Exemple #1
    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            #jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            #fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")

            #fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getEventSummaryByWorkflow()
            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobPerformanceByTaskAndSite()
            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()
            logging.info("Getting Finished Task Data ...")
            finishedTasks = self.wmagentDB.getFinishedSubscriptionByTask()

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Finished Tasks(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)  ...""" 
                    % (len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(batchJobInfo), len(finishedTasks), len(localQInfo)))

            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)

            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data..." % len(combinedRequests))
            requestDocs = convertToRequestCouchDoc(combinedRequests, fwjrInfoFromCouch, finishedTasks,
                                                   self.agentInfo, uploadTime, self.summaryLevel)

            if self.plugin != None:
                self.plugin(requestDocs, self.localSummaryCouchDB, self.centralWMStatsCouchDB)

            logging.info("Request data upload success\n %s request, \nsleep for next cycle" % len(requestDocs))
            DataUploadTime.setInfo(self, uploadTime, "ok")
        except Exception, ex:
            logging.error("Error occurred, will retry later:")
            DataUploadTime.setInfo(self, False, str(ex))
            logging.error("Trace back: \n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
Exemple #2
    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            #jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            #fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")
            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobPerformanceByTaskAndSiteFromSummaryDB()
            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()
            logging.info("Getting Finished Task Data ...")
            finishedTasks = self.wmagentDB.getFinishedSubscriptionByTask()

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Finished Tasks(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)  ...""" 
                    % (len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(batchJobInfo), len(finishedTasks), len(localQInfo)))

            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)

            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data..." % len(combinedRequests))
            requestDocs = convertToRequestCouchDoc(combinedRequests, fwjrInfoFromCouch, finishedTasks,
                                                   self.agentInfo, uploadTime, self.summaryLevel)

            if self.plugin != None:
                self.plugin(requestDocs, self.localSummaryCouchDB, self.centralRequestCouchDB)

            logging.info("Request data upload success\n %s request, \nsleep for next cycle" % len(requestDocs))
            DataUploadTime.setInfo(self, uploadTime, "ok")
        except Exception as ex:
            logging.error("Error occurred, will retry later:")
            DataUploadTime.setInfo(self, False, str(ex))
            logging.error("Trace back: \n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
Exemple #3
    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            #jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            #fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")
            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getEventSummaryByWorkflow()

            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)  ..."""
                    % (len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(batchJobInfo), len(localQInfo)))

            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)

            #set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())
            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data..." % len(combinedRequests))
            requestDocs = convertToRequestCouchDoc(combinedRequests, fwjrInfoFromCouch,
                                                   self.agentInfo, uploadTime, self.summaryLevel)

            if self.plugin != None:
                self.plugin(requestDocs, self.localSummaryCouchDB, self.centralWMStatsCouchDB)

            logging.info("Request data upload success\n %s request \n uploading agent data" % len(requestDocs))

            #TODO: agent info (need to include job Slots for the sites)
            agentInfo = self.wmagentDB.getHeartBeatWarning()

            agentDocs = convertToAgentCouchDoc(agentInfo, self.config.ACDC, uploadTime)
            logging.info("Agent data upload success\n %s request" % len(agentDocs))

        except Exception, ex:
            logging.error("Error occured, will retry later:")
            logging.error("Traceback: \n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
Exemple #4
    def algorithm(self, parameters):
        get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch
            # jobs per request info
            logging.info("Getting Job Couch Data ...")
            jobInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobSummaryByWorkflowAndSite()

            # fwjr per request info
            logging.info("Getting FWJRJob Couch Data ...")

            fwjrInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getJobPerformanceByTaskAndSiteFromSummaryDB()
            skippedInfoFromCouch = self.localCouchDB.getSkippedFilesSummaryByWorkflow()

            logging.info("Getting Batch Job Data ...")
            batchJobInfo = self.wmagentDB.getBatchJobInfo()

            logging.info("Getting Finished Task Data ...")
            finishedTasks = self.wmagentDB.getFinishedSubscriptionByTask()

            logging.info("Getting DBS PhEDEx upload status ...")
            completedWfs = self.dbsBufferUtil.getPhEDExDBSStatusForCompletedWorkflows(summary=True)

            # get the data from local workqueue:
            # request name, input dataset, inWMBS, inQueue
            logging.info("Getting Local Queue Data ...")
            localQInfo = {}
            if not hasattr(self.config, "Tier0Feeder"):
                localQInfo = self.localQueue.getAnalyticsData()
                logging.debug("Tier-0 instance, not checking WorkQueue")

            # combine all the data from 3 sources
            logging.info("""Combining data from
                                   Job Couch(%s),
                                   Batch Job(%s),
                                   Finished Tasks(%s),
                                   Local Queue(%s)
                                   Completed workflows(%s)..  ...""",
                         len(jobInfoFromCouch), len(fwjrInfoFromCouch), len(skippedInfoFromCouch),
                         len(batchJobInfo), len(finishedTasks), len(localQInfo), len(completedWfs))

            tempCombinedData = combineAnalyticsData(jobInfoFromCouch, batchJobInfo)
            tempCombinedData2 = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData, localQInfo)
            combinedRequests = combineAnalyticsData(tempCombinedData2, completedWfs)

            # set the uploadTime - should be the same for all docs
            uploadTime = int(time.time())

            logging.info("%s requests Data combined,\n uploading request data...", len(combinedRequests))
            requestDocs = convertToRequestCouchDoc(combinedRequests, fwjrInfoFromCouch, finishedTasks,
                                                   skippedInfoFromCouch, self.agentInfo,
                                                   uploadTime, self.summaryLevel)

            if self.plugin != None:
                self.plugin(requestDocs, self.localSummaryCouchDB, self.centralRequestCouchDB)

            existingDocs = self.centralWMStatsCouchDB.getAllAgentRequestRevByID(self.agentInfo["agent_url"])
            self.centralWMStatsCouchDB.bulkUpdateData(requestDocs, existingDocs)

            logging.info("Request data upload success\n %s request, \nsleep for next cycle", len(requestDocs))

                                                              {"data_last_update": uploadTime, "data_error": "ok"})

        except Exception as ex:
            msg = str(ex)
            logging.exception("Error occurred, will retry later: %s", msg)

                self.centralWMStatsCouchDB.updateAgentInfoInPlace(self.agentInfo["agent_url"], {"data_error": msg})
                logging.error("upload Agent Info to central couch failed")