Exemple #1
	def __init__(self, gui=True, testing='budget'):
		super(GridWin, self).__init__()
		traci.start(["sumo", "-c", Settings.sumo_config])

		self.mode='default' #default, reward

		self.testing = testing #if testing budget keep capacity constant, if testing capacity keep budget constant

		self.env_map = Map(Settings.sumo_config)
		self.rowcol_to_junction = self.env_map.complex_row_col

		self.row = int(self.env_map.rows)
		self.column = int(self.env_map.columns)

		#self.rowcol_to_junction = self.env_map.row_col(self.row, self.column) #value is the junction id and key is row_col

		self.rowcol_to_junction.update(dict((v, k) for k, v in self.rowcol_to_junction.items()))
		self.player_list = {} #stores location as key, player object as value in list
		self.reward_list = {} #stores location(grid) as key, reward value as value
		self.random_uniform_reward_list = {} #akbas

		self.min_reward = 0 #min reward value

		self.gui = gui

		self.setting = Settings()

		self.reward_distribution_center = [(0,0),  (0,self.column),(self.row, 0),(self.row, self.column)]

		if gui:
			self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_closing)

			size = str(int(w/2))+'x'+str(int(h/2))

			self.import_frame = tk.Frame(self, bg='green')
			#self.import_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both')

			self.grid_frame = tk.Frame(self, height=500, width=500, bg='red')
			self.grid_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both')

			self.control_frame = tk.Frame(self)
			self.control_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both')

			self.grid_list = [] #store all the buttons in grid
Exemple #2
def start_veto(ctx, users: List[discord.User], veto_type: int) -> str:
    global RUNNING_VETOS
    global FUCK_NUKE

    num_of_players = len(users)

    maps = [

    if not FUCK_NUKE:

    for i in RUNNING_VETOS:
        if i.channel == ctx.channel.name and i.server == ctx.guild.name:
            return 'veto already running!'

    if num_of_players == 0:
        return 'gimme players'

    elif num_of_players > 5:
        return 'too many players'

    players: List[Player] = []
    for u in users:

    veto = Veto(


    message = veto.add_list_to_message('', maps, [])
    message += veto.construct_message_veto_list()

    return message
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.map_data = Map(GraphSetting.sumo_config)
        self.player_list = {}
        self.rewards_list = {}

        self.index_counter = 0

        self.poi_to_junct = {}

        self.poi_list = {}
        self.player_location_array = None  #array storing location
Exemple #4
	def __init__(self):

		self.map_data = Map(GraphSetting.sumo_config)
		self.player_list = {}
		self.poi_to_junct = {}  #enter poi id to get junction, enter junction to get poi id
		self.index_counter = 0


		self.poi_list = {}     #poi {poi_key:{veh_key:veh_value}} to keep track of if vehcle is being tracked by the poi to know if
		#veh is leaving or entering junction

		self.success_veh = [] #vehicle success arrived dest
		self.poi_que = {} # {poiid:{vehid:edge, vehid:edge}} #when player arived to raidus add to this, every 10 sec this is cleared

		#below are the variables for guis
		self.veh_data = None #result of veh storing location
		self.track_veh = None #id storing the vehicle to track
Exemple #5
def start_best_of_veto(
    users: List[discord.User],
    num_of_maps: int,
) -> str:
    # system for BO1
    # maps: dust2, inferno, mirage, nuke, overpass, ancient, vertigo
    #       ban,   ban,     ban,    ban , ban,      ban,   decider
    #       0      1        2       3     4         5      6

    # system for BO3
    # maps: dust2, inferno, mirage, nuke, overpass, ancient, vertigo
    #       ban,   ban,     pick,   pick, ban,      ban,   decider
    #       0      1        2       3     4         5      6

    # system for BO5
    # maps: dust2, inferno, mirage, nuke, overpass, ancient, vertigo
    #       ban,   ban,     pick,   pick, pick,     pick,  decider
    #       0      1        2       3     4         5      6

    global RUNNING_VETOS

    maps = [

    num_of_players = len(users)

    for i in RUNNING_VETOS:
        if i.channel == ctx.channel.name and i.server == ctx.guild.name:
            return 'veto already running on this channel'

    if num_of_players != 2:
        return 'need 2 players for veto!'

    starter = users[0].name
    second = users[1].name

    players = [
        Player(starter), Player(second),
        Player(starter), Player(second),
        Player(starter), Player(second),

    veto = Veto(


    message = veto.add_list_to_message('', maps, [])
    message += veto.construct_message_best_of_veto_list()

    return message
Exemple #6
 def add_map(self, mapveto: Map):
     self.mapveto = mapveto.capitalize()
Exemple #7
class Environment(object):
	def __init__(self):

		self.map_data = Map(GraphSetting.sumo_config)
		self.player_list = {}
		self.poi_to_junct = {}  #enter poi id to get junction, enter junction to get poi id
		self.index_counter = 0


		self.poi_list = {}     #poi {poi_key:{veh_key:veh_value}} to keep track of if vehcle is being tracked by the poi to know if
		#veh is leaving or entering junction

		self.success_veh = [] #vehicle success arrived dest
		self.poi_que = {} # {poiid:{vehid:edge, vehid:edge}} #when player arived to raidus add to this, every 10 sec this is cleared

		#below are the variables for guis
		self.veh_data = None #result of veh storing location
		self.track_veh = None #id storing the vehicle to track

	def stop_vehicle_handle(self, t): #handle when vehicle is stopped calculate the sensing plan with buffered vehicles
		if (t % GraphSetting.buffer_interval) == 0: #the number of sec passed by
			#print("im checking for que ", self.t)
			if self.poi_que:
				for poi_key, veh_waiting_list in self.poi_que.items():
					sp, number_players = self.update_veh_collection_status(veh_waiting_list, poi_key) #this is only called when veh is being handled at poi
					reward_value = (self.map_data.pois[poi_key].value/pow(number_players, 2))

					for veh, edge in veh_waiting_list.items():

						self.adjust_sensing_plan(poi_key, veh, sp, edge, reward_value) #when veh route is adjusted does this really need to be adjusted for every veh or maybe it should be only per poi

						#self.player_list[veh].reward += (self.map_data.pois[poi_key].value/pow(len(veh_waiting_list), 2))


							traci.vehicle.setStop(veh, edge, duration=0)
							#print(f"i succeeded at resuming {veh}. routes: {traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh)}, index : {traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(veh)}, current: {traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh)[traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(veh)]} shouldbe {edge}")
						except traci.exceptions.TraCIException as e:
							print(f"i failed at resuming {veh}. routes: {traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh)}, index : {traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(veh)}, current: {traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh)[traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(veh)]} shouldbe {edge}")
							#traci.vehicle.setStop(veh, edge, duration=0)
							self.track_veh = veh

							#traci.vehicle.setStop(veh, edge, duration=0)
							raise traci.exceptions.TraCIException("i failed here wtf")

						#traci.vehicle.setStop(veh, traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh)[traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(veh)], duration=0)
						print(f"moving {veh} at sim step {t}, processed sp for {len(veh_waiting_list)} player(s)")
				self.poi_que = {}

	def calculate_next_poi_new(self, veh_id, current_node, add=False):#add to show that its initializing
		#this is called when player is added and is called every time a play arrived at a poi
		#loops through every player and every poi to find the player prob for every poi

		#print("current node is ", current_node)

		player = self.player_list[veh_id]

		max_eu = 0
		final_distance_cap = None

		player_data = self.player_list if add else traci.vehicle.getAllSubscriptionResults()
		len_player = len(player_data)

		for poi_id, self.map_data.pois[poi_id] in self.map_data.pois.items():

			assert len_player >0, 'something is wrong no player in system'

			if not poi_id in self.player_list[veh_id].poi_potential:
				#player cant go to this poi due to distance capacity
				print(f"{veh_id} considering going to {poi_id}")

			total_cost = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].player_potential[veh_id] + self.player_list[veh_id].poi_potential[poi_id]

			assert total_cost <= self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity, f"failed {veh_id} dist cap {self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity} < {total_cost} going to {poi_id}"
			assert poi_id in self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution, f"failed {poi_id} not in {veh_id} distribution"

			if len_player <=1:  #im the only one there
				e_u = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].value
				e_sp = 1

				e_u, e_sp = self.calculate_utility(veh_id, poi_id, self.map_data.pois[poi_id].value, player_data)

			if (e_u > max_eu) and (e_sp <= player.capacity) and (self.map_data.pois[poi_id].junction!=player.target_poi):
				max_eu = e_u
				max_eu_location = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].junction
				final_distance_cap = total_cost

			#reset poi potential players or it might affect next time bucket generation
			#self.map_data.pois[poi_id].player_potential = {}

		if final_distance_cap:
			self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity -= final_distance_cap

		#self.player_list[veh_id].poi_potential = {}

		return max_eu_location

	def calculate_utility_new(self, veh_id, poi_id, reward, player_data):
		calculate the expected util for particular i veh_id to poi_id
		sum up all the times

		#iteration through poi_combintaions and populate

		player_data_keys = list(player_data.keys())

		time_eu_dict = {} #time as key m_eu_dict as value
		time_esp_dict = {}

		for index, time in enumerate(self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id][1]):

			#filter out the ones that are not going there that means i have to regenerate combinations...... thats even more costly
			#combinations are assumed that all players have some probalit
			#even if i remove the player from the consideration list


			for m, combs in self.player_list[veh_id].combinations.items(): #m is r {1:[10c1], 2:[10c2]} r 1:n
				prob = 1
				m_eu_dict = {} #number of players as key, eu as value
				m_esp_dict = {}
				for key, value in player_data.items(): #calculate the prob first then filter out the one that are not likely
					if key in combs:
						arriving_prob = self.find_probability(time, self.player_list[key].current_poi_distribution[poi_id])
						if key == veh_id:
							assert self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id][0][index] == arriving_prob,\
								f"time dist doesnt match {veh_id} {self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id][0][index]} {arriving_prob}"
						arriving_prob = (1 - self.find_probability(time, self.player_list[key].current_poi_distribution[poi_id]))

					prob *= arriving_prob
				eu = prob*(reward/pow(m, 2))
				esp = prob*self.compute_sensing_plan(m, (reward/pow(m, 2)), self.map_data.junctions[self.map_data.pois[poi_id].junction].cost)
				m_eu_dict[m] = eu
				m_esp_dict[m] = esp

			time_eu_dict[time] = m_eu_dict
			time_esp_dict[time] = m_esp_dict

		total_eu = sum([sum(_m.values()) for _time, _m in time_eu_dict.items()])

		total_esp = sum([sum(_m.values()) for _time, _m in time_esp_dict.items()])


		print(f"for veh {veh_id} to poi {poi_id} eu is {total_eu} esp is {total_esp} current cap:{self.player_list[veh_id].capacity}")
		return total_eu, total_esp

	def calculate_utility(self, veh_id, poi_id, reward, player_data):
		calculate the expected util for particular i veh_id to poi_id
		sum up all the times

		#iteration through poi_combintaions and populate

		self.player_list[veh_id].combinations = defaultdict(list)  #reset player combinations

		self.set_combs(poi_id) #setting the combinations for all the players that are potentially going to this poi
		player_data = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].player_potential

		player_data_keys = list(player_data.keys())

		time_eu_dict = {} #time as key m_eu_dict as value
		time_esp_dict = {}

		for index, time in enumerate(self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id][1]):

			#filter out the ones that are not going there that means i have to regenerate combinations...... thats even more costly
			#combinations are assumed that all players have some probalit
			#even if i remove the player from the consideration list


			for m, combs in self.player_list[veh_id].combinations.items(): #m is r {1:[10c1], 2:[10c2]} r 1:n #this is set using set_combos
				prob = 1
				m_eu_dict = {} #number of players as key, eu as value
				m_esp_dict = {}
				for key, value in player_data.items(): #iteration of all players potentially going to poi
					if key in combs:
						arriving_prob = self.find_probability(time, self.player_list[key].current_poi_distribution[poi_id])
						if key == veh_id:
							assert self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id][0][index] == arriving_prob,\
								f"time dist doesnt match {veh_id} {self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id][0][index]} {arriving_prob}"
						arriving_prob = (1 - self.find_probability(time, self.player_list[key].current_poi_distribution[poi_id]))

					prob *= arriving_prob
				eu = prob*(reward/pow(m, 2))
				esp = prob*self.compute_sensing_plan(m, (reward/pow(m, 2)), self.map_data.junctions[self.map_data.pois[poi_id].junction].cost)
				m_eu_dict[m] = eu
				m_esp_dict[m] = esp

			time_eu_dict[time] = m_eu_dict
			time_esp_dict[time] = m_esp_dict

		total_eu = sum([sum(_m.values()) for _time, _m in time_eu_dict.items()])

		total_esp = sum([sum(_m.values()) for _time, _m in time_esp_dict.items()])


		print(f"for veh {veh_id} to poi {poi_id} eu is {total_eu} esp is {total_esp} current cap:{self.player_list[veh_id].capacity}")
		return total_eu, total_esp

	def generate_bucket(self, veh_id=None):

		#when veh arrive at destination the bucket should be changed for each veh the same combination no longer apply

		#this also sets the potential players to every potential pois based on distance cap

		#this is caled everytime player arrive at a poi

		def set_bucket(veh_id, current_edge):

			print(f"Generating buckets for {veh_id}....")

			#for each veh need to reset their dic before generating buckets


			for poi_id, poi_value in self.map_data.pois.items():
				key = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].junction
				value = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].value

				route_value = self.map_data.find_route_reroute(current_edge, key)
				route_value_todest = self.map_data.find_best_route(key, self.player_list[veh_id].dest_junc)

				total_time = route_value.travelTime + route_value_todest.travelTime

				if self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity < total_time:
					#the player combination to poi is not updated

				print(f"considering {poi_id} total cost {total_time} cap left {self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity}")

				self.player_list[veh_id].poi_potential[poi_id] = route_value.travelTime
				self.map_data.pois[poi_id].player_potential[veh_id] = route_value_todest.travelTime

				route_edges = route_value.edges

				new_mean = sum([self.map_data.edges[e].distance/self.map_data.edges[e].speed for e in route_edges if not ':' in e]) #sum of the means of edges within the route to each poi
				new_std = reduce(lambda x,y:np.sqrt(x**2+y**2), [self.map_data.edges[e].std for e in route_edges if not ':' in e]) # combine the std of all the edges

				#: is for junctions, when vehicle in motion, tc.roadid can return junction

				route_array = generate_speed_distribution(new_mean, new_std) #distribution data generated based on new mean and std

				result = generate_speed_bucket(route_array, bins_num=6) #generate histogram with bin number

				self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id] = result #save this histogram information to the player object

				#current poi_distribution {poi_id:histogram}

		if veh_id: #finding dict for only 1 vehicle
			set_bucket(veh_id, self.player_list[veh_id].current_edge)
		else: #for when 1 vehicle arrived at a poi need to evaluate the next poi thus need to update every other players bucket

			for poi_id, poi_value in self.map_data.pois.items():
				poi_value.player_potential = {}

			for veh_id, veh_value in traci.vehicle.getAllSubscriptionResults().items():
				self.player_list[veh_id].poi_potential = {}

			for veh_id, veh_value in traci.vehicle.getAllSubscriptionResults().items():
				set_bucket(veh_id, veh_value[tc.VAR_ROAD_ID])


			#because we are in the player loop after updating the potential pois for this particular player, go ahead and generate the combination for this player

	def set_combs(self, poi_id, add=False): #setting the combinations of those players who are potentially able to participate in this poi
		total_players = len(self.map_data.pois[poi_id].player_potential)
		print(f"{poi_id} is generating combinations for {total_players}")
		for i in range(total_players):
			combs = itertools.combinations(list(self.map_data.pois[poi_id].player_potential.keys()), i+1) #try optimizing using numpy or iterators instread

			#combs = 
			self.map_data.pois[poi_id].combinations[i+1] = combs
			self.set_combinations_player(i+1, combs) #setting combs for theplayers based off the comb


	def set_bucket_new(self, veh_id, current_edge, add=True):
		#print(f"setting histogram for {veh_id} add: {add}")
		for poi_id, self.map_data.pois[poi_id] in self.map_data.pois.items():
			key = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].junction
			value = self.map_data.pois[poi_id].value

			route_edges = self.map_data.find_route_reroute(current_edge, key).edges

			new_mean = sum([self.map_data.edges[e].distance/self.map_data.edges[e].speed for e in route_edges if not ':' in e]) #sum of the means of edges within the route to each poi
			new_std = reduce(lambda x,y:np.sqrt(x**2+y**2), [self.map_data.edges[e].std for e in route_edges if not ':' in e]) # combine the std of all the edges

			#: is for junctions, when vehicle in motion, tc.roadid can return junction

			route_array = generate_speed_distribution(new_mean, new_std) #distribution data generated based on new mean and std

			result = generate_speed_bucket(route_array, bins_num=6) #generate histogram with bin number

			self.player_list[veh_id].current_poi_distribution[poi_id] = result #save this histogram information to the player object


	def compute_sensing_plan(self, player_amount, reward, cost):
		#print('player amount is ', player_amount)
		sensing_plan = ((player_amount-1)*reward)/((player_amount**2)*cost)

		#print('sensning plan value is ', sensing_plan)
		return sensing_plan

	def print_pc(self):
		for key, value in self.player_list.items():

			#value.combinations = defaultdict(list)

	def set_combinations_player(self, i, combs):

		np_combs = np.array(combs) #each combination is a row
		for player_id, player_value in self.player_list.items():
			#print(f"procssing {player_id} is at {np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: player_id in x, 1, np_combs)}")
			player_value.combinations[i].append(np_combs[(np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: player_id in x, 1, np_combs)), :])

		print("first combintation list")


		while True:
				comb = next(combs)#combs.pop()
				#print(f"combinations for {i} players {comb}")
				for player in comb:
			except StopIteration as e:

	def set_combinations(self, add = False):
		#this gets combinations for all the players after all the players has been initialized
		#intialize combination
		#this need to be fixed for memory error cant store all combinations for every number of vehicles
		#where should the poi potential players be populated, shoudl be inside calculate next poi new, but if its populated there then combinations should be generated per poi based

		print(f"All players added len: {len(self.player_list)} generating combinations...")
		player_keys = list(self.player_list.keys())
		all_combs = {}

		for i in range(len(self.player_list)):
			#print("generating combinations")
			combs = list(itertools.combinations(player_keys, i+1))
			#all_combs[i+1] = combs
			#print("setting combinations")
			self.set_combinations_player(i+1, combs)


		if add:

			for player_id, player_value in self.player_list.items():

				self.next_poi_reroute(player_id, player_value.start, player_value.prev_junction, add=add)

	def find_probability(self, time, distribution):
		given time and distribution of a veh at poi, find the prob of that time for the veh
		[0] is the probability, [1] is the intervals/bins
		buckets = distribution[1]

			upper_index = np.min(np.where(buckets>=time)) #index of upper boundary of time
			lower_index = np.max(np.where(buckets<=time)) #index of lower boundary of time	

			if upper_index == lower_index and upper_index==len(distribution[0]):
				lower_index -= 1

			#print(f'time searching for is {time}, upper:{upper_index}, lower:{lower_index}')
			#print(f'bucket is:', buckets)	
			#print(f'prob is:', distribution[0])	
		except ValueError:
			lower_index = None

		if not lower_index:
			return 0
			return distribution[0][lower_index]


	def add_player(self, veh_id, routes, dest_junc):  #this is called before setting combinations
		assert not veh_id in self.player_list, f"failed more than one player with {veh_id}"
		assert self.index_counter == int(veh_id.split('_')[1]), 'player id doesnt match counter'

		route_edges = routes.edges

		self.player_list[veh_id] = Player(veh_id, route_edges, self.map_data.edges[route_edges[0]]._from, dest_junc)
		self.player_list[veh_id].capacity = get_truncated_normal(GraphSetting.player_capacity_random[0], GraphSetting.player_capacity_random[1], 0, GraphSetting.player_capacity_random[0]*2).rvs(1)[0]

			print(f"{veh_id} shortest path travel time {routes.travelTime}")

			if GraphSetting.distance_capacity[0] == GraphSetting.distance_capacity[1]:
				self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity = (GraphSetting.distance_capacity[0] * routes.travelTime)
				self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity = np.random.randint(routes.travelTime * GraphSetting.distance_capacity[0], routes.travelTime * GraphSetting.distance_capacity[1])
		except ValueError:
			self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity = 0



		print(f"Added player {veh_id}, dist_cap: {self.player_list[veh_id].distance_capacity}")

	def reroute(self, veh_id, current_edge, upcome_edge, destination, add=False):
			print(f'{veh_id} traveling on {upcome_edge} change direction going towards {destination}({self.poi_to_junct[destination]})')
		except KeyError:
			print(f'{veh_id} traveling on {upcome_edge} change direction going towards {destination}(Destination)')

		shortest_route = self.map_data.find_route_reroute(upcome_edge, destination)

		shortest_route = list(shortest_route.edges)

		traci.vehicle.changeTarget(veh_id, shortest_route[-1])

		return shortest_route


	def update_capacity(self, veh, esp):

			#assert self.player_list[veh].capacity >= esp, f"CAPACITY change ERROR cap:{self.player_list[veh].capacity} esp:{esp}"
			if esp > self.player_list[veh].capacity and esp == 1: #in the case of 1 player esp is set to 1 but still higher than 
				self.player_list[veh].capacity = 0
				self.player_list[veh].capacity -= esp
		except KeyError:
			print(veh_value, 'Error')

	def update_veh_collection_status(self, veh_value, poi_key):
		#iterate through all the vehicles
		this function have issue when the diff of esp(i) and esp(i-1)
		eg. if esp(2) is 5.3 esp(1) is 1, player capacitys are 3 and 20
		when calc esp of 2, 1 fit. but when calc esp of 1, 2 fits

		the len(veh_value) is mostly 1, only when multiple vehicles arrives in the same radius will the length >1

		keys_list = list(veh_value.keys())
		cap_list = []
		veh_cap_list = []
		counter_list = []
		i_list = []

		temp_veh_value = veh_value.copy()

		for i in range(len(veh_value), 0, -1):
			esp = self.compute_sensing_plan(i, self.map_data.pois[poi_key].value, self.map_data.junctions[self.poi_to_junct[poi_key]].cost)
			counter = 0 #this to count how many fits the capacity
			min_cap_veh_id = None #only remove one veh with smallest capacity if not fit
			for new_key, new_value in veh_value.items():

				if esp<=self.player_list[new_key].capacity:
					self.player_list[new_key].participation = True
					self.player_list[new_key].participation = False
					if not min_cap_veh_id:
						min_cap_veh_id = new_key
						if self.player_list[new_key].capacity < self.player_list[min_cap_veh_id].capacity:
							min_cap_veh_id = new_key

			if min_cap_veh_id:
				del temp_veh_value[min_cap_veh_id]
				veh_value = temp_veh_value

			if counter == i: #this line
				if i==1:
					esp = 1
				return esp, i


		print("I should not be here ")
		print(f'length is {len(veh_value)}, esp list:{cap_list}, cap list:{veh_cap_list} counter {counter_list}, ilist {i_list}')

	def process_destination(self):

		arrived_id = traci.simulation.getArrivedIDList()
		if arrived_id:
			for veh_id in arrived_id:
				if not veh_id in self.success_veh:
					print(f"vehicle {veh_id} arrived at destination")

	def wait_in_radius(self, poi_key,veh_id):
		#print("before stop routes ", traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh_id))

		#this function is for stopping vehicles
		routes = traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh_id)
		route_index = traci.vehicle.getRouteIndex(veh_id)
		start_edge = routes[route_index]
		start_index = route_index
		while True:
				traci.vehicle.setStop(veh_id, routes[route_index])

			except traci.exceptions.TraCIException:

				route_index += 1
			except IndexError:
				#because the stopping edge is determined before rerouting to he next poi, the route index might be out of range because its reached the poi and dk where to go
				#print(f"oh well im out of index trying to stop {veh_id} at {poi_key} starting {start_edge} index {start_index}")
				#print(f"Routes: {routes}")

				routes = self.map_data.find_route_reroute(start_edge, GraphSetting.destination).edges
				route_index = 0

		print(f"stopping.... {veh_id} at {poi_key}({routes[route_index]})")

		edge = routes[route_index]

			if not self.poi_que[poi_key]:
				self.poi_que[poi_key]= {veh_id:edge}
				self.poi_que[poi_key][veh_id] = edge
		except KeyError as e:
			self.poi_que[poi_key]= {veh_id:edge}

		self.track_veh = veh_id

		#print("after stop routes ", traci.vehicle.getRoute(veh_id))

	def adjust_sensing_plan(self, key, veh, sp, current_edge, reward_value):
		#key is the current poi key
		#self.player_list[veh].target_poi = self.map_data.pois[key].junction #incase veh accidentally encounter poi, need to update
		#if vehicle predetermined to go to destination but encounter a poi then update


		if self.player_list[veh].participation:

			before_capacity = self.player_list[veh].capacity
			self.player_list[veh].reward += reward_value
			self.update_capacity(veh, sp)
			print(f"{veh} CAP_before:{before_capacity} CAP_after:{self.player_list[veh].capacity}: SP:{sp} at junction {key}({self.poi_to_junct[key]})")
			self.player_list[veh].participation = False


			print(f"{veh} not participating at {key} sp:{sp} cap:{self.player_list[veh].capacity}")

		self.next_poi_reroute(veh, current_edge, self.map_data.pois[key].junction)


	def next_poi_reroute(self, veh, current_edge, prev_junction, add=False): #this is called everytime we want to determine poi and reroute

		next_poi = self.calculate_next_poi_new(veh, prev_junction, add=add) #maybe this function can return none for going towards dest

		if not next_poi:
			#this is the weighted random jumps
			#right now set to go home if none fit
			print(f'{veh} reached max capacity, going towards destination')
			next_poi = self.player_list[veh].dest_junc

			self.player_list[veh].target_poi = next_poi

		st = self.reroute(veh, None, current_edge, next_poi)

	def process_poi(self):
		#should check is the vehicle is currently on the poi adjacent edges

		poi_data = traci.poi.getAllContextSubscriptionResults() #poi data is {poikey:{vehid:sub_info_veh}}
		if poi_data:
			for key, value in poi_data.items(): #loop through all poi list

				#generate bucket should be only for one player that arrived at junction

				#self.generate_bucket() #update players prob dist buckets for every reward #this is wrong should only update for that vehicle that arrived
				#sp, number_players = self.update_veh_collection_status(value, key) #update all the vehicles at the junction for if they are participating or not
				#print(f'esp is {esp}, {number_players}')
				for veh, veh_value in value.items(): #loop through all vehicles in junctions
					if not veh in self.poi_list[key] and self.player_list[veh].prev_poi != key: #this if statement for when vehicle first enter junction
						#update capacity and reward first
						#print('vehicle approaching poi', veh, key)

						#maybe i shouldnt check for if veh at target poi if accidentally stomble then still try to collect
						#current_edge = veh_value[tc.VAR_ROAD_ID]
						self.track_veh = veh

						self.wait_in_radius(key, veh) #this process poi function need to stop vehicle and everything else happens in the stop handle function for updating sp

						self.poi_list[key][veh] = veh_value #add vahicle in poi list for removal later

					elif veh in self.poi_list[key] and self.player_list[veh].prev_poi != key:
						#check if it should delete vehicle
							if self.map_data.edges[veh_value[tc.VAR_ROAD_ID]]._to != key:
								#print('vehicle left junction')
								self.player_list[veh].prev_poi = key
								del self.poi_list[key][veh]
								self.track_veh = None
						except KeyError:
							#print('reached junction')
Exemple #8
class GridWin(tk.Tk):
	def __init__(self, gui=True, testing='budget'):
		super(GridWin, self).__init__()
		traci.start(["sumo", "-c", Settings.sumo_config])

		self.mode='default' #default, reward

		self.testing = testing #if testing budget keep capacity constant, if testing capacity keep budget constant

		self.env_map = Map(Settings.sumo_config)
		self.rowcol_to_junction = self.env_map.complex_row_col

		self.row = int(self.env_map.rows)
		self.column = int(self.env_map.columns)

		#self.rowcol_to_junction = self.env_map.row_col(self.row, self.column) #value is the junction id and key is row_col

		self.rowcol_to_junction.update(dict((v, k) for k, v in self.rowcol_to_junction.items()))
		self.player_list = {} #stores location as key, player object as value in list
		self.reward_list = {} #stores location(grid) as key, reward value as value
		self.random_uniform_reward_list = {} #akbas

		self.min_reward = 0 #min reward value

		self.gui = gui

		self.setting = Settings()

		self.reward_distribution_center = [(0,0),  (0,self.column),(self.row, 0),(self.row, self.column)]

		if gui:
			self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_closing)

			size = str(int(w/2))+'x'+str(int(h/2))

			self.import_frame = tk.Frame(self, bg='green')
			#self.import_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both')

			self.grid_frame = tk.Frame(self, height=500, width=500, bg='red')
			self.grid_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both')

			self.control_frame = tk.Frame(self)
			self.control_frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both')

			self.grid_list = [] #store all the buttons in grid
	def run_sim_no_gui(self, replay=False):
		if (not replay) or self.testing == 'budget':
			for center in self.reward_distribution_center:
				self.generate_reward_spread(center[0], center[1], self.setting.reward_value_random[1], self.setting.reward_position_std, self.setting.reward_amount, mean=self.setting.reward_value_random[0])
				if self.setting.percent_reward_dist:
					#if we deicided to spread reward based off percentage, only need to do it once over the entire map

		if self.testing == 'budget':
			#reset reward list if testing budget. testing budget means change budget values thus change the spread of reward every after every simulation
			self.reward_list = {}

	def default_mode(self):
		#each grid click spawns 1 vehicle, cells black
		#right click undo

		for i in range(self.row):
			for j in range(self.column):
				string_key = str(i) + '_' + str(j)


				if string_key in self.player_list:

				self.grid_list[i][j].configure(command = lambda i=i, j=j: self.add_player(i, j))
				self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<Button-3>', lambda event, a=i, b=j, color=self.default_button_color: self.remove_player(a, b, color))
				self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<Button-2>', lambda event, a=i, b=j: self.normal_distribute_players(a,b))

	def ncr(self, n, r):
		r = min(r, n-r)
		numer = reduce(mul, range(n, n-r, -1), 1)
		denom = reduce(mul, range(1, r+1), 1)
		return (numer / denom)

	def spawn_reward_mode(self):
		if self.mode == 'default':
			self.select_rewards.configure(text='Select Vehicles')

			for i in range(self.row):
				for j in range(self.column):
					string_key = str(i) + '_' + str(j)
					self.grid_list[i][j].configure(command=lambda i=i, j=j: self.add_reward(i,j, 1))
					if string_key in self.reward_list:

					self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<Button-2>', lambda event, a=i, b=j: self.normal_distribute_players(a,b, False))

					self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<Enter>', lambda event, i=i, j=j: self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<MouseWheel>', lambda event, i=i, j=j:self.add_reward(i,j, int(event.delta/120))))#       self.reward_change(event, i, j)))
					self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<Leave>', lambda event: self.grid_list[i][j].unbind('<MouseWheel>'))
					self.grid_list[i][j].bind('<Button-3>', lambda event, i=i, j=j: self.reward_remove(i,j)) #this button used to clear rewards

			self.select_rewards.configure(text='Select Rewards')

	def reward_remove(self, row, column):
		string_key = str(row) + '_' + str(column)
			del self.reward_list[string_key]
			if self.gui:
		except KeyError:
			print('no rewards at this cell')

	def add_reward(self, row, column, scroll_value):
		string_key = str(row) + '_' + str(column)
		if string_key in self.reward_list:
			self.reward_list[string_key] += scroll_value
			self.reward_list[string_key] = scroll_value

		if self.reward_list[string_key] < 0:

		if self.min_reward == 0 or (self.reward_list[string_key] < self.min_reward):
			self.min_reward = self.reward_list[string_key]
			print(f'min reward value is {self.min_reward} at location {string_key}')

		if self.gui:

	def normal_distribute_players(self, a,b, dist_player=True):
		second_level = tk.Toplevel(self)
		second_level.title('normal distribution')

		std_label = tk.Label(second_level, text='STD: ').grid(row=0, column=0)
		number_label = tk.Label(second_level, text='Amount: ').grid(row=1, column=0)

		std_var = tk.StringVar()
		num_var = tk.StringVar()

		L1 = tk.Entry(second_level, justify='left', relief='ridge', background='#6699ff',textvariable=std_var)
		L1.grid(row=0, column=1)

		L2 = tk.Entry(second_level, justify='left', relief='ridge', background='#6699ff', textvariable=num_var)
		L2.grid(row=1, column=1)

		enter_button = tk.Button(second_level,text='Enter', command=lambda a=a, b=b, second_level=second_level,std=std_var, num_veh=num_var, dist_player=dist_player:self.generate_players(a,b, second_level ,std, num_var, dist_player))
		enter_button.grid(row=2, column=0)
		second_level.bind('<Return>', lambda event, a=a, b=b, second_level=second_level,std=std_var, num_veh=num_var:self.generate_players(a,b, second_level ,std, num_var))

	def generate_players(self, a,b, root, std=None, num_var=None, dist_player=True):
		if std and num_var:
			std_value = float(std.get())
			num_var_value = int(num_var.get())
			print('no std and number chosen')
			#randomly generate
		x = self.get_truncated_normal(a, std_value, 0, 10).rvs(num_var_value+10000).round().astype(int)
		y = self.get_truncated_normal(b, std_value, 0, 10).rvs(num_var_value+10000).round().astype(int)		

		xPo = np.random.choice(x, num_var_value)
		yPo = np.random.choice(y, num_var_value)

		for x_points, y_points in zip(xPo, yPo):

			if dist_player:
				self.add_player(x_points, y_points)

				self.add_reward(x_points, y_points, 1)


	def generate_reward_spread(self, x, y, value_std, position_std, amount, mean=None):

		if self.setting.percent_reward_dist:
			print(f'length is {len(self.reward_list)}')
			#if defined percentage is true then spread reward based off the percentage value randomly over the map
			junction_list = np.array(list(self.env_map.junctions.keys()))
			choice_junctions = [self.rowcol_to_junction[x] for x in np.random.choice(junction_list, int(len(junction_list)*self.setting.percent_reward_dist), replace=False)]
			for junct_grid in choice_junctions:
				row, column = int(junct_grid.split('_')[0]), int(junct_grid.split('_')[1])
				if mean:
					mean_dist = self.get_truncated_normal(mean, value_std, 0, 10*value_std*mean).rvs(amount+10000).astype(float)
					self.add_reward(row, column, np.random.choice(mean_dist, 1)[0])

			assert len(self.reward_list) <= len(junction_list), f'Error reward list greater than junction'

			assert len(self.reward_list) == int(len(junction_list)*self.setting.percent_reward_dist), f'Error reward and expcted per not match expected {int(len(junction_list)*self.setting.percent_reward_dist)}, got {len(self.reward_list)} chocie {len(choice_junctions)}'

		#if mean is not none generate distribution based off mean to add to rewards
		x, y = self.find_closest_road(x, y)

		x_dist = self.get_truncated_normal(x, position_std, 0, self.row).rvs(amount+10000).round().astype(int)
		y_dist = self.get_truncated_normal(y, position_std, 0, self.column).rvs(amount+10000).round().astype(int)

		xPo = np.random.choice(x_dist, amount)
		yPo = np.random.choice(y_dist, amount)
		zip_po = list(zip(xPo, yPo))

		i = 0
		while i < len(zip_po):
			x_points, y_points = zip_po[i]
			string_key = str(x_points) + '_' + str(y_points)
			if not string_key in self.rowcol_to_junction:
				#print(string_key, 'not in')
				zip_po[i] = (np.random.choice(x_dist, 1)[0], np.random.choice(y_dist, 1)[0])
			if mean:
				mean_dist = self.get_truncated_normal(mean, value_std, 0, 10*value_std*mean).rvs(amount+10000).astype(float)
				self.add_reward(x_points, y_points, np.random.choice(mean_dist, 1)[0])
				self.add_reward(x_points, y_points, 1)

		#assert len(self.reward_list) == amount, f'len of rewrd amount does not match {len(self.reward_list)}'
	def find_closest_road(self, x, y):
		closest = None
		for key, value in self.env_map.junctions.items():
			key = self.rowcol_to_junction[key]
			x1, y1 = int(key.split('_')[0]), int(key.split('_')[1])
			dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x,y])-np.array([x1, y1]))
			if not closest:
				closest = (key, dist)
				if dist < closest[1]:
					closest = (key, dist)

		return int(closest[0].split('_')[0]), int(closest[0].split('_')[1])

	def get_truncated_normal(self, mean=0, sd=1, low=0, upp=10):
		return truncnorm((low - mean) / sd, (upp - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd)

	def control_buttons(self):
		for row in range(2):
			for column in range(3):
				self.control_frame.grid_columnconfigure(column, weight=1)
				self.control_frame.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=1)

		start_sim_button = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='START', command=self.simulation)
		start_sim_button.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E)

		self.select_rewards = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Select Rewards', command = self.spawn_reward_mode)
		self.select_rewards.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E)

		clear_button = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='CLEAR', command=self.clear)
		clear_button.grid(row=0, column=2,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E)

		self.replay_button = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Replay Simulation', command=self.replay_simulation)
		self.replay_button.grid(row=1, column=1,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E)

		self.save_button = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Save Simulation', command=self.save_simulation)
		self.save_button.grid(row=1, column=0,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E)

		self.load_button = tk.Button(self.control_frame, text='Load Simulation', command=self.load_simulation)
		self.load_button.grid(row=1, column=2,sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E)

	def load_simulation(self):
		with open(Settings.sim_save, 'rb') as config_dictionary_file:
			self.cap = pickle.load(config_dictionary_file)
		print('simulation load sucess...')

	def replay_simulation(self, algo, load=False):
		print('player numbers total(10):',len(self.cap.player_list))
		for value in self.cap.player_list:
			new_player = GridPlayer(value.start, value.destination)
			row, column = self.rowcol_to_junction[value.start].split('_')
			if load:
				new_player.node_path = value.node_hit
				self.add_player(int(row), int(column), new_player)
				self.add_player(int(row), int(column))


		return self.start_sim(algo=algo, replay=True, load=load)

	def save_simulation(self):
		if not self.cap:
			print('No recent simulation, please run sim before save')
		with open(Settings.sim_save, 'wb') as config_dictionary_file:
			pickle.dump(self.cap, config_dictionary_file)
		print('simulation saved success...')

	def spawn_grid(self):
		for i in range(self.row):
			temp_list = []
			for j in range(self.column):
				b= tk.Button(self.grid_frame)
				b.grid(row=i, column=j, sticky=tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E, columnspan=1)
				self.default_button_color = b.cget('bg')
				self.grid_frame.grid_columnconfigure(j, weight=2)
				self.grid_frame.grid_rowconfigure(i, weight=2)

	def find_adjacent_cells(self, x_y, param='to'): #this function need to change to be determined using sumo
		adjacent_list_sumo = [self.rowcol_to_junction[x] for x in self.env_map.find_adjacent_cells(self.rowcol_to_junction[x_y], param=param)]
		return adjacent_list_sumo

	def find_adjacent_players(self, x_y, list_players=False): #check for capacity
		player_list = []
		player_num = 0
		adjacent_list = self.find_adjacent_cells(x_y, param='from')
		for value in adjacent_list:
				player_num +=len(self.player_list[value])
				for player in self.player_list[value]:
			except KeyError:

		if list_players:
			return player_num, player_list
		return player_num

	def remove_player(self, row, column, color):


			string_key = str(row) + '_' + str(column)	
			if len(self.player_list[string_key]) == 1:
				del self.player_list[string_key]

			self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[string_key]].number_players -= 1

			if self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[string_key]].number_players == 0:

		except KeyError:
			#try to delete  vehicle that doesnt exist

	def add_player(self, row, column, player=None): # add player to dictionary and return a dict
		string_key = str(row) + '_' + str(column)

		destination = self.setting.destination
		if destination =='random':
			destination = str(randrange(self.row))+'_'+str(randrange(self.column))

		if string_key == destination:
			print('start is destination')
			return False

			if player:
				player_instance = player
				player_instance = GridPlayer(self.rowcol_to_junction[string_key], self.rowcol_to_junction[destination])
				player_instance.path = self.env_map.find_best_route(player_instance.start, player_instance.destination)
				if not (player_instance.path and player_instance.path.edges):
					print('no path edges')
					return False
				player_instance.node_path = [self.env_map.edges[x]._to for x in player_instance.path.edges]

			player_instance.capacity = self.get_truncated_normal(self.setting.player_capacity_random[0], self.setting.player_capacity_random[1], 0, self.setting.player_capacity_random[0]*2).rvs(1)[0]
			#print('plyer capacity is: ', player_instance.capacity)
		except KeyError as e:
			print(f'no key in dict {e}')
			return False

		print(f'vehicle start at {string_key} end at {destination} capacity value is {player_instance.capacity}, reward list len is {len(self.reward_list)}')

		if string_key in self.player_list:
			self.player_list[string_key] = [player_instance]

		self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[string_key]].number_players += 1

		if self.gui:

		return True

	def redirect_route(self, player_instance, new_route):
		if new_route[0] != player_instance.destination:
			player_instance.path = new_route # self.env_map.find_best_route(next_node, player_instance.destination)
			player_instance.node_path = [self.env_map.edges[x]._to for x in player_instance.path.edges]

		return player_instance



	def GTA_next_node(self, location, player_instance, current_node):
		#takes in location, player, and next node return new next node and player instance
		cells = self.find_adjacent_cells(location) #return grid junction
		assert cells, f'Junction has no where else to go {location}'

		new_route = player_instance.path

		#print('new route is ', new_route)

		max_utility = 0
		max_utility_cell = None

		for cell in cells:
			#print(f'cells value is {cells}')

			adjacent_players, player_list = self.find_adjacent_players(cell, list_players=True)
			assert adjacent_players > 0, f'player is {adjacent_players} failed, location: {location}, surrounding cells: {cells}, current: {cell}, player: {self.player_list[location]}'

			cell_utility = 0  #total utility at that cell 
				cell_utility = self.reward_list[cell]
				if cell_utility == 0:
			except KeyError:

			expected_utility = 0
			expected_sensing_plan = 0

			if adjacent_players == 1: #no one is around me
				expected_utility = cell_utility
				#expected_sensing_plan = self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[cell]].cost
				expected_sensing_plan = 1
				#sum the denomenator of the combination, store ncr in list to reuse later
				ncr_list = [self.ncr(adjacent_players-1, player_number) for player_number in range(0, adjacent_players)] #consists of a list from 0
				denom = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, ncr_list) #from 0 to second to last in list

				for current_player in range(1, i+1):
					numerator = ncr_list[current_player-1] #retrieve ncr value from list
					prM = numerator/denom
					expected_utility += (prM*(cell_utility/pow(current_player, 2)))
					expected_sensing_plan += (prM*(self.compute_sensing_plan(current_player, self.reward_list[cell], self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[cell]].cost)))



			if (expected_utility > max_utility) and (expected_sensing_plan <= player_instance.capacity) and (not cell in player_instance.past_recent_nodes):
				#choose highest utility, with capacity taken into consideration, as well as no repeating within last 3 visited
				max_utility = expected_utility
				max_utility_cell = cell

		#this part to generate the weighted random path

		if not max_utility_cell:
			#if adj cells no rewards
			#if adj cells rewards dont fit capacity
			#weighted random need to priotize coverage good
			weight_dict, best_route = self.env_map.find_best_route(current_node, player_instance.destination, weights=True)
			#weight_dict = {key:value.travelTime*self.visited_cell_list[key]*len(value.edges) if key in self.visited_cell_list else value.travelTime for key, value in weight_dict.items()}
			#travel time multiple by cell visited number , multiple by number of edges before reaching destination

				total_sum = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[exp(self.setting.theta_random/x.travelTime) for x in weight_dict.values()])
				prob_distribute = [exp(self.setting.theta_random/x.travelTime)/total_sum for x in weight_dict.values()]

				selected_index = np.random.choice(len(cells), 1, p=prob_distribute)
				next_node = list(weight_dict.keys())[selected_index[0]]

			except OverflowError:
				#when theta random value is too large just take the best route node
				next_node = self.env_map.edges[best_route.edges[0]]._to

			#when max utility cells is found its in terms of grid junction need to convert to sumo junction
			next_node = self.rowcol_to_junction[max_utility_cell]

		player_instance = self.redirect_route(player_instance, new_route)
		player_instance = self.add_stm(player_instance, next_node)


		return next_node, player_instance

	def add_stm(self, player_instance, next_node):
		if len(player_instance.past_recent_nodes) < self.setting.max_memory_size:
			player_instance.past_recent_nodes.append(self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]) #sumo junction is added to memory

		return player_instance

	def simulation(self, replay=False):
		for algo in self.setting.game_theory_algorithm:
			multi_data = MultiCapture('Traffic Simulation')
			while i < self.setting.simulation_steps:
				print('iteration ', i)
				if replay:
					suc = self.replay_simulation(algo=algo)
					suc = self.start_sim(algo=algo) #first time running simulation generate random players save it to self.cap

				if suc: #if simulation is success
					self.cap.setting = self.setting
					self.cap.reward_list = self.reward_list
					self.cap.reward_junction_ratio = len(self.reward_list)/len(self.env_map.junctions)
					cov = self.cap.calculate_coverage()
					test_cov = self.cap.calculate_test_coverage()
					print('road utilization is ', cov)
					print('coverage is ', test_cov)
					#if i%10 ==0:
					if i == (self.setting.simulation_steps-1):
						if self.setting.percent_reward_dist:
							multi_data.pickle_save(os.path.join(Settings.sim_save_path, f'{self.setting.percent_reward_dist}_reward{self.setting.reward_value_random[0]}_capacity{self.setting.player_capacity_random[0]}_Step{self.setting.simulation_steps}_{algo}_cluster_reward.sim'))
							multi_data.pickle_save(os.path.join(Settings.sim_save_path, f'reward{self.setting.reward_value_random[0]}_capacity{self.setting.player_capacity_random[0]}_Step{self.setting.simulation_steps}_{algo}_cluster_reward.sim'))
				self.player_list = {}
			#changing rewards should be before this funtion

			if self.testing =='budget' and not self.setting.percent_reward_dist:  #when running budget distribute based off percentage no need to run it second time
				temp_multi_data = MultiCapture('Traffic Simulation')
				temp = self.reward_list #save the temp reward list before replacing it with uniform reward.

				j = 0
				while j < self.setting.simulation_steps:
					#this is for random uniform reward distribution
					suc = self.replay_simulation(algo=algo)
					if suc:
						cov = self.cap.calculate_coverage()
						test_cov = self.cap.calculate_test_coverage()
						print('RU for random reward ', cov)
						print('COV for random reward ', test_cov)
						if j == (self.setting.simulation_steps-1):
							temp_multi_data.pickle_save(os.path.join(Settings.sim_save_path, f'reward{self.setting.reward_value_random[0]}_capacity{self.setting.player_capacity_random[0]}_Step{self.setting.simulation_steps}_{algo}_random_reward.sim'))	

					self.player_list = {}

				self.reward_list = temp


	def reward_spread_uniform(self, amount_rewards):
		#spread rewards uniformly based of ratio
		self.reward_list = {}

		if self.random_uniform_reward_list:
			for key, value in self.random_uniform_reward_list.items():
				self.random_uniform_reward_list[key] = randrange(self.setting.reward_value_random[0]-self.setting.reward_value_random[1], self.setting.reward_value_random[0]+self.setting.reward_value_random[1])

			self.reward_list = self.random_uniform_reward_list

			reward_locations = np.random.choice(list(self.env_map.junctions.keys()), round(amount_rewards))
			for value in reward_locations:
				value = self.rowcol_to_junction[value]
				x,y = int(value.split('_')[0]), int(value.split('_')[1])
				self.add_reward(x,y,randrange(self.setting.reward_value_random[0]-self.setting.reward_value_random[1], self.setting.reward_value_random[0]+self.setting.reward_value_random[1]))

	def greedy_next_node(self, location, player_instance, current_node):
		location current location in terms of sumo
		player instance the player we are looking at
		current node is the location in terms of grid values
		next_node is predicted next node based on dex

		shortest_path = False
		cells = self.find_adjacent_cells(location)

		#cells return grid location not sumo location
		#reward list returns grid location as well

		max_utility_cell = None
		max_utility = 0
		for i, cell in enumerate(cells):
				if not max_utility_cell and (self.reward_list[cell]<=player_instance.capacity):
					max_utility_cell = cell
					max_utility = self.reward_list[cell]
					if (self.reward_list[cell] > max_utility) and (self.reward_list[cell]<=player_instance.capacity):
						max_utility_cell = cell
						max_utility = self.reward_list[cell]
			except KeyError as e:
				#print(f'im here {i}/{len(cells)}')
				assert not cell in self.reward_list, f"failed {cell} is in reward_list"

		#two cases, when no rewards around, or 
		#find smallest reward, if capacity falls below smallest reward, uses djk instead
		if not max_utility_cell:

			#let random jump decide on capacity that way greedy no need to implement
			next_node, player_instance, shortest_path = self.random_next_node(location, player_instance, current_node) #remove random directly go towards destination shortest path
			#next node for random returns sumo cells
			next_node = max_utility_cell

			assert max_utility_cell in self.reward_list, f'something is wrong {max_utility_cell} supose in reward list'


			#next node normally return grid cells


			next_node = self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]
			player_instance.capacity -= max_utility
			player_instance.reward += max_utility

			#this calculation is done after running 
			#player_instance =  self.add_stm(player_instance, next_node)

		return next_node, player_instance, shortest_path

	def random_next_node(self, location, player_instance, current_node):
		# capacity for random
		shortest_path = False
		cells = self.find_adjacent_cells(location)
		weight_dict, best_route = self.env_map.find_best_route(current_node, player_instance.destination, weights=True)
			total_sum = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,[exp(self.setting.theta_random/x.travelTime) for x in weight_dict.values()])
			prob_distribute = [exp(self.setting.theta_random/x.travelTime)/total_sum for x in weight_dict.values()]

			#print('prob_distribute ', prob_distribute)
			#print('max value is {}, index value is {}, the next cell is {}, current cell is {}'.format(max(prob_distribute), prob_distribute.index(max(prob_distribute)), self.rowcol_to_junction[list(weight_dict.keys())[prob_distribute.index(max(prob_distribute))]], self.rowcol_to_junction[current_node]))
			selected_index = np.random.choice(len(cells), 1, p=prob_distribute)
			next_node = list(weight_dict.keys())[selected_index[0]]

		except OverflowError:
			#when theta random value is too large just take the best route node
			next_node = self.env_map.edges[best_route.edges[0]]._to


		if self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node] in self.reward_list: #if next node contains rewards
			if self.reward_list[self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]] <= player_instance.capacity: #if reward is less than capacity then collect
				player_instance.capacity -= self.reward_list[self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]]
				player_instance.reward += self.reward_list[self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]]
			else: #cant collect due to capacity
				if player_instance.capacity < self.min_reward: #check is player capacity less than min reward on map
					shortest_path = True
					player_instance.path = self.env_map.find_best_route(current_node, player_instance.destination)
					player_instance.node_path = [self.env_map.edges[x]._to for x in player_instance.path.edges]
					player_instance.node_index = 0 #reset path info
					#need to reset player path setting index =0

		#player_instance = self.add_stm(player_instance, next_node)

		return next_node, player_instance, shortest_path


	def start_sim(self, algo, replay=False, load=False):

		shortest_path = False

		#print('len reward is ', len(self.reward_list))

		#simulation start
		if self.gui:

		if not replay: self.cap = DataCapture(len(self.env_map.junctions), self.rowcol_to_junction) #reset if its not replay

		#if no predefined players, randomly spawn players
		if not self.player_list:
			i = 0
			while i < self.setting.car_numbers:
				row_col = choice(list(self.env_map.junctions.keys()))
				row, column = self.rowcol_to_junction[row_col].split('_')[0], self.rowcol_to_junction[row_col].split('_')[1]
				suc = self.add_player(row, column)
				if suc:
					i +=1
					print(f'player added to {row}, {column}')
					print(f'failed to add player at {row}, {column}')

		arrived_locations = [] #destinations of all vehicles to reset after

		while self.player_list:
			player_left = 0

			if self.gui:
			temp_dict = {}
			for location, players in self.player_list.items():
				for i, player in enumerate(players):


					#junction value in sumo

					#insert logic for game theory, 
					if algo=='gta' and not load: #if its loading from file then just play players
						next_node, player = self.GTA_next_node(location, player, self.rowcol_to_junction[location])

					elif algo=='greedy' and not load:
						#run greedy algo, only go towards highest rewards. check capacity and reduce capacity based on reward value else result in infinite loop
						if not shortest_path:
							next_node, player, shortest_path = self.greedy_next_node(location, player, self.rowcol_to_junction[location])

						if shortest_path:
							print('player taking shortest path in greedy')
							next_node = player.get_next()

					elif algo=='random' and not load:
						if not shortest_path:
							next_node, player, shortest_path = self.random_next_node(location, player, self.rowcol_to_junction[location])
						if shortest_path:
							print('player taking shortest path in random')
							next_node = player.get_next()

					elif algo == 'base' and not load:
						next_node = player.get_next()
						if self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node] in self.reward_list:
							if self.reward_list[self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]] <= player.capacity:
								player.capacity -= self.reward_list[self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]]
								player.reward += self.reward_list[self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]]

					player.node_hit.append(next_node) # for post processing
					player.reward_hit.append(player.capacity) # for post processing

					button_name = self.rowcol_to_junction[next_node]
					button_row, button_column = button_name.split('_')

					if next_node == player.destination:
						print(f'player has arrived to {self.rowcol_to_junction[player.destination]} from {self.rowcol_to_junction[player.start]} nodes traveled:{len(player.node_hit)}')
						self.cap.player_list.append(player) #add player to the post processing list

						#if final destination is not reached add it to the temp dict

						if button_name in temp_dict:
							temp_dict[button_name] = [player]
					self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[button_name]].number_players += 1
					self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[location]].number_players -= 1

					if self.gui:

				#every time a player move away check if the edge contains more players
				player_number = self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[location]].number_players
				prev_button_row, prev_button_column = location.split('_')

				if self.gui:
					if player_number == 0:

			self.player_list = temp_dict

			print(f'{player_left} remaining')

			#if capacity too low make random jumps towards destination

			if algo=='gta': #reduce capacity based on sensing plan

				for location, players in self.player_list.items():
					print('location is ', location)

					location_cost = self.env_map.junctions[self.rowcol_to_junction[location]].cost

					number_players = self.adjusting_sensing_plan(players, location, location_cost) #will return key error if there is no reward at location
					#print(f"{number_players} _ number players_ {}")

					for i, player in enumerate(players):
							self.player_list[location][i].reward += (self.reward_list[location]/len(self.player_list[location])) #question mark.. if location no reward dont calculate sensing plan
							player_sensing_plan = self.compute_sensing_plan(number_players, self.reward_list[location], location_cost)
							#whats the default expected sensing plan when there is only 1 player?? 

							if self.reward_list[location] != 0:
								# if you arrived and your cost is more than your player capacity might as well take what ever your capacity can handle
								if player_sensing_plan <= player.capacity:
									self.player_list[location][i].capacity -= player_sensing_plan

									if self.player_list[location][i].capacity < 0: 
										self.player_list[location][i].capacity = 0
									print(f'{player_sensing_plan} and cap is {player.capacity}')


						except KeyError as e:
							#print(f'no rewards at {location}')
						except TypeError as t:
							#print(f'no player matching adjust at {location}, {number_players}')
							#type error occurs when ajusting sensing plan returns None


		print('simulation completed')
		return True

	def compute_sensing_plan(self, player_amount, reward, cost):
		if player_amount ==1:
			return 1

		return ((player_amount-1)*reward)/((player_amount**2)*cost)


	def adjusting_sensing_plan(self, players, location, location_cost):
		#return key error because the location has no reward?
			for i in range(len(players), 0, -1):
				esp = self.compute_sensing_plan(i, self.reward_list[location], location_cost)
				counter = 0 #this to count how many fits the capacity
				for player in players:
					if esp<=player.capacity:
					print(f'esp:{esp} cap:{player.capacity} len:{len(players)}')
				if counter == i:
					return counter

			print(f'i find no one matching sensing plan')
		except KeyError:
			print('i sense no rewards')

	def clear(self):
		if self.mode == 'default':
			self.player_list = {}
			self.reward_list = {}

	def reset_junction_players(self, arrived_locations):
		for value in set(arrived_locations):
			self.env_map.junctions[value].number_players = 0

	def on_closing(self):