Exemple #1
        def position(self, i):
            print('Debris clickeed', Debris.TI)

            ti = Debris.TI
            dx, dy = randint(0, 5), randint(0, 5)
            self._t.tween(200, x=280+dx+16*ti//3, y=154+dx+16*ti % 3, w=16, h=16)
            Debris.TI += 1
 def random_pokemon():
     y = __random.randint(0, Pokemon.grid_height - 1)
     x = 0
     if y == Pokemon.grid_height - 1:
         x = __random.randint(0, Pokemon.short_grid_width - 1)
         x = __random.randint(0, Pokemon.grid_width - 1)
     return EnemyPokemon(0, 0, x, y)
Exemple #3
        def __init__(self, drs, fig, crafty, world):
            print('Treeclickeed__init__', i)
            self.world = world
            self.i = i
            dx, dy = randint(0, 20), randint(0, 10)
            self._t = crafty.e('2D, Canvas, Mouse, Tween, debris%d' % fig)\
                .attr(x=360+dx+16*drs//4, y=134+dy+16*drs % 4, w=16, h=16, _globalZ=15)

            self._t.bind("Click", self.click)
 def random_splice(str):
     begin = __random.randint(0,len(str)/2)
     end = __random.randint(len(str)/2, len(str))
     withIter = __random.choice([True, False, False])
     iter = None
     if withIter:
         iter = __random.randint(0, end - begin) + 1
         iter = 1
     return ListSplice(begin, end, iter, str)
Exemple #5
        def _position(self, i):
            print('Treeclickeed', Tree.TI)

            ti = Tree.TI
            dx, dy = randint(0, 14), randint(0, 14)
            self._t.tween(200, x=140+dx+25*ti//3, y=180+dx+25*ti % 3, w=20, h=20)
            Tree.TI += 1
            self._click = self._brake
            if Tree.TI >= 8:
Exemple #6
def urandom(n):
    """urandom(n) -> str    
    Return n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use."""
    import __random

    randbytes = [chr(__random.randint(0, 256)) for i in range(n)]
    return "".join(randbytes)
Exemple #7
def urandom(n):
    """urandom(n) -> str    
    Return n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use."""
    import __random
    randbytes= [__random.randint(0,255) for i in range(n)]
    return bytes(randbytes)
 def random(level):
     return Number(__random.randint(0, 10))
 def generate_problem():
     choice = __random.randint(0,1)
     if choice == 0:
         return ListSplice.generate_list_splice()
     return Expression.generate_exp_question()
Exemple #10
 def fruitfall(self):
     for fruit in range(12):
         self.crafty.e('2D, Canvas, Tween, fruit%d' % fruit)\
             .attr(x=280 + 20*fruit//3, y=140+20*fruit % 3, w=16, h=16, _globalZ=14)\
             .tween(randint(100, 3000), y=140+10+20*fruit % 3)
Exemple #11
def urandom(n):
    """urandom(n) -> str    
    Return n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use."""
    import __random
    randbytes = [chr(__random.randint(0, 256)) for i in range(n)]
    return ''.join(randbytes)
Exemple #12
    def randRange(self, mini, maxi):
        """Random Range. :class:`crafty.core.BCrafty`

        :returns: a number ranging from mini to maxi
        return randint(mini, maxi)
Exemple #13
    def randRange(self, mini, maxi):
        """Random Range. :class:`crafty.core.BCrafty`

        :returns: a number ranging from mini to maxi
        return randint(mini, maxi)
Exemple #14
def urandom(n):
    """urandom(n) -> str    
    Return n random bytes suitable for cryptographic use."""
    import __random
    randbytes = [__random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(n)]
    return bytes(randbytes)