def _get_contained_items_from_db(self, page, per_page): cic = self.contained_item_classes[0] try: cursor = config.get_db_cursor() if cic == '': id_query = sql.SQL('''SELECT address_detail_pid FROM gnaf.address_detail ORDER BY address_detail_pid LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}''').format( limit=sql.Literal(per_page), offset=sql.Literal((page - 1) * per_page)) label_prefix = 'Address' elif cic == '': id_query = sql.SQL('''SELECT locality_pid FROM gnaf.locality ORDER BY locality_pid LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}''').format( limit=sql.Literal(per_page), offset=sql.Literal((page - 1) * per_page)) label_prefix = 'Locality' elif cic == '': id_query = sql.SQL('''SELECT street_locality_pid FROM gnaf.street_locality ORDER BY street_locality_pid LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}''').format( limit=sql.Literal(per_page), offset=sql.Literal((page - 1) * per_page)) label_prefix = 'Street Locality' elif cic == '': id_query = sql.SQL('''SELECT address_site_pid FROM gnaf.address_site ORDER BY address_site_pid LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}''').format( limit=sql.Literal(per_page), offset=sql.Literal((page - 1) * per_page)) label_prefix = 'Address Site' else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot get DB objects for unknown contained item class.") cursor.execute(id_query) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: item_pid = row[0] uri = ''.join([self.uri, item_pid]) label = ' '.join([label_prefix, 'ID:', item_pid]) self.register_items.append((uri, label, item_pid)) except Exception as e: print( "Uh oh, can't connect to DB. Invalid dbname, user or password?" ) print(e)
def export_rdf(self, view='ISO19160', format='text/turtle'): g = Graph() a = URIRef(self.uri) if view == 'ISO19160': # get the components from the DB needed for ISO19160 s = sql.SQL('''SELECT address_type, address_site_name FROM {dbschema}.address_site WHERE address_site_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) try: cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: address_type = record[0] address_site_name = record[1] except Exception as e: print( "Uh oh, can't connect to DB. Invalid dbname, user or password?" ) print(e) AddressComponentTypeUriBase = '' ISO = Namespace( '') g.bind('iso19160', ISO) g.add((a, RDF.type, ISO.Address)) ac_site_name = BNode() g.add((ac_site_name, RDF.type, ISO.AddressComponent)) g.add((ac_site_name, ISO.valueInformation, Literal(address_site_name, datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((ac_site_name, ISO.type, URIRef(AddressComponentTypeUriBase + 'siteName'))) g.add((a, ISO.addressComponent, ac_site_name)) elif view == 'gnaf': raise NotImplementedError( "RDF Representation of the GNAF View of an addressSite is not yet implemented." ) # TODO: implement DCT RDF elif view == 'dct': raise NotImplementedError( "RDF Representation of the DCT View of an addressSite is not yet implemented." ) # TODO: implement DCT RDF else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot render an RDF representation of that View.") return g
def get_localities_in_state(state_pid): cursor = config.get_db_cursor() s = '''SELECT locality_pid FROM gnaf.locality WHERE state_pid = '{}' ORDER BY locality_pid;'''.format(state_pid) cursor.execute(s) with open('localities_state_{}.txt'.format(state_pid), 'w') as f: for row in cursor.fetchall(): r = config.reg(cursor, row) f.write(str(r.locality_pid) + '\n')
def get_state_addresses(state_pid): cursor = config.get_db_cursor() s = '''SELECT address_detail_pid FROM gnaf.address_detail WHERE locality_pid IN (SELECT locality_pid FROM gnaf.locality WHERE state_pid = '{}') ORDER BY address_detail_pid;'''.format(state_pid) cursor.execute(s) with open('addresses_state_{}.txt'.format(state_pid), 'w') as f: for row in cursor.fetchall(): r = config.reg(cursor, row) f.write(str(r.address_detail_pid) + '\n')
def run(index_file, file_id, data_file_count): logging.basicConfig(filename='graph_builder.log', level=logging.DEBUG, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') ''' - For each Address in the Address Register, - Create an Address class instance using the ID - Serialise that to a file ''' DATA_FILE_LENGTH_MAX = 100000 cursor = config.get_db_cursor() data_file_stem = 'data-address-' + str(file_id) + "-" # for idx, addr in enumerate(cursor.fetchall()): for idx, addr in enumerate(open(index_file, 'r').readlines()): a = addr.strip() try: # record the Address being processed in case of failure # every DATA_FILE_LENGTH_MAXth URI, create a new destination file if (idx + 1) % DATA_FILE_LENGTH_MAX == 0: data_file_count += 1 with open(data_file_stem + str(data_file_count).zfill(4) + '.nt', 'a') as fl: fl.write( model.address.Address( a, focus=True, db_cursor=cursor).export_rdf(view='gnaf').serialize( format='nt').decode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: logging.log(logging.DEBUG, 'address ' + a, e) print('address ' + a + '\n') print(e) with open('faulty.log', 'a') as f: f.write(addr + '\n') finally: logging.log(logging.INFO, 'Last accessed Address: ' + a)
def export_html(self, view='gnaf'): # connect to DB cursor = config.get_db_cursor() if view == 'gnaf': # make a human-readable address s = sql.SQL('''SELECT address_type, address_site_name FROM {dbschema}.address_site WHERE address_site_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: address_type = row[0] address_site_name = row[1] # get a list of addressSiteGeocodeIds from the address_site_geocode table s2 = sql.SQL('''SELECT address_site_geocode_pid, geocode_type FROM {dbschema}.address_site_geocode_view WHERE address_site_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s2) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: self.address_site_geocode_ids[row[0]] = row[1].title() view_html = render_template( 'class_addressSite_gnaf.html',, address_site_name=address_site_name, address_type=address_type, address_site_geocode_ids=self.address_site_geocode_ids) elif view == 'ISO19160': view_html = render_template('class_addressSite_ISO19160.html', ) elif view == 'dct': s = sql.SQL('''SELECT address_type, address_site_name FROM {dbschema}.address_site WHERE address_site_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: address_type = record[0] address_site_name = record[1] view_html = render_template('class_addressSite_dct.html',, title='Address Site' +, description=address_site_name, source='G-NAF, 2016', type='AddressSite') else: return NotImplementedError( "HTML representation of View '{}' is not implemented.".format( view)) return view_html
def export_html(self, view='gnaf'): if view == 'gnaf': # initialise parameters in case no results are returned from SQL latitude = None longitude = None geocode_type = None locality_name = None geometry_wkt = None street_string = None # make a human-readable street s = sql.SQL('''SELECT a.street_name, a.street_type_code, a.street_suffix_code, a.latitude, a.longitude, a.geocode_type, a.locality_pid, b.locality_name, st.prefLabel AS street_type_label, st.uri AS street_type_uri, ss.prefLabel AS street_suffix_label, ss.uri AS street_suffix_uri FROM {dbschema}.street_view a INNER JOIN {dbschema}.locality_view b ON a.locality_pid = b.locality_pid LEFT JOIN codes.street st ON a.street_type_code = st.code LEFT JOIN codes.streetsuffix ss ON a.street_suffix_code = ss.code WHERE street_locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: r = config.reg(cursor, row) self.street_name = r.street_name.title() self.street_type = r.street_type_code.title() self.street_suffix = r.street_suffix_code.title( ) if r.street_suffix_code is not None else None latitude = r.latitude longitude = r.longitude geocode_type = r.geocode_type.title( ) if r.geocode_type is not None else None self.locality_pid = r.locality_pid locality_name = r.locality_name.title() self.street_type_label = r.street_type_label self.street_type_uri = r.street_type_uri self.street_suffix_label = r.street_suffix_label self.street_suffix_uri = r.street_suffix_uri geometry_wkt = self.make_wkt_literal( longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude) if latitude is not None else None street_string = '{}{}{}'.format( self.street_name, ' ' + self.street_type.title() if self.street_type is not None else '', ' ' + self.street_suffix.title() if self.street_suffix is not None else '') # aliases s2 = sql.SQL('''SELECT street_locality_alias_pid, street_name, street_type_code, street_suffix_code, alias_type_code FROM {dbschema}.street_locality_alias WHERE street_locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) cursor.execute(s2) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: r = config.reg(cursor, row) street_string = '{}{}{}'.format( r.street_name, ' ' + r.street_type_code.title() if r.street_type_code is not None else '', ' ' + r.street_suffix_code.title() if r.street_suffix_code is not None else '') self.street_locality_aliases[ r.street_locality_alias_pid] = street_string view_html = render_template( 'class_streetLocality_gnaf.html', street_string=street_string,, street_name=self.street_name, street_type=self.street_type, street_type_label=self.street_type_label, street_type_uri=self.street_type_uri, street_suffix=self.street_suffix, street_suffix_label=self.street_suffix_label, street_suffix_uri=self.street_suffix_uri, locality_name=locality_name, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, geocode_uri= '', geocode_label=geocode_type, geometry_wkt=geometry_wkt, locality_pid=self.locality_pid, street_locality_aliases=self.street_locality_aliases) elif view == 'ISO19160': view_html = render_template('class_streetLocality_ISO19160.html', ) elif view == 'dct': s = sql.SQL('''SELECT street_name, street_type_code, street_suffix_code, latitude, longitude, geocode_type, locality_pid FROM {dbschema}.street_view WHERE street_locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) try: cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: self.street_name = record[0] self.street_type = record[1] self.street_suffix = record[2] latitude = record[3] longitude = record[4] geocode_type = record[5].title() self.locality_pid = record[6] geometry_wkt = self.make_wkt_literal(longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude) street_string = '{} {} {}'\ .format(self.street_name, self.street_type, self.street_suffix) except Exception as e: print( "Uh oh, can't connect to DB. Invalid dbname, user or password?" ) print(e) view_html = render_template('class_streetLocality_dct.html',, title='Street ' +, description=street_string, coverage=geometry_wkt, source='G-NAF, 2016', type='Street') else: return NotImplementedError( "HTML representation of View '{}' for StreetLocality is not implemented." .format(view)) return view_html
def export_rdf(self, view='ISO19160'): g = Graph() a = URIRef(self.uri) if view == 'ISO19160': # get the components from the DB needed for ISO19160 s = sql.SQL('''SELECT street_name, street_type_code, street_suffix_code, latitude, longitude, geocode_type, locality_pid FROM {dbschema}.street_view WHERE street_locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: ac_street_value = record[0].title() if (record[1] is not None): ac_street_value += ' {}'.format(record[1].title()) if (record[2] is not None): ac_street_value += ' {}'.format(record[2].title()) geometry_wkt = '<> POINT({} {})'.format( record[3], record[4]) self.locality_pid = record[6] AddressComponentTypeUriBase = '' AddressPositionTypeUriBase = '' ISO = Namespace( '') g.bind('iso19160', ISO) GEO = Namespace('') g.bind('geo', GEO) g.add((a, RDF.type, ISO.Address)) ac_street = BNode() g.add((ac_street, RDF.type, ISO.AddressComponent)) g.add((ac_street, ISO.valueInformation, Literal(ac_street_value, datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((ac_street, ISO.type, URIRef(AddressComponentTypeUriBase + 'thoroughfareName'))) g.add((a, ISO.addressComponent, ac_street)) geometry = BNode() g.add((geometry, RDF.type, GEO.Geometry)) g.add((geometry, GEO.asWKT, Literal(geometry_wkt, datatype=GEO.wktLiteral))) position_geometry = BNode() g.add((position_geometry, RDF.type, ISO.GM_Object)) g.add((position_geometry, GEO.hasGeometry, geometry)) position = BNode() g.add((position, RDF.type, ISO.AddressPosition)) g.add((position, ISO.geometry, position_geometry)) g.add((position, ISO.type, URIRef(AddressPositionTypeUriBase + 'centroid'))) g.add((a, ISO.position, position)) elif view == 'gnaf': # get the components from the DB needed for gnaf s = sql.SQL('''SELECT street_name, street_type_code, street_suffix_code, latitude, longitude, geocode_type, locality_pid FROM {dbschema}.street_view WHERE street_locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal(, dbschema=sql.Identifier(config.DB_SCHEMA)) cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: self.street_name = record[0].title() if (record[1] is not None): self.street_type = record[1].title() if (record[2] is not None): self.street_suffix = record[2].title() latitude = record[3] longitude = record[4] if latitude is not None: geometry_wkt = self.make_wkt_literal(latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude) self.locality_pid = record[6] RDFS = Namespace('') g.bind('rdfs', RDFS) GNAF = Namespace('') g.bind('gnaf', GNAF) GEO = Namespace('') g.bind('geo', GEO) PROV = Namespace('') g.bind('prov', PROV) DCT = Namespace('') g.bind('dct', DCT) s = URIRef(self.uri) locality_uri = URIRef(config.URI_LOCALITY_INSTANCE_BASE + self.locality_pid) # RDF: declare Address instance g.add((s, RDF.type, GNAF.StreetLocality)) g.add( (s, GNAF.hasName, Literal(self.street_name, datatype=XSD.string))) if self.street_type is not None: g.add( (s, GNAF.hasStreetType, URIRef( '' + self.street_type))) if self.street_suffix is not None: g.add(( s, GNAF.hasStreetSuffix, URIRef( '' + self.street_suffix))) # g.add((a, GNAF.hasDateCreated, Literal(self.date_created, # if self.date_retired is not None: # g.add((s, GNAF.hasDateRetired, Literal(self.date_retired, g.add((s, GNAF.hasLocality, URIRef(locality_uri))) # RDF: geometry if geometry_wkt is not None: geocode = BNode() g.add((geocode, RDF.type, GNAF.Geocode)) g.add(( geocode, GNAF.gnafType, URIRef( '' ))) g.add((geocode, RDFS.label, Literal('Locality', datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((geocode, GEO.asWKT, Literal(geometry_wkt, datatype=GEO.wktLiteral))) g.add((s, GEO.hasGeometry, geocode)) if hasattr(self, 'street_locality_aliases'): for k, v in self.street_locality_aliases.items(): a = BNode() g.add((a, RDF.type, GNAF.Alias)) g.add((URIRef(self.uri), GNAF.hasAlias, a)) g.add(( a, GNAF.gnafType, URIRef( '' ))) g.add((a, RDFS.label, Literal(v['street_locality_name'], datatype=XSD.string))) elif view == 'dct': raise NotImplementedError( "RDF Representation of the DCT View for StreetLocality is not yet implemented." ) # TODO: implement DCT RDF else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot render an RDF representation of that View.") return g
def export_html(self, view='gnaf'): if view == 'gnaf': view_html = render_template( 'class_locality_gnaf.html', locality_name=self.locality_name, latitude=self.latitude, longitude=self.longitude, geocode_type=self.geocode_type, geometry_wkt=self.make_wkt_literal(longitude=self.longitude, latitude=self.latitude), state_uri=self.state_uri, state_label=self.state_label, geocode_uri= '', geocode_label='Locality', alias_localities=self.alias_localities, locality_neighbours=self.locality_neighbours) elif view == 'ISO19160': view_html = render_template('class_locality_ISO19160.html', ) elif view == 'dct': s = sql.SQL('''SELECT locality_name, latitude, longitude, geocode_type, locality_pid, state_pid FROM gnaf.locality_view WHERE locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal( try: cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: locality_name = record[0] latitude = record[1] longitude = record[2] geocode_type = record[3].title() locality_pid = record[4] state_pid = record[5] geometry_wkt = self.make_wkt_literal(longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude) except Exception as e: print( "Uh oh, can't connect to DB. Invalid dbname, user or password?" ) print(e) view_html = render_template('class_locality_dct.html',, title='Locality ' +, description=locality_name, coverage=geometry_wkt, source='G-NAF, 2016', type='Locality') else: return NotImplementedError( "HTML representation of View '{}' for Location is not implemented." .format(view)) return view_html
def export_rdf(self, view='gnaf', format='text/turtle'): g = Graph() a = URIRef(self.uri) if view == 'ISO19160': # get the components from the DB needed for ISO19160 s = sql.SQL('''SELECT locality_name, latitude, longitude, geocode_type, locality_pid, state_pid FROM gnaf.locality_view WHERE locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal( try: cursor = config.get_db_cursor() # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args cursor.execute(s) for record in cursor: ac_locality_value = record[0].title() latitude = record[1] longitude = record[2] geometry_wkt = self.make_wkt_literal(longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude) except Exception as e: print( "Uh oh, can't connect to DB. Invalid dbname, user or password?" ) print(e) AddressComponentTypeUriBase = '' AddressPositionTypeUriBase = '' ISO = Namespace( '') g.bind('iso19160', ISO) GEO = Namespace('') g.bind('geo', GEO) g.add((a, RDF.type, ISO.Address)) ac_locality = BNode() g.add((ac_locality, RDF.type, ISO.AddressComponent)) g.add((ac_locality, ISO.valueInformation, Literal(ac_locality_value, datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((ac_locality, ISO.type, URIRef(AddressComponentTypeUriBase + 'locality'))) g.add((a, ISO.addressComponent, ac_locality)) geometry = BNode() g.add((geometry, RDF.type, GEO.Geometry)) g.add((geometry, GEO.asWKT, Literal(geometry_wkt, datatype=GEO.wktLiteral))) position_geometry = BNode() g.add((position_geometry, RDF.type, ISO.GM_Object)) g.add((position_geometry, GEO.hasGeometry, geometry)) position = BNode() g.add((position, RDF.type, ISO.AddressPosition)) g.add((position, ISO.geometry, position_geometry)) g.add((position, ISO.type, URIRef(AddressPositionTypeUriBase + 'centroid'))) g.add((a, ISO.position, position)) elif view == 'gnaf': RDFS = Namespace('') g.bind('rdfs', RDFS) GNAF = Namespace('') g.bind('gnaf', GNAF) GEO = Namespace('') g.bind('geo', GEO) PROV = Namespace('') g.bind('prov', PROV) DCT = Namespace('') g.bind('dct', DCT) l = URIRef(self.uri) # RDF: declare Address instance g.add((l, RDF.type, GNAF.Locality)) g.add((l, GNAF.hasName, Literal(self.locality_name, datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((a, GNAF.hasDateCreated, Literal(self.date_created, if self.date_retired is not None: g.add((a, GNAF.hasDateRetired, Literal(self.date_retired, g.add((l, GNAF.hasState, URIRef(self.state_uri))) # RDF: geometry geocode = BNode() g.add((geocode, RDF.type, GNAF.Geocode)) g.add(( geocode, GNAF.gnafType, URIRef( '' ))) g.add((geocode, RDFS.label, Literal('Locality', datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((geocode, GEO.asWKT, Literal(self.make_wkt_literal(longitude=self.longitude, latitude=self.latitude), datatype=GEO.wktLiteral))) g.add((a, GEO.hasGeometry, geocode)) if hasattr(self, 'alias_localities'): for k, v in self.alias_localities.items(): a = BNode() g.add((a, RDF.type, GNAF.Alias)) g.add((URIRef(self.uri), GNAF.hasAlias, a)) g.add(( a, GNAF.gnafType, URIRef( '' ))) g.add((a, RDFS.label, Literal(v['locality_name'], datatype=XSD.string))) if hasattr(self, 'locality_neighbours'): for k, v in self.locality_neighbours.items(): g.add((l, GNAF.hasNeighbour, URIRef(config.URI_LOCALITY_INSTANCE_BASE + k))) elif view == 'dct': raise NotImplementedError( "RDF Representation of the DCT View for Locality is not yet implemented." ) # TODO: implement DCT RDF else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot render an RDF representation of that View.") return g
def __init__(self, identifier, db_cursor=None): = identifier self.uri = config.URI_LOCALITY_INSTANCE_BASE + identifier # DB connection if db_cursor is not None: self.cursor = db_cursor else: self.cursor = config.get_db_cursor() self.locality_name = None self.latitude = None self.longitude = None self.date_created = None self.date_retired = None self.geocode_type = None self.geometry_wkt = None self.state_pid = None self.alias_localities = dict() self.locality_neighbours = dict() # get data from DB s = sql.SQL('''SELECT locality_name, l.date_created, l.date_retired, primary_postcode, latitude, longitude, s.uri AS state_uri, s.prefLabel AS state_label FROM gnaf.locality l INNER JOIN gnaf.locality_point lp on l.locality_pid = lp.locality_pid LEFT JOIN codes.state s ON CAST(l.state_pid AS text) = s.code WHERE l.locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal( self.cursor.execute(s) rows = self.cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: r = config.reg(self.cursor, row) self.locality_name = r.locality_name.title() self.latitude = r.latitude self.longitude = r.longitude self.date_created = r.date_created self.date_retired = r.date_retired self.state_uri = r.state_uri self.state_label = r.state_label if self.latitude is not None and self.longitude is not None: self.geometry_wkt = self.make_wkt_literal( longitude=self.longitude, latitude=self.latitude) s2 = sql.SQL('''SELECT locality_alias_pid, name, uri, prefLabel FROM gnaf.locality_alias LEFT JOIN codes.alias a ON gnaf.locality_alias.alias_type_code = a.code WHERE locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal( # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args self.cursor.execute(s2) rows = self.cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: r = config.reg(self.cursor, row) alias = dict() alias['locality_name'] = alias['subclass_uri'] = r.uri alias['subclass_label'] = r.preflabel self.alias_localities[r.locality_alias_pid] = alias # get a list of localityNeighbourIds from the locality_alias table s3 = sql.SQL('''SELECT a.neighbour_locality_pid, b.locality_name FROM gnaf.locality_neighbour a INNER JOIN gnaf.locality_view b ON a.neighbour_locality_pid = b.locality_pid WHERE a.locality_pid = {id}''') \ .format(id=sql.Literal( # get just IDs, ordered, from the address_detail table, paginated by class init args self.cursor.execute(s3) rows = self.cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: r = config.reg(self.cursor, row) self.locality_neighbours[ r.neighbour_locality_pid] = r.locality_name.title()