def test_wirePathXUnknownCatcher(self):
     #had eerder gemoeten
     with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e:
     self.assertEqual('@wirepath, requested direction not understood: X',
 def test_ManhattanAcceptsXYList(self):
     wireALocations = wirePath(['R8', 'U5', 'L5', 'D3']).locations
     wireBLocations = wirePath(['U7', 'R6', 'D4', 'L4']).locations
     wiresOnGrid = wireGrid([wireALocations, wireBLocations])
     intersections = wiresOnGrid.intersections
     Manhattans = ManhattanDistance(intersections)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(Manhattans))
     self.assertEqual(11, Manhattans[0])
     self.assertEqual(6, Manhattans[1])
 def test_wireGridIntersections(self):
     wireALocations = wirePath(['R8', 'U5', 'L5', 'D3']).locations
     wireBLocations = wirePath(['U7', 'R6', 'D4', 'L4']).locations
     wiresOnGrid = wireGrid([wireALocations, wireBLocations])
     intersections = wiresOnGrid.intersections
     self.assertEqual(2, len(intersections))
     ManhattanX1 = ManhattanDistance(intersections[0].x, intersections[0].y)
     self.assertEqual(11, ManhattanX1)
     ManhattanX2 = ManhattanDistance(intersections[1].x, intersections[1].y)
     self.assertEqual(6, ManhattanX2)
 def test_wireGridTwoWires(self):
     wireALocations = wirePath(['R8', 'U5', 'L5', 'D3']).locations
     wireBLocations = wirePath(['U7', 'R6', 'D4', 'L4']).locations
     wiresOnGrid = wireGrid([wireALocations, wireBLocations])
     lastWireAOnGrid = wiresOnGrid.wireLocations[0][-1]
     lastWireBOnGrid = wiresOnGrid.wireLocations[1][-1]
     self.assertEqual(3, lastWireAOnGrid.x)
     self.assertEqual(2, lastWireAOnGrid.y)
     self.assertEqual(2, lastWireBOnGrid.x)
     self.assertEqual(3, lastWireBOnGrid.y)
 def test_wirePathD1(self):
     wire = wirePath(['D1'])
     result = wire.locations
     self.assertEqual(2, len(result),
                      f'D1 should be 2 positions, O, and 0,-1')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[0].x,
                      f'D1 should be 2 positions, O, and 0,-1')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[0].y,
                      f'D1 should be 2 positions, O, and 0,-1')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[1].x,
                      f'D1 should be 2 positions, O, and 0,-1')
     self.assertEqual(-1, result[1].y,
                      f'D1 should be 2 positions, O, and 0,-1')
 def test_wirePathU2(self):
     wire = wirePath(['U2'])
     result = wire.locations
     self.assertEqual(3, len(result),
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[0].x,
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[0].y,
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[1].x,
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
     self.assertEqual(1, result[1].y,
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[2].x,
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
     self.assertEqual(2, result[2].y,
                      f'U2 should be 3 positions, O, and 1,0 2,0')
 def test_wirePathR3(self):
     wire = wirePath(['R3'])
     result = wire.locations
     self.assertEqual(4, len(result),
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[0].x,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[0].y,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(1, result[1].x,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[1].y,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(2, result[2].x,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[2].y,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(3, result[3].x,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
     self.assertEqual(0, result[3].y,
                      f'R3 should be 4 positions, O and 0,1 0,2 0,3')
 def test_wirePathExampleDay3(self):
     wire = wirePath(['R8', 'U5', 'L5', 'D3'])
     result = wire.locations
     self.assertEqual(3, result[-1].x)
     self.assertEqual(2, result[-1].y)
 def test_wirePathL2D1(self):
     wire = wirePath(['L2', 'D1'])
     result = wire.locations
     self.assertEqual(4, len(result))
     self.assertEqual(-2, result[-1].x)
     self.assertEqual(-1, result[-1].y)