def main():
    '''set parameters
    client = MongoClient()
    DB = client.Mobile_revenue
    Collection = DB.EZ_PZ_RPG_3D_RU
    '''Collection =MongoClient().Mobile_revenue.EZ_PZ_RPG_3D_test7'''
    Collection.create_index([('date', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True)
    sleep_time = 0.5
    start_date = date(2018, 5, 27)
    end_date = date(2018, 6, 27)
    days_intervel = 31
    '''login and initiate
    url = ''
    account_xpath = '//*[@id="login-form"]/dl/dd[1]/input'
    password_xpath = '//*[@id="login-form"]/dl/dd[2]/input'
    login_xpath = '//*[@id="submit-btn"]'
    account_content = '10024'
    password_content = 'yyy666'
    driver = headless_mode()
    login(driver, url, account_xpath, password_xpath, login_xpath,
          account_content, password_content)
    for something in range(10):
        start_date_real = start_date + timedelta(days=1)
        page_navi(Collection, driver, sleep_time, start_date_real, end_date)
        start_date += timedelta(days=days_intervel)
        end_date += timedelta(days=days_intervel)
        if start_date >
def update():
    client = MongoClient()
    DB = client.Mobile_revenue
    Collection = DB.EZ_PZ_RPG_3D
    Collection.create_index([('date', pymongo.ASCENDING)], unique=True)
    sleep_time = 0.5
    last_date = Collection.find().distinct('date')[-1]
    last_date = last_date.split('-')
    last_date = date(int(last_date[0]), int(last_date[1]), int(last_date[2]))
    start_date = last_date + timedelta(days=1)
    end_date = - timedelta(days=1)
    days_intervel = 31

    url = ''
    account_xpath = '//*[@id="login-form"]/dl/dd[1]/input'
    password_xpath = '//*[@id="login-form"]/dl/dd[2]/input'
    login_xpath = '//*[@id="submit-btn"]'
    account_content = '10024'
    password_content = 'yyy666'
    driver = headless_mode()
    login(driver, url, account_xpath, password_xpath, login_xpath,
          account_content, password_content)
    for something in range(10):
        start_date_real = start_date
        page_navi(Collection, driver, sleep_time, start_date_real, end_date)
        if start_date >
def main():
    #set parameters
    sleep_time = 0.5
    start_date = date(2018, 10, 17)
    end_date = date(2018, 10, 28)

    #login and initiate
    url = ''
    account_xpath = '//*[@id="login-form"]/dl/dd[1]/input'
    password_xpath = '//*[@id="login-form"]/dl/dd[2]/input'
    login_xpath = '//*[@id="submit-btn"]'
    account_content = '10024'
    password_content = 'yyy666'
    driver = headless_mode()
    login(driver, url, account_xpath, password_xpath, login_xpath,
          account_content, password_content)
    #navigate and get info
    page_navi(driver, sleep_time, start_date, end_date)