def xform_points(points, xf, to_xf):

    txf = to_xf.inverse()
    tf = xform_matrix(txf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, tf)
def bond_points(bonds, xform, bond_point_spacing):
    if bond_point_spacing == None and use_bond_zone():
        bond_point_spacing = bond_zone_point_spacing()

    if bond_point_spacing == None:
        return []

    xyz_list = []
    for b in bonds:
        c = bond_point_count(b, bond_point_spacing)
        if c > 0:
            xyz1, xyz2 = map(lambda a: a.xformCoord().data(), b.atoms)
            for k in range(c):
                fb = float(k+1) / (c+1)
                fa = 1-fb
                xyz = map(lambda a,b: fa*a + fb*b, xyz1, xyz2)

    from numpy import array, single as floatc, zeros
    if len(xyz_list) > 0:
        points = array(xyz_list, floatc)
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        import _contour
        _contour.affine_transform_vertices(points, xform_matrix(xform))
        points = zeros((0,3), floatc)
    return points
Exemple #3
def fit_points_old(fmap, threshold=None):

    f_m =
    size = list(f_m.shape)

    points = VolumeData.grid_indices(size, numpy.single)  # i,j,k indices
    weights = numpy.ravel(f_m).astype(numpy.single)

    threshold = fmap.surface_levels[0]
    #threshold = .3 * max ( numpy.ravel(f_m).astype(numpy.single) )

    ge = numpy.greater_equal(weights, threshold)
    points = numpy.compress(ge, points, 0)
    weights = numpy.compress(ge, weights)
    nz = numpy.nonzero(weights)[0]

    if len(nz) < len(weights):
        points = numpy.take(points, nz, axis=0)
        weights = numpy.take(weights, nz, axis=0)

    #mass = numpy.sum(weights, dtype=numpy.single)
    #fmap.rotation_center =,points) / mass

    if 1:
        print "FitPoints from %s with threshold %.4f, %d nonzero" % (
  , threshold, len(nz))

    return points, weights
Exemple #4
def bond_points(bonds, xform, bond_point_spacing):

    if bond_point_spacing == None and use_bond_zone():
        bond_point_spacing = bond_zone_point_spacing()

    if bond_point_spacing == None:
        return []

    xyz_list = []
    for b in bonds:
        c = bond_point_count(b, bond_point_spacing)
        if c > 0:
            xyz1, xyz2 = map(lambda a: a.xformCoord().data(), b.atoms)
            for k in range(c):
                fb = float(k + 1) / (c + 1)
                fa = 1 - fb
                xyz = map(lambda a, b: fa * a + fb * b, xyz1, xyz2)

    from numpy import array, single as floatc, zeros
    if len(xyz_list) > 0:
        points = array(xyz_list, floatc)
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        import _contour
        _contour.affine_transform_vertices(points, xform_matrix(xform))
        points = zeros((0, 3), floatc)

    return points
def xform_vectors(vectors, xf, to_xf):

    txf = to_xf.inverse()
    tf = zero_translation(xform_matrix(txf))
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(vectors, tf)
Exemple #6
def bounding_xray_map_symmetry(atoms, pad, volume):

     # Get atom positions.
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    # Transform atom coordinates to volume ijk indices.
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix
    tf = multiply_matrices(,
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    ijk = xyz

    # Find integer bounds.
    from math import floor, ceil
    ijk_min = [int(floor(i-pad)) for i in ijk.min(axis=0)]
    ijk_max = [int(ceil(i+pad)) for i in ijk.max(axis=0)]

    #gather information about unit cell and symmetry
    ijk_cell_size = getattr(, 'unit_cell_size',
    syms =
    step =
    from VolumeFilter import cover
    cg = cover.map_covering_box(volume, ijk_min, ijk_max, ijk_cell_size, syms, step)
    from VolumeViewer import volume_from_grid_data
    v = volume_from_grid_data(cg, show_data = False)
    v.copy_settings_from(volume, copy_region = False)
    return v	
def transform_vertices_and_normals(v, n, xform):

    from Matrix import xform_matrix, zero_translation
    tf = xform_matrix(xform)
    rot = zero_translation(tf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(v, tf)
    affine_transform_vertices(n, rot)
def show_surface(varray, tarray, edge_mask, color, mesh, linewidth, center,
                 rotation, qrotation, coordinate_system, slab, model_id,

    from Commands import parse_rgba
    rgba = parse_rgba(color)

    if coordinate_system:
        from Commands import openStateFromSpec
        os = openStateFromSpec(coordinate_system, 'coordinateSystem')
        cxf = os.xform
        cxf = None

    s = surface_model(model_id, shape_name, cxf)
    sxf = s.openState.xform
    sxfinv = sxf.inverse()

    if cxf is None:
        cxf = sxf

    axis, angle = parse_rotation(rotation, qrotation)
    if axis:
        from chimera import Vector
        csaxis = cxf.apply(Vector(*axis)).data()
        from Matrix import rotation_transform
        saxis = sxfinv.apply(Vector(*csaxis)).data()
        rtf = rotation_transform(saxis, angle)
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        affine_transform_vertices(varray, rtf)

    if center:
        from Commands import parseCenterArg
        center, csys = parseCenterArg(center, 'shape')
        if csys:
            center = csys.xform.apply(center)
            center = cxf.apply(center)
        scenter = sxfinv.apply(center)
        varray +=

    if not slab is None:
        if isinstance(slab, (float, int)):
            pad = (-0.5 * slab, 0.5 * slab)
            pad = parse_floats(slab, 'slab', 2)
        import _surface
        narray = _surface.calculate_vertex_normals(varray, tarray)
        from Mask import depthmask
        varray, tarray = depthmask.slab_surface(varray, tarray, narray, pad)

    p = s.addPiece(varray, tarray, rgba)
    if mesh:
        p.displayStyle = p.Mesh
    if not edge_mask is None:
        p.setEdgeMask(edge_mask)  # Hide spokes of hexagons.
    p.lineThickness = linewidth
    p.save_in_session = True
def show_surface(varray, tarray, edge_mask, color, mesh, linewidth,
                 center, rotation, qrotation, coordinate_system,
                 slab, model_id, shape_name):

    from Commands import parse_rgba
    rgba = parse_rgba(color)

    if coordinate_system:
        from Commands import openStateFromSpec
        os = openStateFromSpec(coordinate_system, 'coordinateSystem')
        cxf = os.xform
        cxf = None
    s = surface_model(model_id, shape_name, cxf)
    sxf = s.openState.xform
    sxfinv = sxf.inverse()

    if cxf is None:
        cxf = sxf

    axis, angle = parse_rotation(rotation, qrotation)
    if axis:
        from chimera import Vector
        csaxis = cxf.apply(Vector(*axis)).data()
        from Matrix import rotation_transform
        saxis = sxfinv.apply(Vector(*csaxis)).data()
        rtf = rotation_transform(saxis, angle)
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        affine_transform_vertices(varray, rtf)

    if center:
        from Commands import parseCenterArg
        center, csys = parseCenterArg(center, 'shape')
        if csys:
            center = csys.xform.apply(center)
            center = cxf.apply(center)
        scenter = sxfinv.apply(center)
        varray +=
    if not slab is None:
        if isinstance(slab, (float,int)):
            pad = (-0.5*slab, 0.5*slab)
            pad = parse_floats(slab, 'slab', 2)
        import _surface
        narray = _surface.calculate_vertex_normals(varray, tarray)
        from Mask import depthmask
        varray, tarray = depthmask.slab_surface(varray, tarray, narray, pad)

    p = s.addPiece(varray, tarray, rgba)
    if mesh:
        p.displayStyle = p.Mesh
    if not edge_mask is None:
        p.setEdgeMask(edge_mask)    # Hide spokes of hexagons.
    p.lineThickness = linewidth
    p.save_in_session = True
def atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    tf = xform_matrix(xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    return xyz
Exemple #11
    def move_objects(self, xf):

        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        tf = xform_matrix(xf)
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        for p in self.pieces:
            varray, tarray = p.geometry
            affine_transform_vertices(varray, tf)
            p.geometry = varray, tarray
def get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, xform_matrix(xform))

    return xyz
def get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, xform_matrix(xform))

    return xyz
def atom_positions(atoms, xform = None):

    import _multiscale
    xyz = _multiscale.get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    if xform:
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        tf = xform_matrix(xform.inverse())
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    return xyz
def transform_atom_positions(atoms, tf, from_atoms = None):

    if from_atoms is None:
        from_atoms = atoms
    import _multiscale
    xyz = _multiscale.get_atom_coordinates(from_atoms, transformed = False)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    from chimera import Point
    for i,a in enumerate(atoms):
Exemple #16
def zone_mask(grid_data, zone_points, zone_radius,
              invert_mask = False, zone_point_mask_values = None):

  from numpy import single as floatc, array, ndarray, zeros, int8, intc

  if not isinstance(zone_points, ndarray):
    zone_points = array(zone_points, floatc)

  if (not zone_point_mask_values is None and
      not isinstance(zone_point_mask_values, ndarray)):
    zone_point_mask_values = array(zone_point_mask_values, int8)

  shape = tuple(reversed(grid_data.size))
  mask_3d = zeros(shape, int8)
  mask_1d = mask_3d.ravel()

  if zone_point_mask_values is None:
    if invert_mask:
      mask_value = 0
      mask_1d[:] = 1
      mask_value = 1

  from VolumeData import grid_indices
  from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
  from _closepoints import find_closest_points, BOXES_METHOD

  size_limit = 2 ** 22          # 4 Mvoxels
  if mask_3d.size > size_limit:
    # Calculate plane by plane to save memory with grid point array
    xsize, ysize, zsize = grid_data.size
    grid_points = grid_indices((xsize,ysize,1), floatc)
    affine_transform_vertices(grid_points, grid_data.ijk_to_xyz_transform)
    zstep = [grid_data.ijk_to_xyz_transform[a][2] for a in range(3)]
    for z in range(zsize):
      i1, i2, n1 = find_closest_points(BOXES_METHOD, grid_points, zone_points,
      offset = xsize*ysize*z
      if zone_point_mask_values is None:
        mask_1d[i1 + offset] = mask_value
        mask_1d[i1 + offset] = zone_point_mask_values[n1]
      grid_points[:,:] += zstep
    grid_points = grid_indices(grid_data.size, floatc)
    affine_transform_vertices(grid_points, grid_data.ijk_to_xyz_transform)
    i1, i2, n1 = find_closest_points(BOXES_METHOD, grid_points, zone_points,
    if zone_point_mask_values is None:
      mask_1d[i1] = mask_value
      mask_1d[i1] = zone_point_mask_values[n1]

  return mask_3d
Exemple #17
def AxesModOffset ( COM=[0,0,0], U=None, Extents=[30,30,30], rad=1.0, f=1.0,
			 alignTo = None ) :
    import _surface
    mol = _surface.SurfaceModel()
    chimera.openModels.add([mol], sameAs = alignTo)
    pos = chimera.Vector(0,0,0)
    axes = AddArrow2 ( pos, chimera.Vector(0,1,0), lY, (cF,.3,.3,1), rad, mol ) = "Riboarrow"
    if U != None :
        R = numpy.array([
						 [  U[0,0], U[0,1], U[0,2], 0.0    ],
						 [  U[1,0], U[1,1], U[1,2], 0.0    ],
						 [  U[2,0], U[2,1], U[2,2], 0.0    ]  ] )
        T = numpy.array([
						 [  1.0, 0.0, 0.0, COM[0]   ],
						 [  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, COM[1]   ],
						 [  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, COM[2]   ]  ] )
        Ti = numpy.array([
						  [  1.0, 0.0, 0.0, Extents[0]*0.7  ],
						  [  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -Extents[1]/2.0   ],
						  [  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -Extents[0]*0.7   ]  ] )
        import Matrix
        M = Matrix.multiply_matrices ( R, Ti )
        M = Matrix.multiply_matrices ( T, M )
        ps = []
        for p in axes.surfacePieces :
            v, t = numpy.copy(p.geometry[0]), numpy.copy(p.geometry[1])
            ps.append ( [v,t,p.color] )
            axes.removePiece ( p )
        import _contour
        for p in ps :
            _contour.affine_transform_vertices( p[0], M )
            axes.addPiece ( p[0], p[1], p[2] )
        from random import random as rand
        clr = ( rand()*.7, rand()*.7, rand()*.7, 1.0 )
	# for p in axes.surfacePieces : p.color = clr
    #for g in axes.surfacePieces :
    #    g.initial_v = numpy.copy ( g.geometry[0] )
    return axes
Exemple #18
def chain_radial_size(chain):

  xyz = chain.lan_chain.source_atom_xyz()
  from numpy import array, multiply, sum
  xyzc = array(xyz)
  from Matrix import xform_matrix
  import _contour
  _contour.affine_transform_vertices(xyzc, xform_matrix(chain.xform))
  multiply(xyzc, xyzc, xyzc)
  r2 = sum(xyzc, axis=1)
  r2max = max(r2)
  import math
  r = math.sqrt(r2max)
  return r
Exemple #19
def AxesMod1 ( COM=[0,0,0], U=None, length=10.0, exfac=10.0, rad=1.0,
              alignTo = None, axes=None ) :

    import _surface
    toaxes = axes
    if toaxes == None :
        toaxes = _surface.SurfaceModel()
        chimera.openModels.add([toaxes], sameAs = alignTo) = "Axes"

    #axes = AddAxes ( rad, Extents[0]*f, Extents[1]*f, Extents[2]*f, 1.0, mol )
    pos = chimera.Vector(0,0,0)
    #mol = AddArrow2 ( pos, chimera.Vector(1,0,0), lX, (cF,0,0,1), rad, mol )
    #mol = AddArrow2 ( pos, chimera.Vector(0,1,0), lY, (0,cF,0,1), rad, mol )
    naxes = AddArrow3 ( pos, chimera.Vector(0,0,1), length, (0,0,1,1), rad, _surface.SurfaceModel() )

    if U != None :
        S = numpy.array([
            [  1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0   ],
            [  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0   ],
            [  0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0   ]  ] )

        P = numpy.array([
            [  1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0   ],
            [  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0   ],
            [  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -length   ]  ] )

        R = numpy.array([
            [  U[0,0], U[0,1], U[0,2], 0.0    ],
            [  U[1,0], U[1,1], U[1,2], 0.0    ],
            [  U[2,0], U[2,1], U[2,2], 0.0    ]  ] )

        T = numpy.array([
            [  1.0, 0.0, 0.0, COM[0]   ],
            [  0.0, 1.0, 0.0, COM[1]   ],
            [  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, COM[2]   ]  ] )

        import Matrix
        M = Matrix.multiply_matrices ( T, R )
        M = Matrix.multiply_matrices ( M, P )
        M = Matrix.multiply_matrices ( M, S )

        import _contour
        for p in naxes.surfacePieces :
            v, t = numpy.copy(p.geometry[0]), numpy.copy(p.geometry[1])
            _contour.affine_transform_vertices( v, M )
            toaxes.addPiece ( v,t,p.color )

    return toaxes
Exemple #20
def texture_surface_piece(p, t, txf, border_color, offset = 0):

    p.textureId = t.texture_id()
    p.useTextureTransparency = ('a' in t.color_mode)
    p.textureModulationColor = t.modulation_rgba()
    p.textureBorderColor = border_color
    va = offset_vertices(p, offset)
    s2tc = t.texture_matrix()
    p2s = p.model.openState.xform
    import Matrix
    p2tc = Matrix.multiply_matrices(s2tc, Matrix.xform_matrix(p2s))
    import _contour
    _contour.affine_transform_vertices(va, p2tc)
    p.textureCoordinates = va
    p.using_surface_coloring = True
def texture_surface_piece(p, t, txf, border_color, offset=0):

    p.textureId = t.texture_id()
    p.useTextureTransparency = ('a' in t.color_mode)
    p.textureModulationColor = t.modulation_rgba()
    p.textureBorderColor = border_color
    va = offset_vertices(p, offset)
    s2tc = t.texture_matrix()
    p2s = p.model.openState.xform
    import Matrix
    p2tc = Matrix.multiply_matrices(s2tc, Matrix.xform_matrix(p2s))
    import _contour
    _contour.affine_transform_vertices(va, p2tc)
    p.textureCoordinates = va
    p.using_surface_coloring = True
Exemple #22
def create_surface(matrix, height, transform, color, interpolate, mesh,
                   smoothing_factor, smoothing_iterations):

    if interpolate == 'cubic':
        matrix = cubic_interpolated_2d_array(matrix)
        from Matrix import multiply_matrices
        transform = multiply_matrices(transform,

    if mesh == 'isotropic':
        vertices, triangles = isotropic_surface_geometry(matrix)
        cell_diagonal_direction = mesh
        vertices, triangles = surface_geometry(matrix, cell_diagonal_direction)

    # Adjust vertex z range.
    x, z = vertices[:,0], vertices[:,2]
    zmin = z.min()
    xsize, zextent = x.max() - x.min(), z.max() - zmin
    z += -zmin
    if zextent > 0:
        if height is None:
            # Use 1/10 of grid voxels in x dimension.
            zscale = 0.1 * xsize / zextent
            # Convert zscale physical units to volume index z size.
            from Matrix import apply_matrix_without_translation, length
            zstep = length(apply_matrix_without_translation(transform, (0,0,1)))
            zscale = (height/zstep) / zextent
        z *= zscale

    # Transform vertices from index units to physical units.
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(vertices, transform)

    if smoothing_factor != 0 and smoothing_iterations > 0:
        from _surface import smooth_vertex_positions
        smooth_vertex_positions(vertices, triangles,
                                smoothing_factor, smoothing_iterations)

    from _surface import SurfaceModel
    sm = SurfaceModel()
    p = sm.addPiece(vertices, triangles, color)
    return sm
Exemple #23
def molecule_grid_data(atoms, resolution, step, pad, cutoff_range,

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates, bounding_box
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)

    # Transform coordinates to local coordinates of the molecule containing
    # the first atom.  This handles multiple unaligned molecules.
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    m0 = atoms[0].molecule
    tf = xform_matrix(m0.openState.xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)

    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)

    origin = [x - pad for x in xyz_min]
    ijk = (xyz - origin) / step
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    sdev = sigma_factor * resolution / step
    from numpy import zeros, float32
    sdevs = zeros((len(atoms), 3), float32)
    sdevs[:] = sdev
    from math import pow, pi, ceil
    normalization = pow(2 * pi, -1.5) * pow(sdev * step, -3)
    shape = [
        int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2 * pad) / step))
        for a in (2, 1, 0)
    matrix = zeros(shape, float32)

    from _gaussian import sum_of_gaussians
    sum_of_gaussians(ijk, anum, sdevs, cutoff_range, matrix)
    matrix *= normalization

    molecules = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(molecules) > 1:
        name = 'molmap res %.3g' % (resolution, )
        name = 'molmap %s res %.3g' % (, resolution)

    from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
    grid = Array_Grid_Data(matrix, origin, (step, step, step), name=name)

    return grid, molecules
Exemple #24
def contacting_transforms(mol, csys, tflist, cdist):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(mol.atoms)
    pxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, identity_matrix
    from numpy import array, float32
    point_tf = xform_matrix(pxf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, point_tf)  # points in reference coords
    ident = array(identity_matrix(), float32)
    from _closepoints import find_close_points_sets, BOXES_METHOD
    ctflist = [
        tf for tf in tflist if len(
            find_close_points_sets(BOXES_METHOD, [(points, ident)], [(
                points, array(tf, float32))], cdist)[0][0]) > 0
    return ctflist
Exemple #25
def contacting_transforms(mol, csys, tflist, cdist):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(mol.atoms)
    pxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, identity_matrix
    from numpy import array, float32
    point_tf = xform_matrix(pxf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, point_tf) # points in reference coords
    ident = array(identity_matrix(),float32)
    from _closepoints import find_close_points_sets, BOXES_METHOD
    ctflist = [tf for tf in tflist if
                                          [(points, ident)],
                                          [(points, array(tf,float32))],
                                          cdist)[0][0]) > 0]
    return ctflist
Exemple #26
def molecule_grid_data(atoms, resolution, step, pad,
                       cutoff_range, sigma_factor):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates, bounding_box
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    # Transform coordinates to local coordinates of the molecule containing
    # the first atom.  This handles multiple unaligned molecules.
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    m0 = atoms[0].molecule
    tf = xform_matrix(m0.openState.xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)

    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)

    origin = [x-pad for x in xyz_min]
    ijk = (xyz - origin) / step
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    sdev = sigma_factor * resolution / step
    from numpy import zeros, float32
    sdevs = zeros((len(atoms),3), float32)
    sdevs[:] = sdev
    from math import pow, pi, ceil
    normalization = pow(2*pi,-1.5)*pow(sdev*step,-3)
    shape = [int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2*pad) / step))
             for a in (2,1,0)]
    matrix = zeros(shape, float32)

    from _gaussian import sum_of_gaussians
    sum_of_gaussians(ijk, anum, sdevs, cutoff_range, matrix)
    matrix *= normalization

    molecules = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(molecules) > 1:
        name = 'molmap res %.3g' % (resolution,)
        name =  'molmap %s res %.3g' % (, resolution)
    from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
    grid = Array_Grid_Data(matrix, origin, (step,step,step), name = name)

    return grid, molecules
Exemple #27
def show_surfnet(surfmol, useMesh, interval, density, color, sameAs=None):

    # Create volume
    q = density == 'Quadratic'
    grid, origin = _surfnet.compute_volume(surfmol, interval, False, q)

    # Contour volume
    from _contour import surface, affine_transform_vertices
    varray, tarray, narray = surface(grid,

    # Hide triangle edges to show square mesh
    from _surface import principle_plane_edges
    hidden_edges = principle_plane_edges(varray, tarray)

    # Scale and shift vertices
    tf = ((interval, 0, 0, origin[0]), (0, interval, 0, origin[1]),
          (0, 0, interval, origin[2]))
    affine_transform_vertices(varray, tf)

    # Create surface/mesh model.
    from _surface import SurfaceModel
    sm = SurfaceModel()

    if color is None:
        rgba = (1, 1, 1, 1)
        rgba = color.rgba()
    p = sm.addPiece(varray, tarray, rgba)
    p.normals = narray
    if useMesh:
        p.displayStyle = p.Mesh
    p.smoothLines = True

    chimera.openModels.add([sm], shareXform=False, sameAs=sameAs)
    return [sm]
Exemple #28
def map_points_and_weights(v, above_threshold, metric = 'sum product'):

    from chimera import Xform
    m, tf_inv = v.matrix_and_transform(Xform(), subregion = None, step = None)
    from Matrix import invert_matrix
    tf = invert_matrix(tf_inv)

    size = list(m.shape)

    from VolumeData import grid_indices
    from numpy import single as floatc, ravel, nonzero, take
    points = grid_indices(size, floatc)        # i,j,k indices
    import _contour
    _contour.affine_transform_vertices(points, tf)

    weights = ravel(m).astype(floatc)

    if above_threshold:
        # Keep only points where density is above lowest displayed threshold
        threshold = min(v.surface_levels)
        from numpy import greater_equal, compress
        ge = greater_equal(weights, threshold)
        points = compress(ge, points, 0)
        weights = compress(ge, weights)

    if metric == 'correlation about mean':
        wm = weights.sum() / len(weights)
        weights -= wm
        # Eliminate points with zero weight.
        nz = nonzero(weights)[0]
        if len(nz) < len(weights):
            points = take(points, nz, axis=0)
            weights = take(weights, nz, axis=0)

    return points, weights
Exemple #29
def tube_surface_piece(ptlist,

    nz = len(ptlist)
    nc = circle_subdivisions
    height = 0
    from Shape.shapecmd import cylinder_geometry
    varray, tarray = cylinder_geometry(radius, height, nz, nc, caps=True)
    tflist = extrusion_transforms(ptlist)
    # Transform circles.
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    for i in range(nz):
        affine_transform_vertices(varray[nc * i:nc * (i + 1), :], tflist[i])
    # Transform cap center points
    affine_transform_vertices(varray[-2:-1, :], tflist[0])
    affine_transform_vertices(varray[-1:, :], tflist[-1])

    # Vertex colors.
    from numpy import empty, float32
    carray = empty((nz * nc + 2, 4), float32)
    for i in range(nz):
        carray[nc * i:nc * (i + 1), :] = pcolors[i]
    carray[-2, :] = pcolors[0]
    carray[-1, :] = pcolors[-1]

    if surface_model is None:
        import _surface
        surface_model = _surface.SurfaceModel()
        from chimera import openModels as om
        if model_id is None:
            model_id = (om.Default, om.Default)
        om.add([surface_model], baseId=model_id[0], subid=model_id[1])

    p = surface_model.addPiece(varray, tarray, (1, 1, 1, 1))
    p.vertexColors = carray
    if radius == 0:
        p.displayStyle = p.Mesh
        p.useLighting = False
    return p
Exemple #30
def tube_surface_piece(ptlist, pcolors, radius, circle_subdivisions,
                       surface_model = None, model_id = None):

    nz = len(ptlist)
    nc = circle_subdivisions
    height = 0
    from Shape.shapecmd import cylinder_geometry
    varray, tarray = cylinder_geometry(radius, height, nz, nc, caps = True)
    tflist = extrusion_transforms(ptlist)
    # Transform circles.
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    for i in range(nz):
        affine_transform_vertices(varray[nc*i:nc*(i+1),:], tflist[i])
    # Transform cap center points
    affine_transform_vertices(varray[-2:-1,:], tflist[0])
    affine_transform_vertices(varray[-1:,:], tflist[-1])

    # Vertex colors.
    from numpy import empty, float32
    carray = empty((nz*nc+2,4), float32)
    for i in range(nz):
        carray[nc*i:nc*(i+1),:] = pcolors[i]
    carray[-2,:] = pcolors[0]
    carray[-1,:] = pcolors[-1]

    if surface_model is None:
        import _surface
        surface_model = _surface.SurfaceModel()
        from chimera import openModels as om
        if model_id is None:
            model_id = (om.Default, om.Default)
        om.add([surface_model], baseId = model_id[0], subid = model_id[1])
    p = surface_model.addPiece(varray, tarray, (1,1,1,1))
    p.vertexColors = carray
    if radius == 0:
        p.displayStyle = p.Mesh
        p.useLighting = False
    return p
def apply_transform(tf, v):

  from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
  affine_transform_vertices(v, tf)
Exemple #32
    def computeVolume(self, atoms, frame_ids, volumeName=None, spacing=0.5, radiiTreatment="ignored"):
        #function taken from Movie/ and tweaked to compute volume based on an array of frame_ids
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        gridData = {}
        from math import floor
        from numpy import array, float32, concatenate
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        insideDeltas = {}
        include = {}
        sp2 = spacing * spacing
        for fn in frame_ids:
            cs =
            if not cs:
      "Loading frame %d" % fn)
      , makeCurrent=False)
                cs =

  "Processing frame %d" % fn)
            pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
                if bound is not None:
                    steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs)
                        for a in steadyAtoms], float32)
                    closeIndices = find_close_points(
                        BOXES_METHOD, steadyPoints,
                        #otherPoints, bound)[1]
                        pts, bound)[1]
                    pts = pts[closeIndices]
                    xf, inv =[fn]
                except KeyError:
                    xf, inv =
          [fn] = (xf, inv)
                xf = xform_matrix(xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
            if radiiTreatment != "ignored":
                ptArrays = [pts]
                for pt, radius in zip(pts, [a.radius for a in atoms]):
                    if radius not in insideDeltas:
                        mul = 1
                        deltas = []
                        rad2 = radius * radius
                        while mul * spacing <= radius:
                            for dx in range(-mul, mul+1):
                                for dy in range(-mul, mul+1):
                                    for dz in range(-mul, mul+1):
                                        if radiiTreatment == "uniform" \
                                        and min(dx, dy, dz) > -mul and max(dx, dy, dz) < mul:
                                        key = tuple(sorted([abs(dx), abs(dy), abs(dz)]))
                                        if key not in include.setdefault(radius, {}):
                                            include[radius][key] = (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
                                                    ) * sp2 <= rad2
                                        if include[radius][key]:
                                            deltas.append([d*spacing for d in (dx,dy,dz)])
                            mul += 1
                        insideDeltas[radius] = array(deltas)
                        if len(deltas) < 10:
                            print deltas
                    if insideDeltas[radius].size > 0:
                        ptArrays.append(pt + insideDeltas[radius])
                pts = concatenate(ptArrays)
            # add a half-voxel since volume positions are
            # considered to be at the center of their voxel
            from numpy import floor, zeros
            pts = floor(pts/spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
            for pt in pts:
                center = tuple(pt)
                gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

        # generate volume"Generating volume")
        axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
        minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
        maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
        # allow for zero-padding on both ends
        dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
        from numpy import zeros, transpose
        volume = zeros(dims, int)
        for index, val in gridData.items():
            adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1
                            for i in range(3)])
            volume[adjIndex] = val
        from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
        gd = Array_Grid_Data(volume.transpose(),
                    # the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
                    [(d-1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
                    [spacing] * 3)
        if volumeName is None:
            volumeName = = volumeName

        # show volume"Showing volume")
        import VolumeViewer
        dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
        vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
        vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")"Volume shown")
Exemple #33
    def computeVolume(self,
        # load and process frames
        if startFrame is None:
            startFrame = self.startFrame
        if endFrame is None:
            endFrame = self.endFrame
        if bound is not None:
            from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        if self.holdingSteady:
            steadyAtoms, steadySel, steadyCS, inverse = \
            # all the above used later...
            inverse = xform_matrix(inverse)

        gridData = {}
        from math import floor
        from numpy import array, float32
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        for fn in range(startFrame, endFrame + 1, step):
            cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)
            if not cs:
                self.status("Loading frame %d" % fn)
                self._LoadFrame(fn, makeCurrent=False)
                cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)

            self.status("Processing frame %d" % fn)
            pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
            if self.holdingSteady:
                if bound is not None:
                    steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs) for a in steadyAtoms],
                    closeIndices = find_close_points(
                        #otherPoints, bound)[1]
                    pts = pts[closeIndices]
                    xf, inv = self.transforms[fn]
                except KeyError:
                    xf, inv = self.steadyXform(cs=cs)
                    self.transforms[fn] = (xf, inv)
                xf = xform_matrix(xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
            # add a half-voxel since volume positions are
            # considered to be at the center of their voxel
            from numpy import floor, zeros
            pts = floor(pts / spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
            for pt in pts:
                center = tuple(pt)
                gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

        # generate volume
        self.status("Generating volume")
        axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
        minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
        maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
        # allow for zero-padding on both ends
        dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
        from numpy import zeros, transpose
        volume = zeros(dims, int)
        for index, val in gridData.items():
            adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1 for i in range(3)])
            volume[adjIndex] = val
        from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
        gd = Array_Grid_Data(
            # the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
            [(d - 1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
            [spacing] * 3)
        if volumeName is None:
            volumeName = = volumeName

        # show volume
        self.status("Showing volume")
        import VolumeViewer
        dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
        vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
        vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")

        self.status("Volume shown")
def apply_transform(tf, v):

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(v, tf)
Exemple #35
	def computeVolume(self, atoms, startFrame=None, endFrame=None,
			bound=None, volumeName=None, step=1, spacing=0.5):
		# load and process frames
		if startFrame is None:
			startFrame = self.startFrame
		if endFrame is None:
			endFrame = self.endFrame
		if bound is not None:
			from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
		from Matrix import xform_matrix
		if self.holdingSteady:
			steadyAtoms, steadySel, steadyCS, inverse = \
			# all the above used later...
			inverse = xform_matrix(inverse)

		gridData = {}
		from math import floor
		from numpy import array, float32
		from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
		for fn in range(startFrame, endFrame+1, step):
			cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)
			if not cs:
				self.status("Loading frame %d" % fn)
				self._LoadFrame(fn, makeCurrent=False)
				cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)

			self.status("Processing frame %d" % fn)
			pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
			if self.holdingSteady:
				if bound is not None:
					steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs)
						for a in steadyAtoms], float32)
					closeIndices = find_close_points(
						BOXES_METHOD, steadyPoints,
						#otherPoints, bound)[1]
						pts, bound)[1]
					pts = pts[closeIndices]
					xf, inv = self.transforms[fn]
				except KeyError:
					xf, inv = self.steadyXform(cs=cs)
					self.transforms[fn] = (xf, inv)
				xf = xform_matrix(xf)
				affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
				affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
			# add a half-voxel since volume positions are
			# considered to be at the center of their voxel
			from numpy import floor, zeros
			pts = floor(pts/spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
			for pt in pts:
				center = tuple(pt)
				gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

		# generate volume
		self.status("Generating volume")
		axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
		minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
		maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
		# allow for zero-padding on both ends
		dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
		from numpy import zeros, transpose
		volume = zeros(dims, int)
		for index, val in gridData.items():
			adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1
							for i in range(3)])
			volume[adjIndex] = val
		from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
		gd = Array_Grid_Data(volume.transpose(),
					# the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
					[(d-1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
					[spacing] * 3)
		if volumeName is None:
			volumeName = = volumeName

		# show volume
		self.status("Showing volume")
		import VolumeViewer
		dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
		vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
		vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")

		self.status("Volume shown")