class EKFSLAM(object): # Construct an EKF instance with the following set of variables # mu: The initial mean vector # Sigma: The initial covariance matrix # R: The process noise covariance # Q: The measurement noise covariance # visualize: Boolean variable indicating whether to visualize # the filter def __init__(self, mu, Sigma, R, Q, visualize=True): = mu self.Sigma = Sigma self.R = R self.Q = Q self.nfeatures = 0 # step 6 # expand matrix to 3,3 #self.Q = np.pad(self.Q, ((0,1),(0,1)), mode = 'constant', # constant_values = 0.0) # You may find it useful to keep a dictionary that maps a # a feature ID to the corresponding index in the mean_pose_handle # vector and covariance matrix self.mapLUT = {} self.visualize = visualize if self.visualize == True: self.vis = Visualization() else: self.vis = None # Visualize filter strategies # deltat: Step size # XGT: Array with ground-truth pose def render(self, XGT=None): deltat = 0.1 self.vis.drawEstimates(, self.Sigma) if XGT is not None: #print XGT self.vis.drawGroundTruthPose(XGT[0], XGT[1], XGT[2]) plt.pause(deltat) def mu_extended(self, mu, n): placeholders = np.array([[0.0] * n]).ravel() return np.concatenate([mu, placeholders]) # Perform the prediction step to determine the mean and covariance # of the posterior belief given the current estimate for the mean # and covariance, the control data, and the process model # u: The forward distance and change in heading def prediction(self, u): u1, u2 = u v1, v2 = np.random.multivariate_normal([0.0, 0.0], self.R) # 10.2.3 F_x = np.concatenate( [np.eye(3), np.zeros((3, self.nfeatures * 3))], axis=1) # put mu in higher dimensional space #mu = self.mu_extended( mu =[:3] x, y, theta = mu noise_jac = np.array([[cos(theta), 0], [sin(theta), 0], [0, 1]]) mot = [] # column vector of len 3 # apply motion model (eq 8 in pset), 10.2.4 in book mot.append(x + (u1 + v1) * cos(theta)) mot.append(y + (u1 + v1) * sin(theta)) mot.append(theta + u2 + v2) mot = np.array(mot) # jacobian of motion model f(x,y,d,t) #F = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, np.cos([2]), -(u1 + v1) * np.sin([2])], # [0.0, 1.0, np.sin([2]), (u1 + v1) * np.cos([2])], # [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) # 10.16 g_t = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, cos(theta)], [0.0, 1.0, sin(theta)], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) #sigma_new = np.matmul(F, self.Sigma) #sigma_new = np.matmul(sigma_new, F.T) #self.Sigma = sigma_new + self.R # noise jacobian # following from pp 314 in prob. robotics, s10.2 mubar_t = mu + np.matmul(F_x.T, mot) # 10.2.4 I = np.eye(((3 * self.nfeatures) + 3)) # step 4 G_t = I + np.matmul(np.matmul(F_x.T, g_t), F_x) R_t = np.matmul(noise_jac, np.matmul(self.R, noise_jac.T)) sigmabar_t = (np.matmul(np.matmul(G_t, self.Sigma), G_t.T) + np.matmul(np.matmul(F_x.T, R_t), F_x)) self.Sigma = sigmabar_t = mubar_t print # Perform the measurement update step to compute the posterior # belief given the predictive posterior (mean and covariance) and # the measurement data # z: The (x,y) position of the landmark relative to the robot, and # i: The ID of the observed landmark def update(self, z, i): z_x, z_y = z x, y, theta =[:3] if i not in self.mapLUT: w1, w2 = np.random.multivariate_normal([0.0, 0.0], self.Q) i_loc =[0] self.mapLUT[i] = {'x': i_loc, 'y': i_loc + 1} = self.mu_extended(, 2) self.nfeatures += 2[i_loc] = cos(theta) * z_x - sin(theta) * z_y - x + w1[i_loc + 1] = sin(theta) * z_x - cos(theta) * z_y - y + w2 = np.pad(, ((0,1),(0,1)), mode = 'constant', # constant_values = 0.0) #mu[i_loc,:2] = (np.matmul(np.array([[cos(theta), sin(theta)], # -sin(theta), cos(theta)]), # np.array([[z_x - x, z_y - y]])) + # np.random.multivariate_normal([0.0,0.0], self.Q)) #else: # i_loc = self.mapLUT[i] x_idx = self.mapLUT[i]['x'] y_idx = self.mapLUT[i]['y'] j = x_idx + 1 N =[0] + 1 delta = np.array([[x_idx] - x,[y_idx] - y]) q = np.matmul(delta.T, delta) # measurement jacobian H = np.array([[ -1.0, 0.0, -z_x * cos(theta) - z_x * sin(theta), cos(theta), -sin(theta) ], [ 0.0, -1.0, -z_y * sin(theta) + z_x * cos(theta), sin(theta), -cos(theta) ]]) # matrix to map to higher dimensions F_l = np.pad(np.eye(3), ((0, 2), (0, 2 * j - 2)), 'constant', constant_values=0.0) F_r = np.pad(np.eye(3), ((2, 0), (0, 2 * N - 2 * j)), 'constant', constant_values=0.0) F = np.concatenate([F_l, F_r], axis=1) H = np.matmul(H, F) right = np.linalg.inv( np.matmul(np.matmul(H, self.Sigma), H.T) + self.Q) left = np.matmul(self.Sigma, H.T) K = np.matmul(left, right) # measurement model + measure jac #z_i = np.matmul(np.array([[cos(theta), sin(theta)], # -sin(theta), cos(theta)]), #x,y, theta =[i_loc:i_loc + 3,] # expand mu[i_loc,] #print H.shape #print self.Sigma.shape #print self.Q.shape #print H.T.shape #left = np.matmul(self.Sigma, H.T) #right = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(np.matmul(H,self.Sigma), H.T) + self.Q) #raise TypeError #K = np.matmul(left, right) #w = np.random.multivariate_normal([0.0, 0.0], self.Q) #measure_model = np.array([[cos(theta), sin(theta)], # -sin(theta), cos(theta)]) #measure_model = np.matmul(measure_model, # np.array([[z_x - x, z_y - y]])) + w = + np.matmul(K, z - measure_model) #self.Sigma = np.matmul((np.eye(K.shape) - np.matmul(K,H)), # self.Sigma) # Augment the state vector to include the new landmark # z: The (x,y) position of the landmark relative to the robot # i: The ID of the observed landmark def augmentState(self, z, i): # define h #jacob = np.array([[-1, -np.cos([2]), -sin([2])], # [-1, np.sin([2]), -np.cos([2])]]) d x, y, theta = z1, z2 = z G = np.array([ [ -1.0, 0.0, -z2 * np.cos(theta) - z1 * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta) ], [ 0.0, -1.0, -z2 * np.sin(theta) + z1 * np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta), -np.cos(theta) ], ]) if i not in self.mapLUT: mu_new = np.array( [[], [ np.cos(theta) * z1 - np.sin(theta * z2 - x1 + w1), np.sin(theta) * z1 - np.cos(theta * z2 - x2 + w2) ]]) sigma_new = np.array( [[self.Sigma, np.matmul(self.Sigma, G.T)], [ np.matmul(G, self.Sigma), np.matmul(np.matmul(G, self.Sigma), G.T) + self.Q ]]) self.mapLUT[i] = [mu_new, sigma_new] # Runs the EKF SLAM algorithm # U: Array of control inputs, one column per time step # Z: Array of landmark observations in which each column # [t; id; x; y] denotes a separate measurement and is # represented by the time step (t), feature id (id), # and the observed (x, y) position relative to the robot # XGT: Array of ground-truth poses (may be None) def run(self, U, Z, XGT=None, MGT=None): # Draws the ground-truth map if MGT is not None: self.vis.drawMap(MGT) # Iterate over the data for t in range(U.shape[1]): u = U[:, t] num_match = np.where(Z[0, :] == t) z = Z[:, np.where(Z[0, :] == t)] self.prediction(u) for k in range(z.shape[2]): k = z[:, :, k].ravel() self.update(k[2:], k[1]) # You may want to call the visualization function # between filter steps if self.visualize: if XGT is None: self.render(None) else: self.render(XGT[:, t])
class EKFSLAM(object): # Construct an EKF instance with the following set of variables # mu: The initial mean vector # Sigma: The initial covariance matrix # R: The process noise covariance # Q: The measurement noise covariance # visualize: Boolean variable indicating whether to visualize # the filter def __init__(self, mu, Sigma, R, Q, visualize=True): = mu self.Sigma = Sigma self.R = R self.Q = Q # You may find it useful to keep a dictionary that maps a # a feature ID to the corresponding index in the mean_pose_handle # vector and covariance matrix self.mapLUT = {} self.visualize = visualize if self.visualize == True: self.vis = Visualization() else: self.vis = None # Visualize filter strategies # deltat: Step size # XGT: Array with ground-truth pose def render(self, XGT=None): deltat = 0.1 self.vis.drawEstimates(, self.Sigma) if XGT is not None: #print XGT self.vis.drawGroundTruthPose (XGT[0], XGT[1], XGT[2]) plt.pause(deltat/10) # Perform the prediction step to determine the mean and covariance # of the posterior belief given the current estimate for the mean # and covariance, the control data, and the process model # u: The forward distance and change in heading def prediction(self, u): F = np.zeros((3, 3)) noise = np.random.normal(0, self.R[0, 0]) F[0, 0] = 1 F[1, 1] = 1 F[2, 2] = 1 F[0, 2] = -1 * (u[0]+noise) * np.sin([2]) F[1, 2] = (u[0]+noise) * np.cos([2]) u1 = u[0] u2 = u[1][0] =[0] + u1*np.cos([2])[1] =[1] + u1*np.sin([2])[2] =[2] + u2 upper_left = self.Sigma[0:3, 0:3] upper_right = self.Sigma[0:3, 3:] bot_left = self.Sigma[3:, 0:3] bot_right = self.Sigma[3:, 3:] temp = np.matmul(F, upper_left) temp = np.matmul(temp, np.transpose(F)) temp[0, 0] = temp[0, 0] + self.R[0, 0] temp[1, 1] = temp[1, 1] + self.R[0, 0] temp[2, 2] = temp[2, 2] + self.R[1, 1] upper_left = temp upper_right = np.matmul(F, upper_right) bot_left = np.matmul(bot_left, np.transpose(F)) up = np.concatenate((upper_left, upper_right), axis=1) bot = np.concatenate((bot_left, bot_right), axis=1) if not bot.shape[1] == 0: self.Sigma = np.concatenate((up, bot), axis=0) # Perform the measurement update step to compute the posterior # belief given the predictive posterior (mean and covariance) and # the measurement data # z: The (x,y) position of the landmark relative to the robot # i: The ID of the observed landmark def update(self, z, i): mIdx = self.mapLUT[i] xt =[0] yt =[1] thetat =[2] xm =[mIdx] ym =[mIdx+1] H = np.zeros((2,[0])) H[0, 0] = (-1)*np.cos(thetat) H[0, 1] = (-1)*np.sin(thetat) H[0, 2] = (-1)*xm*np.sin(thetat) + xt*np.sin(thetat) + ym*np.cos(thetat) - yt*np.cos(thetat) H[0, mIdx] = np.cos(thetat) H[0, mIdx+1] = np.sin(thetat) H[1, 0] = np.sin(thetat) H[1, 1] = (-1)*np.cos(thetat) H[1, 2] = (-1)*xm*np.cos(thetat) + xt*np.cos(thetat) - ym*np.sin(thetat) + yt*np.sin(thetat) H[1, mIdx] = (-1)*np.sin(thetat) H[1, mIdx+1] = np.cos(thetat) inv_temp = np.matmul(H, self.Sigma) inv_temp = np.matmul(inv_temp, np.transpose(H)) inv_temp = inv_temp + self.Q temp = np.matmul(self.Sigma, np.transpose(H)) k = np.matmul(temp, inv(inv_temp)) temp0 = xm*np.cos(thetat) - xt*np.cos(thetat) + ym*np.sin(thetat) - yt*np.sin(thetat) temp1 = (-1)*xm*np.sin(thetat) + xt*np.sin(thetat) + ym*np.cos(thetat) - yt*np.cos(thetat) hu = np.array([temp0[0], temp1[0]]) gain = np.matmul(k, z - hu) gain = np.reshape(gain, ([0], 1)) = + gain I = np.eye([0]) temp = np.matmul(k, H) temp = I - temp self.Sigma = np.matmul(temp, self.Sigma) # Augment the state vector to include the new landmark # z: The (x,y) position of the landmark relative to the robot # i: The ID of the observed landmark def augmentState(self, z, i): self.mapLUT[i] = 3 + 2*len(self.mapLUT) G = np.zeros((2,[0])) G[0, 0] = 1 G[0, 2] = (-1)*z[0] * np.sin([2]) - z[1] * np.cos([2]) G[1, 1] = 1 G[1, 2] = z[0] * np.cos([2]) - z[1] * np.sin([2]) xm = np.array([[0] + z[0] * np.cos([2]) - z[1] * np.sin([2])]) ym = np.array([[1] + z[0] * np.sin([2]) + z[1] * np.cos([2])]) = np.concatenate((, xm), axis=0) = np.concatenate((, ym), axis=0) upper_left = self.Sigma upper_right = np.matmul(self.Sigma, np.transpose(G)) bot_left = np.matmul(G, self.Sigma) temp = np.matmul(G, self.Sigma) temp = np.matmul(temp, np.transpose(G)) bot_right = temp + self.Q up = np.concatenate((upper_left, upper_right), axis=1) bot = np.concatenate((bot_left, bot_right), axis=1) if not bot.shape[1] == 0: self.Sigma = np.concatenate((up, bot), axis=0) # Update mapLUT to include the new landmark # Runs the EKF SLAM algorithm # U: Array of control inputs, one column per time step # Z: Array of landmark observations in which each column # [t; id; x; y] denotes a separate measurement and is # represented by the time step (t), feature id (id), # and the observed (x, y) position relative to the robot # XGT: Array of ground-truth poses (may be None) def run(self, U, Z, XGT=None, MGT=None): # Draws the ground-truth map if MGT is not None: self.vis.drawMap (MGT) print("init") print( print(self.R) print(self.Q) # Iterate over the data zIdx = 0 for t in range(U.shape[1]): #for t in range(0, 1): print(t) u = U[:,t] self.prediction(u) if zIdx < U.shape[1]: while Z[0, zIdx] == t: if Z[1, zIdx] in self.mapLUT: self.update(Z[2:, zIdx], Z[1, zIdx]) else: self.augmentState(Z[2:, zIdx], Z[1, zIdx]) zIdx = zIdx + 1 # You may want to call the visualization function # between filter steps if self.visualize: if XGT is None: self.render (None) else: self.render (XGT[:,t]) plt.savefig("small_noise")
class EKFSLAM(object): # Construct an EKF instance with the following set of variables # mu: The initial mean vector # Sigma: The initial covariance matrix # R: The process noise covariance # Q: The measurement noise covariance # visualize: Boolean variable indicating whether to visualize # the filter def __init__(self, mu, Sigma, R, Q, visualize=True): = mu self.Sigma = Sigma self.R = R self.Q = Q # Maps feature IDs to row indices in mean matrix self.mapLUT = {} self.visualize = visualize if self.visualize == True: self.vis = Visualization() else: self.vis = None # Visualize filter strategies # deltat: Step size # XGT: Array with ground-truth pose def render(self, XGT=None): deltat = 0.1 self.vis.drawEstimates(, self.Sigma) if XGT is not None: self.vis.drawGroundTruthPose(XGT[0], XGT[1], XGT[2]) plt.pause(deltat) plt.savefig("res.png") # Compute z_t according to the measurement model def compute_zt(self, x_t, y_t, theta_t, x_m, y_m): sn = np.sin(theta_t) cs = np.cos(theta_t) return np.array([[cs * (x_m - x_t) + sn * (y_m - y_t)], [-sn * (x_m - x_t) + cs * (y_m - y_t)]]) # Perform the prediction step to determine the mean and covariance # of the posterior belief given the current estimate for the mean # and covariance, the control data, and the process model # u: The forward distance and change in heading def prediction(self, u): u1 = u[0] u2 = u[1] sn = np.sin([2]) cs = np.cos([2]) # Project state ahead[0] =[0] + u1 * cs[1] =[1] + u1 * sn[2] =[2] + u2 sn = np.sin([2]) cs = np.cos([2]) F = np.array([[1., 0., -u1 * sn], [0., 1., u1 * cs], [0., 0., 1.]], dtype=float) G = np.array([[cs, 0.], [sn, 0.], [0., 1.]], dtype=float) # Project error covariance ahead self.Sigma[:STATE_LEN, : STATE_LEN] = F @ self.Sigma[:STATE_LEN, : STATE_LEN] @ F.T + G @ self.R @ G.T self.Sigma[:STATE_LEN, STATE_LEN:] = F @ self.Sigma[:STATE_LEN, STATE_LEN:] self.Sigma[ STATE_LEN:, :STATE_LEN] = self.Sigma[STATE_LEN:, :STATE_LEN] @ F.T # Perform the measurement update step to compute the posterior # belief given the predictive posterior (mean and covariance) and # the measurement data # z: The (x,y) position of the landmark relative to the robot # i: The ID of the observed landmark def update(self, z, i): z = np.array(z).reshape((2, 1)) x_t, y_t, theta_t =[0, 0],[1, 0],[2, 0] # Augment the state if this was the first time seeing the landmark if i not in self.mapLUT: self.augmentState(z, i) return # Otherwise, we've seen the landmark before, so do an update # Compute H cs = np.cos(theta_t) sn = np.sin(theta_t) h_ind = self.mapLUT[i] x_m, y_m =[3 + 2 * h_ind, 0],[3 + 2 * h_ind + 1, 0] hl = np.array([[-cs, -sn, -x_m * sn + x_t * sn + y_m * cs - y_t * cs], [sn, -cs, -x_m * cs + x_t * cs - y_m * sn + y_t * sn]]) H = np.hstack((hl, np.zeros((2, 2 * len(self.mapLUT.keys()))))) H[0, 3 + 2 * h_ind] = cs H[1, 3 + 2 * h_ind] = -sn H[0, 3 + 2 * h_ind + 1] = sn H[1, 3 + 2 * h_ind + 1] = cs K = self.Sigma @ H.T @ np.linalg.inv(H @ self.Sigma @ H.T + self.Q) # TODO add noise h = self.compute_zt(x_t, y_t, theta_t, x_m, y_m) = + K @ (z - h) self.Sigma = self.Sigma - K @ H @ self.Sigma # Augment the state vector to include the new landmark # z: The (x,y) position of the landmark relative to the robot # i: The ID of the observed landmark def augmentState(self, z, i): # Update mapLUT to include the new landmark new_ind = len(self.mapLUT.keys()) self.mapLUT[i] = new_ind # Compute the absolute position of the new landmark and augment the mean vector position = self.computeNewLandmarkPosition(z) = np.vstack((, position)) assert 2 * (new_ind + 1) + 3 ==[0] # Compute the Jacobian of the inverse measurement function theta =[2, 0] sn = np.sin(theta) cs = np.cos(theta) zx, zy = z[0], z[1] G = np.hstack((np.array( [[1., 0., -zx * sn - zy * cs], [0., 1., zx * cs - zy * sn]], dtype=float), np.zeros((2, 2 * new_ind), dtype=float))) # Augment the covariance matrix tl = self.Sigma tr = self.Sigma @ G.T bl = G @ self.Sigma br = G @ self.Sigma @ G.T + self.Q self.Sigma = np.hstack((np.vstack((tl, bl)), np.vstack((tr, br)))) # Compute the new landmark position (absolute) from the current mean vector # and observation. This is `g`. def computeNewLandmarkPosition(self, z): z = np.reshape(z, (2, 1)) pos =[:2] theta_t =[2, 0] sn = np.sin(theta_t) cs = np.cos(theta_t) # The inverse of a rotation matrix is it's transpose unrotate = np.array([[cs, -sn], [sn, cs]], dtype=float) return unrotate @ z + pos # Runs the EKF SLAM algorithm # U: Array of control inputs, one column per time step # Z: Array of landmark observations in which each column # [t; id; x; y] denotes a separate measurement and is # represented by the time step (t), feature id (id), # and the observed (x, y) position relative to the robot # XGT: Array of ground-truth poses (may be None) def run(self, U, Z, XGT=None, MGT=None): # Draws the ground-truth map if MGT is not None: self.vis.drawMap(MGT) else: print("No ground truth map") # Column index of the last observation (iterate forwards in time, but not past t) z_ind = 0 # Iterate over the data for t in range(U.shape[1]): u = U[:, t][0],[1], "ro") self.prediction(u) # _, z_max = Z.shape # while z_ind < z_max and Z[0,z_ind] <= t: # _, landmark_id, x, y = Z[:, z_ind] # self.update((x, y), landmark_id) # z_ind += 1 # You may want to call the visualization function # between filter steps if self.visualize: if XGT is None: self.render(None) else: self.render(XGT[:, t])