print("Avg current: ", np.mean(curr_array), " Amps") print("Temperature: ", np.mean(temp_array), " Celcius") print("Predicted dark current: ", diode.dark(np.mean(temp_array)), " Amps") if save_file: file_base = "//READYSHARE/USB_Storage/GusFiles/test_data" file_path = file_base + "/SonyPTC_" + file_suffix + "%s.txt" number = 1 while os.path.exists(file_path % number): number += 1 f = open(file_path % number, "wb") head = "exposure_time_ms," + str(names) savedata = np.concatenate( (test_exp[:, None], np.transpose(noise_array)), axis=1) np.savetxt(f, savedata, header=head, delimiter="\t") f.close() data = np.loadtxt(file_path % number, unpack=True) lambda_nm = data[:, 0] curr_A = data[:, 1] power_W = data[:, 0] except Exception as e: keys.close() raise e keys.close()
class testGui(object): def __init__(self): self.root = tk.Tk() # font to use for titles uline = font.Font(underline = True) # test variables object contains all information needed to run a test. self.testVars = testVars() ## top frame self.masterFrame = tk.Frame(self.root, relief = tk.GROOVE, bd = 4, width = 666) # self.masterFrame.grid(sticky = tk.N) self.masterFrame.grid(sticky = tk.E+tk.W+tk.N+tk.S) self.root.title("Imagica Test Suite") self.label = tk.Label(self.masterFrame, text = "All Devices", justify = 'center', font = uline) self.label.grid(sticky=tk.N) """ electrometer frame """ subframe = tk.Frame(self.masterFrame, relief = tk.RIDGE, bd = 2) subframe.grid(sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.W) subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.W) label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "Keysight Electrometer", font = uline) label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.enableKeysight = tk.IntVar() command = lambda: self.enableDevice("Keysight", self.enableKeysight.get()) enable = tk.Checkbutton(subsubframe, text = "Enable", variable = self.enableKeysight, command = command) enable.grid(sticky = tk.W, row = 0, column = 1) # This little frame contains the entry and label field. It is easier to organize. subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.N) # the maximum current defines the range self.maxCurrBox = tk.Entry(subsubframe) self.maxCurrBox.insert(0, "0") label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "Maximum Current Readout (ex. 2E-10): ") label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.maxCurrBox.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.W) subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.N) # the maximum current defines the range self.timeCurrBox = tk.Entry(subsubframe) label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "Averageing time (ms : 0 for automatic): ") label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.timeCurrBox.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.W) subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.NW) # the maximum current defines the range self.startBiasBox = tk.Entry(subsubframe) label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "Start Output Voltage (V): ") label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.startBiasBox.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.W) subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.NW) # the maximum current defines the range self.endBiasBox = tk.Entry(subsubframe) label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "End Output Voltage (V): ") label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.endBiasBox.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.W) subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.NW) # the maximum current defines the range self.sweepStepsBox = tk.Entry(subsubframe) label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "Voltage Sweep Steps: ") label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.sweepStepsBox.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = tk.W) self.sweepBool = tk.IntVar() command = lambda: self.enableEntry([self.endVoltBox, self.sweepStepsBox], self.sweepBool.get()) self.sweepSwitch = tk.Checkbutton(subframe, text = "Voltage sweep?", variable = self.sweepBool, command = command) self.sweepSwitch.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.goBut = tk.Button(subframe, text = "Save", command = self.saveElec) self.goBut.grid(sticky = tk.N) """ spectrometer frame """ subframe = tk.Frame(self.masterFrame, relief = tk.RIDGE, bd = 2, width = 666) subframe.grid(sticky=tk.E+tk.W) subsubframe = tk.Frame(subframe) subsubframe.grid(sticky = tk.N) label = tk.Label(subsubframe, text = "Jaz Spectrometer", justify = 'center', font = uline) label.grid(sticky = tk.W) self.enableSpect = tk.IntVar() command = lambda: self.enableDevice("Spect", self.enableSpect.get()) enable = tk.Checkbutton(subsubframe, text = "Enable", variable = self.enableSpect, command = command) enable.grid(sticky = tk.E, row = 0, column = 1) command = lambda: self.spect.get_intentities() self.frame_But = tk.Button(subframe, text = "Get Spectrum", command = self.get_sensor_frame) self.frame_But.grid(sticky = tk.N) """ TLS frame """ subframe = tk.Frame(self.masterFrame, relief = tk.RIDGE, bd = 2) subframe.grid(sticky=tk.N) label = tk.Label(subframe, text = "Newport TLS", font = uline) label.grid(sticky = tk.N) self.enableTLS = tk.IntVar() command = lambda: self.enableDevice("TLS", self.enableTLS.get()) enable = tk.Checkbutton(subframe, text = "Enable", variable = self.enableTLS, command = command) enable.grid(sticky = tk.E, row = 0) """ Sensor frame """ title = "Sony Sensor" self.Frame = tk.Frame(self.masterFrame, relief = tk.RIDGE, bd = 2) self.Frame.grid(sticky=tk.N) Lab = tk.Label(self.Frame, text = title, font = uline) Lab.grid(sticky = tk.N) self.frame_But = tk.Button(self.Frame, text = "Grab Frame", command = self.get_sensor_frame) self.frame_But.grid(sticky = tk.N) """ Button to run the test """ runBut = tk.Button(self.masterFrame, text = "Run Test", command = lambda: self.runTest()) # runBut.grid(row=frame_row_ind, column = 0) runBut. grid(sticky = tk.N) def run(self): self.root.mainloop() """ Gui functions """ # Right now it just prints the max current. def saveElec(self): self.testVars.keysight.curr_range = float(self.maxCurrBox.get()) self.testVars.keysight.aperature_time = float(self.timeCurrBox.get()) self.testVars.keysight.start = float(self.startBiasBox.get()) self.testVars.keysight.end = float(self.endBiasBox.get()) self.testVars.keysight.steps = float(self.stepBiasBox.get()) print(self.testVars.keysight.curr_range) def enableEntry(self, entry_boxes, enable = True): if enable: state = "normal" else: state = "disabled" for box in entry_boxes: box.configure(state = state) def enableDevice(self, deviceTypeStr, enable): if deviceTypeStr is "Spect": if enable: self.Spect = Spect() else: self.Spect.close() if deviceTypeStr is "Keysight": if enable: self.Keys = Keysight() self.testVars.keysight.enable = True else: self.Keys.close() self.testVars.keysight.enable = False def get_sensor_frame(self): try: from _FTDI_Sensor import sensor sens = sensor() sens.print_frame() except SerialException as e: print("Unable to connect to the sensor.\n",e) def runTest(self): print("running!") print(self.testVars)