Exemple #1
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    now = datetime.date.today()

    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)

    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))
        if( not(now - then < delta)):
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    for i in iterator:
        object_types = {}
        for o in i:
            ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
                stats[ot] = stats[ot] + 1
            except KeyError:
                stats[ot] = 1

    for (o,n) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v, reverse=True):
        print "%6d: %s" % (n,o)
Exemple #2
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    now = datetime.date.today()

    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)

    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))
        if( not(now - then < delta)):
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    for i in iterator:
        object_types = {}
        for o in i:
            ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
                stats[ot] = stats[ot] + 1
            except KeyError:
                stats[ot] = 1

    for (o,n) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k,v): v, reverse=True):
        print "%6d: %s" % (n,o)
Exemple #3
def run(path, tid):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)

    th = prev_txn(f)
    while (str(TimeStamp(th.tid)) != tid):
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    header = TxnHeader(f, th._pos)
    for i in iterator:
        if (str(TimeStamp(i.tid)) == tid):
            print "\nTRANSACTION: ", TimeStamp(
                i.tid), i.user, i.description, pretty_size(header.length), "\n"
            header = header.next_txn()
            object_types = {}
            for o in i:
                ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
                print " - ", ot, pretty_size(len(o.data))
                ob = cPickle.loads(o.data)
                # Not sure why some objects are stored as tuple (object, ())
                if type(ob) == tuple and len(ob) == 2:
                    ob = ob[0]
                if hasattr(ob, "__dict__"):
                    for i in ob.__dict__.items():
                        if str(i[0]) == "__doc__":
                            print "\t('__doc__',", i[1], ")"
                        elif not callable(i[1]):
                            print "\t", i
                    print "can't extract:" + str(ob)
def run(path, tid):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)

    th = prev_txn(f)
    while (str(TimeStamp(th.tid)) != tid):
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    header = TxnHeader(f,th._pos)
    for i in iterator:
        if(str(TimeStamp(i.tid)) == tid):
            print "\nTRANSACTION: ", TimeStamp(i.tid), i.user, i.description, pretty_size(header.length),"\n"
            header = header.next_txn()
            object_types = {}
            for o in i:
                ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
                print " - ", ot, pretty_size(len(o.data))
                ob = cPickle.loads(o.data)
                # Not sure why some objects are stored as tuple (object, ())
                if type(ob) == tuple and len(ob) == 2:
                    ob = ob[0]
                if hasattr(ob, "__dict__"):
                    for i in ob.__dict__.items():
                        if str(i[0]) == "__doc__":
                            print "\t('__doc__',", i[1],")"
                        elif not callable(i[1]):
                            print "\t",i
                    print "can't extract:" + str(ob)
Exemple #5
def run(path, ntxn, orderTransactions):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)

    th = prev_txn(f)
    for i in range(ntxn - 1):
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    header = TxnHeader(f, th._pos)
    transactions = []

    for i in iterator:
            "tid": TimeStamp(i.tid),
            "user": i.user,
            "desc": i.description,
            "len": header.length,
            "objs": None

        header = header.next_txn()

        object_types = {}
        for o in i:
            ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
            if ot in object_types:
                size, count = object_types[ot]
                object_types[ot] = (size + len(o.data), count + 1)
                object_types[ot] = (len(o.data), 1)

        keys = object_types.keys()
        transactions[-1]["objs"] = object_types

    if orderTransactions:
        transactions = sorted(transactions,
                              key=lambda (d): d["len"],
    for tr in transactions:
        print "\n\nTRANSACTION: ", tr["tid"], tr["user"], tr[
            "desc"], pretty_size(tr["len"])
        object_types = tr["objs"]
        keys = object_types.keys()
        for k in sorted(keys, key=lambda (k): object_types[k][0],
            # count, class, size (aggregate)
            print " - ", object_types[k][1], k, pretty_size(object_types[k][0])
Exemple #6
def main(path, ntxn):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    th = prev_txn(f)
    i = ntxn
    while th and i > 0:
        hash = sha1(th.get_raw_data()).digest()
        l = len(str(th.get_timestamp())) + 1
        print "%s: hash=%s" % (th.get_timestamp(), binascii.hexlify(hash))
        print("user=%r description=%r length=%d offset=%d" %
              (th.user, th.descr, th.length, th.get_data_offset()))
        th = th.prev_txn()
        i -= 1
Exemple #7
def main(path, ntxn):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    th = prev_txn(f)
    i = ntxn
    while th and i > 0:
        hash = sha1(th.get_raw_data()).digest()
        l = len(str(th.get_timestamp())) + 1
        print "%s: hash=%s" % (th.get_timestamp(),
        print ("user=%r description=%r length=%d offset=%d"
               % (th.user, th.descr, th.length, th.get_data_offset()))
        th = th.prev_txn()
        i -= 1
def run(path, ntxn, orderTransactions):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)

    th = prev_txn(f)
    for i in range(ntxn - 1):
        th = th.prev_txn()

    reader = Reader()
    iterator = FileIterator(path, pos=th._pos)
    header = TxnHeader(f, th._pos)
    transactions = []

    for i in iterator:
            {"tid": TimeStamp(i.tid), "user": i.user, "desc": i.description, "len": header.length, "objs": None}

        header = header.next_txn()

        object_types = {}
        for o in i:
            ot = reader.getIdentity(o.data)
            if ot in object_types:
                size, count = object_types[ot]
                object_types[ot] = (size + len(o.data), count + 1)
                object_types[ot] = (len(o.data), 1)

        keys = object_types.keys()
        transactions[-1]["objs"] = object_types

    if orderTransactions:
        transactions = sorted(transactions, key=lambda (d): d["len"], reverse=True)
    for tr in transactions:
        print "\n\nTRANSACTION: ", tr["tid"], tr["user"], tr["desc"], pretty_size(tr["len"])
        object_types = tr["objs"]
        keys = object_types.keys()
        for k in sorted(keys, key=lambda (k): object_types[k][0], reverse=True):
            # count, class, size (aggregate)
            print " - ", object_types[k][1], k, pretty_size(object_types[k][0])
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    size = os.path.getsize(path)

    now = datetime.date.today()

    notPackedDays = []

    for day in range(notPacked):
        notPackedDays.append(str(now - timedelta(days=day + 1)))

        # day->size
    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)
    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))

        if now - then < delta:
            dateT = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", [int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
                stats[dateT] = stats[dateT] + th.length
            except KeyError:
                stats[dateT] = th.length
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()


    total = 0
    totalPacked = 0
    daysPacked = 0
    for (d, s) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True):
        print d, "size:", pretty_size(s),
        date = str(d)
        if date in notPackedDays or date == str(now):
            print "(not yet packed)"
            totalPacked = totalPacked + s
            daysPacked = daysPacked + 1
        total = total + s

    if int(totalPacked):
        average = totalPacked / int(daysPacked)
        average = 0

    print "\n-- ALREADY PACKED DAYS--"
    print "The amount of data added in", daysPacked, "days is", pretty_size(totalPacked)
    print "Average", pretty_size(average), "per day"

    print "Following this trend, the size of the database will be:"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 + size), " in 1 year"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 2 + size), " in 2 years"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 10 + size), " in 10 years"

    print "\n-- ALL DAYS --"
    print "The amount of data added in", days, "days is", pretty_size(total)
    if int(total):
        print "Average", pretty_size(total / int(days)), "per day"
        print "Average 0bytes per day"
def run(path, days, notPacked):
    f = open(path, "rb")
    f.seek(0, 2)
    size = os.path.getsize(path)

    now = datetime.date.today()

    notPackedDays = []

    for day in range(notPacked):
        notPackedDays.append(str(now - timedelta(days=day + 1)))

    stats = {}
    th = prev_txn(f)
    bool = True
    while bool:
        ts = TimeStamp(th.tid)
        then = datetime.date(int(ts.year()), int(ts.month()), int(ts.day()))
        delta = timedelta(days=int(days))

        if (now - then < delta):
            dateT = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", [
                int(ts.day()), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
                stats[dateT] = stats[dateT] + th.length
            except KeyError:
                stats[dateT] = th.length
            bool = False
        th = th.prev_txn()


    total = 0
    totalPacked = 0
    daysPacked = 0
    for (d, s) in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True):
        print d, "size:", pretty_size(s),
        date = str(d)
        if (date in notPackedDays or date == str(now)):
            print "(not yet packed)"
            totalPacked = totalPacked + s
            daysPacked = daysPacked + 1
        total = total + s

    if int(totalPacked):
        average = totalPacked / int(daysPacked)
        average = 0

    print "\n-- ALREADY PACKED DAYS--"
    print "The amount of data added in", daysPacked, "days is", pretty_size(
    print "Average", pretty_size(average), "per day"

    print "Following this trend, the size of the database will be:"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 + size), " in 1 year"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 2 + size), " in 2 years"
    print "\t", pretty_size(average * 365 * 10 + size), " in 10 years"

    print "\n-- ALL DAYS --"
    print "The amount of data added in", days, "days is", pretty_size(total)
    if int(total):
        print "Average", pretty_size(total / int(days)), "per day"
        print "Average 0bytes per day"