Exemple #1
 def getWeibos(self, keyword,  page=1, count=None):
     url = 'http://t.hexun.com/k/topic.html?type=1&value=%s&pg=%d' % (json.dumps(keyword).replace('\\', '%').replace('"', ''), page)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         infos = result['info'].decode('gb2312')
         soup = BeautifulSoup(infos)
         total_soup = soup.select('.headerR1')[0]
         total_num = total_soup.get_text().split('共')[-1].split('条')[0].strip()
         return_val = {'total_count': int(total_num), 'msgs':[]}
         allmsgs = []
         msgs_soup = soup.select('.nr_con')
         for msg_soup in msgs_soup:
             avatar =  'http://t.hexun.com%s' % msg_soup.select('.nr_conLa > a')[0].get('href')
             nickandtext = msg_soup.select('.nr_shuo')[0].get_text().split(':')
             nickname = nickandtext[0]
             text = nickandtext[1]
             ts = msg_soup.select('.nr_tan > h3 > a')[0].get_text()
                 'avatar': avatar,
                 'nickname': nickname,
                 'text': text,
                 'datetime': ts,
         return_val['msgs'] = allmsgs
         return return_val
 def getWeibos(self, keyword,  page=1, size=10, sid=None):
     if not sid:
         sid = self.sid
     url = 'http://ti.3g.qq.com/touch/s?sid=%s&aid=vaction&more=1&mst=33&ac=60&keyword=%s&dl2=1&dumpJSON=1&pageid=search&pid=%d&psize=%d' % (sid, keyword, page, size)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         json_info = json.loads(result['info'])
         if 'result' in json_info and json_info['result'] == '0':
             msgs = json_info['jsonDump']['msgs']
             total_info = json_info['info']
             return {'msgs': msgs, 'total_pages': total_info['pageCount'], 'total_count': total_info['totalCount']}
 def getSid(self):
     url = 'http://pt.3g.qq.com/login?act=json&format=2&bid_code=microblogLogin&r=%f&qq=%s&pmd5=%s&go_url=http://ti.3g.qq.com/touch/iphone/index.jsp?g_f=18106' % (random.random(), self.username, self.password)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         info = result['info'].replace('pt.handleLoginResult(', '')[:-2]
         json_info = json.loads(info)
         if len(json_info) == 8:
             sid = json_info[4]
             self.sid = sid
             return sid
     return None
 def getWeibos(self, keyword,  page=1, count=10):
     url = 'http://m.weibo.cn/searchs/weibo?key=%s&page=%d&count=%d' % (keyword, page, count)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         infos = result['info']
         json_infos = json.loads(infos)
         if 'ok' in json_infos and json_infos['ok']:
             return_val = {'total_count': json_infos['total_number'], 'total_pages': json_infos['maxPage'], 'msgs': []}
             msgs = json_infos['mblogList']
             return_val['msgs'] = msgs
             return return_val
 def getSid(self):
     url = 'http://pt.3g.qq.com/login?act=json&format=2&bid_code=microblogLogin&r=%f&qq=%s&pmd5=%s&go_url=http://ti.3g.qq.com/touch/iphone/index.jsp?g_f=18106' % (
         random.random(), self.username, self.password)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         info = result['info'].replace('pt.handleLoginResult(', '')[:-2]
         json_info = json.loads(info)
         if len(json_info) == 8:
             sid = json_info[4]
             self.sid = sid
             return sid
     return None
Exemple #6
 def getWeibos(self, keyword, page=1, count=10):
     url = 'http://m.weibo.cn/searchs/weibo?key=%s&page=%d&count=%d' % (
         keyword, page, count)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         infos = result['info']
         json_infos = json.loads(infos)
         if 'ok' in json_infos and json_infos['ok']:
             return_val = {
                 'total_count': json_infos['total_number'],
                 'total_pages': json_infos['maxPage'],
                 'msgs': []
             msgs = json_infos['mblogList']
             return_val['msgs'] = msgs
             return return_val
 def getWeibos(self, keyword, page=1, size=10, sid=None):
     if not sid:
         sid = self.sid
     url = 'http://ti.3g.qq.com/touch/s?sid=%s&aid=vaction&more=1&mst=33&ac=60&keyword=%s&dl2=1&dumpJSON=1&pageid=search&pid=%d&psize=%d' % (
         sid, keyword, page, size)
     result = WeiboCrawler.request(self, url, self.headers)
     if 'result' in result and result['result']:
         json_info = json.loads(result['info'])
         if 'result' in json_info and json_info['result'] == '0':
             msgs = json_info['jsonDump']['msgs']
             total_info = json_info['info']
             return {
                 'msgs': msgs,
                 'total_pages': total_info['pageCount'],
                 'total_count': total_info['totalCount']