Exemple #1
def test_normal_sample(pairing_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID 96615/1.

    Verify that valid Paring List Data can be successfully imported into the database.
    expect_success(pairing_list_importer, 5, db_conn, logger)
Exemple #2
def test_case_insensitive_headers(pairing_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID 96773/9.

    Verify that the pairing list file is accepted and imported if the headers have mixed cases.
    expect_success(pairing_list_importer, 1, db_conn, logger)
def test_duplicate_check_fails(golden_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    Verify that it doesn't fail to import file with same rows.
    expect_success(golden_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)
def test_duplicate_check_override(golden_list_importer, db_conn, logger):
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    Verify that it fails to import an empty file after importing a non empty file.
    expect_success(golden_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)
Exemple #5
def test_duplicate_check_fails(registration_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    Verify that it doesn't fail to import sam rows.
    expect_success(registration_list_importer, 18, db_conn, logger)
def test_simple_import(golden_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    Verify that valid golden data can be successfully imported into the database.
    expect_success(golden_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)
def test_matching_normalization(monitoring_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Verify that IMEIs that normalize to the same value are successfully imported into the database."""
    expect_success(monitoring_list_importer, 5, db_conn, logger)
Exemple #8
def test_prune_classification_state(db_conn, metadata_db_conn, tmpdir, logger, mocked_config,
                                    operator_data_importer, stolen_list_importer, monkeypatch,
                                    gsma_tac_db_importer, postgres, mocked_statsd):
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    A regulator/partner should be able to run a CLI command to prune classification_state table.
    It will remove any classification state data related to obsolete conditions and
    data with end_date is earlier than the start of the retention window.
    # Step 1:
    # import gsma_dump empty non tac and classify for all the conditions
    # ['gsma_not_found', 'local_stolen', 'duplicate_mk1', 'malformed_imei', 'not_on_registration_list', ..]
    # classification_state_table contains records for cond_name "gsma_not_found". They all have end_date==None

    # CLI prune will delete rows where the end_date is earlier than the start of the retention window.
    # retention_months=6
    # curr_date = datetime.date(2017, 7, 13)
    # Import different gsma_db and classify to have different end date for gsma_not_found records in
    # the classification table.

    # CLI prune for classification_state will look at the current configured conditions and
    # remove any entries corresponding to cond_names that no longer exist in the config.
    # Load a new yaml file without stolen_list condition and run the prune CLI command to test.
    # -- yaml cond config list:
    # ['gsma_not_found', 'malformed_imei', 'not_on_registration_list']
    # -- classification_state condition list:
    # ['gsma_not_found', 'local_stolen', 'malformed_imei', 'not_on_registration_list']

    # Step 1

    runner = CliRunner()
    runner.invoke(dirbs_classify_cli, ['--no-safety-check', '--curr-date', '20170713'],
                  obj={'APP_CONFIG': mocked_config})

    with db_conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute('SELECT imei_norm, cond_name, end_date FROM classification_state ORDER BY cond_name, imei_norm')
        res_list = cur.fetchall()
        assert len(res_list) == 32
        assert [(x.imei_norm, x.cond_name, x.end_date) for x in res_list] == \
               [('21111111111111', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                ('21111111111112', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                ('8888#888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                ('88888862222209', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                ('88888888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                ('12432807272315', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12640904324427', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12640904372723', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12727231272313', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12875502464321', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12875502572723', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12875507272312', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12904502843271', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12909602432585', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12909602872723', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12922902206948', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12922902243260', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12922902432742', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12922902432776', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('12957272313271', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('17272317272723', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('56773605727231', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('64220204327947', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('64220297727231', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('72723147267231', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('72723147267631', 'local_stolen', None),
                ('8888#888622222', 'malformed_imei', None),
                ('21111111111111', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                ('21111111111112', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                ('8888#888622222', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                ('88888862222209', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                ('88888888622222', 'not_on_registration_list', None)]

        # Step 2
        # all records have end_date == None. Classify twice to have records with different end_date
        # first classification
        with get_importer(GSMADataImporter,
                          GSMADataParams(filename='gsma_not_found_anonymized.txt')) as imp:
            expect_success(imp, 1, db_conn, logger)

        runner.invoke(dirbs_classify_cli, ['--no-safety-check', '--curr-date', '20170713'],
                      obj={'APP_CONFIG': mocked_config})

        # with db_conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("""SELECT imei_norm, cond_name, end_date
                         FROM classification_state
                     ORDER BY cond_name, imei_norm""")
        res_list = cur.fetchall()

        gsma_not_found_list = [(x.imei_norm, x.cond_name, x.end_date) for x in res_list
                               if x.cond_name == 'gsma_not_found']

        assert gsma_not_found_list == [('21111111111111', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                       ('21111111111112', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                       ('8888#888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                       ('88888862222209', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                       ('88888888622222', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2017, 7, 13))]
        # second classification
        with get_importer(GSMADataImporter,
                          GSMADataParams(filename='prune_classification_state_gsma.txt')) as imp:
            expect_success(imp, 1, db_conn, logger)

        runner.invoke(dirbs_classify_cli, ['--no-safety-check', '--curr-date', '20160101'],
                      obj={'APP_CONFIG': mocked_config})

        # with db_conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute('SELECT imei_norm, cond_name, end_date '
                    '  FROM classification_state '
                    'ORDER BY cond_name, imei_norm, end_date')
        res_list = cur.fetchall()

        gsma_not_found_list = [(x.imei_norm, x.cond_name, x.end_date) for x in res_list if
                               x.cond_name == 'gsma_not_found']

        assert gsma_not_found_list == [('21111111111111', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2016, 1, 1)),
                                       ('21111111111112', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2016, 1, 1)),
                                       ('8888#888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                       ('88888862222209', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                       ('88888888622222', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2017, 7, 13)),
                                       ('88888888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None)]

        # Step 3
        # Expect not to be in classification_state table after prune:
        # IMEIs 21111111111111 and 21111111111112 for condition gsma_not found (due to end_date)
        # IMEIs for condition stolen_list (due to condition no longer exist)

        # this commit is to remove locks from the classification_state table so that
        # the table can be dropped inside the prune. The locks were activated by the CLI to classify.

        cond_dict_list = [{'label': 'gsma_not_found',
                           'reason': 'TAC not found in GSMA TAC database',
                           'grace_period_days': 30,
                           'blocking': True,
                           'dimensions': [{'module': 'gsma_not_found'}]
                          {'label': 'malformed_imei',
                           'reason': 'Invalid characters detected in IMEI',
                           'grace_period_days': 0,
                           'blocking': False,
                           'dimensions': [{'module': 'malformed_imei'}]
                          {'label': 'not_on_registration_list',
                           'reason': 'IMEI not found on local registration list',
                           'grace_period_days': 0,
                           'blocking': True,
                           'max_allowed_matching_ratio': 1.0,
                           'dimensions': [{'module': 'not_on_registration_list'}]

        monkeypatch.setattr(mocked_config, 'conditions', from_cond_dict_list_to_cond_list(cond_dict_list))
        with db_conn.cursor() as cur:
            result = runner.invoke(dirbs_prune_cli, ['--curr-date', '20170913',
                                   obj={'APP_CONFIG': mocked_config})

            assert result.exit_code == 0
            # ITEMS REMOVED
            # [('17272317272723', 'local_stolen', None), ('12909602872723', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('12875502572723', 'local_stolen', None), ('12875507272312', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('64220297727231', 'local_stolen', None), ('12909602432585', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('64220204327947', 'local_stolen', None), ('72723147267631', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('72723147267231', 'local_stolen', None), ('12922902243260', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('12875502464321', 'local_stolen', None), ('12922902432776', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('12957272313271', 'local_stolen', None), ('12640904324427', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('12904502843271', 'local_stolen', None), ('12922902432742', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('12432807272315', 'local_stolen', None), ('12922902206948', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('56773605727231', 'local_stolen', None), ('12727231272313', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('12640904372723', 'local_stolen', None),
            # ('21111111111111', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2016, 1, 1)),
            # ('21111111111112', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2016, 1, 1))]

            cur.execute('SELECT imei_norm, cond_name, end_date '
                        'FROM classification_state '
                        'ORDER BY cond_name, imei_norm, end_date')
            res_list = cur.fetchall()
            pruned_class_state_table = [(x.imei_norm, x.cond_name, x.end_date) for x in res_list]

            assert pruned_class_state_table == [('8888#888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                                ('88888862222209', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                                ('88888888622222', 'gsma_not_found', datetime.date(2017, 7, 13)),
                                                ('88888888622222', 'gsma_not_found', None),
                                                ('8888#888622222', 'malformed_imei', None),
                                                ('21111111111111', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                                                ('21111111111112', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                                                ('8888#888622222', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                                                ('88888862222209', 'not_on_registration_list', None),
                                                ('88888888622222', 'not_on_registration_list', None)]
def test_simple_import(monitoring_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Verify that the valid monitoring list data can be successfully imported into the db."""
    expect_success(monitoring_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)
Exemple #10
def test_simple_import(barred_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Verify that the valid barred list data can be successfully imported into the db."""
    expect_success(barred_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)
def test_duplicate_check_fails(stolen_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    Verify that rows with same imei and reporting_date are not considered duplicates.
    expect_success(stolen_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)
def test_reporting_date_optional(stolen_list_importer, logger, db_conn,
                                 mocked_config, metadata_db_conn, tmpdir,
    """Test Depot ID not known yet.

    Verify that valid stolen data can be successfully imported into the database with optional field reporting_date.
    Verify in case of two IMEIs with different reporting_date, only the one with min(reporting_date) is imported.
    # Basically, the decorator @optional in the stolen_list schema for the field reporting-date, allows whitespaces.
    # If the field was text and we imported a row containing a reporting-date whitespace-only,
    # the row would have been imported with withespaces into the db.
    # In this case the reporting-date field is of type date so,
    # when we import a whitespace data of type text into a date type column, we get an Error Type
    # valid imei, reporting_date
    expect_success(stolen_list_importer, 2, db_conn, logger)

    with db_conn, db_conn.cursor() as cur:
            'SELECT imei_norm, reporting_date FROM historic_stolen_list ORDER BY imei_norm'
        res = cur.fetchall()

    assert len(res) == 2
    stolen_list_rows = {(r.imei_norm, r.reporting_date) for r in res}
    assert stolen_list_rows == {
        ('12222222222222', datetime.date(datetime(2016, 4, 25))),
        ('62222222222222', datetime.date(datetime(2016, 4, 26)))

    # Verify in case of two IMEIs with different reporting_date, duplicate check will raise an exception.
    with get_importer(
            StolenListImporter, db_conn, metadata_db_conn,
            mocked_config.db_config, tmpdir, logger, mocked_statsd,
                             '01234567891234,20160402,')) as imp:
            'Conflicting rows check failed (1 rows with same primary key and conflicting data)'
        assert 'Found 1 conflicting row(s) with primary key (\'imei_norm\',): (\'01234567891234\',)' \
               in logger_stream_contents(logger)

    # valid imei, reporting_date whitespace only -  error reporting_date type is date not string
    with get_importer(
            StolenListImporter, db_conn, metadata_db_conn,
            mocked_config.db_config, tmpdir, logger, mocked_statsd,
                             '622222222222222,    ,\n'
                             '122222222222223,20160425,')) as imp:
            exc_message='Pre-validation failed: b\'Error:   '
            '(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8]))|20([02468][048]|[13579][26])0229)?$") '
            'fails for line: 1, column: reporting_date, value: "    "\\nFAIL')


    with db_conn, db_conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute('TRUNCATE historic_stolen_list')

    # valid imei, reporting_date empty - type null
    with get_importer(
            StolenListImporter, db_conn, metadata_db_conn,
            mocked_config.db_config, tmpdir, logger, mocked_statsd,
                             '122222222222223,20160425,')) as imp:
        expect_success(imp, 2, db_conn, logger)

    with db_conn, db_conn.cursor() as cur:
            'SELECT imei_norm, reporting_date FROM historic_stolen_list ORDER BY imei_norm'
        res = cur.fetchall()

    assert len(res) == 2
    stolen_list_rows = {(r.imei_norm, r.reporting_date) for r in res}
    assert stolen_list_rows == {('12222222222222',
                                 datetime.date(datetime(2016, 4, 25))),
                                ('72222222222222', None)}
def test_simple_import(stolen_list_importer, logger, db_conn):
    """Test Depot ID 96591/5.

    Verify that valid stolen data can be successfully imported into the database.
    expect_success(stolen_list_importer, 20, db_conn, logger)