def tri_grid_point_cloud(input_path, variable, cell_size, output_path): cell_size = float(cell_size) if variable: variable = 'z' df = None if input_path.lower().endswith('.las'): las_asc = input_path + ".asc" os.system('las2txt.exe "%s" "%s"' % (input_path, las_asc)) df = pd_load_asc_grid(las_asc) os.remove(las_asc) elif input_path.lower().endswith('.asc'): df = pd_load_asc_grid(input_path) else: df = pd_load_dataframe(input_path) vs = VoxelSpace(df, [cell_size, cell_size]) vs.calculate_mean(variable) if output_path.lower().endswith('.00t'): output_grid = output_path + '.00g' vs.save_vulcan_grid(output_grid) os.system('trigrid "%s" "%s"' % (output_grid, output_path)) os.remove(output_grid) elif output_path.lower().endswith('.00g'): vs.save_vulcan_grid(output_path) else: pd_save_dataframe( pd.DataFrame(vs.dump_xyz(), columns=['x', 'y', variable]), output_path)
def main(input_points, mode, cell_size, convert_to_triangles, output, display): df = pd_load_dataframe(input_points) mesh = vtk_df_to_mesh(df) if not cell_size: cell_size = 10 mesh = mesh.elevation() if mode == 'outline': grid = mesh.outline(True) elif mode == 'delaunay_2d': grid = mesh.delaunay_2d() elif mode == 'delaunay_3d': grid = mesh.delaunay_3d() elif mode == 'grid': grid = grid_points_2d(mesh, float(cell_size)) if int(convert_to_triangles): grid = grid.delaunay_2d() else: grid = grid_points_rbf(mesh, float(cell_size), mode) if'vt.$', output, re.IGNORECASE): pv_save(grid, output) elif output: df = vtk_mesh_to_df(grid) pd_save_dataframe(df, output) if int(display): vtk_plot_meshes([mesh, grid])
def db_join_support(target_db, target_hid, target_from, target_to, source_db, source_hid, source_from, source_to, variables, output): v_lut = [{}, {}] v_lut[0]['hid'] = target_hid or 'hid' v_lut[1]['hid'] = source_hid or 'hid' v_lut[0]['from'] = target_from or 'from' v_lut[1]['from'] = source_from or 'from' v_lut[0]['to'] = target_to or 'to' v_lut[1]['to'] = source_to or 'to' dfs = [pd_load_dataframe(target_db), pd_load_dataframe(source_db)] dfs[0]['tmp_target_from'] = dfs[0][v_lut[0]['from']] odf = pd_join_interval(dfs, v_lut) odf.reset_index(drop=1, inplace=True) # pd_join_interval modifies the input array which is bad behavior # but datasets may be huge so its best to just cleanup after dfs[0].reset_index(drop=1, inplace=True) variables = commalist().parse(variables) ttf = 'tmp_target_from' vl_a = [[ttf], [v_lut[0]['hid']]] + [[_[0] + '=' + _[0], _[1]] for _ in variables] odf = pd_breakdown(odf, vl_a) odf = pd.merge(dfs[0], odf, 'outer', [v_lut[0]['hid'], ttf]) odf.drop(ttf, 1, inplace=True) if output: #odf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) pd_save_dataframe(odf, output) else: print(odf.to_string())
def db_append(input_path, output_path): odf = None for i_path in input_path.split(';'): print(i_path) idf = pd_load_dataframe(i_path) idf['filename'] = os.path.basename(i_path) if odf is None: odf = idf else: odf = odf.append(idf) pd_save_dataframe(odf, output_path)
def db_create_from_to(input_path, v_hid, v_depth, output, keep_null_values): df = pd_load_dataframe(input_path) pd_create_from_to(df, v_hid, v_depth, True) if not int(keep_null_values): df.fillna(-99, inplace=True) if output: pd_save_dataframe(df, output) else: print(df.to_string(index=False))
def db_custom_20210513(input_path, support, output_path): las = None print(input_path) if input_path.lower().endswith('las'): # the default 4000 bytes are not enough, -1 = full file f, c = lasio.open_file(input_path, autodetect_encoding_chars=-1) las = df = las.df() df.reset_index(inplace=True) else: df = pd_load_dataframe(input_path) #print("criando suporte") # 10 = 1000 # 1 = 100 # 0.1 = 10 # 0.01 = 1 df['DEPT_RL'] = df.eval("DEPT * 100 // (%s / 0.01)" % support, engine='python') #print("breakdown usando suporte") vl = [['DEPT_RL'], ['DEPT=DEPT', 'max']] vpre = {'DEPT_RL', 'DEPT'} for v in ['furo', 'holeid', 'hid', 'nomrev']: for c in [str.lower, str.upper, str.capitalize]: if c(v) in df: vl.insert(0, [c(v) + '=' + c(v)]) vpre.add(c(v)) break for v in df.columns: if v not in vpre: vl.append([v + '=' + v, 'mean']) #print(vl) df = pd_breakdown(df, vl) #print(df) #python %work_xlsx% "" "filename;DEPT_RL;DEPT=DEPT,max;CADE=CADE,mean;BIT GRC1=BIT GRC1,mean;DD3L=DD3L,mean;DD3B=DD3B,mean;DENL=DENL,mean;DENB=DENB,mean;GRDE=GRDE,mean;CCO1=CCO1,mean;CO1C=CO1C,mean;DD3G=DD3G,mean;GC1G=GC1G,mean;DD3C=DD3C,mean;GTMP=GTMP,mean;GRDO=GRDO,mean;DNBO=DNBO,mean;DNLO=DNLO,mean;CCLF=CCLF,mean;VAL_EXP CADMED=VAL_EXP CADMED,mean;CODREV=CODREV,mean;DIAM=DIAM,mean;WLEV=WLEV,mean" 0 %work_xlsx% #print("removendo colunas temporarias") df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.drop('DEPT_RL', 1, inplace=True) if las is None or not output_path.lower().endswith('las'): pd_save_dataframe(df, output_path) else: las_set_data(las, df) las.write(output_path)
def db_join_interval(left_db, left_hid, left_from, left_to, right_db, right_hid, right_from, right_to, output): v_lut = [{}, {}] v_lut[0]['hid'] = left_hid or 'DHID' v_lut[1]['hid'] = right_hid or 'DHID' v_lut[0]['from'] = left_from v_lut[1]['from'] = right_from v_lut[0]['to'] = left_to v_lut[1]['to'] = right_to dfs = [pd_load_dataframe(left_db), pd_load_dataframe(right_db)] odf = pd_join_interval(dfs, v_lut) if output: odf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) pd_save_dataframe(odf, output) else: print(odf.to_string())
def db_join(input_path, condition, primary_key, output_path, lookup_mode): if len(primary_key) == 0: primary_key = None elif "," in primary_key: primary_key = primary_key.split(',') header = dict() tables = [] for i_path in input_path.split(';'): idf = pd_load_dataframe(i_path, condition) for v in idf.columns: if v not in header: header[v] = len(header) tables.append(idf) odf = tables[0] if (int(lookup_mode)): for i in range(1, len(tables)): for j in odf.index: if np.isnan(odf.loc[j, primary_key]): continue flag = None for k in tables[i].index: flag = k if odf.loc[j, primary_key] < tables[i].loc[k, primary_key]: break if flag is not None: for cn in tables[i].columns: if cn != primary_key: odf.loc[j, cn] = tables[i].loc[flag, cn] else: for i in range(1, len(tables)): # {left, right, outer, inner, cross}, default inner odf = pd.merge(odf, tables[i], 'outer', primary_key) pd_save_dataframe(odf, output_path)
def main(*args): pd_save_dataframe(bm_breakdown(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]), args[4])
def pd_save_gdal(df, output_path, layer_attribute='layer', driver_name=None): if driver_name is None: driver_name = detect_ogr_driver(output_path) if driver_name not in gdal_formats: if layer_attribute and layer_attribute != 'layer': df['layer'] = df[layer_attribute] return pd_save_dataframe(df, output_path) try: from osgeo import ogr except: return pd_save_dataframe(df, output_path) print("save using ogr driver", driver_name) import osgeo.osr as osr # use OGR specific exceptions ogr.UseExceptions() # Create the output dvr = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver_name) ods = dvr.CreateDataSource(output_path) poly = None lyr = ods.CreateLayer('') if lyr.TestCapability('CreateField'): if lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldIndex('Layer') == -1: lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('Layer', ogr.OFTString)) for f in df.columns: if len(f) > 1: t = ogr.OFTString if df[f].dtype != np.object: t = ogr.OFTReal lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(f, t)) # start from the bottom of the dataframe to simplify polygon creation for row in df.index[::-1]: l = None if layer_attribute in df: l = df.loc[row, layer_attribute] if not l or (isinstance(l, float) and np.isnan(l)): l = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(output_path))[0] n, x, y, z = df.loc[row, ['n', 'x', 'y', 'z']].astype(np.float) if poly is None: ptype = '' if 'type' in df: ptype = str.upper(df.loc[row, 'type']) print(ptype) if ptype.find('POINT') >= 0: poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPointZM) elif ptype == 'LINEARRING' or ptype.find('POLY') >= 0: poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) else: poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineStringZM) poly.SetPoint(int(n), x, y, z) if n == 0.0: feature = ogr.Feature(lyr.GetLayerDefn()) ffDefn = feature.GetDefnRef() for i in range(ffDefn.GetFieldCount()): f = ffDefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() if f in df: feature.SetField(f, str(df.loc[row, f])) elif f.lower() in df: feature.SetField(f, df.loc[row, f.lower()]) feature.SetField('Layer', l) feature.SetGeometry(poly) lyr.CreateFeature(feature) poly = None
def gis_convert_epsg(input_path, x, y, z, convert_clock_to_decimal, convert_lookup, srs_column, srs_lookup, custom_systems_enable, custom_systems_zip, srs_input, srs_output, output_path): print("# gis_convert_epsg") if len(x) == 0: x = 'x' if len(y) == 0: y = 'y' if len(z) == 0: z = 'z' df = pd_load_dataframe(input_path) if int(convert_clock_to_decimal): for row in df.index: for col in [x, y]: vc = df.loc[row, col] vd = clock_to_decimal(vc) print(row, vc, "=>", vd) df.loc[row, col] = vd if int(convert_lookup): df_lookup = pd_load_dataframe(srs_lookup) df_lookup.set_index(df_lookup.columns[0], inplace=True) for raw_srs in df[srs_column].unique(): srs_input_row = None # check this row has a specific srs which is on the lookup table if raw_srs in df_lookup.index: srs_input_row =[raw_srs, df_lookup.columns[0]] else: srs_input_row = sanitize_srs(raw_srs) if srs_input_row is None and srs_input: # rows that do not have a valid srs, default to the global epsg srs_input_row = srs_input print(raw_srs, srs_input_row) if srs_input_row is not None: df.update( gis_project_df(df.loc[df[srs_column] == raw_srs].copy(), srs_input_row, srs_output, x, y, z)) else: # global conversion if int(custom_systems_enable): from zipfile import ZipFile zf = ZipFile(custom_systems_zip) for f in (srs_input, srs_output): if f in zf.namelist(): print(f) zf.extract(f) zf.close() df = gis_project_df(df, srs_input, srs_output, x, y, z) if output_path: pd_save_dataframe(df, output_path) if output_path.lower().endswith('shp'): gis_create_prj(output_path, srs_output) else: print(df) print("# gis_convert_epsg finished")