# Move there and download files

        with work_within_directory(temp_dir):

            work_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())

            # Download exposure map

            cmd_line = (
                "obsid_search_csc obsid=%d download=all outfile=%d.tsv filetype=exp,evt,fov,bkgimg "
                "mode=h clobber=yes verbose=0 "
                "columns=m.ra,m.dec,o.theta,m.extent_flag,m.var_flag" %
                (obsid, obsid))


            # Download ancillary files needed by the r4_header_update script
            cmd_line = "download_chandra_obsid %d asol,pbk -q" % (obsid)


        # get paths of files
        evt3_files = find_files.find_files(work_dir,
                                           '*%s*evt3.fits.gz' % obsid)
        tsv_files = find_files.find_files(work_dir, '*%s*.tsv' % obsid)
        bkg_files = find_files.find_files(work_dir,
                                          '*%s*bkgimg3.fits*' % obsid)

        if len(evt3_files) == 0:
                map(lambda x: x.replace("!", ""),

        # Copy the region file here and fix the column format, otherwise ftcopy later on will fail
        # because some files have vector X,Y columns, while some others don't

        temp_file = "__%i_%s_reg.fits" % (region_id, obsid)

        shutil.copy2(region_file, "%s.gz" % temp_file)

        # Unzip the file because fcollen cannot operate on zipped files
        if os.path.exists(temp_file):


        runner.run("gunzip %s.gz" % temp_file, debug=True)

        # Fix the columns

        cmd_line = "fcollen '%s' X 1" % temp_file
        runner.run(cmd_line, debug=True)

        cmd_line = "fcollen '%s' Y 1" % temp_file
        runner.run(cmd_line, debug=True)


        # Check if it might have caused streaks