Exemple #1
class PhEDExTest(EmulatedUnitTestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        Initialize the PhEDEx API to point at the test server.
        self.dbsTestUrl = "https://cmsweb-prod.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global/DBSReader"
        self.phedexApi = PhEDEx()


    def testInjection(self):

        Verify that we can inject data into PhEDEx.
        xmlData = XMLDrop.makePhEDExDrop(self.dbsTestUrl, makeUUID())
        result = self.phedexApi.injectBlocks("T1_US_FNAL_MSS", xmlData)
            result["phedex"]["injected"], {
                "stats": {
                    "closed_datasets": 0,
                    "closed_blocks": 0,
                    "new_blocks": 0,
                    "new_datasets": 1,
                    "new_files": 0

    def testSubscription(self):

        Verify that the subscription API works.
        datasetA = "/%s/WMCorePhEDExTest/RAW" % makeUUID()
        datasetB = "/%s/WMCorePhEDExTest/RECO" % makeUUID()
        xmlData = XMLDrop.makePhEDExDrop(self.dbsTestUrl, datasetA)
        self.phedexApi.injectBlocks("T1_US_FNAL_MSS", xmlData)
        xmlData = XMLDrop.makePhEDExDrop(self.dbsTestUrl, datasetB)
        self.phedexApi.injectBlocks("T1_US_FNAL_MSS", xmlData)

        testSub = PhEDExSubscription([datasetA, datasetB], "T1_UK_RAL_MSS",
        result = self.phedexApi.subscribe(testSub)
        requestIDs = result["phedex"]["request_created"]

        self.assertEqual(len(requestIDs), 1,
                         "Error: Wrong number of request IDs")
        self.assertTrue("id" in requestIDs[0], "Error: Missing request ID")

    def testGetSubscriptionMapping(self):

        Verify that the subscription mapping API works correctly.
        testDataset = "/%s/WMCorePhEDExTest/RECO" % makeUUID()
        blockA = "%s#%s" % (testDataset, makeUUID())
        blockB = "%s#%s" % (testDataset, makeUUID())

        # NOTE: leaving it broken on purpose, we do NOT want to subscribe
        # data via unit tests :-)
        #injectionSpec = XMLDrop.XMLInjectionSpec(self.dbsTestUrl)
        datasetSpec = injectionSpec.getDataset(testDataset)
        datasetSpec.getFileblock(blockA, 'y')
        datasetSpec.getFileblock(blockB, 'y')
        blockSpec = injectionSpec.save()
        self.phedexApi.injectBlocks("T1_US_FNAL_MSS", blockSpec)

        # Create a dataset level subscription to a node
        testDatasetSub = PhEDExSubscription([testDataset],

        # Create a block level subscrtion to a different node
        testBlockSub = PhEDExSubscription([testDataset],

        subs = self.phedexApi.getSubscriptionMapping(testDataset)
        self.assertEqual(subs[testDataset], {"T1_UK_RAL_MSS"},
                         "Error: Dataset subscription is wrong.")

        subs = self.phedexApi.getSubscriptionMapping(blockA)
            len(subs[blockA]), 2,
            "Error: Wrong number of nodes in block subscription.")
        self.assertTrue("T1_UK_RAL_MSS" in subs[blockA],
                        "Error: RAL missing from block sub.")
        self.assertTrue("T1_DE_KIT_MSS" in subs[blockA],
                        "Error: KIT missing from block sub.")

    def testPFNLookup(self):

        Verify that the PFN lookup in PhEDEx works correctly.
        call1 = self.phedexApi.getPFN(['T2_UK_SGrid_Bristol'],

        # Should get one mapping back (one lfn, one node)
        self.assertTrue(len(call1.keys()) == 1)
        call1_key = call1.keys()[0]

        call2 = self.phedexApi.getPFN(
            ['T2_UK_SGrid_Bristol', 'T1_US_FNAL_Buffer'],
        # Should get back two mappings (two nodes)
        self.assertTrue(call1_key in call2.keys())

        # and one of the mappings should be the same as from the previous call
        self.assertTrue(call1[call1_key] == call2[call1_key])

    def testGetReplicaInfoForBlocks(self):
        Test `getReplicaInfoForBlocks` method, the ability to retrieve replica
        locations provided a (or a list of) datasets and blocks
        def _checkOutcome(numFiles, replica):
            "run the checks"
            if rep['complete'] == 'y':
                self.assertEqual(rep['files'], numFiles)
            if rep['custodial'] == 'y':
                self.assertTrue(rep['subscribed'], 'y')

        replicaDict = {
            'bytes', 'complete', 'custodial', 'files', 'group', 'node',
            'node_id', 'se', 'subscribed', 'time_create', 'time_update'

        res = self.phedexApi.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(block=BLOCK)['phedex']
        self.assertEqual(len(res['block']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(res['block'][0]['name'], BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(len(res['block'][0]['replica']) > 1)
        numFiles = res['block'][0]['files']
        for rep in res['block'][0]['replica']:
            _checkOutcome(numFiles, rep)

        # same test, but providing a dataset as input (which has only the block above)
        res = self.phedexApi.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(dataset=DSET)['phedex']
        self.assertEqual(len(res['block']), 4)
        self.assertTrue(BLOCK in [blk['name'] for blk in res['block']])
        for block in res['block']:
            numFiles = block['files']
            for rep in block['replica']:
                self.assertTrue(len(block['replica']) > 1)
                _checkOutcome(numFiles, rep)

        # same test again, but providing both block and dataset
        # NOTE the PhEDEx service only process the block input, the
        # dataset argument is completely ignored
        res = self.phedexApi.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(dataset=DSET,
        self.assertEqual(len(res['block']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(res['block'][0]['name'], BLOCK)
        self.assertTrue(len(res['block'][0]['replica']) > 1)
        numFiles = res['block'][0]['files']
        for rep in res['block'][0]['replica']:
            _checkOutcome(numFiles, rep)

        # provide a block that does not exist
        res = self.phedexApi.getReplicaInfoForBlocks(dataset=DSET,
                                                     block=BLOCK +
        self.assertTrue(res['block'] == [])

    def testGroupUsage(self):

        Verify that the `getGroupUsage` API works correctly.
        node = "T2_DE_DESY"
        group = "DataOps"
        res = self.phedexApi.getGroupUsage(group=group, node=node)['phedex']
        self.assertEqual(len(res['node']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(res['node'][0]['group']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(res['node'][0]['group'][0]['name'], group)
        self.assertEqual(res['node'][0]['name'], node)
        self.assertTrue(res['node'][0]['group'][0]['dest_bytes'] > 100)

        res = self.phedexApi.getGroupUsage(group=group)['phedex']
        self.assertTrue(len(res['node']) > 50)
        self.assertEqual(len(res['node'][10]['group']), 1)
        self.assertEqual(res['node'][10]['group'][0]['name'], group)
