Exemple #1
from XRootD.client import FileSystem
from XRootD.file import File

print dir(client)

c = FileSystem('root://localhost')
print dir(c)
print c.stat('/tmp')[1].modTimeAsString

print "\n\n"
print c.url
print type(c.url)
print dir(c.url)
print c.url.hostid

Exemple #2
class XRootDFS(FS):

    """XRootD PyFilesystem interface.

    The argument ``query`` is particular useful for specifying e.g. Kerberos
    or GSI authentication without adding it in the URL. The following:

    .. code-block:: python

        fs = XRootDFS(

    is equivalent to:

    .. code-block:: python

        fs = XRootDFS(
            {"xrd.wantprot": "krb5", "xrd.k5ccname": "/tmp/krb_filexxx"}

    This way you can easily separate the URL from the authentication query
    parameters. Note that ``xrd.k5ccname`` specifies a Kerberos `ticket`
    and not a `keytab`.

    :param url: A root URL.
    :param query: Dictionary of key/values to append to the URL query string.
        The contents of the dictionary gets merged with any querystring
        provided in the ``url``.
    :type query: dict

    _meta = {
        'thread_safe': True,
        'virtual': False,
        'read_only': False,
        'unicode_paths': True,
        'case_insensitive_paths': False,
        'network': True,
        'atomic.move': True,
        'atomic.copy': True,
        'atomic.makedir': True,
        'atomic.rename': True,
        'atomic.setcontents': False

    def __init__(self, url, query=None):
        """Initialize file system object."""
        if not is_valid_url(url):
            raise InvalidPathError(path=url)

        root_url, base_path, queryargs = spliturl(url)

        if not is_valid_path(base_path):
            raise InvalidPathError(path=base_path)

        if queryargs:
            # Convert query string in URL into a dictionary. Assumes there's no
            # duplication of fields names in query string (such as e.g.
            # '?f1=a&f1=b').
            queryargs = dict(map(
                lambda (k, v): (k, v[0]),

            # Merge values from kwarg query into the dictionary. Conflicting
            # keys raises an exception.
            for k, v in (query or {}).items():
                if k in queryargs:
                    raise KeyError(
                        "Query string field {0} conflicts with "
                        "field in URL {1}".format(k, url))
                queryargs[k] = v
            # No query string in URL, use kwarg instead.
            queryargs = query

        self.root_url = root_url
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.queryargs = queryargs
        self._client = FileSystem(self.xrd_get_rooturl())
        super(XRootDFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=False)

    def _p(self, path, encoding='utf-8'):
        """Join path to base path."""
        # fs.path.pathjoin() omits the first '/' in self.base_path.
        # It is resolved by adding on an additional '/' to its return value.
        if isinstance(path, binary_type):
            path = path.decode(encoding)
        # pathjoin always returns unicode
        return (
            u'/' + pathjoin(self.base_path.decode('utf-8'), path)

    def _raise_status(self, path, status):
        """Raise error based on status."""
        if status.errno in [3006, 17]:
            raise DestinationExistsError(path=path, details=status)
        elif status.errno == 3005:
            # Unfortunately only way to determine if the error is due to a
            # directory not being empty, or that a resource is not a directory:
            if status.message.endswith("not a directory\n"):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(path=path, details=status)
                raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path=path, details=status)
        elif status.errno == 3011:
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(path=path, details=status)
            raise ResourceError(path=path, details=status)

    def _query(self, flag, arg, parse=True):
        """Query an xrootd server."""
        status, res = self._client.query(flag, arg)

        if not status.ok:
            if status.errno == 3013:
                raise UnsupportedError(opname="calcualte checksum",
            raise FSError(details=status)
        return parse_qs(res) if parse else res

    def open(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None,
             newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs):
        r"""Open the given path and return a file-like object.

        :param path: Path to file that should be opened.
        :type path: string
        :param mode: Mode of file to open, identical to the mode string used
            in 'file' and 'open' builtins.
        :type mode: string
        :param buffering: An optional integer used to set the buffering policy.
            Pass 0 to switch buffering off (only allowed in binary mode),
            1 to select line buffering (only usable in text mode), and
            an integer > 1 to indicate the size of a fixed-size chunk buffer.
        :param encoding: Determines encoding used when writing unicode data.
        :param errors: An optional string that specifies how encoding and
            decoding errors are to be handled (e.g. ``strict``, ``ignore`` or
        :param newline: Newline character to use (either ``\\n``, ``\\r``,
            ``\\r\\n``, ``''`` or ``None``).
        :param line_buffering: Unsupported. Anything by False will raise and

        :rtype: A file-like object.

        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If an intermediate directory
            is an file.
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: If the path is not found.
        return XRootDFile(
            self.getpathurl(path, with_querystring=True),

    def listdir(self,
        """List the the files and directories under a given path.

        The directory contents are returned as a list of unicode paths.

        :param path: Path to list.
        :type path: string
        :param wildcard: Return only paths that matches the wildcard
        :type wildcard: string containing a unix filename pattern, or a
            callable that accepts a path and returns a boolean
        :param full: Return full paths (relative to the base path).
        :type full: bool
        :param absolute: Return absolute paths (paths beginning with /)
        :type absolute: bool
        :param dirs_only: If True, return only directories.
        :type dirs_only: bool
        :param files_only: If True, return only files.
        :type files_only: bool

        :rtype: Iterable of paths.

        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If the path exists, but is
            not a directory.
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: If the path is not found.
        return list(self.ilistdir(
            path=path, wildcard=wildcard, full=full, absolute=absolute,
            dirs_only=dirs_only, files_only=files_only

    def _stat_flags(self, path):
        """Get status of a path."""
        status, stat = self._client.stat(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            raise self._raise_status(path, status)
        return stat.flags

    def isdir(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Check if a path references a directory.

        :param path: a path in the filesystem
        :type path: string

        :rtype: bool

            flags = self._stat_flags(path) if _statobj is None \
                else _statobj.flags
            return bool(flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR)
        except ResourceNotFoundError:
            return False

    def isfile(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Check if a path references a file.

        :param path: a path in the filesystem
        :type path: string

        :rtype: bool

            flags = self._stat_flags(path) if _statobj is None \
                else _statobj.flags
            return not bool(
                flags & (StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR | StatInfoFlags.OTHER))
        except ResourceNotFoundError:
            return False

    def exists(self, path):
        """Check if a path references a valid resource.

        :param path: A path in the filesystem.
        :type path: `string`
        :rtype: `bool`
        status, stat = self._client.stat(self._p(path))
        return status.ok

    def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False):
        """Make a directory on the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of directory.
        :type path: string
        :param recursive: If True, any intermediate directories will also be
        :type recursive: `bool`
        :param allow_recreate: If True, re-creating a directory wont be an
        :type allow_create: `bool`

        :raises `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: If the path is already
            existing, and allow_recreate is False.
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If a containing
            directory is missing and recursive is False or if a path is an
            existing file.
        flags = MkDirFlags.MAKEPATH if recursive else MkDirFlags.NONE
        mode = AccessMode.NONE

        status, res = self._client.mkdir(self._p(path), flags=flags, mode=mode)

        if not status.ok:
            if allow_recreate and status.errno == 3006:
                return True
            self._raise_status(path, status)
        return True

    def remove(self, path):
        """Remove a file from the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of the resource to remove.
        :type path: string

        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If the path is a directory.
        :raises `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError`: If the directory is not
        status, res = self._client.rm(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(path, status)
        return True

    def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False):
        """Remove a directory from the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of the directory to remove.
        :type path: string
        :param recursive: Unsupported by XRootDFS implementation.
        :type recursive: bool
        :param force: If True, any directory contents will be removed
            (recursively). Note that this can be very expensive as the xrootd
            protocol does not support recursive deletes - i.e. the library
            will do a full recursive listing of the directory and send a
            network request per file/directory.
        :type force: bool

        :raises `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError`: If the directory is not
            empty and force is `False`.
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If the path is not a
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: If the path does not exist.
        if recursive:
            raise UnsupportedError("recursive parameter is not supported.")

        status, res = self._client.rmdir(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            if force and status.errno == 3005:
                # xrootd does not support recursive removal so do we have to
                # do it ourselves.
                for d, filenames in self.walk(path, search="depth"):
                    for filename in filenames:
                        relpath = pathjoin(d, filename)
                        status, res = self._client.rm(self._p(relpath))
                        if not status.ok:
                            self._raise_status(relpath, status)
                    status, res = self._client.rmdir(self._p(d))
                    if not status.ok:
                        self._raise_status(path, status)
                return True
            self._raise_status(path, status)
        return True

    def rename(self, src, dst):
        """Rename a file or directory.

        :param src: path to rename.
        :type src: string
        :param dst: new name.
        :type dst: string

        :raises DestinationExistsError: if destination already exists.
        :raises ResourceNotFoundError: if source does not exists.
        src = self._p(src)
        dst = self._p(pathjoin(dirname(src), dst))

        if not self.exists(src):
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
        return self._move(src, dst, overwrite=False)

    def getpathurl(self, path, allow_none=False, with_querystring=False):
        """Get URL that corresponds to the given path."""
        if with_querystring and self.queryargs:
            return "{0}{1}?{2}".format(
                self.root_url, self._p(path), urlencode(self.queryargs))
            return "{0}{1}".format(self.root_url, self._p(path))

    def getinfo(self, path):
        """Return information for a path as a dictionary.

        The following values can be found in the info dictionary:

        * ``size`` - Number of bytes used to store the file or directory.
        * ``created_time`` - A datetime object containing the time the
           resource was created.
        * ``modified_time`` - A datetime object containing the time the
           resource was modified.
        * ``accessed_time`` - A datetime object containing the time the
           resource was accessed.
        * ``offline`` - True if file/directory is offline.
        * ``writable`` - True if file/directory is writable.
        * ``readable`` - True if file/directory is readable.
        * ``executable`` - True if file/directory is executable.

        :param path: Path to retrieve information about.
        :type path: `string`
        :rtype: `dict`
        fullpath = self._p(path)
        status, stat = self._client.stat(fullpath)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(path, status)

        info = dict()
        info['size'] = stat.size
        info['offline'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.OFFLINE)
        info['writable'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_WRITABLE)
        info['readable'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_READABLE)
        info['executable'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.X_BIT_SET)

        res = self._query(QueryCode.XATTR, fullpath)
        ct = res.get('oss.ct', [None])[0]
        mt = res.get('oss.mt', [None])[0]
        at = res.get('oss.at', [None])[0]

        if ct:
            info['created_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ct))
        if mt:
            info['modified_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(mt))
        if at:
            info['accessed_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(at))
        return info

    def ilistdir(self,
        """Generator yielding the files and directories under a given path.

        This method behaves identically to :py:meth:`fs.base:FS.listdir` but
        returns an generator instead of a list.
        flag = DirListFlags.STAT if dirs_only or files_only else \

        full_path = self._p(path)
        status, entries = self._client.dirlist(full_path, flag)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(path, status)

        return self._ilistdir_helper(
            path, entries, wildcard=wildcard, full=full,
            absolute=absolute, dirs_only=dirs_only, files_only=files_only

    def _ilistdir_helper(self, path, entries, wildcard=None, full=False,
                         absolute=False, dirs_only=False, files_only=False):
        """A helper method called by ilistdir method that applies filtering.

        Given the path to a directory and a list of the names of entries within
        that directory, this method applies the semantics of the ilistdir()
        keyword arguments. An appropriately modified and filtered list of
        directory entries is returned.
        path = normpath(path)

        if dirs_only and files_only:
            raise ValueError("dirs_only and files_only cannot both be True")

        if wildcard is not None:
            if not callable(wildcard):
                wildcard_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(wildcard))

                def wildcard(fn):
                    return bool(wildcard_re.match(fn))

            entries = (p for p in entries if wildcard(p.name))

        if dirs_only:
            entries = (
                p for p in entries if self.isdir(p.name, _statobj=p.statinfo)
        elif files_only:
            entries = (
                p for p in entries if self.isfile(p.name, _statobj=p.statinfo)

        if full:
            entries = (pathcombine(path, p.name) for p in entries)
        elif absolute:
            path = self._p(path)
            entries = ((pathcombine(path, p.name)) for p in entries)
            entries = (p.name for p in entries)

        return entries

    def move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
        """Move a file from one location to another.

        :param src: Source path.
        :type src: string
        :param dst: Destination path.
        :type dst: string
        :param overwrite: When True the destination will be overwritten (if it
            exists), otherwise a DestinationExistsError will be thrown.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :raise `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: If destination exists and
            ``overwrite`` is False.
        :raise `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If source is not a file.
        :raise `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: If source was not found.
        src, dst = self._p(src), self._p(dst)

        # isdir/isfile throws an error if file/dir doesn't exists
        if not self.isfile(src):
            if self.isdir(src):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(
                    src, msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s")
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
        return self._move(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite)

    def movedir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
        """Move a directory from one location to another.

        :param src: Source directory path.
        :type src: string
        :param dst: Destination directory path.
        :type dst: string
        :param overwrite: When True the destination will be overwritten (if it
            exists), otherwise a DestinationExistsError will be thrown.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :raise `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: If destination exists and
            `overwrite` is `False`.
        :raise `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If source is not a directory.
        :raise `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: If source was not found.
        src, dst = self._p(src), self._p(dst)

        # isdir/isfile throws an error if file/dir doesn't exists
        if not self.isdir(src):
            if self.isfile(src):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(
                    src, msg="Source is not a directory: %(path)s")
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
        return self._move(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite)

    def _move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False):
        """Move source to destination with support for overwriting destination.

        Used by ``XRootDFS.move()``, ``XRootDFS.movedir()`` and

        .. warning::

           It is the responsibility of the caller of this method to check that
           the source exists.

           If ``overwrite`` is ``True``, this method will first remove any
           destination directory/file if it exists, and then try to move the
           source. Hence, if the source doesn't exists, it will remove the
           destination and then fail.
        if overwrite and self.exists(dst):
            if self.isfile(dst):
            elif self.isdir(dst):
                self.removedir(dst, force=True)

        status, dummy = self._client.mv(src, dst)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(dst, status)

        return True

    def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False):
        """Copy a file from source to destination.

        :param src: Source path.
        :type src: string
        :param dst: Destination path.
        :type dst: string
        :param overwrite: If True, then an existing file at the destination may
            be overwritten; If False then ``DestinationExistsError``
            will be raised.
        :type overwrite: bool
        src, dst = self._p(src), self._p(dst)

        # isdir/isfile throws an error if file/dir doesn't exists
        if not self.isfile(src):
            if self.isdir(src):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(
                    src, msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s")
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)

        if overwrite and self.exists(dst):
            if self.isdir(dst):
                self.removedir(dst, force=True)

        status, dummy = self._client.copy(src, dst, force=overwrite)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(dst, status)

        return True

    def copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, parallel=True):
        """Copy a directory from source to destination.

        By default the copy is done by recreating the source directory
        structure at the destination, and then copy files in parallel from
        source to destination.

        :param src: Source directory path.
        :type src: string
        :param dst: Destination directory path.
        :type dst: string
        :param overwrite: If True then any existing files in the destination
            directory will be overwritten.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param parallel: If True (default), the copy will be done in parallel.
        :type parallel: bool
        if not self.isdir(src):
            if self.isfile(src):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(
                    src, msg="Source is not a directory: %(path)s")
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)

        if self.exists(dst):
            if overwrite:
                if self.isdir(dst):
                    self.removedir(dst, force=True)
                elif self.isfile(dst):
                raise DestinationExistsError(dst)

        if parallel:
            process = CopyProcess()

            def process_copy(src, dst, overwrite=False):
                process.add_job(src, dst)

            copyfile = process_copy
            copyfile = self.copy

        self.makedir(dst, allow_recreate=True)

        for src_dirpath, filenames in self.walk(src):
            dst_dirpath = pathcombine(dst, frombase(src, src_dirpath))
            self.makedir(dst_dirpath, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True)
            for filename in filenames:
                src_filename = pathjoin(src_dirpath, filename)
                dst_filename = pathjoin(dst_dirpath, filename)
                copyfile(src_filename, dst_filename, overwrite=overwrite)

        if parallel:

        return True

    # XRootD specific methods.
    def xrd_client(self):
        """Pyxrootd filesystem client.

        Specific to ``XRootDFS``.
        return self._client

    def xrd_get_rooturl(self):
        """Get the URL with query string for this FS.

        Specific to ``XRootDFS``.
        if self.queryargs:
            return "{0}{1}".format(self.root_url, urlencode(self.queryargs))
            return self.root_url

    def xrd_checksum(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Get checksum of file from server.

        Specific to ``XRootdFS``. Note not all XRootD servers support the
        checksum operation (in particular the default local xrootd server).

        :param src: File to calculate checksum for.
        :type src: string
        :raise `fs.errors.UnsupportedError`: If server does not support
            checksum calculation.
        :raise `fs.errors.FSError`: If you try to get the checksum of e.g. a
        if not self.isfile(path, _statobj=_statobj):
            raise ResourceInvalidError("Path is not a file: %s" % path)

        value = self._query(QueryCode.CHECKSUM, self._p(path), parse=False)
        algorithm, value = value.strip().split(" ")
        if value[-1] == "\x00":
            value = value[:-1]
        return (algorithm, value)

    def xrd_ping(self):
        """Ping xrootd server.

        Specific to ``XRootdFS``.
        status, dummy = self._client.ping()

        if not status.ok:
            raise RemoteConnectionError(opname="ping", details=status)

        return True
Exemple #3
class XRootDPyFS(FS):
    """XRootD PyFilesystem interface.

    The argument ``query`` is particular useful for specifying e.g. Kerberos
    or GSI authentication without adding it in the URL. The following:

    .. code-block:: python

        fs = XRootDPyFS(

    is equivalent to:

    .. code-block:: python

        fs = XRootDPyFS(
            {"xrd.wantprot": "krb5", "xrd.k5ccname": "/tmp/krb_filexxx"}

    This way you can easily separate the URL from the authentication query
    parameters. Note that ``xrd.k5ccname`` specifies a Kerberos `ticket`
    and not a `keytab`.

    :param url: A root URL.
    :param query: Dictionary of key/values to append to the URL query string.
        The contents of the dictionary gets merged with any querystring
        provided in the ``url``.
    :type query: dict

    _meta = {
        'thread_safe': True,
        'virtual': False,
        'read_only': False,
        'unicode_paths': True,
        'case_insensitive_paths': False,
        'network': True,
        'atomic.move': True,
        'atomic.copy': True,
        'atomic.makedir': True,
        'atomic.rename': True,
        'atomic.setcontents': False

    def __init__(self, url, query=None):
        """Initialize file system object."""
        if not is_valid_url(url):
            raise InvalidPathError(path=url)

        root_url, base_path, queryargs = spliturl(url)

        if not is_valid_path(base_path):
            raise InvalidPathError(path=base_path)

        if queryargs:
            # Convert query string in URL into a dictionary. Assumes there's no
            # duplication of fields names in query string (such as e.g.
            # '?f1=a&f1=b').
            queryargs = {k: v[0] for (k, v) in parse_qs(queryargs).items()}

            # Merge values from kwarg query into the dictionary. Conflicting
            # keys raises an exception.
            for k, v in (query or {}).items():
                if k in queryargs:
                    raise KeyError("Query string field {0} conflicts with "
                                   "field in URL {1}".format(k, url))
                queryargs[k] = v
            # No query string in URL, use kwarg instead.
            queryargs = query

        self.root_url = root_url
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.queryargs = queryargs
        self._client = FileSystem(self.xrd_get_rooturl())
        super(XRootDPyFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=False)

    def _p(self, path, encoding='utf-8'):
        """Join path to base path."""
        # fs.path.pathjoin() omits the first '/' in self.base_path.
        # It is resolved by adding on an additional '/' to its return value.
        return '/' + pathjoin(self.base_path, path)

    def _raise_status(self, path, status):
        """Raise error based on status."""
        if status.errno in [3006, 17]:
            raise DestinationExistsError(path=path, details=status)
        elif status.errno == 3005:
            # Unfortunately only way to determine if the error is due to a
            # directory not being empty, or that a resource is not a directory:
            if status.message.strip().endswith("not a directory"):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(path=path, details=status)
                raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path=path, details=status)
        elif status.errno == 3011:
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(path=path, details=status)
            raise ResourceError(path=path, details=status)

    def _query(self, flag, arg, parse=True):
        """Query an xrootd server."""
        status, res = self._client.query(flag, arg)

        if not status.ok:
            if status.errno == 3013:
                raise UnsupportedError(opname="calcualte checksum",
            raise FSError(details=status)
        return parse_qs(res) if parse else res

    def open(self,
        r"""Open the given path and return a file-like object.

        :param path: Path to file that should be opened.
        :type path: str
        :param mode: Mode of file to open, identical to the mode string used
            in 'file' and 'open' builtins.
        :type mode: str
        :param buffering: An optional integer used to set the buffering policy.
            Pass 0 to switch buffering off (only allowed in binary mode),
            1 to select line buffering (only usable in text mode), and
            an integer > 1 to indicate the size of a fixed-size chunk buffer.
        :param encoding: Determines encoding used when writing unicode data.
        :param errors: An optional string that specifies how encoding and
            decoding errors are to be handled (e.g. ``strict``, ``ignore`` or
        :param newline: Newline character to use (either ``\\n``, ``\\r``,
            ``\\r\\n``, ``''`` or ``None``).
        :param line_buffering: Unsupported. Anything by False will raise and

        :returns: A file-like object.

        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if an intermediate directory
            is an file.
        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError` if the path is not found.
        return XRootDPyFile(self.getpathurl(path, with_querystring=True),

    def listdir(self,
        """List the the files and directories under a given path.

        The directory contents are returned as a list of unicode paths.

        :param path: Path to list.
        :type path: str
        :param wildcard: Return only paths that matches the wildcard. It can
            contain a unix filename pattern or a callable that accepts a path
            and returns a boolean
        :type wildcard: str
        :param full: Return full paths (relative to the base path).
        :type full: bool
        :param absolute: Return absolute paths (paths beginning with /)
        :type absolute: bool
        :param dirs_only: If True, return only directories.
        :type dirs_only: bool
        :param files_only: If True, return only files.
        :type files_only: bool

        :returns: Iterable of paths.

        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if the path exists, but is
            not a directory.
        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError` if the path is not found.
        return list(

    def _stat_flags(self, path):
        """Get status of a path."""
        status, stat = self._client.stat(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            raise self._raise_status(path, status)
        return stat.flags

    def isdir(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Check if a path references a directory.

        :param path: a path in the filesystem
        :type path: str

        :rtype: bool

            flags = self._stat_flags(path) if _statobj is None \
                else _statobj.flags
            return bool(flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR)
        except ResourceNotFoundError:
            return False

    def isfile(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Check if a path references a file.

        :param path: a path in the filesystem
        :type path: str

        :rtype: bool

            flags = self._stat_flags(path) if _statobj is None \
                else _statobj.flags
            return not bool(flags
                            & (StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR | StatInfoFlags.OTHER))
        except ResourceNotFoundError:
            return False

    def exists(self, path):
        """Check if a path references a valid resource.

        :param path: A path in the filesystem.
        :type path: str
        :rtype: bool
        status, stat = self._client.stat(self._p(path))
        return status.ok

    def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False):
        """Make a directory on the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of directory.
        :type path: str
        :param recursive: If True, any intermediate directories will also be
        :type recursive: `bool`
        :param allow_recreate: If True, re-creating a directory wont be an
        :type allow_create: `bool`

        :raises: `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError` if the path is already
            existing, and allow_recreate is False.
        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if a containing
            directory is missing and recursive is False or if a path is an
            existing file.
        flags = MkDirFlags.MAKEPATH if recursive else MkDirFlags.NONE
        mode = AccessMode.NONE

        status, res = self._client.mkdir(self._p(path), flags=flags, mode=mode)

        if not status.ok:
            if allow_recreate and status.errno == 3006:
                return True
            self._raise_status(path, status)
        return True

    def remove(self, path):
        """Remove a file from the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of the resource to remove.
        :type path: str

        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if the path is a directory.
        :raises: `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError` if the directory is not
        status, res = self._client.rm(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(path, status)
        return True

    def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False):
        """Remove a directory from the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of the directory to remove.
        :type path: str
        :param recursive: Unsupported by XRootDPyFS implementation.
        :type recursive: bool
        :param force: If True, any directory contents will be removed
            (recursively). Note that this can be very expensive as the xrootd
            protocol does not support recursive deletes - i.e. the library
            will do a full recursive listing of the directory and send a
            network request per file/directory.
        :type force: bool

        :raises: `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError` if the directory is not
            empty and force is `False`.
        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if the path is not a
        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError` if the path does not exist.
        if recursive:
            raise UnsupportedError("recursive parameter is not supported.")

        status, res = self._client.rmdir(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            if force and status.errno == 3005:
                # xrootd does not support recursive removal so do we have to
                # do it ourselves.
                for d, filenames in self.walk(path, search="depth"):
                    for filename in filenames:
                        relpath = pathjoin(d, filename)
                        status, res = self._client.rm(self._p(relpath))
                        if not status.ok:
                            self._raise_status(relpath, status)
                    status, res = self._client.rmdir(self._p(d))
                    if not status.ok:
                        self._raise_status(path, status)
                return True
            self._raise_status(path, status)
        return True

    def rename(self, src, dst):
        """Rename a file or directory.

        :param src: path to rename.
        :type src: str
        :param dst: new name.
        :type dst: str

        :raises: `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError` if destination already
        :raises: `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError` if source does not exists.
        src = self._p(src)
        dst = self._p(pathjoin(dirname(src), dst))

        if not self.exists(src):
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
        return self._move(src, dst, overwrite=False)

    def getpathurl(self, path, allow_none=False, with_querystring=False):
        """Get URL that corresponds to the given path."""
        if with_querystring and self.queryargs:
            return "{0}{1}?{2}".format(self.root_url, self._p(path),
            return "{0}{1}".format(self.root_url, self._p(path))

    def getinfo(self, path):
        """Return information for a path as a dictionary.

        The following values can be found in the info dictionary:

        * ``size`` - Number of bytes used to store the file or directory.
        * ``created_time`` - A datetime object containing the time the
           resource was created.
        * ``modified_time`` - A datetime object containing the time the
           resource was modified.
        * ``accessed_time`` - A datetime object containing the time the
           resource was accessed.
        * ``offline`` - True if file/directory is offline.
        * ``writable`` - True if file/directory is writable.
        * ``readable`` - True if file/directory is readable.
        * ``executable`` - True if file/directory is executable.

        :param path: Path to retrieve information about.
        :type path: `string`
        :rtype: `dict`
        fullpath = self._p(path)
        status, stat = self._client.stat(fullpath)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(path, status)

        info = dict()
        info['size'] = stat.size
        info['offline'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.OFFLINE)
        info['writable'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_WRITABLE)
        info['readable'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_READABLE)
        info['executable'] = bool(stat.flags & StatInfoFlags.X_BIT_SET)

        res = self._query(QueryCode.XATTR, fullpath)

        ct = res.get(b'oss.ct', [None])[0]
        mt = res.get(b'oss.mt', [None])[0]
        at = res.get(b'oss.at', [None])[0]

        if ct:
            info['created_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ct))
        if mt:
            info['modified_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(mt))
        if at:
            info['accessed_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(at))
        return info

    def ilistdir(self,
        """Generator yielding the files and directories under a given path.

        This method behaves identically to `fs.base:FS.listdir` but
        returns an generator instead of a list.
        flag = DirListFlags.STAT if dirs_only or files_only else \

        full_path = self._p(path)
        status, entries = self._client.dirlist(full_path, flag)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(path, status)

        return self._ilistdir_helper(path,

    def _ilistdir_helper(self,
        """A helper method called by ilistdir method that applies filtering.

        Given the path to a directory and a list of the names of entries within
        that directory, this method applies the semantics of the ilistdir()
        keyword arguments. An appropriately modified and filtered list of
        directory entries is returned.
        path = normpath(path)

        if dirs_only and files_only:
            raise ValueError("dirs_only and files_only cannot both be True")

        if wildcard is not None:
            if not callable(wildcard):
                wildcard_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(wildcard))

                def wildcard(fn):
                    return bool(wildcard_re.match(fn))

            entries = (p for p in entries if wildcard(p.name))

        if dirs_only:
            entries = (p for p in entries
                       if self.isdir(p.name, _statobj=p.statinfo))
        elif files_only:
            entries = (p for p in entries
                       if self.isfile(p.name, _statobj=p.statinfo))

        if full:
            entries = (pathcombine(path, p.name) for p in entries)
        elif absolute:
            path = self._p(path)
            entries = ((pathcombine(path, p.name)) for p in entries)
            entries = (p.name for p in entries)

        return entries

    def move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
        """Move a file from one location to another.

        :param src: Source path.
        :type src: str
        :param dst: Destination path.
        :type dst: str
        :param overwrite: When True the destination will be overwritten (if it
            exists), otherwise a DestinationExistsError will be thrown.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :raise: `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError` if destination exists and
            ``overwrite`` is False.
        :raise: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if source is not a file.
        :raise: `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError` if source was not found.
        src, dst = self._p(src), self._p(dst)

        # isdir/isfile throws an error if file/dir doesn't exists
        if not self.exists(src):
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)

        if not self.isfile(src):
            raise ResourceInvalidError(src,
                                       msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s")

        return self._move(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite)

    def movedir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
        """Move a directory from one location to another.

        :param src: Source directory path.
        :type src: str
        :param dst: Destination directory path.
        :type dst: str
        :param overwrite: When True the destination will be overwritten (if it
            exists), otherwise a DestinationExistsError will be thrown.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :raise: `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError` if destination exists and
            `overwrite` is `False`.
        :raise: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if source is not a directory.
        :raise: `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError` if source is a directory and
            destination is a file.
        :raise: `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError` if source was not found.
        src, dst = self._p(src), self._p(dst)

        if not self.exists(src):
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)

        if not self.isdir(src):
            raise ResourceInvalidError(
                src, msg="Source is not a directory: %(path)s")

        return self._move(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite)

    def _move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False):
        """Move source to destination with support for overwriting destination.

        Used by ``XRootDPyFS.move()``, ``XRootDPyFS.movedir()`` and

        .. warning::

           It is the responsibility of the caller of this method to check that
           the source exists.

           If ``overwrite`` is ``True``, this method will first remove any
           destination directory/file if it exists, and then try to move the
           source. Hence, if the source doesn't exists, it will remove the
           destination and then fail.
        if self.exists(dst):
            if not overwrite:
                raise DestinationExistsError(dst)

            if self.isfile(dst):
            elif self.isdir(dst):
                self.removedir(dst, force=True)

        status, dummy = self._client.mv(src, dst)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(dst, status)

        return True

    def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False):
        """Copy a file from source to destination.

        :param src: Source path.
        :type src: str
        :param dst: Destination path.
        :type dst: str
        :param overwrite: If True, then an existing file at the destination may
            be overwritten; If False then ``DestinationExistsError``
            will be raised.
        :type overwrite: bool
        src, dst = self._p(src), self._p(dst)

        # isdir/isfile throws an error if file/dir doesn't exists
        if not self.isfile(src):
            if self.isdir(src):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(
                    src, msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s")
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)

        if overwrite and self.exists(dst):
            if self.isdir(dst):
                self.removedir(dst, force=True)

        status, dummy = self._client.copy(src, dst, force=overwrite)

        if not status.ok:
            self._raise_status(dst, status)

        return True

    def copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, parallel=True):
        """Copy a directory from source to destination.

        By default the copy is done by recreating the source directory
        structure at the destination, and then copy files in parallel from
        source to destination.

        :param src: Source directory path.
        :type src: str
        :param dst: Destination directory path.
        :type dst: str
        :param overwrite: If True then any existing files in the destination
            directory will be overwritten.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param parallel: If True (default), the copy will be done in parallel.
        :type parallel: bool
        if not self.isdir(src):
            if self.isfile(src):
                raise ResourceInvalidError(
                    src, msg="Source is not a directory: %(path)s")
            raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)

        if self.exists(dst):
            if overwrite:
                if self.isdir(dst):
                    self.removedir(dst, force=True)
                elif self.isfile(dst):
                raise DestinationExistsError(dst)

        if parallel:
            process = CopyProcess()

            def process_copy(src, dst, overwrite=False):
                process.add_job(src, dst)

            copyfile = process_copy
            copyfile = self.copy

        self.makedir(dst, allow_recreate=True)

        for src_dirpath, filenames in self.walk(src):
            dst_dirpath = pathcombine(dst, frombase(src, src_dirpath))
            self.makedir(dst_dirpath, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True)
            for filename in filenames:
                src_filename = pathjoin(src_dirpath, filename)
                dst_filename = pathjoin(dst_dirpath, filename)
                copyfile(src_filename, dst_filename, overwrite=overwrite)

        if parallel:

        return True

    # XRootD specific methods.
    def xrd_client(self):
        """Pyxrootd filesystem client.

        Specific to ``XRootDPyFS``.
        return self._client

    def xrd_get_rooturl(self):
        """Get the URL with query string for this FS.

        Specific to ``XRootDPyFS``.
        if self.queryargs:
            return "{0}/?{1}".format(self.root_url, urlencode(self.queryargs))
            return self.root_url

    def xrd_checksum(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Get checksum of file from server.

        Specific to ``XRootDPyFS``. Note not all XRootD servers support the
        checksum operation (in particular the default local xrootd server).

        :param src: File to calculate checksum for.
        :type src: str
        :raise: `fs.errors.UnsupportedError` if server does not support
            checksum calculation.
        :raise: `fs.errors.FSError` if you try to get the checksum of e.g. a
        if not self.isfile(path, _statobj=_statobj):
            raise ResourceInvalidError("Path is not a file: %s" % path)

        value = self._query(QueryCode.CHECKSUM, self._p(path), parse=False)
        value = value.decode('ascii').rstrip('\x00')
        algorithm, value = value.strip().split(" ")
        return (algorithm, value)

    def xrd_ping(self):
        """Ping xrootd server.

        Specific to ``XRootDPyFS``.
        status, dummy = self._client.ping()

        if not status.ok:
            raise RemoteConnectionError(opname="ping", details=status)

        return True
Exemple #4
class XRootDFS(FS):

    _meta = {
        'thread_safe': True,
        'virtual': False,
        'read_only': False,
        'unicode_paths': True,
        'case_insensitive_paths': False,
        'network': True,
        'atomic.move': True,
        'atomic.copy': True,
        'atomic.makedir': True,
        'atomic.rename': False,
        'atomic.setcontents': True

    def __init__(self, url, timeout=0, thread_synchronize=True):
        if not is_valid_url(url):
            raise InvalidPathError(path=url)

        root_url, base_path = spliturl(url)

        self.timeout = timeout
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.client = FileSystem(root_url)
        super(XRootDFS, self).__init__(thread_synchronize=thread_synchronize)

    def _p(self, path):
        """Join path to base path."""
        return pathjoin(self.base_path, path)

    def open(self,
        """Open a the given path as a file-like object.

        :param path: a path to file that should be opened
        :type path: string
        :param mode: mode of file to open, identical to the mode string used
            in 'file' and 'open' builtins
        :type mode: string
        :param kwargs: additional (optional) keyword parameters that may
            be required to open the file
        :type kwargs: dict

        :rtype: a file-like object

        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate
            directory is missing
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if an intermediate directory
            is an file
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path is not found
        # path must be full-on address with the server and everything, yo.
        # flags = 0
        # if 'r' in mode:
        #     flags += OpenFlags.READ

        # return XRootDFile(self._url + path, flags, mode=0)
        return 1

    def listdir(self,
        """List the the files and directories under a given path.

        The directory contents are returned as a list of unicode paths.

        :param path: root of the path to list
        :type path: string
        :param wildcard: only returns paths that match this wildcard
        :type wildcard: string containing a wildcard, or a callable that
            accepts a path and returns a boolean
        :param full: returns full paths (relative to the root)
        :type full: bool
        :param absolute: returns absolute paths (paths beginning with /)
        :type absolute: bool
        :param dirs_only: if True, only return directories
        :type dirs_only: bool
        :param files_only: if True, only return files
        :type files_only: bool

        :rtype: iterable of paths

        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate
            directory is missing
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path exists, but is
            not a directory
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path is not found
        return list(

    def _stat_flags(self, path):
        """Get status of a path."""
        status, stat = self.client.stat(self._p(path))

        if not status.ok:
            raise InvalidPathError(path=path, details=status)
        return stat.flags

    def isdir(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Check if a path references a directory.

        :param path: a path in the filesystem
        :type path: string

        :rtype: bool

        flags = self._stat_flags(path) if _statobj is None else _statobj
        return bool(flags & StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR)

    def isfile(self, path, _statobj=None):
        """Check if a path references a file.

        :param path: a path in the filesystem
        :type path: string

        :rtype: bool

        flags = self._stat_flags(path) if _statobj is None else _statobj
        return not bool(flags & (StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR | StatInfoFlags.OTHER))

    def exists(self, path):
        """Check if a path references a valid resource.

        :param path: A path in the filesystem.
        :type path: string
        :rtype: bool
        status, stat = self.client.stat(self._p(path))
        return status.ok

    def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False):
        """Make a directory on the filesystem.

        :param path: path of directory
        :type path: string
        :param recursive: if True, any intermediate directories will also be
        :type recursive: bool
        :param allow_recreate: if True, re-creating a directory wont be an
        :type allow_create: bool

        :raises `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: if the path is already a
            existing, and allow_recreate is False
        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`:
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if a containing
            directory is missing and recursive is False or if a path is an
            existing file
        flags = MkDirFlags.MAKEPATH if recursive else MkDirFlags.NONE
        mode = AccessMode.NONE

        status, res = self.client.mkdir(self._p(path), flags=flags, mode=mode)

        if status.ok or (allow_recreate and status.errno == 3006):
            return True

        self._raise_status(path, status)

    def _raise_status(self, path, status):
        """Raise error based on status."""
        if status.errno == 3006:
            raise DestinationExistsError(path=path, details=status)
        elif status.errno == 3005:
            raise DirectoryNotEmptyError(path=path, details=status)
        elif status.errno == 3011:
            raise ResourceInvalidError(path=path, details=status)
            raise FSError(details=status)

    def remove(self, path):
        """Remove a file from the filesystem.

        :param path: Path of the resource to remove
        :type path: string

        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path is a directory
        :raises `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError`: if the directory is not
        status, res = self.client.rm(self._p(path))

        if status.ok:
            return True

        self._raise_status(path, status)

    def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False):
        """Remove a directory from the filesystem.

        :param path: path of the directory to remove
        :type path: string
        :param recursive: if True, empty parent directories will be removed
        :type recursive: bool
        :param force: if True, any directory contents will be removed
        :type force: bool

        :raises `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError`: if the directory is not
            empty and force is False
        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate
            directory is missing
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path is not a
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path does not exist
        status, res = self.client.rmdir(self._p(path))
        if not status.ok:
            raise FSError(details=status)
        return True

    def rename(self, src, dst):
        """Rename a file or directory.

        :param src: path to rename
        :type src: string
        :param dst: new name
        :type dst: string

        :raises ParentDirectoryMissingError: if a containing directory is
        :raises ResourceInvalidError: if the path or a parent path is not a
            directory or src is a parent of dst or one of src or dst is a dir
            and the other don't
        :raises ResourceNotFoundError: if the src path does not exist

        raise UnsupportedError("rename resource")

    def getinfo(self, path):
        """Return information for a path as a dictionary.

        The exact content of this dictionary will vary depending on the
        implementation, but will likely include a few common values. The
        following values will be found in info dictionaries for most

         * "size" - Number of bytes used to store the file or directory
         * "created_time" - A datetime object containing the time the resource
            was created
         * "accessed_time" - A datetime object containing the time the resource
            was last accessed
         * "modified_time" - A datetime object containing the time the resource
            was modified

        :param path: a path to retrieve information for
        :type path: string

        :rtype: dict

        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate
            directory is missing
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path is not a
        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path does not exist
        raise UnsupportedError("get resource info")

    def ilistdir(self,
        """Generator yielding the files and directories under a given path.

        This method behaves identically to :py:meth:`fs.base.FS.listdir` but
        returns an generator instead of a list.  Depending on the filesystem
        this may be more efficient than calling :py:meth:`fs.base.FS.listdir`
        and iterating over the resulting list.
        flag = DirListFlags.STAT if dirs_only or files_only else \

        full_path = self._p(path)
        status, entries = self.client.dirlist(full_path,

        if not status.ok:
            raise InvalidPathError(path=path, details=status)

        return self._ilistdir_helper(path,

    def _ilistdir_helper(self,
        """A helper method called by ilistdir method that applies filtering.

        Given the path to a directory and a list of the names of entries within
        that directory, this method applies the semantics of the ilistdir()
        keyword arguments. An appropriately modified and filtered list of
        directory entries is returned.
        path = normpath(path)

        if dirs_only and files_only:
            raise ValueError("dirs_only and files_only can not both be True")

        if wildcard is not None:
            if not callable(wildcard):
                wildcard_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(wildcard))

                def wildcard(fn):
                    return bool(wildcard_re.match(fn))

            entries = (p for p in entries if wildcard(p.name))

        if dirs_only:
            entries = (p for p in entries
                       if self.isdir(p.name, _statobj=p.statinfo))
        elif files_only:
            entries = (p for p in entries
                       if self.isfile(p.name, _statobj=p.statinfo))

        if full:
            entries = (pathcombine(path, p.name) for p in entries)
        elif absolute:
            path = self._p(path)
            entries = ((pathcombine(path, p.name)) for p in entries)
            entries = (p.name for p in entries)

        return entries