游戏事件 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 处理游戏退出 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if not is_pick: if press[0]: if 120 <= x < 120 + ).width and 15 <= y <= 15 + ).height: p = plant(view_manager) p1.append(p) is_pick = True if is_pick: if not (120 <= x < 120 + and 15 <= y <= 15 + if press[2]: p1.clear() is_pick = False if press[0]: p.x = x - 50 p.y = y - 80 p.motivated = True p2.append(p) p1.clear() is_pick = False for i in p1: screen.blit(i.images, (x - 50, y - 80)) for i in p2: if i.motivated and i.shoot_time <= 0: i.add_bullet(view_manager) i.draw_bullet(screen) screen.blit(i.images, (i.x, i.y)) # print((str(len(i.bullet_list))), str(i.shoot_time)) if press[1]: print(len(p2)) del_monster = [] for i in mm.monster_list: for j in p2: for k in j.bullet_list: if(i.is_hurt(k.x+50,k.y+26)): j.bullet_list.remove(k) -= 1 if <= 0: del_monster.append(i) mm.monster_list.remove(del_monster) del_monster.clear() update_screen(screen, view_manager, mm)
class Fey ( ): def __init__ ( self ): """Sets game instance fields and sets RUNNING to True. No return.""" if(DEBUG):print("Initializing"); self.RUNNING = True self.DISPLAY_SURF = None self.SIZE = self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT = 800, 640 def start ( self ): """Creates all game object instances. No return. This is where specific Rooms, Items, Cotrollers, and pygame essentials are created. """ if(DEBUG):print("Starting"); pygame.init() #Create display self.DISPLAY_SURF = pygame.display.set_mode(self.SIZE) self.DISPLAY_SURF.fill((0,0,0)) #Create Pygame objects here self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() #Player self.player = Character(initial_position = [40,600]) #Veiw Manager self.veiwMan = ViewManager([255,255,255], [5,5], [self.WIDTH-10, self.HEIGHT-10], self.player) #Puts a white VeiwManager on screen #Control Manager self.conMan = ControlManager() self.conMan.setAvatar(self.player) #Creating Rooms greenRoom = pygame.sprite.Sprite() greenRoom.image = pygame.Surface([1000, 640]) greenRoom.rect = greenRoom.image.get_rect() greenRoom.image.fill([0,255,0]) self.room1 = Room(greenRoom, self.player) #Sets background to greenRoom and avatar to self.player grayRoom = pygame.sprite.Sprite() grayRoom.image = pygame.Surface([1000, 640]) grayRoom.rect = grayRoom.image.get_rect() grayRoom.image.fill([100,100,100]) self.room2 = Room(grayRoom, self.player) #Creating items = Item([400, 600]), {"room":self.room2})) self.box2 = Item([200, 600]) self.box2.setInteractEvent(pygame.event.Event(Events.ROOM_CHANGE, {"room":self.room1})) self.room1.addObject( self.room2.addObject(self.box2) self.itemGroup = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain(,self.box2) #Making Text #This is not critical code if(pygame.font.get_init): hello = pygame.font.Font(None,64) hello = hello.render("Press Space", False, [0,0,0]) x,y = x = x - (hello.get_width()/2) y = y - (hello.get_height()/2) self.veiwMan.image.blit(hello, [x,y]) pygame.display.flip() self.RUNNING = True def handleEvent(self, event): """Pipes given event to relivant reciver. No return. This method handles event calls and sorts them either to the main game instance, to the game's ControlManager, or the game's VeiwManager. It may be better to put this functionality into a standalone class. """ if(DEBUG):print("Event check"); if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.RUNNING = False #Events are handled here if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.RUNNING = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE: callChange = pygame.event.Event(Events.ROOM_CHANGE, {"room":self.room1}) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN: callChange = pygame.event.Event(Events.ROOM_CHANGE, {"room":self.room2}) elif(event.type == Events.ROOM_CHANGE): self.veiwMan.setCurrentView( else: self.conMan.handle(event) def update(self): """Main update function. Should be called every cicle. No return. This function calls the update functions of all active game objects. """ if(DEBUG):print("Updating"); #Objects will update themselves (movement, calculation, etc) self.veiwMan.update() def render(self): """Draws the final frame onto the display. No return. This function calls the ViewManager to blit (draw) all active objects to itself, then blits itself onto the main display, and then calls the display to flip the changes to the screen. """ if(DEBUG):print("Rendering"); #ViewManager draws apropriate surfaces to itself self.veiwMan.drawView() self.DISPLAY_SURF.blit(self.veiwMan.image, self.veiwMan.rect) #Dependant on VeiwManager pygame.display.flip() pass def cleanup(self): """Runs the pygame.quit() function, which closes the display safely.""" if(DEBUG):print("Cleaning up"); pygame.quit() def run(self): """Starts the game's main loop.""" if(DEBUG):print("Attempting to run"); if self.start() == False: self.RUNNING = False if(DEBUG):print("Running"); while(self.RUNNING): self.clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): self.handleEvent(event) self.update() self.render() self.cleanup()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): FILENAME_CONFIG_VIEWS = "views" FILENAME_CONFIG_NODES = "nodes" NODE_DEMO_ID = "2" def __init__(self, feed_layer, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "MainWindow.ui"), self) jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('simplejson', sort_keys=True, indent=4) jsonpickle.set_encoder_options('json', sort_keys=True, indent=4) jsonpickle.set_preferred_backend("simplejson") self.__tabs = {} self.uiMainTabWidget = self.findChild(QTabWidget, "tabWidget") self.uiMainTabWidget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.closeView) nodes = self.__loadConfigFromFile(MainWindow.FILENAME_CONFIG_NODES, {}) self.nodes = NodeManager(nodes) views = self.__loadConfigFromFile(MainWindow.FILENAME_CONFIG_VIEWS, {}) self.views = ViewManager(views) self.sensorManager = SensorManager(self.views.callbackUpdate, self.nodes.addId) nodeConfigTab = NodeConfigTab( self.nodes, callbackModified=self.callbackModifiedNodes) self.nodes.setCallbackNodeAdded(nodeConfigTab.add) self.uiMainTabWidget.addTab(nodeConfigTab, "Konfiguration") self.uiMainTabWidget.tabBar().setTabButton(0, QTabBar.RightSide, None) viewConfigTab = ViewConfigTab( self.views, self.nodes, self.showView, callbackModified=self.callbackModifiedViews) self.uiMainTabWidget.addTab(viewConfigTab, "Ansichten") self.uiMainTabWidget.tabBar().setTabButton(1, QTabBar.RightSide, None) self.__updateTimer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.__updateTimer.setInterval(1000) self.__updateTimer.timeout.connect(self.views.updateWidgets) self.__updateTimer.start() if feed_layer is not None: = feed_layer self.readAllEvents() else: = None self.demoTimer = None def readAllEvents(self): fid = eventCount = for seq in range(eventCount): self.parseSensorFeedEventNoId( fid, seq)) def pushInterval(self, interval): fid =, f"{int(interval)}") def stopTimer(self): self.readTimer.cancel() def callbackModifiedNodes(self): if self.nodes.containsId(MainWindow.NODE_DEMO_ID): self.pushInterval(self.nodes.get(MainWindow.NODE_DEMO_ID).interval) self.__saveConfigToFile(self.nodes.getAll(), MainWindow.FILENAME_CONFIG_NODES) def callbackModifiedViews(self): self.__saveConfigToFile(self.views.getAll(), MainWindow.FILENAME_CONFIG_VIEWS) def addSensorDataSet(self, nodeId, timestamp, t, p, h, b): # T=1 P=2 rH=3 J=% # d/m/Y time = timestamp.timestamp() self.sensorManager.addData(nodeId, "T_celcius", float(t), time) self.sensorManager.addData(nodeId, "P_bar", float(p), time) self.sensorManager.addData(nodeId, "rH", float(h), time) self.sensorManager.addData(nodeId, "J_lumen", float(b), time) def parseSensorFeedEventNoId(self, feedEvent): print("DATA: {}".format(feedEvent)) data = ast.literal_eval(feedEvent) if len(data) != 5: return self.addSensorDataSet( MainWindow.NODE_DEMO_ID, datetime.datetime.strptime(data[0], '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'), data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4]) def parseSensorFeedEvent(self, feedEvent): data = ast.literal_eval(feedEvent) if len(data) != 6: return self.addSensorDataSet( data[0], datetime.datetime.strptime(data[1], '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'), data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]) def readSensorFeed(self): sensorFid = feedLength = feedEvent =, feedLength - 1) self.parseSensorFeedEvent(feedEvent) def periodicRead(self, interval): self.readSensorFeed() self.readTimer = threading.Timer(interval, self.periodicRead, args=[interval]) self.readTimer.start() ''' View Methods ''' def showView(self, view): if view is None: return widget = for yAxis in view.getYAxes(): if not continue for nodeId, sensorId in yAxis.sensors.items(): widget.setData(, nodeId, sensorId, self.sensorManager.dataReference(nodeId, sensorId)) index = self.uiMainTabWidget.indexOf(widget) if index >= 0: self.uiMainTabWidget.setCurrentIndex(index) else: self.uiMainTabWidget.addTab(widget, self.uiMainTabWidget.setCurrentWidget(widget) widget.setOpen(True) def closeView(self, tabIndex): if tabIndex > 1: widget = self.uiMainTabWidget.widget(tabIndex) if isinstance(widget, ViewWidget): widget.setOpen(False) self.uiMainTabWidget.removeTab(tabIndex) ''' General Methods ''' def __saveConfigToFile(self, config, filename): if config is None or not isinstance(filename, str): return False with open(filename + ".json", "w") as f: f.write(jsonpickle.encode(config)) def __loadConfigFromFile(self, filename, default=None): if not isinstance(filename, str) or not os.path.isfile(filename + ".json"): return default with open(filename + ".json", "r") as f: config = jsonpickle.decode( return config def demo(self, interval): if interval < 1 or not self or not self.isVisible(): print(self.isVisible()) if self.demoTimer is not None: self.demoTimer.cancel() return self.parseSensorFeedEvent( f"['1','{'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')}','{random.random() * 3 + 20}','{random.randrange(10000) + 95000}','{random.random() * 30 + 30}','{random.random() * 10 + 50}']" ) self.demoTimer = threading.Timer(interval, self.demo, args=[interval]) self.demoTimer.start() def show(self): super().show() if is None: self.demo(2)
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from ViewManager import ViewManager # views_root = ET.parse('../xml_conf/views.xml').getroot() view_managers = {} for id, xml_view_child in enumerate(views_root): vm = ViewManager(id, xml_view_child) view_managers[str(id)] = vm vm.update_view() view_chain_mapping = {} for id, vm in view_managers.items(): view_chain_mapping[] = [r.split("/")[0] for r in vm.get_refs()] print("Plot refs for view {}: {}".format(, view_chain_mapping[])) transformations = [] for id, vm in view_managers.items(): transformations += vm.get_transformations() print("Transformations for view {}: {}".format(, transformations)) transformations = list(dict.fromkeys(transformations)) """ Plot refs for view 0: ['lst_dl1', ''] Transformations for view 0: ['tailcuts_clean'] """