def pop(self, uniqId=0, erase=True): ''' @brief: 弹出item @param uniqId: item的id,如果为0,按FIFO弹出 @type uniqId: int @param erase: 弹出后是否从字典里删除item @type erase: bool @return: item @rtype: any type ''' ret = None # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock) if uniqId < 0 and self.__data: uniqId = self.__data.keys()[0] if uniqId in self.__queue: self.__queue.remove(uniqId) if not uniqId and self.__queue: uniqId = self.__queue.pop(0) if uniqId: if erase: ret = self.__data.pop(uniqId, None) else: ret = self.__data.get(uniqId, None) # self.__lock.release() return ret[0] if ret else None
def __updateConHashProxyWeighted(self): tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:updateConHashProxyWeighted') lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) if len(self.__regAdapterProxyDict) == 0: raise TarsException("the adapter proxy is empty") self.__lastConHashPrxList = sorted(self.__regAdapterProxyDict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) nodes = [] for var in self.__lastConHashPrxList: nodes.append(var[0]) if self.__consistentHashWeight is None: self.__consistentHashWeight = ConsistentHashNew(nodes) else: theOldActiveNodes = [ var for var in nodes if var in self.__consistentHashWeight.nodes ] theOldInactiveNodes = [ var for var in self.__consistentHashWeight.nodes if var not in theOldActiveNodes ] for var in theOldInactiveNodes: self.__consistentHashWeight.removeNode(var) theNewActiveNodes = [ var for var in nodes if var not in theOldActiveNodes ] for var in theNewActiveNodes: self.__consistentHashWeight.addNode(var) self.__consistentHashWeight.nodes = nodes pass
def __getNextValidProxy(self): ''' @brief: 刷新本地缓存列表,如果服务下线了,要求删除本地缓存 @return: @rtype: EndPointInfo列表 @todo: 优化负载均衡算法 ''' tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:getNextValidProxy') lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) if len(self.__adps) == 0: raise TarsException("the activate adapter proxy is empty") sortedActivateAdp = sorted(self.__adps.items(), key=lambda item: item[1][2]) # self.refreshEndpoints() # self.__lock.acquire() sortedActivateAdpSize = len(sortedActivateAdp) while sortedActivateAdpSize != 0: if sortedActivateAdp[0][1][1].checkActive(): self.__adps[sortedActivateAdp[0][0]][2] += 1 # 返回的是 adapterProxy return self.__adps[sortedActivateAdp[0][0]][1] sortedActivateAdp.pop(0) sortedActivateAdpSize -= 1 # 随机重连一个可用节点 adpPrx = self.__adps.items()[random.randint(0, len(self.__adps))][1][1] adpPrx.checkActive() return None
def timeout(self): ''' @brief: 检测是否有item超时,如果有就删除 @return: None @rtype: None ''' endtime = time.time() # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock) # 处理异常情况,防止死锁 try: new_data = {} new_queue = self.__queue[:] for uniqId, item in self.__data.iteritems(): if endtime - item[1] < self.__timeout: new_data[uniqId] = item else: if uniqId in new_queue: new_queue.remove(uniqId) tarsLogger.debug('TimeoutQueue:timeout remove id : %d' % uniqId) self.__data = new_data self.__queue = new_queue finally: # self.__lock.release() pass
def setEndpoints(self, eplist, ieplist): ''' @brief: 设置服务端信息 @para eplist: 活跃的被调节点列表 @para ieplist: 不活跃的被调节点列表 ''' tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:setEndpoints') adps = {} iadps = {} comm = self.__comm isNeedNotify = False # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) isStartStatic = True for ep in eplist: if ep.getWeightType() == 0: isStartStatic = False epstr = str(ep) if epstr in self.__adps: adps[epstr] = self.__adps[epstr] continue isNeedNotify = True self.__update = True adapter = AdapterProxy() adapter.initialize(ep, self.__object, comm.getReactor(), comm.getAsyncProc()) adapter.activatestateinreg = True adps[epstr] = [ep, adapter, 0] self.__adps, adps = adps, self.__adps for iep in ieplist: iepstr = str(iep) if iepstr in self.__iadps: iadps[iepstr] = self.__iadps[iepstr] continue isNeedNotify = True adapter = AdapterProxy() adapter.initialize(iep, self.__object, comm.getReactor(), comm.getAsyncProc()) adapter.activatestateinreg = False iadps[iepstr] = [iep, adapter, 0] self.__iadps, iadps = iadps, self.__iadps if isStartStatic: self.__weightType = EndpointWeightType.E_STATIC_WEIGHT else: self.__weightType = EndpointWeightType.E_LOOP # self.__lock.release() if isNeedNotify: self.__notifyEndpoints(self.__adps, self.__iadps) # 关闭已经失效的连接 for ep in adps: if ep not in self.__adps: adps[ep][1].terminate()
def size(self): ''' @brief: 获取队列长度 @return: 队列长度 @rtype: int ''' # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock) ret = len(self.__data) # self.__lock.release() return ret
def terminate(self): ''' @brief: 释放资源 ''' tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:terminate') # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) for ep, epinfo in self.__adps.iteritems(): epinfo[1].terminate() self.__adps = {} self.__lock.release()
def __checkConHashChange(self, lastConHashPrxList): tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:checkConHashChange') lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) if len(lastConHashPrxList) != len(self.__regAdapterProxyDict): return True regAdapterProxyList = sorted( self.__regAdapterProxyDict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) regAdapterProxyListSize = len(regAdapterProxyList) for index in range(regAdapterProxyListSize): if cmp(lastConHashPrxList[index][0], regAdapterProxyList[index][0]) != 0: return True return False
def getEndpoints(self): ''' @brief: 获取可用服务列表 如果启用分组,只返回同分组的服务端ip @return: 获取节点列表 @rtype: EndPointInfo列表 ''' tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:getEndpoints') # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) ret = [x[1][0] for x in self.__adps.items()] # self.__lock.release() return ret
def generateId(self): ''' @brief: 生成唯一id,0 < id < 2 ** 32 @return: id @rtype: int ''' # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock) ret = self.__uniqId ret = (ret + 1) % 0x7FFFFFFF while ret <= 0: ret = (ret + 1) % 0x7FFFFFFF self.__uniqId = ret # self.__lock.release() return ret
def peek(self, uniqId): ''' @brief: 根据uniqId获取item,不会删除item @param uniqId: item的id @type uniqId: int @return: item @rtype: any type ''' # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock) ret = self.__data.get(uniqId, None) # self.__lock.release() if not ret: return None return ret[0]
def __getWeightedProxy(self): tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:getWeightedProxy') lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) if len(self.__adps) == 0: raise TarsException("the activate adapter proxy is empty") if self.__update is True: self.__lastWeightedProxyData.clear() weightedProxyData = {} minWeight = (self.__adps.items()[0][1][0]).getWeight() for item in self.__adps.items(): weight = (item[1][0].getWeight()) weightedProxyData[item[0]] = (weight) if minWeight > weight: minWeight = weight if minWeight <= 0: addWeight = -minWeight + 1 for item in weightedProxyData.items(): item[1] += addWeight self.__update = False self.__lastWeightedProxyData = weightedProxyData weightedProxyData = self.__lastWeightedProxyData while len(weightedProxyData) > 0: total = sum(weightedProxyData.values()) rand = random.randint(1, total) temp = 0 for item in weightedProxyData.items(): temp += item[1] if rand <= temp: if self.__adps[item[0]][1].checkActive(): self.__adps[item[0]][2] += 1 return self.__adps[item[0]][1] else: weightedProxyData.pop(item[0]) break # 没有一个活跃的节点 # 随机重连一个可用节点 adpPrx = self.__adps.items()[random.randint( 0, len(self.__adps))][1][1] adpPrx.checkActive() return None
def checkActive(self, forceConnect=False): ''' @brief: 检测连接是否失效 @param forceConnect: 是否强制发起连接,为true时不对状态进行判断就发起连接 @type forceConnect: bool @return: 连接是否有效 @rtype: bool ''' tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxy:checkActive') # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock)'checkActive, %s, forceConnect: %s', self.__trans.getEndPointInfo(), forceConnect) if not self.__trans.isConnecting() and not self.__trans.hasConnected(): self.doReconnect() # self.__lock.release() return self.__trans.isConnecting() or self.__trans.hasConnected()
def push(self, item, uniqId): ''' @brief: 数据入队列,如果队列已经有了uniqId,插入失败 @param item: 插入的数据 @type item: any type @return: 插入是否成功 @rtype: bool ''' begtime = time.time() ret = True # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__lock) if uniqId in self.__data: ret = False else: self.__data[uniqId] = [item, begtime] self.__queue.append(uniqId) # self.__lock.release() return ret
def __getConHashProxyForNormal(self, hashCode): tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:getConHashProxyForNormal') lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) if len(self.__regAdapterProxyDict) == 0: raise TarsException("the adapter proxy is empty") if self.__consistentHashWeight is None or self.__checkConHashChange( self.__lastConHashPrxList): self.__updateConHashProxyWeighted() if len(self.__consistentHashWeight.nodes) > 0: conHashIndex = self.__consistentHashWeight.getNode(hashCode) if conHashIndex in self.__regAdapterProxyDict and self.__regAdapterProxyDict[ conHashIndex][ 1].activatestateinreg and self.__regAdapterProxyDict[ conHashIndex][1].checkActive(): self.__regAdapterProxyDict[conHashIndex][2] += 1 if conHashIndex in self.__adps: self.__adps[conHashIndex][2] += 1 elif conHashIndex in self.__iadps: self.__iadps[conHashIndex][2] += 1 return self.__regAdapterProxyDict[conHashIndex][1] else: if len(self.__adps) == 0: raise TarsException("the activate adapter proxy is empty") activeProxyList = self.__adps.items() actPrxSize = len(activeProxyList) while actPrxSize != 0: hashNum = hashCode % actPrxSize if activeProxyList[hashNum][1][1].checkActive(): self.__adps[activeProxyList[hashNum][0]][2] += 1 return self.__adps[activeProxyList[hashNum][0]][1] activeProxyList.pop(hashNum) actPrxSize -= 1 # 随机重连一个可用节点 adpPrx = self.__adps.items()[random.randint( 0, len(self.__adps))][1][1] adpPrx.checkActive() return None pass else: return self.__getHashProxyForNormal(hashCode)
def __getHashProxyForNormal(self, hashCode): tarsLogger.debug('AdapterProxyManager:getHashProxyForNormal') # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) regAdapterProxyList = sorted(self.__regAdapterProxyDict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) allPrxSize = len(regAdapterProxyList) if allPrxSize == 0: raise TarsException("the adapter proxy is empty") hashNum = hashCode % allPrxSize if regAdapterProxyList[hashNum][1][ 1].activatestateinreg and regAdapterProxyList[hashNum][1][ 1].checkActive(): epstr = regAdapterProxyList[hashNum][0] self.__regAdapterProxyDict[epstr][2] += 1 if epstr in self.__adps: self.__adps[epstr][2] += 1 elif epstr in self.__iadps: self.__iadps[epstr][2] += 1 return self.__regAdapterProxyDict[epstr][1] else: if len(self.__adps) == 0: raise TarsException("the activate adapter proxy is empty") activeProxyList = self.__adps.items() actPrxSize = len(activeProxyList) while actPrxSize != 0: hashNum = hashCode % actPrxSize if activeProxyList[hashNum][1][1].checkActive(): self.__adps[activeProxyList[hashNum][0]][2] += 1 return self.__adps[activeProxyList[hashNum][0]][1] activeProxyList.pop(hashNum) actPrxSize -= 1 # 随机重连一个可用节点 adpPrx = self.__adps.items()[random.randint(0, len( self.__adps))][1][1] adpPrx.checkActive() return None
def __notifyEndpoints(self, actives, inactives): # self.__lock.acquire() lock = LockGuard(self.__newLock) self.__regAdapterProxyDict.clear() self.__regAdapterProxyDict.update(actives) self.__regAdapterProxyDict.update(inactives)