def update_shoppingcart(self): """购物车添加或者修改""" if is_tourist(): return TOKEN_ERROR # token无效或者未登录的用户 data = request.json scid = data.get('scid') # 如果是scid则是修改 pskid = data.get('pskid') scnums = data.get('num') update_nums = data.get('update_num') if not scnums and not update_nums: raise PARAMS_MISS() if not pskid: raise PARAMS_MISS() productsku = self.sproductskukey.get_psk_by_pskid(pskid) if not productsku: raise NOT_FOUND(u'sku不存在') usid = cart = self.sshoppingcart.get_shoppingcar_by_usidandpskid(usid, pskid) # 如果是已经存在的购物车 if cart: scid = cart.SCid if update_nums: scnums = cart.SCnums + update_nums elif scnums: scnums = scnums if scnums < 1: # 删除 return self.delete_shoppingcart(scid) self.sshoppingcart.update_shoppingcart(cart, scnums) # 创建 else: if update_nums: scnums = update_nums elif scnums: scnums = scnums if scnums < 1: return self.delete_shoppingcart(scid) psk = self.sproductskukey.get_psk_by_pskid(pskid) if not psk: raise SYSTEM_ERROR('不存在的商品') prid = psk.PRid cartdict = { 'USid': usid, 'PSKid': pskid, 'SCnums': scnums, 'PRid': prid } if scid: self.sshoppingcart.update_shoppingcat_by_scid(scid, cartdict) else: scid = str(uuid.uuid4()) cartdict['SCid'] = scid dict_add_models('ShoppingCart', cartdict) data = import_status('update_cart_success', 'OK') data['data'] = { 'scid': scid } return data
def get_one_by_productid(self): args = request.args.to_dict() prid = args.get('productid') usid = if not prid: raise PARAMS_MISS() product = self.sproduct.get_product_by_productid(prid) if not product: raise NOT_FOUND(u"无此商品") # 是管理员或客服则显示全部信息 if is_admin() or is_customerservice(): product.fields = product.all print '是管理员或客服' else: # 如果是游客, 或者是未购买开店大礼包的普通用户 if is_tourist() or is_ordirnaryuser(): print '是游客或者普通用户' product = self.trans_product_for_fans(product) else: # 合伙人(即已购买开店大礼包的用户) print '合伙人' product = self.trans_product_for_shopkeeper(product) product = self.fill_product_nums(product) # 填充一些都需要的信息 self.fill_product_alreadylike(product, usid) self.fill_images(product) self.fill_prtarget(product) self.fill_product_sku_key(product) self.fill_product_sku_value(product) self.sproduct.update_view_num(product.PRid) data = import_status('get_product_success', 'OK') data['data'] = product return data
def get_comment_list(self): """获取评论列表""" try: args = request.args.to_dict() acid = args.get('acid') if not acid: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'必要的参数缺失: acid;') reply = True if args.get('reply') else False page = int(args.get('page', 1)) # 页码 # start = int(args.get('start', 0)) # 起始位置 count = int(args.get('count', 15)) # 取出条数 # if not start: # start = (page -1) * count comment_list = self.sactivitycomment.get_comment_by_activity_id( acid, page, count, reply) # end = start + count # len_comment_list = len(comment_list) # if end > len_comment_list: # end = len_comment_list # comment_list = comment_list[start: end] map(self.fill_user, comment_list) map(self.fill_comment_apply_for, comment_list) data = import_status('get_acvity_comment_list_success', 'OK') data['data'] = comment_list return data except Exception as e: generic_log(e) raise e
def set_schedual_show(self): """设置个人主页升级进度显示(vip数据统计), 素材圈显示, 待评价""" if not is_admin(): raise TOKEN_ERROR(u'请使用管理员登录') # data = parameter_required(u'vip_match', u'material', u'wait_apply') data = request.json paras_list = ['vip_match', 'material', 'wait_apply'] if not data or not filter(lambda x: x in paras_list, data): raise PARAMS_MISS() if 'vip_match' in data: # vip进度, 写在model里 vip_match_show = False if str( data.get('vip_match')) == '1' else True updated = self.spartnermatch.update_partner_match( 1, { # 更改: 这里的level没有用 'PSIMisclose': vip_match_show }) if 'material' in data: # 素材圈是否显示, 写在model里 material_show = False if str(data.get('material')) == '1' else True updated = self.stopnav.update_topnav_by_tnidorname( data={'Tisdelete': material_show}, name='素材圈') if 'wait_apply' in data: # 写在配置文件里 wait_apply_show = data.get('wait_apply') wait_apply_show = '0' if str(wait_apply_show) == '0' else '1' Partner().set_item('show', 'wait_apply', wait_apply_show) msg = 'update_success' data = import_status(msg, "OK") return data
def update_status(self): # if not is_admin(): # raise TOKEN_ERROR parameter_required('coid', 'cotreatstatus') data = request.json logger.debug('get update complain status %s', data) complain = self.scomplain.get_complain_by_coid(data.get("coid")) if not complain: raise PARAMS_MISS('params coid is not right') if not re.match(r'^[0-2]$', str(data.get("cotreatstatus"))): raise PARAMS_MISS('params cotreatstatus is not right') cotreatstatus = int(data.get("cotreatstatus")) if cotreatstatus <= complain.COtreatstatus: raise PARAMS_MISS('params cotreatstatus is not right') update_result = self.scomplain.update_complain( data.get("coid"), {"COtreatstatus": cotreatstatus}) if not update_result: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u"服务器繁忙") return import_status('update_complain_success', "OK")
def upload_static_image(self): if not is_admin(): raise AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'权限不足') logger.debug('get args is %s', request.args.to_dict()) filetype = request.args.to_dict().get('filetype') from WeiDian.config.enums import staticimage if filetype not in staticimage: raise PARAMS_MISS('filetype is not right') url = BaseFile().upload_file("", "", staticimage.get(filetype)) res = import_status("save_photo_success", "OK") res['data'] = url return res
def add_one(self): """添加推荐""" # 此处无需添加图片, 关联商品id即可 if not is_admin(): return AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'当前非管理员权限') data = request.json logger.debug("data is %s", data) parameter_required('PRid_list') now_time = datetime.strftime(, format_for_web_second) restarttime = get_db_time_str(data.get('REstarttime', now_time)) # 上线时间, 默认当前时间 restarttime_str_to_time = datetime.strptime(restarttime, format_for_db) days_later = datetime.strftime( restarttime_str_to_time + timedelta(days=7), format_for_web_second) reendtime = get_db_time_str(data.get('REendtime', days_later)) # 推荐下线时间, 默认7天以后 relikefakenum = data.get('RElikenum', 0) # 喜欢数 refakeviewnum = data.get('REviewnum', 0) # 浏览数 prid_list = data.get('PRid_list') if not prid_list: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'缺失PRid_list') reid = str(uuid.uuid4()) try: re_info = { # 'REid': reid, # 'SUid':, 'RElikefakenum': relikefakenum, 'REfakeviewnum': refakeviewnum, 'REstarttime': restarttime, 'REendtime': reendtime, } update_info = self.srecommend.update_recommend_by_reid except Exception as e: logger.debug("add Recommend error") raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'添加Recommend错误') try: for item in prid_list: add_model( 'RecommendProduct', **{ 'REid': reid, 'PRid': item.get('PRid'), 'RPid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'RPsort': item.get('RPsort') }) except Exception as e: logger.debug("add recommondproduct list error") raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'添加每日推荐商品RecommendProduct内容出错') response_make_recommend = import_status('add_recommend_success', 'OK') response_make_recommend['data'] = { 'reid': reid, } return response_make_recommend
def parameter_required(*required): """ 验证缺失的参数 :param required:必须的参数列表 :return:传入的参数 """ body_data = request.json or {} query_data = request.args.to_dict() or {} total_date = dict(body_data, **query_data) # data.update(query_data) if not total_date: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'未传入参数') if required: missed = filter(lambda x: x not in total_date, required) if missed: missed_params = '/'.join(missed) if isinstance(missed_params, str): missed_params = missed_params.decode("utf8") logger.debug('missed params is %s', missed_params) raise PARAMS_MISS(u'必要参数缺失: ' + missed_params) return body_data
def add_comment(self): """添加评论数据""" if is_tourist(): return AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'未登录') data = parameter_required(u'ACtext') acid = data.get('acid') acoid = data.get('acoid') usid = actext = data.get('ACtext') # 添加评论 if acid: activity = self.sactivity.get_activity_by_acid(acid) if not activity: raise NOT_FOUND(u'推文不存在') model_data = { 'ACOid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'ACid': acid, 'USid': usid, 'ACtext': actext, 'ACOcreatetime': datetime.strftime(, format_for_db) } # 如果是添加回复 elif acoid: if not is_admin(): raise TOKEN_ERROR(u'请使用管理员回复') comment = self.sactivitycomment.get_comment_by_acoid(acoid) if not comment: raise NOT_FOUND(u'不存在的评论') acid = comment.ACid model_data = { 'ACOid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'ACid': acid, 'ACOparentid': acoid, 'USid':, 'ACtext': actext, 'ACOcreatetime': datetime.strftime(, format_for_db) } else: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'请指定回复类型') self.sactivity.add_model('ActivityComment', **model_data) data = import_status('add_activity_comment_success', 'OK') data['data'] = {'acoid': model_data['ACOid']} return data
def add_image(self): if not is_admin(): return AUTHORITY_ERROR(u"权限不足") # parameter_required(*self.add_image_params) data = request.json adimage_list_web = data.get("adimage", []) if not adimage_list_web: raise PARAMS_MISS('adimage') for adimage_web in adimage_list_web: aitype = int(adimage_web.get("aitype")) if not adimage_web.get("aiimage") or not (0 <= aitype < 15): continue adimage = { 'AIimage': adimage_web.get("aiimage"), 'AItype': adimage_web.get("aitype"), 'AIsize': adimage_web.get("aisize"), 'ACid': adimage_web.get("acid"), } adimage_list = self.sadimage.get_image_by_aitype(aitype) if aitype != 10: if adimage_list: update_result = self.sadimage.update_image( adimage_list[0].AIid, adimage) if not update_result: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u"数据更新异常") else: adimage['AIid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.sadimage.add_model("AdImage", **adimage) else: if len(adimage_list) == 3: adimage['AIcreatetime'] = get_db_time_str() update_result = self.sadimage.update_image( adimage_list[1].AIid, adimage) if not update_result: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u"数据更新异常") else: adimage['AIid'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.sadimage.add_model("AdImage", **adimage) return import_status('save_photo_success', 'OK')
def get_comment_with_apply(self): """获取推文的评论列表(评论回复嵌套)""" try: args = request.args.to_dict() acid = args.get('acid') if not acid: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'必要的参数缺失: acid;') page = int(args.get('page', 1)) # 页码 count = int(args.get('count', 15)) # 取出条数 comment_list = self.sactivitycomment.get_comment_by_activity_id( acid, page, count) for comment in comment_list: self.fill_user(comment) comment.ACOcreatetime = get_web_time_str(comment.ACOcreatetime) replys = self.sactivitycomment.get_apply_by_acoid( comment.ACOid) if replys: for reply in replys: comment.fill(replys, 'reply') reply.hide('USid') # 改: 所有的回复都是管理员回复 admin_user = self.ssuperuser.get_one_super_by_suid( reply.USid) if admin_user: user = admin_user admin_user.fill(0, 'robot') user.hide('SUid') else: user = {'name': u'运营人员', 'robot': 1} reply.ACOcreatetime = get_web_time_str( reply.ACOcreatetime) reply.fill(user, 'user') data = import_status('get_acvity_comment_list_success', 'OK') data['data'] = comment_list data["count"] = request.all_count data["page_count"] = request.page_count return data except Exception as e: generic_log(e) raise e
def get_activity_list_by_actitle(self): if not is_admin(): raise AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'当前非管理员权限') args = request.args.to_dict() logger.debug('get arsgs %s', args) actitle = args.get("actitle") hmtype = args.get('hmtype', 3) if str(hmtype) not in self.hmsk_type: raise PARAMS_MISS(u"参数错误") from WeiDian.config.enums import HMSkipType topnav = self.stopnav.get_topnav_by_name(HMSkipType.get(str(hmtype))) acfilter = { Activity.ACtitle.contains(actitle), Activity.ACtext.contains(actitle) } activity_list = self.sactivity.get_activity_by_filter( acfilter, topnav.TNid) res = import_status("add_activity_success", "OK") res['data'] = activity_list return res
def update_product_image(self): if not is_admin(): raise AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'权限不足') data = parameter_required('productid', 'images') logger.debug('get update_product_image data %s', data) product = self.sproduct.get_product_by_productid(data.get("productid")) if not product: raise PARAMS_MISS(u"商品不存在或已删除") # for image in data.get("images"): # primage = self.sproductimage.get_images_by_prid_pisort(product.PRid, image.get('pisort', 0)) # if primage: # update_result = self.sproductimage.update_image( # primage.PIid, {"PIurl": image.get("piurl"), "PIexist": image.get("piexist", 1)}) # if not update_result: # logger.error('update product image error, sort is %s', image.get("pisort", 0)) # raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u"数据库异常") # else: # self.sproductimage.add_model("ProductImage", **{ # "PIid": str(uuid.uuid1()), # "PRid": product.PRid, # "PIurl": image.get("piurl"), # "PIsort": image.get("pisort", 0), # "PIexist": image.get("piexist", 1), # }) self.sproductimage.update_image_by_prid(product.PRid, {"PIexist": 0}) for image in data.get('images'): self.sproductimage.add_model( "ProductImage", **{ "PIid": str(uuid.uuid1()), "PRid": product.PRid, "PIurl": image.get("piurl"), "PIsort": image.get("pisort", 0), "PIexist": image.get("piexist", 1), }) return import_status('update_product_image_success', 'OK')
def shelves_product(self): """状态改成0 上架 1下架""" if not is_admin(): return AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'权限不足') data = parameter_required('productid') prstatus = data.get("prstatus", 1) logger.debug('get prestatus. %s', prstatus) logger.debug('get productid. %s', data.get('productid')) if not re.match(r'^[0-2]$', str(prstatus)): raise PARAMS_MISS(u'prstatus, 参数异常') prstatus = int(prstatus) prstatus = 0 if int(prstatus) else 1 product = self.sproduct.get_product_by_productid(data.get('productid')) logger.debug('get product %s', product) if not product and prstatus != 1: return import_status('no_product', 'OK') update_result = self.sproduct.update_product_by_productid( data.get('productid'), { "PRstatus": prstatus, 'PRmodifytime': get_db_time_str() }) if not update_result: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'服务器繁忙') return import_status('update_product_success', 'OK')
def get_all(self): """获取条件下的所有活动 """ if is_tourist(): return AUTHORITY_ERROR(u"未登录") args = request.args.to_dict()"this is get all activity args %s", args) parameter_required(u'tnid') tnid = args.get('tnid') # 导航id suid = args.get('suid') # 管理员id lasting = args.get('lasting', 'true') # 是否正在进行的活动 acid = args.get("acid") if not acid: acid = None start = int(args.get('start', 0)) # 起始位置 count = int(args.get('count', 5)) # 取出条数 page = (args.get('page')) # 过滤跳转类型 skiptype = args.get('skiptype') if skiptype is None: settings = Partner() skiptype = settings.get_item('skip', 'skip_type') # 配置文件中的过滤条件(默认) if skiptype == 'all': skiptype = None # 分页 if not page: page = int(math.floor(start / count) + 1) if not (tnid or suid): raise PARAMS_MISS(u"参数缺失") try: topnav = self.stopnav.get_topnav_by_tnid(tnid) if not topnav: raise NOT_FOUND(u'无此tnid') if topnav.TNtype == 2 and str(tnid) != '1': # '1'为每日十荐页tnid skiptype = 0 print(skiptype) now_time = None if str(lasting) == 'true': now_time = datetime.strftime(, format_for_db) activity_list = self.sactivity.get_activity_by_topnavid( tnid, page, count, skiptype, acid, suid, now_time)"get activity_list success") # if suid: # activity_list = self.sactivity.get_activity_by_suid(suid, page, count) # if not activity_list: # raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'数据库错误') for activity in activity_list: self.sactivity.update_view_num(activity.ACid) self.fill_detail(activity) self.fill_like_num(activity) self.fill_type(activity) activity.fill(activity.AClinkvalue, 'aclinkvalue') if activity.ACSkipType == 0: self.fill_comment_two(activity) activity.fill('none_skip', 'skip_type') activity.fill('无跳转类型', 'zh_skip_type') elif activity.ACSkipType == 1: baid = activity.AClinkvalue activity.fill('bigactivity', 'skip_type') activity.fill('专题', 'zh_skip_type') bigactivity = self.sbigactivity.get_one_big_act(baid) if not bigactivity: # raise NOT_FOUND() pass else: bigactivity_type = bigactivity.BAtype big_activity_content = {'type': bigactivity_type} big_activity_content.setdefault( 'baid', bigactivity.BAid) # 图片类型专题 if bigactivity_type == 0: big_activity_content.setdefault( 'baimage', bigactivity.BAlongimg) # 返回字段不修改 big_activity_content.setdefault( 'baid', bigactivity.BAid) activity.fill(big_activity_content, 'bigactivity') elif activity.ACSkipType == 2: self.fill_soldnum(activity) self.fill_product(activity) activity.fill('product', 'skip_type') activity.fill('商品', 'zh_skip_type') activity.ACstarttime = get_web_time_str(activity.ACstarttime) activity.ACendtime = get_web_time_str(activity.ACendtime) data = import_status("get_activity_list_success", "OK") data["count"] = request.all_count data["page_count"] = request.page_count data["data"] = activity_list return data except Exception as e: logger.exception("get activity error") generic_log(e) return e
def update_product_relate_bigactivity(self): """商品池修改商品与专题的关联""" if not is_admin(): raise AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'请使用管理员账号重新登录') data = request.json logger.debug("update product relate bigactivity data is %s", data) pbid = data.get('pbid') baid = data.get('baid') prid = data.get('prid') option = data.get('option') if not re.match(r'^[0-2]$', str(option)): raise PARAMS_MISS(u'option 参数异常') if baid == '': raise PARAMS_MISS(u'baid 参数异常') elif baid not in self.empty: bigact = self.sbigactivity.get_one_big_act(baid) if not bigact: raise NOT_FOUND(u'输入的关联专题不存在') if prid == '': raise PARAMS_MISS(u'prid 参数异常') elif prid not in self.empty: product = self.sproduct.get_product_by_prid(prid) if not product: raise NOT_FOUND(u'商品信息不存在') if str(option) == '0': # 0 删除 parameter_required('pbid') # 操作记录 pbinfo = self.sproduct.get_single_productbigactivity_by_filter( {'PBid': pbid}) if pbinfo: self.__make_product_recording(pbinfo.PRid, pbinfo.BAid, u'解除专题关联') del_info = self.sproduct.del_productbigactivity_by_filter( {'PBid': pbid}) if not del_info: raise NOT_FOUND(u'错误,未找到要删除的关联专题') elif str(option) == '1': # 1 添加 parameter_required('prid', 'baid') prbaid_list = self.sproduct.get_product_baid_by_prid(prid) if prbaid_list: logger.debug("exist prbaid count is %s", len(prbaid_list)) if len(prbaid_list) >= 3: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'每个商品最多只能关联三个专题') for prbaid in prbaid_list: if baid == prbaid.BAid: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'已与此专题进行过关联') pbid = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.sproduct.add_model( 'ProductBigActivity', **{ 'PBid': pbid, 'PRid': prid, 'BAid': baid }) # 操作记录 self.__make_product_recording(prid, baid, u'添加专题关联') elif str(option) == '2': # 2 修改 parameter_required('pbid', 'baid') pbact = self.sproduct.update_productbigactivity_by_filter( {'PBid': pbid}, {'BAid': baid}) if not pbact: raise NOT_FOUND(u'修改失败') # 操作记录 pbinfo = self.sproduct.get_single_productbigactivity_by_filter( {'PBid': pbid}) if pbinfo: self.__make_product_recording(pbinfo.PRid, baid, u'修改专题关联') response = import_status("update_success", "OK") response['data'] = {'pbid': pbid} return response
def update_product_relate_prtarget(self): """商品池修改商品与模块的关联""" if not is_admin(): raise AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'请使用管理员账号重新登录') data = request.json logger.debug("update product relate prtarget data is %s", data) prid = data.get('prid') prtargets = data.get('prtarget') if prtargets: if len(prtargets) > 3: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'每个商品最多只能关联三个模块') ptid = str(uuid.uuid1()) if '101' in prtargets: del_info = self.sproduct.del_product_target_by_filter( {"PRid": prid}) logger.debug( "del prtarget relation success before add operation, del count: %s", del_info) self.sproduct.add_model( "ProductTarget", **{ 'PTid': ptid, 'PRid': prid, 'PRtarget': '101' }) # 操作记录 self.__make_product_recording(prid, prid, u'更改为大礼包商品') else: topnav_list = self.stopnav.get_all_tnid() tnid_list = [] [tnid_list.append(topnav.TNid) for topnav in topnav_list] with self.sproduct.auto_commit() as session: model_beans = [] for targetid in prtargets: if str(targetid) not in tnid_list: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'prtarget参数错误,未找到要关联的模块') prtarget_dict = dict(PTid=str(uuid.uuid4()), PRid=prid, PRtarget=targetid) prtarget_info = ProductTarget.create(prtarget_dict) model_beans.append(prtarget_info) # 操作记录 self.__make_product_recording(prid, targetid, u'更改模块关联') session.query(ProductTarget).filter( ProductTarget.PRid == prid).delete() session.add_all(model_beans) elif prtargets == []: # 操作记录 try: target_info = self.sproduct.get_product_target_by_prid(prid) if target_info: for tgid in target_info: self.__make_product_recording(prid, tgid.PRtarget, u'解除模块关联') except Exception as e: logger.exception("not found prtargetid ,error is %s", e) self.__make_product_recording(prid, prid, u'解除模块关联') del_info = self.sproduct.del_product_target_by_filter( {"PRid": prid}) logger.debug("del prtarget relation success this is none list: %s", del_info) response = import_status("update_success", "OK") response['data'] = {'prid': prid} return response
def shelf_product_and_claim_act(self): """商品上下架/删除商品/推文认领""" if not is_admin(): raise AUTHORITY_ERROR(u'请使用管理员账号重新登录') data = request.json logger.debug("shelf product and claim act data is %s", data) prid = data.get('prid') parameter_required('prid') shelf = data.get('shelf') # 0 下架 1 上架 claim = data.get('claim') # 0 取消认领 1 认领推文 prdel = data.get('prdel') # 1 删除 modifyid = None if shelf not in self.empty and claim not in self.empty: raise PARAMS_MISS(u'参数错误,只能进行一项操作') pr_info = self.sproduct.get_product_by_prid(prid) if not pr_info: raise NOT_FOUND(u'无该商品信息') if pr_info.PRisdelete == True: raise NOT_FOUND(u'数据错误,该商品已被删除') if shelf not in self.empty: if not re.match(r'^[0-1]$', str(shelf)): raise PARAMS_MISS(u'shelf, 参数异常') if pr_info.PRstatus == int(shelf): raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'已完成上/下架操作') upinfo = self.sproduct.update_product_info_by_filter( {'PRid': prid}, { 'PRmodifytime': get_db_time_str(), 'PRstatus': int(shelf) }) if not upinfo: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'更新数据错误') # 操作日志 shelf_operation = u'上架商品' if str(shelf) == '1' else u'下架商品' self.__make_product_recording(prid, prid, shelf_operation) if claim not in self.empty: if not re.match(r'^[0-1]$', str(claim)): raise PARAMS_MISS(u'claim, 参数异常') if pr_info.SUmodifyid: if pr_info.SUmodifyid != raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'该推文已被其他运营认领') else: if str(claim) == '1': raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'您已完成认领') else: if str(claim) == '0': raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'您没有认领该商品的关联推文,不能进行解除操作') modifyid = if str(claim) == '1' else None upinfo = self.sproduct.update_product_info_by_filter( {'PRid': prid}, { 'PRmodifytime': get_db_time_str(), 'SUmodifyid': modifyid }) if not upinfo: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'更新数据错误') # 操作日志 operation = u'认领推文' if str(claim) == '1' else u'解除推文认领' self.__make_product_recording(prid, prid, operation) if prdel not in self.empty: if str(prdel) == '1': update_result = self.sproduct.update_product_info_by_filter( {'PRid': prid}, { "PRisdelete": True, 'PRmodifytime': get_db_time_str() }) if not update_result: raise SYSTEM_ERROR(u'删除数据错误') # 操作日志 self.__make_product_recording(prid, prid, u'删除商品') response = import_status("update_success", "OK") response['data'] = {'prid': prid, 'claimid': modifyid or ''} return response