def detect(self, data, asset_branch, asset_virus): wb, ws = self.exists() flag = False for d in data: equipment, branch, qu, class_ = Data_Operat().system_Belong(ip=d[2], asset=asset_branch) virus_ = Data_Operat().virus_Belong(virus=d[5], asset=asset_virus, defaultvirus=u"未知病毒") handle_ = Data_Operat().handle_result(code=d[9]) detect_ = Data_Operat().detect_result(code=d[11]) if self.class_(class_) or self.handle(handle_) or self.virus(virus_): self.clr.print_red_text(u"监测到一个告警,详情如下:") self.clr.print_red_text(u" 设 备: %s-%s-%s" % (branch, qu, equipment)) self.clr.print_red_text(u" IP地址: %s" % d[2]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" MAC地址: %s" % d[3]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 主机名: %s" % d[4]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 病毒名: %s" % d[5]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 病毒类型: %s" % virus_) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 感染文件名: %s" % d[6]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 感染源: %s" % d[7]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 感染路径: %s" % d[8]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 处理结果: %s" % handle_) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 扫描方式: %s" % detect_) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 病毒码组件: %s" % d[12]) self.clr.print_red_text(u" 操作系统: %s" % d[13]) handle_result = Data_Operat().operat_Belong(handle_) flag = True time__ ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ws.append(time__, d[0], "%s-%s-%s"%(branch, qu, equipment), d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], virus_, d[6], d[7], d[8], handle_, handle_result, d[10], detect_, d[12], d[13])"logFile/%s.xlsx" % wb.close() return flag
def data_Count(self): ws_count = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_count, u"统计", [u"种类", u"次数", u"系统个数", u"系统", u"百分比", u"规则"]) ws_count.append([ u"告警总数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u'端口(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"IP", len(list(self.wb_top.get_sheet_by_name(u'IP(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"端口", len(list(self.wb_chart.get_sheet_by_name(u'端口(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"URL") ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"漏洞") ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"跨站") ws_count.append([ u"登录(全)", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u'登录(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"探测")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx") print u"======数据统计完成======"
def open_Excel(self): filtername = [u"URL(分)", u"URL(分)筛", u"内网(分)", u"自助设备", u"网银体验"] chartname = [u"URL(分)系统", u"URL(分)筛URL", u"内网(分)", u"自助设备", u"网银体验"] topname = [u"URL(分)", u"内网(分)", u"自助设备", u"网银体验"] countname = [u"统计"] self.wb_filter = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx", filtername) self.wb_chart = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx", chartname) self.wb_top = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top" + ".xlsx", topname) self.wb_count = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx", countname) self.wb_rate_internet = DO().create_Newsheet("../IP/Internet.xlsx", [self.time]) self.wb_rate_lan = DO().create_Newsheet("../IP/Lan.xlsx", [self.time])
def internet_Event(self): self.__init__() filename = "Internet_Event" self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=;')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.url=/;')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.url=;')) _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_portall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"端口(全)", self.title) ws_filter_urlall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"URL(全)", self.title) ws_chart_portall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"端口(全)", [u"端口", u"次数"]) ws_chart_urlall_sys = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(全)系统", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_chart_urlall_rul = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(全)规则", [u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"URL(全)", [u"IP", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) sys_all = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetall) if sys_all != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_all) self.port = DO().count_Dict(self.port, data[5]) ws_filter_portall.append(data) if data[7] != None: if "http" in data[7]: if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type): ws_filter_urlall.append(data) = DO().count_Dict(, data[2]) self.charts = DO().count_Dict( self.charts, data[-1]) self.chartr = DO().count_Dict(self.chartr, data[1]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_all, ws_chart_urlall_sys = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_urlall_sys, self.charts) ws_chart_urlall_rul = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_urlall_rul, self.chartr) ws_chart_portall = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_portall, self.port)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======原始筛选完成======"
def excel_Open(self): if not os.path.exists("logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx"): self.wb_virus_log = DO().create_Newsheet(excel_name="logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx", sheet_name=[u"日志"]) else: self.wb_virus_log = openpyxl.load_workbook("logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx")
def open_Excel(self): filtername = [ u"端口(全)", u"URL(全)", u"漏洞(全)", u"跨站(全)", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)" ] chartname = [ u"IP(全)1", u"IP(全)2", u"端口(全)", u"URL(全)系统", u"URL(全)规则", u"漏洞(全)系统", u"漏洞(全)规则", u"跨站(全)系统", u"跨站(全)规则", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)系统", u"探测(全)规则" ] topname = [u"IP(全)", u"URL(全)", u"漏洞(全)", u"跨站(全)", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)"] countname = [u"统计"] self.wb_filter = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx", filtername) self.wb_chart = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx", chartname) self.wb_top = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx", topname) self.wb_count = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx", countname)
def log_Operat(self): if not os.path.exists("logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx"): ws_virus_log = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus_log, sheet_name=u"日志", title=[ u"结构", u"IP地址", u"主机类型", u"MAC地址", u"计算机名", u"病毒名称", u"病毒类型", u"受感染文件", u"感染路径", u"攻击类型", u"处理措施", u"感染类型", u"时间", u"扫描类型", u"组件版本", u"操作系统" ]) else: ws_virus_log = self.wb_virus_log.get_sheet_by_name(u"日志") for log in self.log: log_end = list(log) if log_end[7] == "21": log_end[7] = u"已清除" if log_end[7] == "121": log_end[7] = u"已删除" if log_end[7] == "25": log_end[7] = u"已忽略" if log_end[7] == "22": log_end[7] = u"无法清除文件" if log_end[7] == "122": log_end[7] = u"无法删除文件" if log_end[7] == "81": log_end[7] = u"已加密" host = DO().system_Belong(ip=log[1], asset=self.asset_branch, defaulthost=u"未知设备") log_end.insert(2, host) virus = DO().virus_Belong(virus=log[4], asset=self.asset_virus, defaultvirus=u"未知病毒") log_end.insert(6, virus) U = DO().U_Belong(U=log[6]) log_end.insert(9, U) operat = DO().operat_Belong(operat=log[7]) log_end.insert(11, operat) ws_virus_log.append(log_end)
def login_Attempt(self): self.__init__() filename = "Login_Attempt" self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=;')) _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"登录(全)", self.title) ws_chart_loginall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"登录(全)", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"登录(全)", [u"IP", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type): sys_all = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetall) if sys_all != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_all) ws_filter_all.append(data) = DO().count_Dict(, data[2]) self.charts = DO().count_Dict(self.charts, data[-1]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_all, ws_chart_loginall = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_loginall, self.charts)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======登录筛选完成======"
def data_Count(self): ws_count = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_count, u"统计", [u"类别", u"次数"]) ws_count.append([ u"互联网告警数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"URL(分)").rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"内网告警数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"内网(分)"))) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"自助设备数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"自助设备"))) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"网银体验数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"网银体验"))) - 1 ])"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx")
def IP(self): ws_source = self.wb_count.get_sheet_by_name(u"IP(全)") ws_char_country = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"IP(全)1", [u"国家"]) ws_char_city = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"IP(全)2", [u"城市"]) ws_top = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"IP(全)", [u"IP", u"次数"]) count = 0 data = [] data_sort = [] for row in list(ws_source.rows): data_ = [] row = list(row) if count < 1: count += 1 continue for x in row: data_.append(x.value) data.append(data_) for x in range(len(data)): if x == 0: data_sort.append(data[x]) continue data_sort.append(data[x]) for i in range(1, x + 1): if int(data_sort[x + 1 - i][1]) > int(data_sort[x - i][1]): a = data_sort[x - i] data_sort[x - i] = data_sort[x + 1 - i] data_sort[x + 1 - i] = a for data_ in data_sort: ws_char_country.append([data_[2]]) if u"澳门" not in data_[4] and u"香港" not in data_[ 4] and u"台湾" not in data_[4] and u"NULL" not in data_[ 4] and u"中国" in data_[2]: ws_char_city.append([data_[4]]) ws_top.append([data_[0], data_[1]])"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")
class Daily_Operat(object): def __init__(self): = {} self.charts = {} self.chartr = {} self.port = {} self.regular_type = [] self.title = [ u'告警时间', u'规则名称', u'源IP', u'源端口', u'目的IP', u'目的端口', u'上报引擎', u'返回消息', u'网口编号', u'网口别名', u'全行' ] def internet_Event(self): self.__init__() filename = "Internet_Event" self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=;')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.url=/;')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.url=;')) _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_portall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"端口(全)", self.title) ws_filter_urlall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"URL(全)", self.title) ws_chart_portall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"端口(全)", [u"端口", u"次数"]) ws_chart_urlall_sys = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(全)系统", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_chart_urlall_rul = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(全)规则", [u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"URL(全)", [u"IP", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) sys_all = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetall) if sys_all != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_all) self.port = DO().count_Dict(self.port, data[5]) ws_filter_portall.append(data) if data[7] != None: if "http" in data[7]: if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type): ws_filter_urlall.append(data) = DO().count_Dict(, data[2]) self.charts = DO().count_Dict( self.charts, data[-1]) self.chartr = DO().count_Dict(self.chartr, data[1]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_all, ws_chart_urlall_sys = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_urlall_sys, self.charts) ws_chart_urlall_rul = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_urlall_rul, self.chartr) ws_chart_portall = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_portall, self.port)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======原始筛选完成======" def vulnerability_Attack(self): filename = "Vulnerability_Attack" self.similar(filename, u"漏洞(全)") print u"======漏洞筛选完成======" def cross_Site(self): filename = "Cross_Site_Injection" self.similar(filename, u"跨站(全)") print u"======跨站筛选完成======" def login_Attempt(self): self.__init__() filename = "Login_Attempt" self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=;')) _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"登录(全)", self.title) ws_chart_loginall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"登录(全)", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"登录(全)", [u"IP", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type): sys_all = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetall) if sys_all != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_all) ws_filter_all.append(data) = DO().count_Dict(, data[2]) self.charts = DO().count_Dict(self.charts, data[-1]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_all, ws_chart_loginall = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_loginall, self.charts)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======登录筛选完成======" def information_Detetion(self): filename = "Information_Detection" self.similar(filename, u"探测(全)") print u"======探测筛选完成======" def similar(self, filename, class_): self.__init__() self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=;')) _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, class_, self.title) ws_chart_all_sys = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, class_ + u"系统", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_chart_all_rul = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, class_ + u"规则", [u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, class_, [u"IP", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type): sys_all = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetall) if sys_all != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_all) ws_filter_all.append(data) = DO().count_Dict(, data[2]) self.charts = DO().count_Dict(self.charts, data[-1]) self.chartr = DO().count_Dict(self.chartr, data[1]) ws_top_all = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_all, ws_chart_all_sys = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_all_sys, self.charts) ws_chart_all_rul = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_all_rul, self.chartr)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() def IP(self): ws_source = self.wb_count.get_sheet_by_name(u"IP(全)") ws_char_country = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"IP(全)1", [u"国家"]) ws_char_city = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"IP(全)2", [u"城市"]) ws_top = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"IP(全)", [u"IP", u"次数"]) count = 0 data = [] data_sort = [] for row in list(ws_source.rows): data_ = [] row = list(row) if count < 1: count += 1 continue for x in row: data_.append(x.value) data.append(data_) for x in range(len(data)): if x == 0: data_sort.append(data[x]) continue data_sort.append(data[x]) for i in range(1, x + 1): if int(data_sort[x + 1 - i][1]) > int(data_sort[x - i][1]): a = data_sort[x - i] data_sort[x - i] = data_sort[x + 1 - i] data_sort[x + 1 - i] = a for data_ in data_sort: ws_char_country.append([data_[2]]) if u"澳门" not in data_[4] and u"香港" not in data_[ 4] and u"台湾" not in data_[4] and u"NULL" not in data_[ 4] and u"中国" in data_[2]: ws_char_city.append([data_[4]]) ws_top.append([data_[0], data_[1]])"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx") def rate_Count(self): filename = 'IP_with_area' _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) DO().rate_Count(self.time) print u"======频率统计完成======" def open_Excel(self): filtername = [ u"端口(全)", u"URL(全)", u"漏洞(全)", u"跨站(全)", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)" ] chartname = [ u"IP(全)1", u"IP(全)2", u"端口(全)", u"URL(全)系统", u"URL(全)规则", u"漏洞(全)系统", u"漏洞(全)规则", u"跨站(全)系统", u"跨站(全)规则", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)系统", u"探测(全)规则" ] topname = [u"IP(全)", u"URL(全)", u"漏洞(全)", u"跨站(全)", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)"] countname = [u"统计"] self.wb_filter = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx", filtername) self.wb_chart = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx", chartname) self.wb_top = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top5" + ".xlsx", topname) self.wb_count = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx", countname) def get_Asset(self): wb_asset = openpyxl.load_workbook('inputFile/assets2017-5-26.xlsx') ws_assetall = wb_asset.get_sheet_by_name(u"全行资产") self.assetall = [] count = 0 for x in list(ws_assetall.rows): if count < 1: count += 1 continue self.assetall.append([x[1].value, x[2].value]) def data_Count_(self, ws_count, x): number = len(list( self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(x + u'(全)').rows)) - 1 number_system = len( list(self.wb_chart.get_sheet_by_name(x + u'(全)系统').rows)) - 1 if number_system != 0: system = list( list(self.wb_chart.get_sheet_by_name(x + u'(全)系统').rows) [1])[0].value else: system = None if number != 0: percent_system = float( list( list(self.wb_chart.get_sheet_by_name(x + u'(全)系统').rows) [1])[1].value / float(number)) else: percent_system = None if number_system != 0: rule = list( list(self.wb_chart.get_sheet_by_name(x + u'(全)规则').rows) [1])[0].value else: rule = None ws_count.append( [x, number, number_system, system, percent_system, rule]) return ws_count def data_Count(self): ws_count = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_count, u"统计", [u"种类", u"次数", u"系统个数", u"系统", u"百分比", u"规则"]) ws_count.append([ u"告警总数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u'端口(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"IP", len(list(self.wb_top.get_sheet_by_name(u'IP(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"端口", len(list(self.wb_chart.get_sheet_by_name(u'端口(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"URL") ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"漏洞") ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"跨站") ws_count.append([ u"登录(全)", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u'登录(全)').rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count = self.data_Count_(ws_count, u"探测")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx") print u"======数据统计完成======" def top5_Count(self): class_ = [ u"IP(全)", u"URL(全)", u"漏洞(全)", u"跨站(全)", u"登录(全)", u"探测(全)", ] for x in class_: DO().area_Mate(self.time, x) print u"======Top5统计完成======" def run(self, time): self.time = time self.rate_Count() self.get_Asset() self.open_Excel() self.internet_Event() self.vulnerability_Attack() self.cross_Site() self.login_Attempt() self.information_Detetion() self.IP() self.top5_Count() self.data_Count()
def lan_Event(self): self.__init__() filename = "Lan_Event" self.regular_type_1.append(re.compile(u"r'http.status_code=4(.*?);'")) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(u"r'http.status_code=(.*?);'")) try: _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) except: pass wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_lan = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"内网(分)", self.title_lan) ws_filter_zz = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"自助设备", self.title_lan) ws_filter_wy = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"网银体验", self.title_lan) ws_chart_lan = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"内网(分)", [u"分行", u"次数"]) ws_chart_zz = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"自助设备", [u"分行", u"次数"]) ws_chart_wy = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"网银体验", [u"分行", u"次数"]) ws_top_lan = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_top, u"内网(分)", [u"源IP", u"源所属分行/设备", u"目IP", u"目所属分行/设备", u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_zz = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_top, u"自助设备", [u"源IP", u"源所属分行/设备", u"目IP", u"目所属分行/设备", u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_wy = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_top, u"网银体验", [u"源IP", u"源所属分行/设备", u"目IP", u"目所属分行/设备", u"规则", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) if u"告警时间" not in rows_source[0].value: if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_1, 1): if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_0, 0): sbranch, sequ = DO().branch_Belong( rows_source[2].value, self.assetlan) obranch, oequ = DO().branch_Belong( rows_source[4].value, self.assetlan) data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sbranch) data.append(sequ) data.append(obranch) data.append(oequ) ws_filter_lan.append(data) self.chartall = DO().count_Dict( self.chartall, data[-2]) self.topall = DO().count_Dict(self.topall, data[2], [ data[-4] + '/' + data[-3], data[4], data[-2] + '/' + data[-1], data[1] ]) if u"自助设备" in sequ or u"自助设备" in oequ: ws_filter_zz.append(data) self.chartzz = DO().count_Dict( self.chartzz, data[-2]) self.topzz = DO().count_Dict( self.topzz, data[2], [ data[-4] + '/' + data[-3], data[4], data[-2] + '/' + data[-1], data[1] ]) if u"网银体验" in sequ or u"网银体验" in oequ: ws_filter_wy.append(data) self.chartwy = DO().count_Dict( self.chartwy, data[-2]) self.topwy = DO().count_Dict( self.topwy, data[2], [ data[-4] + '/' + data[-3], data[4], data[-2] + '/' + data[-1], data[1] ]) ws_chart_lan = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_lan, self.chartall, 1) ws_chart_zz = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_zz, self.chartzz, 1) ws_chart_wy = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_wy, self.chartwy, 1) ws_top_lan = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_lan, self.topall, 1) ws_top_zz = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_zz, self.topzz, 1) ws_top_wy = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_wy, self.topwy, 1)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======内网筛选完成======"
class Virus_Operat(object): def __init__(self): self.time = None self.wb_virus = None self.wb_virus_source = None self.asset_branch = [] self.asset_virus = [] def asset_Get(self): asset_2to1 = [] wb_asset_virus = openpyxl.load_workbook("assetFile/virus_asset.xlsx") wb_asset_branch = openpyxl.load_workbook("assetFile/branch_asset.xlsx") wb_asset_2to1 = openpyxl.load_workbook("assetFile/2to1.xlsx") ws_asset_virus = wb_asset_virus.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_asset_branch = wb_asset_branch.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_asset_2to1 = wb_asset_2to1.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") for virus in list(ws_asset_virus.rows): self.asset_virus.append([virus[0].value, virus[1].value]) for row in list(ws_asset_2to1.rows): data = DO().get_Data(row) asset_2to1.append(data) for branch in list(ws_asset_branch.rows): if branch[6].value != None: result = re.compile(r'\((.*?)\)').findall(branch[1].value)[0] for branch_ in asset_2to1: if result in branch_: result = branch_[0] self.asset_branch.append([ result, branch[4].value, branch[6].value, branch[7].value ]) print u"======资产获取完毕======" def excel_Open(self): self.wb_virus_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx") self.wb_virus = DO().create_Newsheet( excel_name="outputFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx", sheet_name=[u"日志", u"主机类型", u"病毒类型", u"攻击类型", u"感染类型"]) def virus_Operat(self): dict_host = {} dict_U = {} dict_virus = {} dict_operat = {} ws_virus_source = self.wb_virus_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_virus_daily = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"日志", title=[ u"结构", u"IP地址", u"主机类型", u"MAC地址", u"计算机名", u"病毒名称", u"病毒类型", u"受感染文件", u"感染路径", u"攻击类型", u"处理措施", u"感染类型", u"时间", u"扫描类型", u"组件版本", u"操作系统" ]) ws_virus_host = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"主机类型", title=[u"主机类型", u"受攻击次数", u"所占比例"]) ws_virus_virus = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"病毒类型", title=[u"病毒类型", u"所占次数", u"所占比例"]) ws_virus_U = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"攻击类型", title=[u"攻击类型", u"所占次数", u"所占比例"]) ws_virus_operat = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"感染类型", title=[u"感染类型", u"所占次数", u"所占比例"]) for source in list(ws_virus_source.rows): if u"IP地址" == source[1].value: continue data = DO().get_Data(source) host = DO().system_Belong(ip=source[1].value, asset=self.asset_branch, defaulthost=u"未知设备") data.insert(2, host) dict_host = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_host, key=host) virus = DO().virus_Belong(virus=source[4].value, asset=self.asset_virus, defaultvirus=u"未知病毒") data.insert(6, virus) dict_virus = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_virus, key=virus) U = DO().U_Belong(U=source[6].value) data.insert(9, U) dict_U = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_U, key=U) operat = DO().operat_Belong(operat=source[7].value) data.insert(11, operat) dict_operat = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_operat, key=operat) ws_virus_daily.append(data) print u"======日志统计完毕======" ws_virus_host = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_host, dict=dict_host) print u"======主机统计完毕======" ws_virus_virus = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_virus, dict=dict_virus) print u"======病毒统计完毕======" ws_virus_U = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_U, dict=dict_U) print u"======攻击统计完毕======" ws_virus_operat = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_operat, dict=dict_operat) print u"======感染统计完毕======""outputFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx") def run(self, time_): self.time = time_ self.asset_Get() self.excel_Open() self.virus_Operat() self.wb_virus.close() self.wb_virus_source.close()
def virus_Operat(self): dict_host = {} dict_U = {} dict_virus = {} dict_operat = {} ws_virus_source = self.wb_virus_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_virus_daily = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"日志", title=[ u"结构", u"IP地址", u"主机类型", u"MAC地址", u"计算机名", u"病毒名称", u"病毒类型", u"受感染文件", u"感染路径", u"攻击类型", u"处理措施", u"感染类型", u"时间", u"扫描类型", u"组件版本", u"操作系统" ]) ws_virus_host = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"主机类型", title=[u"主机类型", u"受攻击次数", u"所占比例"]) ws_virus_virus = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"病毒类型", title=[u"病毒类型", u"所占次数", u"所占比例"]) ws_virus_U = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"攻击类型", title=[u"攻击类型", u"所占次数", u"所占比例"]) ws_virus_operat = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus, sheet_name=u"感染类型", title=[u"感染类型", u"所占次数", u"所占比例"]) for source in list(ws_virus_source.rows): if u"IP地址" == source[1].value: continue data = DO().get_Data(source) host = DO().system_Belong(ip=source[1].value, asset=self.asset_branch, defaulthost=u"未知设备") data.insert(2, host) dict_host = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_host, key=host) virus = DO().virus_Belong(virus=source[4].value, asset=self.asset_virus, defaultvirus=u"未知病毒") data.insert(6, virus) dict_virus = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_virus, key=virus) U = DO().U_Belong(U=source[6].value) data.insert(9, U) dict_U = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_U, key=U) operat = DO().operat_Belong(operat=source[7].value) data.insert(11, operat) dict_operat = DO().dict_Count(dict=dict_operat, key=operat) ws_virus_daily.append(data) print u"======日志统计完毕======" ws_virus_host = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_host, dict=dict_host) print u"======主机统计完毕======" ws_virus_virus = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_virus, dict=dict_virus) print u"======病毒统计完毕======" ws_virus_U = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_U, dict=dict_U) print u"======攻击统计完毕======" ws_virus_operat = DO().dict_Getdata(ws=ws_virus_operat, dict=dict_operat) print u"======感染统计完毕======""outputFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx")
def excel_Open(self): self.wb_virus_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx") self.wb_virus = DO().create_Newsheet( excel_name="outputFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx", sheet_name=[u"日志", u"主机类型", u"病毒类型", u"攻击类型", u"感染类型"])
def internet_Event(self): self.__init__() filename = "Internet_Event" self.regular_type_1.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=(.*?);')) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(r'http.url=/(.*?);')) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(r'http.url=(.*?);')) try: _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) except: pass wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_urlall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"URL(分)", self.title) ws_filter_url_f = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"URL(分)筛", self.title_f) ws_chart_urlsys = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(分)系统", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_chart_url = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(分)筛URL", [u"URL", u"次数"]) ws_top_url = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"URL(分)", [u"URL", u"应用系统", u"源IP", u"告警名称", u"频率"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) sys_other = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetother) if sys_other != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_other) ws_filter_urlall.append(data) self.charts = DO().count_Dict(self.charts, data[-1]) if rows_source[7].value != None: if "" in rows_source[7].value: if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_1, 1): if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_0, 0): host, url, user_agent, status_code = DO( ).http_Split(data[7]) for x in status_code, user_agent, url, host: data.insert(7, x) ws_filter_url_f.append(data) if host != 'NULL': self.chartall = DO().count_Dict( self.chartall, host + data[8]) self.topall = DO().count_Dict( self.topall, host + data[8], [data[-1], data[2], data[1]]) else: self.chartall = DO().count_Dict( self.chartall, data[4] + data[8]) self.topall = DO().count_Dict( self.topall, data[4] + data[8], [data[-1], data[2], data[1]]) ws_chart_url = DO().get_Dict_data(ws=ws_chart_url, dict=self.chartall, des=1) ws_chart_urlsys = DO().get_Dict_data(ws=ws_chart_urlsys, dict=self.charts, des=1) ws_top_url = DO().get_Dict_data(ws=ws_top_url, dict=self.topall, des=1, delet=1)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======分行筛选完成======"
class Daily_Operat(object): def __init__(self): self.topall = {} self.topzz = {} self.topwy = {} self.chartall = {} self.chartzz = {} self.charts = {} self.chartwy = {} self.regular_type_1 = [] self.regular_type_0 = [] self.title = [ u'告警时间', u'规则名称', u'源IP', u'源端口', u'目的IP', u'目的端口', u'上报引擎', u'返回消息', u'网口编号', u'网口别名', u'分行' ] self.title_f = [ u'告警时间', u'规则名称', u'源IP', u'源端口', u'目的IP', u'目的端口', u'上报引擎', u'Host', u"Url", u"User-Agent", u"Status_Code", u'网口编号', u'网口别名', u'分行' ] self.title_lan = [ u'告警时间', u'规则名称', u'源IP', u'源端口', u'目的IP', u'目的端口', u'上报引擎', u'返回消息', u'网口编号', u'网口别名', u'源所属分行', u"源设备", u"目所属分行", u"目设备" ] def internet_Event(self): self.__init__() filename = "Internet_Event" self.regular_type_1.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=4(.*?);')) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(r'http.status_code=(.*?);')) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(r'http.url=/(.*?);')) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(r'http.url=(.*?);')) try: _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) except: pass wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_urlall = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"URL(分)", self.title) ws_filter_url_f = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"URL(分)筛", self.title_f) ws_chart_urlsys = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(分)系统", [u"系统", u"次数"]) ws_chart_url = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"URL(分)筛URL", [u"URL", u"次数"]) ws_top_url = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_top, u"URL(分)", [u"URL", u"应用系统", u"源IP", u"告警名称", u"频率"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) sys_other = DO().system_Belong(rows_source[4].value, self.assetother) if sys_other != None: data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sys_other) ws_filter_urlall.append(data) self.charts = DO().count_Dict(self.charts, data[-1]) if rows_source[7].value != None: if "" in rows_source[7].value: if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_1, 1): if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_0, 0): host, url, user_agent, status_code = DO( ).http_Split(data[7]) for x in status_code, user_agent, url, host: data.insert(7, x) ws_filter_url_f.append(data) if host != 'NULL': self.chartall = DO().count_Dict( self.chartall, host + data[8]) self.topall = DO().count_Dict( self.topall, host + data[8], [data[-1], data[2], data[1]]) else: self.chartall = DO().count_Dict( self.chartall, data[4] + data[8]) self.topall = DO().count_Dict( self.topall, data[4] + data[8], [data[-1], data[2], data[1]]) ws_chart_url = DO().get_Dict_data(ws=ws_chart_url, dict=self.chartall, des=1) ws_chart_urlsys = DO().get_Dict_data(ws=ws_chart_urlsys, dict=self.charts, des=1) ws_top_url = DO().get_Dict_data(ws=ws_top_url, dict=self.topall, des=1, delet=1)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======分行筛选完成======" def lan_Event(self): self.__init__() filename = "Lan_Event" self.regular_type_1.append(re.compile(u"r'http.status_code=4(.*?);'")) self.regular_type_0.append(re.compile(u"r'http.status_code=(.*?);'")) try: _xlxs_csv.Csv2Xlxs(self.time, filename) except: pass wb_source = openpyxl.load_workbook("inputFile/" + self.time + "/" + filename + ".xlsx") ws_source = wb_source.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet") ws_filter_lan = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"内网(分)", self.title_lan) ws_filter_zz = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"自助设备", self.title_lan) ws_filter_wy = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_filter, u"网银体验", self.title_lan) ws_chart_lan = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"内网(分)", [u"分行", u"次数"]) ws_chart_zz = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"自助设备", [u"分行", u"次数"]) ws_chart_wy = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_chart, u"网银体验", [u"分行", u"次数"]) ws_top_lan = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_top, u"内网(分)", [u"源IP", u"源所属分行/设备", u"目IP", u"目所属分行/设备", u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_zz = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_top, u"自助设备", [u"源IP", u"源所属分行/设备", u"目IP", u"目所属分行/设备", u"规则", u"次数"]) ws_top_wy = DO().get_Sheet( self.wb_top, u"网银体验", [u"源IP", u"源所属分行/设备", u"目IP", u"目所属分行/设备", u"规则", u"次数"]) for rows_source in list(ws_source.rows): rows_source = list(rows_source) if u"告警时间" not in rows_source[0].value: if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_1, 1): if DO().data_Regular(rows_source[7].value, self.regular_type_0, 0): sbranch, sequ = DO().branch_Belong( rows_source[2].value, self.assetlan) obranch, oequ = DO().branch_Belong( rows_source[4].value, self.assetlan) data = DO().get_Data(rows_source) data.append(sbranch) data.append(sequ) data.append(obranch) data.append(oequ) ws_filter_lan.append(data) self.chartall = DO().count_Dict( self.chartall, data[-2]) self.topall = DO().count_Dict(self.topall, data[2], [ data[-4] + '/' + data[-3], data[4], data[-2] + '/' + data[-1], data[1] ]) if u"自助设备" in sequ or u"自助设备" in oequ: ws_filter_zz.append(data) self.chartzz = DO().count_Dict( self.chartzz, data[-2]) self.topzz = DO().count_Dict( self.topzz, data[2], [ data[-4] + '/' + data[-3], data[4], data[-2] + '/' + data[-1], data[1] ]) if u"网银体验" in sequ or u"网银体验" in oequ: ws_filter_wy.append(data) self.chartwy = DO().count_Dict( self.chartwy, data[-2]) self.topwy = DO().count_Dict( self.topwy, data[2], [ data[-4] + '/' + data[-3], data[4], data[-2] + '/' + data[-1], data[1] ]) ws_chart_lan = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_lan, self.chartall, 1) ws_chart_zz = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_zz, self.chartzz, 1) ws_chart_wy = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_chart_wy, self.chartwy, 1) ws_top_lan = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_lan, self.topall, 1) ws_top_zz = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_zz, self.topzz, 1) ws_top_wy = DO().get_Dict_data(ws_top_wy, self.topwy, 1)"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx")"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top" + ".xlsx") wb_source.close() print u"======内网筛选完成======" def open_Excel(self): filtername = [u"URL(分)", u"URL(分)筛", u"内网(分)", u"自助设备", u"网银体验"] chartname = [u"URL(分)系统", u"URL(分)筛URL", u"内网(分)", u"自助设备", u"网银体验"] topname = [u"URL(分)", u"内网(分)", u"自助设备", u"网银体验"] countname = [u"统计"] self.wb_filter = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"数据筛选" + ".xlsx", filtername) self.wb_chart = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"图表" + ".xlsx", chartname) self.wb_top = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"Top" + ".xlsx", topname) self.wb_count = DO().create_Newsheet( "outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx", countname) self.wb_rate_internet = DO().create_Newsheet("../IP/Internet.xlsx", [self.time]) self.wb_rate_lan = DO().create_Newsheet("../IP/Lan.xlsx", [self.time]) def data_Count(self): ws_count = DO().get_Sheet(self.wb_count, u"统计", [u"类别", u"次数"]) ws_count.append([ u"互联网告警数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"URL(分)").rows)) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"内网告警数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"内网(分)"))) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"自助设备数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"自助设备"))) - 1 ]) ws_count.append([ u"网银体验数", len(list(self.wb_filter.get_sheet_by_name(u"网银体验"))) - 1 ])"outputFile/" + self.time + "/" + u"统计" + ".xlsx") def get_Asset(self): wb_asset = openpyxl.load_workbook('inputFile/assets2017-5-26.xlsx') wb_asset_lan = openpyxl.load_workbook('inputFile/all.xlsx') wb_asset_2to1 = openpyxl.load_workbook('inputFile/2to1.xlsx') ws_assetother = wb_asset.get_sheet_by_name(u"分行资产") ws_asset_lan = wb_asset_lan.get_sheet_by_name(u"Sheet") ws_asset_2to1 = wb_asset_2to1.get_sheet_by_name(u"Sheet") self.assetother = [] self.assetlan = [] self.asset2to1 = [] count = 0 for x in list(ws_assetother.rows): if count < 1: count += 1 continue self.assetother.append([x[1].value, x[2].value]) for x in list(ws_asset_2to1.rows): data = DO().get_Data(x) self.asset2to1.append(data) for x in list(ws_asset_lan.rows): if x[6].value != None: result = re.compile(r'\((.*?)\)').findall(x[1].value)[0] for y in self.asset2to1: if result in y: branch = y[0] self.assetlan.append( [branch, x[4].value, x[6].value, x[7].value]) def run(self, time): self.time = time self.get_Asset() self.open_Excel() self.internet_Event() self.lan_Event() self.data_Count() self.wb_count.close() self.wb_filter.close() self.wb_top.close() self.wb_chart.close()
class Log_Virus(object): def __init__(self, time_, asset_virus, asset_branch, log): self.time = time_ self.asset_virus = asset_virus self.asset_branch = asset_branch self.log = log def excel_Open(self): if not os.path.exists("logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx"): self.wb_virus_log = DO().create_Newsheet(excel_name="logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx", sheet_name=[u"日志"]) else: self.wb_virus_log = openpyxl.load_workbook("logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx") def log_Operat(self): if not os.path.exists("logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx"): ws_virus_log = DO().get_Sheet(wb=self.wb_virus_log, sheet_name=u"日志", title=[ u"结构", u"IP地址", u"主机类型", u"MAC地址", u"计算机名", u"病毒名称", u"病毒类型", u"受感染文件", u"感染路径", u"攻击类型", u"处理措施", u"感染类型", u"时间", u"扫描类型", u"组件版本", u"操作系统" ]) else: ws_virus_log = self.wb_virus_log.get_sheet_by_name(u"日志") for log in self.log: log_end = list(log) if log_end[7] == "21": log_end[7] = u"已清除" if log_end[7] == "121": log_end[7] = u"已删除" if log_end[7] == "25": log_end[7] = u"已忽略" if log_end[7] == "22": log_end[7] = u"无法清除文件" if log_end[7] == "122": log_end[7] = u"无法删除文件" if log_end[7] == "81": log_end[7] = u"已加密" host = DO().system_Belong(ip=log[1], asset=self.asset_branch, defaulthost=u"未知设备") log_end.insert(2, host) virus = DO().virus_Belong(virus=log[4], asset=self.asset_virus, defaultvirus=u"未知病毒") log_end.insert(6, virus) U = DO().U_Belong(U=log[6]) log_end.insert(9, U) operat = DO().operat_Belong(operat=log[7]) log_end.insert(11, operat) ws_virus_log.append(log_end) def run(self): self.excel_Open() self.log_Operat()"logFile/" + self.time + ".xlsx") self.wb_virus_log.close()
def exists(self): title = [u"告警时间", u"数据录入时间", u"所属分行", u"IP地址", u"MAC地址",u"感染主机名", u"病毒名称", u"病毒类型", u"受感染文件", u"感染源", u"感染路径", u"处理结果", u"感染类型", u"感染机被感染时间", u"扫描方式", u"病毒码组件", u"系统类型"] ="%Y%m%d") if os.path.exists("logFile/%s.xlsx" % wb = openpyxl.load_workbook("logFile/%s.xlsx" % try: ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(u"告警日志") except: wb.close() wb = Data_Operat().create_Newsheet("logFile/%s.xlsx" %, [u"告警日志"]) ws = Data_Operat().get_Sheet(wb, u"告警日志", title) else: wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.create_sheet(u"告警日志") wb.remove_sheet(wb.get_sheet_by_name("Sheet")) ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(u"告警日志") ws.append(title) return wb, ws