Exemple #1
    def checkanalyze(self):
        import types
        from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
        from ZODB.scripts import analyze

        # Set up a module to act as a broken import
        module_name = 'brokenmodule'
        module = types.ModuleType(module_name)
        sys.modules[module_name] = module

        class Broken(MinPO):
            __module__ = module_name

        module.Broken = Broken

        oids = [[self._storage.new_oid(), None] for i in range(3)]

        def store(i, data):
            oid, revid = oids[i]
            self._storage.store(oid, revid, data, "", t)

        for i in range(2):
            t = TransactionMetaData()

            # sometimes data is in this format
            store(0, dumps(OOBTree, _protocol))
            # and it could be from a broken module
            store(1, dumps(Broken, _protocol))
            # but mostly it looks like this
            store(2, zodb_pickle(MinPO(2)))

            tid = self._storage.tpc_finish(t)
            for oid_revid in oids:
                oid_revid[1] = tid

        # now break the import of the Broken class
        del sys.modules[module_name]

        # from ZODB.scripts.analyze.analyze
        fsi = self._storage.iterator()
        rep = analyze.Report()
        for txn in fsi:
            analyze.analyze_trans(rep, txn)

        # from ZODB.scripts.analyze.report
        typemap = sorted(rep.TYPEMAP.keys())
        cumpct = 0.0
        for t in typemap:
            pct = rep.TYPESIZE[t] * 100.0 / rep.DBYTES
            cumpct += pct

        self.assertAlmostEqual(cumpct, 100.0, 0,
                               "Failed to analyze some records")
Exemple #2
    def checkanalyze(self):
        import types
        from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
        from ZODB.scripts import analyze

        # Set up a module to act as a broken import
        module_name = 'brokenmodule'
        module = types.ModuleType(module_name)
        sys.modules[module_name] = module

        class Broken(MinPO):
            __module__ = module_name
        module.Broken = Broken

        oids = [[self._storage.new_oid(), None] for i in range(3)]
        def store(i, data):
            oid, revid = oids[i]
            self._storage.store(oid, revid, data, "", t)

        for i in range(2):
            t = TransactionMetaData()

            # sometimes data is in this format
            store(0, dumps(OOBTree, _protocol))
            # and it could be from a broken module
            store(1, dumps(Broken, _protocol))
            # but mostly it looks like this
            store(2, zodb_pickle(MinPO(2)))

            tid = self._storage.tpc_finish(t)
            for oid_revid in oids:
                oid_revid[1] = tid

        # now break the import of the Broken class
        del sys.modules[module_name]

        # from ZODB.scripts.analyze.analyze
        fsi = self._storage.iterator()
        rep = analyze.Report()
        for txn in fsi:
            analyze.analyze_trans(rep, txn)

        # from ZODB.scripts.analyze.report
        typemap = sorted(rep.TYPEMAP.keys())
        cumpct = 0.0
        for t in typemap:
            pct = rep.TYPESIZE[t] * 100.0 / rep.DBYTES
            cumpct += pct

        self.assertAlmostEqual(cumpct, 100.0, 0,
                               "Failed to analyze some records")
 def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_3_class_pickle(self):
     from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata
     from ZODB._compat import dumps
     from ZODB._compat import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
     if HIGHEST_PROTOCOL >= 3:
         pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=3)
                          (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))
Exemple #4
 def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_3_class_pickle(self):
     from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata
     from ZODB._compat import dumps
     from ZODB._compat import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
     if HIGHEST_PROTOCOL >= 3:
         pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=3)
                         (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))
Exemple #5
def test_zodbcommit(zext):
    tmpd = mkdtemp('', 'zodbcommit.')
    defer(lambda: rmtree(tmpd))

    stor = storageFromURL('%s/2.fs' % tmpd)

    head = stor.lastTransaction()

    # commit some transactions via zodbcommit and verify if storage dump gives
    # what is expected.
    t1 = Transaction(z64, ' ', b'user name', b'description ...', zext(dumps({'a': 'b'}, _protocol)), [
        ObjectData(p64(1), b'data1', 'sha1', sha1(b'data1')),
        ObjectData(p64(2), b'data2', 'sha1', sha1(b'data2'))])

    t1.tid = zodbcommit(stor, head, t1)

    t2 = Transaction(z64, ' ', b'user2', b'desc2', b'', [

    t2.tid = zodbcommit(stor, t1.tid, t2)

    buf = BytesIO()
    zodbdump(stor, p64(u64(head)+1), None, out=buf)
    dumped = buf.getvalue()

    assert dumped == b''.join([_.zdump() for _ in (t1, t2)])

    # ObjectCopy. XXX zodbcommit handled ObjectCopy by actually copying data,
    # not referencing previous transaction via backpointer.
    t3 = Transaction(z64, ' ', b'user3', b'desc3', b'', [
        ObjectCopy(p64(1), t1.tid)])

    t3.tid = zodbcommit(stor, t2.tid, t3)

    data1_1, _, _ = stor.loadBefore(p64(1), p64(u64(t1.tid)+1))
    data1_3, _, _ = stor.loadBefore(p64(1), p64(u64(t3.tid)+1))
    assert data1_1 == data1_3
    assert data1_1 == b'data1'  # just in case
    def tpc_begin(self, transaction, tid=None, status=' '):
        if self._is_read_only:
            raise POSException.ReadOnlyError()
            if self._transaction is transaction:
                raise POSException.StorageTransactionError(
                    "Duplicate tpc_begin calls for same transaction")
            self._transaction = transaction

            user = transaction.user
            desc = transaction.description
            ext = transaction._extension
            if ext:
                ext = dumps(ext, _protocol)
                ext = ""

            self._ude = user, desc, ext

            if tid is None:
                now = time.time()
                t = TimeStamp(*(time.gmtime(now)[:5] + (now % 60, )))
                self._ts = t = t.laterThan(self._ts)
                self._tid = t.raw()
                self._ts = TimeStamp(tid)
                self._tid = tid

            self._tstatus = status
            self._begin(self._tid, user, desc, ext)
Exemple #7
    def tpc_begin(self, transaction, tid=None, status=' '):
        if self._is_read_only:
            raise POSException.ReadOnlyError()
            if self._transaction is transaction:
                raise POSException.StorageTransactionError(
                    "Duplicate tpc_begin calls for same transaction")
            self._transaction = transaction

            user = transaction.user
            desc = transaction.description
            ext = transaction._extension
            if ext:
                ext = dumps(ext, _protocol)
                ext = ""

            self._ude = user, desc, ext

            if tid is None:
                now = time.time()
                t = TimeStamp(*(time.gmtime(now)[:5] + (now % 60,)))
                self._ts = t = t.laterThan(self._ts)
                self._tid = t.raw()
                self._ts = TimeStamp(tid)
                self._tid = tid

            self._tstatus = status
            self._begin(self._tid, user, desc, ext)
Exemple #8
def transactionAsTuple(txn):
    ext = txn.extension
    return (txn.user, txn.description, dumps(ext, _protocol) if ext else '',
            txn.status == 'p', txn.tid)
 def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_0_class_pickle(self):
     from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata
     from ZODB._compat import dumps
     pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=0)
                      (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))
Exemple #10
 def test_get_pickle_metadata_w_protocol_2_class_pickle(self):
     from ZODB.utils import get_pickle_metadata
     from ZODB._compat import dumps
     pickle = dumps(ExampleClass, protocol=2)
                      (__name__, ExampleClass.__name__))
Exemple #11
 def tpc_vote(self, transaction):
     """Store current transaction."""
     txn_context = self._txn_container.get(transaction)
     ttid = txn_context.ttid
     ext = transaction._extension
     ext = dumps(ext, _protocol) if ext else ''
     # user and description are cast to str in case they're unicode.
     # BBB: This is not required anymore with recent ZODB.
     packet = Packets.AskStoreTransaction(ttid, str(transaction.user),
         str(transaction.description), ext, list(txn_context.cache_dict))
     queue = txn_context.queue
     conn_dict = txn_context.conn_dict
     # Ask in parallel all involved storage nodes to commit object metadata.
     # Nodes that store the transaction metadata get a special packet.
     trans_nodes = txn_context.write(self, packet, ttid)
     packet = Packets.AskVoteTransaction(ttid)
     for uuid in conn_dict:
         if uuid not in trans_nodes:
             self._askStorageForWrite(txn_context, uuid, packet)
     if None in conn_dict.itervalues(): # unlikely
         # If some writes failed, we must first check whether
         # all oids have been locked by at least one node.
         failed = {node.getUUID(): node.isRunning()
             for node in self.nm.getStorageList()
             if conn_dict.get(node.getUUID(), 0) is None}
         if txn_context.lockless_dict:
             getCellList = self.pt.getCellList
             for offset, uuid_set in txn_context.lockless_dict.iteritems():
                 for cell in getCellList(offset):
                     uuid = cell.getUUID()
                     if not (uuid in failed or uuid in uuid_set):
                     # Very unlikely. Instead of raising, we could recover
                     # the transaction by doing something similar to
                     # deadlock avoidance; that would be done before voting.
                     # But it's not worth the complexity.
                     raise NEOStorageError(
                         'partition %s not fully write-locked' % offset)
         failed = [uuid for uuid, running in failed.iteritems() if running]
         # If there are running nodes for which some writes failed, ask the
         # master whether they can be disconnected while keeping the cluster
         # operational. If possible, this will happen during tpc_finish.
         if failed:
                 self._askPrimary(Packets.FailedVote(ttid, failed))
             except ConnectionClosed:
     txn_context.voted = True
     # We must not go further if connection to master was lost since
     # tpc_begin, to lower the probability of failing during tpc_finish.
     # IDEA: We can improve in 2 opposite directions:
     #       - In the case of big transactions, it would be useful to
     #         also detect failures earlier.
     #       - If possible, recover from master failure.
     if txn_context.error:
         raise NEOStorageError(txn_context.error)
     if OLD_ZODB:
         return [(oid, ResolvedSerial)
             for oid in txn_context.resolved_dict]
     return txn_context.resolved_dict