Exemple #1
def updateMatter(action=None):
    v = buildGAPIObject()
    matterId = getMatterItem(v, sys.argv[3])
    body = {}
    action_kwargs = {'body': {}}
    add_collaborators = []
    remove_collaborators = []
    cd = None
    i = 4
    while i < len(sys.argv):
        myarg = sys.argv[i].lower().replace('_', '')
        if myarg == 'action':
            action = sys.argv[i+1].lower()
            if action not in VAULT_MATTER_ACTIONS:
                controlflow.system_error_exit(3, f'allowed actions are ' \
                    f'{", ".join(VAULT_MATTER_ACTIONS)}, got {action}')
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'name':
            body['name'] = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'description':
            body['description'] = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['addcollaborator', 'addcollaborators']:
            if not cd:
                cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
            add_collaborators.extend(validateCollaborators(sys.argv[i+1], cd))
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['removecollaborator', 'removecollaborators']:
            if not cd:
                cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
                validateCollaborators(sys.argv[i+1], cd))
            i += 2
            controlflow.invalid_argument_exit(sys.argv[i], "gam update matter")
    if action == 'delete':
        action_kwargs = {}
    if body:
        print(f'Updating matter {sys.argv[3]}...')
        if 'name' not in body or 'description' not in body:
            # bah, API requires name/description to be sent
            # on update even when it's not changing
            result = gapi.call(v.matters(), 'get',
                               matterId=matterId, view='BASIC')
            body.setdefault('name', result['name'])
            body.setdefault('description', result.get('description'))
        gapi.call(v.matters(), 'update', body=body, matterId=matterId)
    if action:
        print(f'Performing {action} on matter {sys.argv[3]}')
        gapi.call(v.matters(), action, matterId=matterId, **action_kwargs)
    for collaborator in add_collaborators:
        print(f' adding collaborator {collaborator["email"]}')
        body = {'matterPermission': {'role': 'COLLABORATOR',
                                     'accountId': collaborator['id']}}
        gapi.call(v.matters(), 'addPermissions', matterId=matterId, body=body)
    for collaborator in remove_collaborators:
        print(f' removing collaborator {collaborator["email"]}')
        gapi.call(v.matters(), 'removePermissions', matterId=matterId,
                  body={'accountId': collaborator['id']})
Exemple #2
def getHoldInfo():
    v = buildGAPIObject()
    hold = sys.argv[3]
    matterId = None
    i = 4
    while i < len(sys.argv):
        myarg = sys.argv[i].lower().replace('_', '')
        if myarg == 'matter':
            matterId = getMatterItem(v, sys.argv[i+1])
            holdId = convertHoldNameToID(v, hold, matterId)
            i += 2
            controlflow.invalid_argument_exit(myarg, "gam info hold")
    if not matterId:
            3, 'you must specify a matter for the hold.')
    results = gapi.call(v.matters().holds(), 'get',
                        matterId=matterId, holdId=holdId)
    cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
    if 'accounts' in results:
        account_type = 'group' if results['corpus'] == 'GROUPS' else 'user'
        for i in range(0, len(results['accounts'])):
            uid = f'uid:{results["accounts"][i]["accountId"]}'
            acct_email = __main__.convertUIDtoEmailAddress(
                uid, cd, [account_type])
            results['accounts'][i]['email'] = acct_email
    if 'orgUnit' in results:
        results['orgUnit']['orgUnitPath'] = __main__.doGetOrgInfo(
            results['orgUnit']['orgUnitId'], return_attrib='orgUnitPath')
Exemple #3
def createMatter():
    v = buildGAPIObject()
    matter_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    body = {'name': f'New Matter - {matter_time}'}
    collaborators = []
    cd = None
    i = 3
    while i < len(sys.argv):
        myarg = sys.argv[i].lower().replace('_', '')
        if myarg == 'name':
            body['name'] = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'description':
            body['description'] = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['collaborator', 'collaborators']:
            if not cd:
                cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
            collaborators.extend(validateCollaborators(sys.argv[i+1], cd))
            i += 2
            controlflow.invalid_argument_exit(sys.argv[i], "gam create matter")
    matterId = gapi.call(v.matters(), 'create', body=body,
    print(f'Created matter {matterId}')
    for collaborator in collaborators:
        print(f' adding collaborator {collaborator["email"]}')
        body = {'matterPermission': {
            'role': 'COLLABORATOR',
            'accountId': collaborator['id']}}
        gapi.call(v.matters(), 'addPermissions', matterId=matterId, body=body)
Exemple #4
def getMatterInfo():
    v = buildGAPIObject()
    matterId = getMatterItem(v, sys.argv[3])
    result = gapi.call(v.matters(), 'get', matterId=matterId, view='FULL')
    if 'matterPermissions' in result:
        cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
        for i in range(0, len(result['matterPermissions'])):
            uid = f'uid:{result["matterPermissions"][i]["accountId"]}'
            user_email = __main__.convertUIDtoEmailAddress(uid, cd)
            result['matterPermissions'][i]['email'] = user_email
Exemple #5
def buildGAPIObject():
    return __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
Exemple #6
def buildGAPIObject():
    return __main__.buildGAPIObject('reports')
Exemple #7
def build_gapi():
    return __main__.buildGAPIObject('storage')
Exemple #8
def updateHold():
    v = buildGAPIObject()
    hold = sys.argv[3]
    matterId = None
    body = {}
    query = None
    add_accounts = []
    del_accounts = []
    start_time = None
    end_time = None
    i = 4
    while i < len(sys.argv):
        myarg = sys.argv[i].lower().replace('_', '')
        if myarg == 'matter':
            matterId = getMatterItem(v, sys.argv[i+1])
            holdId = convertHoldNameToID(v, hold, matterId)
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'query':
            query = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['orgunit', 'ou']:
            body['orgUnit'] = {'orgUnitId': __main__.getOrgUnitId(sys.argv[i+1])[1]}
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['start', 'starttime']:
            start_time = utils.get_date_zero_time_or_full_time(sys.argv[i+1])
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['end', 'endtime']:
            end_time = utils.get_date_zero_time_or_full_time(sys.argv[i+1])
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['addusers', 'addaccounts', 'addgroups']:
            add_accounts = sys.argv[i+1].split(',')
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['removeusers', 'removeaccounts', 'removegroups']:
            del_accounts = sys.argv[i+1].split(',')
            i += 2
            controlflow.invalid_argument_exit(myarg, "gam update hold")
    if not matterId:
            3, 'you must specify a matter for the hold.')
    if query or start_time or end_time or body.get('orgUnit'):
        fields = 'corpus,query,orgUnit'
        old_body = gapi.call(v.matters().holds(
        ), 'get', matterId=matterId, holdId=holdId, fields=fields)
        body['query'] = old_body['query']
        body['corpus'] = old_body['corpus']
        if 'orgUnit' in old_body and 'orgUnit' not in body:
            # bah, API requires this to be sent
            # on update even when it's not changing
            body['orgUnit'] = old_body['orgUnit']
        query_type = f'{body["corpus"].lower()}Query'
        if body['corpus'] == 'DRIVE':
            if query:
                    body['query'][query_type] = json.loads(query)
                except ValueError as e:
                    message = f'{str(e)}, query: {query}'
                    controlflow.system_error_exit(3, message)
        elif body['corpus'] in ['GROUPS', 'MAIL']:
            if query:
                body['query'][query_type]['terms'] = query
            if start_time:
                body['query'][query_type]['startTime'] = start_time
            if end_time:
                body['query'][query_type]['endTime'] = end_time
    if body:
        print(f'Updating hold {hold} / {holdId}')
        gapi.call(v.matters().holds(), 'update',
                  matterId=matterId, holdId=holdId, body=body)
    if add_accounts or del_accounts:
        cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
        for account in add_accounts:
            print(f'adding {account} to hold.')
            add_body = {'accountId': __main__.convertEmailAddressToUID(account, cd)}
            gapi.call(v.matters().holds().accounts(), 'create',
                      matterId=matterId, holdId=holdId, body=add_body)
        for account in del_accounts:
            print(f'removing {account} from hold.')
            accountId = __main__.convertEmailAddressToUID(account, cd)
            gapi.call(v.matters().holds().accounts(), 'delete',
                      matterId=matterId, holdId=holdId, accountId=accountId)
Exemple #9
def createHold():
    v = buildGAPIObject()
    allowed_corpuses = gapi.get_enum_values_minus_unspecified(
    body = {'query': {}}
    i = 3
    query = None
    start_time = None
    end_time = None
    matterId = None
    accounts = []
    while i < len(sys.argv):
        myarg = sys.argv[i].lower().replace('_', '')
        if myarg == 'name':
            body['name'] = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'query':
            query = sys.argv[i+1]
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'corpus':
            body['corpus'] = sys.argv[i+1].upper()
            if body['corpus'] not in allowed_corpuses:
                    "corpus", ", ".join(allowed_corpuses), sys.argv[i+1])
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['accounts', 'users', 'groups']:
            accounts = sys.argv[i+1].split(',')
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['orgunit', 'ou']:
            body['orgUnit'] = {
                'orgUnitId': __main__.getOrgUnitId(sys.argv[i+1])[1]}
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['start', 'starttime']:
            start_time = utils.get_date_zero_time_or_full_time(sys.argv[i+1])
            i += 2
        elif myarg in ['end', 'endtime']:
            end_time = utils.get_date_zero_time_or_full_time(sys.argv[i+1])
            i += 2
        elif myarg == 'matter':
            matterId = getMatterItem(v, sys.argv[i+1])
            i += 2
            controlflow.invalid_argument_exit(sys.argv[i], "gam create hold")
    if not matterId:
            3, 'you must specify a matter for the new hold.')
    if not body.get('name'):
            3, 'you must specify a name for the new hold.')
    if not body.get('corpus'):
        controlflow.system_error_exit(3, f'you must specify a corpus for ' \
          f'the new hold. Choose one of {", ".join(allowed_corpuses)}')
    if body['corpus'] == 'HANGOUTS_CHAT':
        query_type = 'hangoutsChatQuery'
        query_type = f'{body["corpus"].lower()}Query'
    body['query'][query_type] = {}
    if body['corpus'] == 'DRIVE':
        if query:
                body['query'][query_type] = json.loads(query)
            except ValueError as e:
                controlflow.system_error_exit(3, f'{str(e)}, query: {query}')
    elif body['corpus'] in ['GROUPS', 'MAIL']:
        if query:
            body['query'][query_type] = {'terms': query}
        if start_time:
            body['query'][query_type]['startTime'] = start_time
        if end_time:
            body['query'][query_type]['endTime'] = end_time
    if accounts:
        body['accounts'] = []
        cd = __main__.buildGAPIObject('directory')
        account_type = 'group' if body['corpus'] == 'GROUPS' else 'user'
        for account in accounts:
                {'accountId': __main__.convertEmailAddressToUID(account,
    holdId = gapi.call(v.matters().holds(), 'create',
                       matterId=matterId, body=body, fields='holdId')
    print(f'Created hold {holdId["holdId"]}')
Exemple #10
def buildGAPIObject():
    return __main__.buildGAPIObject('vault')