def __init__(self): self.cfg_data = dict() cfg_file_data = get_config_data(CONFIGFILE) self.cfg_data['api'] = cfg_file_data['api_key'] self.cfg_data['city'] = cfg_file_data['city_id'] self.fbink_cfg ="FBInkConfig *") self.fbink_cfg.is_centered = True self.fbink_cfg.is_halfway = True self.fbink_cfg.is_cleared = True self.fbfd = fbink.fbink_open() fbink.fbink_init(self.fbfd, self.fbink_cfg) state ="FBInkState *") fbink.fbink_get_state(self.fbink_cfg, state) if "linux" in platform: self.screen_size = (state.view_width, state.view_height) else: self.screen_size = (768, 1024) self.forecast = None self.current = None self.ip_address = "" try: = yawkWeather(self.cfg_data) except ValueError as e: print(e) fbink.fbink_close(self.fbfd) # configuration for the image # Boxes positions # current condition self.box_CURRENT = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'w': int(2 * self.screen_size[0] / 3), 'h': int(self.screen_size[1] / 3)} # today's forecast self.box_TODAY = {'x': self.box_CURRENT['w'], 'y': 0, 'w': self.screen_size[0] - self.box_CURRENT['w'], 'h': self.box_CURRENT['h']} # tomorrow self.box_TOMORROW = {'x': 0, 'y': self.box_CURRENT['h'], 'w': self.screen_size[0], 'h': int((self.screen_size[1] - self.box_CURRENT['h']) / 3)} # next 3 days self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS = [{'x': 0, 'y': self.box_CURRENT['h'] + self.box_TOMORROW['h'], 'w': int(self.screen_size[0] / 3), 'h': self.screen_size[1] - self.box_CURRENT['h'] - self.box_TOMORROW['h']}] self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS.append({'x': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[0]['w'], 'y': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[0]['y'], 'w': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[0]['w'], 'h': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[0]['h']}) self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS.append({'x': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[1]['x'] + self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[1]['w'], 'y': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[1]['y'], 'w': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[1]['w'], 'h': self.boxes_NEXT_DAYS[1]['h']}) # fonts # used on the weather condition for the next days and ip address self.font_tiny = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Cabin-Regular.ttf", 22) # used on the headers and most stuff on the current conditions self.font_small = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Fabrica.otf", 26) # temperatures (gets scaled according to the box) self.font_comfortaa = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Comfortaa-Regular.ttf", 60) # for the current temperature self.font_main_temperature = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Comfortaa-Regular.ttf", int(self.screen_size[1] / 10)) # icons self.icon_celsius ='icons/C.png') self.icon_wind ='icons/w.png') self.icon_humidity ='icons/h.png')
f.write(response.content) return filePath display_width = 1080 input_query = "Integral from 1 to 3 of x**2" appid = "JQT35P-425P6G3YT5" baseURL = "" filePath = "result.png" isKeyboardMode = True runeStr = "" upperCase = False # INITIALIZING DISPLAY fbink_cfg ="FBInkConfig *") fbfd = FBInk.fbink_open() FBInk.fbink_init(fbfd, fbink_cfg) #Get screen infos state ="FBInkState *") FBInk.fbink_get_state(fbink_cfg, state) display_width = state.screen_width screenHeight = state.screen_height #Clear screen FBInk.fbink_cls(fbfd, fbink_cfg) # INITIALIZING TOUCH touchPath = "/dev/input/event1" t = KIP.inputObject(touchPath, 1080, 1440) # INITIALIZING APP vk = printKeyboard()
def mpopup(title, text, buttons, filePath="temp_mpopup.png", screen_width=default_screenWidth, screen_height=default_screenHeight): """ Pauses the app, displays a popup with as many buttons as there are in the array 'button' Then restore a screen dump from before the popup appeared Then returns the button which was pressed "text", "title" and button's "text" may contain eof characters (untested) Usage for a yes/no question: import utils buttons = [{"text":"Yes","valueToReturn":True},{"text":"No","valueToReturn":False}] doesUserLikeCheese = utils.mpopup("Cheese","Do you like cheese?",buttons) """ # Setup the config... fbink_cfg ="FBInkConfig *") # Open the FB... fbfd = fbink.fbink_open() fbink.fbink_init(fbfd, fbink_cfg) # INITIALIZING TOUCH t = KIP.inputObject(touchPath, screen_width, screen_height) # Init : pp_width = int(3 * screen_width / 5) pp_height = int(screen_height / 3) start_coord_x = int(1 * screen_width / 5) start_coord_y = int(1 * screen_width / 3) num_btns = len(buttons) img ='L', (pp_width + 1, pp_height + 1), color=white) mpopup_img = ImageDraw.Draw(img, 'L') # Main rectangle: mpopup_img.rectangle([(0, 0), (pp_width, pp_height)], fill=pp_color, outline=pp_outline) # Main separation lines: mpopup_img.line([0, int(pp_height / 4), pp_width, int(pp_height / 4)], pp_outline) # Title and text mpopup_img.line( [0, int(3 * pp_height / 4), pp_width, int(3 * pp_height / 4)], pp_outline) # text and buttons # Main texts title_w, title_h = mpopup_img.textsize(title, font=small_font_bold) mpopup_img.text((int(pp_width / 2 - 0.5 * title_w), int(pp_height / 8 - 0.5 * title_h)), title, font=small_font_bold, fill=black) text_w, text_h = mpopup_img.textsize(text, font=small_font) mpopup_img.text( (int(pp_width / 2 - 0.5 * text_w), int(pp_height / 2 - 0.5 * text_h)), text, font=small_font, fill=black) # Separation between buttons and buttons text : btns_areas = [] for i in range(num_btns): btn_area = [ int((i) * pp_width / num_btns), int(3 * pp_height / 4), int((i + 1) * pp_width / num_btns), pp_height ] btns_areas.append(btn_area) mpopup_img.rectangle(btn_area, fill=white, outline=pp_outline) btn_w, btn_h = mpopup_img.textsize(buttons[i]["text"], font=small_font) mpopup_img.text((int((btn_area[0] + btn_area[2]) / 2 - 0.5 * btn_w), int(3 * pp_height / 4 + pp_height / 8 - 0.5 * btn_h)), buttons[i]["text"], font=small_font, fill=black) # Saving to a file : # Making a copy of the screen fbink_dumpcfg ="FBInkDump *") fbink.fbink_region_dump(fbfd, start_coord_x, start_coord_y, start_coord_x + pp_width + 1, start_coord_y + pp_height + 1, fbink_cfg, fbink_dumpcfg) # Displaying image fbink.fbink_print_image(fbfd, filePath, start_coord_x, start_coord_y, fbink_cfg) # Listening for touch in one of a button's area lastTouch = time() while True: try: (x, y, err) = t.getInput() if time() - lastTouch > 0.2: lastTouch = time() relative_x = x - start_coord_x relative_y = y - start_coord_y for i in range(num_btns): if coordsInArea(relative_x, relative_y, btns_areas[i]): #Closing touch file t.close() #Restoring dump fbink.fbink_restore(fbfd, fbink_cfg, fbink_dumpcfg) fbink.fbink_close(fbfd) #Returning value return buttons[i]["valueToReturn"] except: print("Bad touch event") continue
def mprompt(title, text, filePath="temp_mprompt.png", screen_width=default_screenWidth, screen_height=default_screenHeight): """ Pauses the app, displays a popup with an on-screen-keyboard Then restore a screen dump from before the popup appeared Then returns the string) """ # Setup the config... fbink_cfg ="FBInkConfig *") # Open the FB... fbfd = fbink.fbink_open() fbink.fbink_init(fbfd, fbink_cfg) # INITIALIZING TOUCH t = KIP.inputObject(touchPath, screen_width, screen_height) # INITIALIZING KEYBOARD with open(mainFolder + 'sample-keymap-en_us.json') as json_file: km = json.load(json_file) vk = osk.virtKeyboard(km, screen_width, screen_height) # Generate an image of the OSK vkPNG = "img/vk.png" vk.createIMG(vkPNG) # Init : pp_width = int(4 * screen_width / 5) pp_height = int(screen_height / 3) start_coord_x = int(0.5 * screen_width / 5) start_coord_y = int(1 * screen_width / 3) img ='L', (pp_width + 1, pp_height + 1), color=white) mpopup_img = ImageDraw.Draw(img, 'L') # Main rectangle: mpopup_img.rectangle([(0, 0), (pp_width, pp_height)], fill=pp_color, outline=pp_outline) # Main separation lines: mpopup_img.line([0, int(pp_height / 4), pp_width, int(pp_height / 4)], pp_outline) # Title and text mpopup_img.line( [0, int(3.2 * pp_height / 4), pp_width, int(3.2 * pp_height / 4)], pp_outline) # text and buttons # Main texts title_w, title_h = mpopup_img.textsize(title, font=small_font_bold) mpopup_img.text((int(pp_width / 2 - 0.5 * title_w), int(pp_height / 8 - 0.5 * title_h)), title, font=small_font_bold, fill=black) text_w, text_h = mpopup_img.textsize(text, font=small_font) mpopup_img.text( (int(pp_width / 2 - 0.5 * text_w), int(pp_height / 2 - 0.5 * text_h)), text, font=small_font, fill=black) # Saving to a file : # Making a copy of the screen fbink_dumpcfg ="FBInkDump *") fbink.fbink_region_dump(fbfd, 0, 0, screen_width, screen_height, fbink_cfg, fbink_dumpcfg) # Displaying image of the popup fbink.fbink_print_image(fbfd, str(filePath).encode('ascii'), start_coord_x, start_coord_y, fbink_cfg) # Displaying image of the OSK fbink.fbink_print_image(fbfd, str(vkPNG).encode('ascii'), int(vk.StartCoords["X"]), int(vk.StartCoords["Y"]), fbink_cfg) # Listening for touch in one of a button's area lastTouch = time() lastTouchArea = [-3, -3, -2, -2] runeStr = "" upperCase = False # For an easy example, we only print it "manually" at the correct place. # You may want to print it using a better font and at a fixed coordinates # Should you want it, the text should be printed at the following coordinates: # x = start_coord_x + int(3.2*pp_height/4) + 10 # y = start_coord_y + 10 fbink_cfg.row = 32 fbink_cfg.col = 6 while True: # try: (x, y, err) = t.getInput() if time() - lastTouch > 0.2 or not coordsInArea(x, y, lastTouchArea): # Simple yet effective debounce system lastTouchArea = [x - 7, y - 7, x + 7, y + 7] k = vk.getPressedKey(x, y) if k != None: if not k["isKey"]: continue if k["keyType"] == osk.KTstandardChar: if upperCase: key = str(k["keyCode"]).upper() else: key = str(k["keyCode"]).lower() runeStr = runeStr + key fbink.fbink_print(fbfd, str(runeStr).encode('ascii'), fbink_cfg) elif k["keyType"] == osk.KTbackspace: if len(runeStr) > 0: # removing last element and drawing and empty space instead runeStr = runeStr[:-1] fbink.fbink_print( fbfd, str(str(runeStr) + " ").encode('ascii'), fbink_cfg) elif k["keyType"] == osk.KTcapsLock: if upperCase: upperCase = False else: upperCase = True elif k["keyType"] == osk.KTcarriageReturn: #Closing touch file t.close() #Restoring dump fbink.fbink_restore(fbfd, fbink_cfg, fbink_dumpcfg) fbink.fbink_close(fbfd) return runeStr else: continue # except: # print("Bad touch event") # continue return True