Exemple #1

def addConvenienceForSelector(selector, methods):
    Add the list with methods to every class that has a selector with the
    given name.
    CONVENIENCE_METHODS[selector] = methods

def addConvenienceForClass(classname, methods):
    Add the list with methods to the class with the specified name
    CLASS_METHODS[classname] = methods

NSObject = lookUpClass('NSObject')

def add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict):
        return _add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict)
        import traceback

def _add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict):
    Add additional methods to the type-dict of subclass 'name' of

    CONVENIENCE_METHODS is a global variable containing a mapping from
Exemple #2
    def __new__(cls, obj, value):
        self = int.__new__(cls, value)
        self.__pyobjc_object__ = obj
        return self

    __class__ = property(lambda self: self.__pyobjc_object__.__class__)

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.__pyobjc_object__, attr)

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (int, (int(self), ))

NSNumber = _objc.lookUpClass('NSNumber')
NSDecimalNumber = _objc.lookUpClass('NSDecimalNumber')
Foundation = None

def numberWrapper(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, NSDecimalNumber):
        return obj
        # ensure that NSDecimal is around
        global Foundation
        if Foundation is None:
            import Foundation
        # return NSDecimal
        return Foundation.NSDecimal(obj)
        tp = obj.objCType()
Convenience interface for NSDictionary/NSMutableDictionary
__all__ = ()

from objc._convenience_mapping import addConvenienceForBasicMapping
from objc._convenience import container_wrap, container_unwrap, addConvenienceForClass
from _objc import lookUpClass

import collections
import sys, os

NSDictionary = lookUpClass('NSDictionary')
NSMutableDictionary = lookUpClass('NSMutableDictionary')

addConvenienceForBasicMapping('NSDictionary', True)
addConvenienceForBasicMapping('NSMutableDictionary', False)

def _all_contained_in(inner, outer):
    Return True iff all items in ``inner`` are also in ``outer``.
    for v in inner:
        if v not in outer:
            return False

    return True

def nsdict__len__(self):
Exemple #4

    def __new__(cls, obj, value):
        self = int.__new__(cls, value)
        self.__pyobjc_object__ = obj
        return self

    __class__ = property(lambda self: self.__pyobjc_object__.__class__)

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.__pyobjc_object__, attr)

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (int, (int(self),))

NSNumber = _objc.lookUpClass('NSNumber')
NSDecimalNumber = _objc.lookUpClass('NSDecimalNumber')
Foundation = None

def numberWrapper(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, NSDecimalNumber):
        return obj
        # ensure that NSDecimal is around
        global Foundation
        if Foundation is None:
            import Foundation
        # return NSDecimal
        return Foundation.NSDecimal(obj)
        tp = obj.objCType()
    except AttributeError:
Exemple #5
def addConvenienceForSelector(selector, methods):
    Add the list with methods to every class that has a selector with the
    given name.
    CONVENIENCE_METHODS[selector] = methods

def addConvenienceForClass(classname, methods):
    Add the list with methods to the class with the specified name
    CLASS_METHODS[classname] = methods

NSObject = lookUpClass('NSObject')

def add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict):
        return _add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict)
        import traceback

def _add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict):
    Add additional methods to the type-dict of subclass 'name' of
Exemple #6
Support for NSDecimalNumber.

The actual class is defined in Foundation, but having the wrapper
here is much more convenient.
__all__ = ()
from objc._convenience import addConvenienceForClass
from _objc import lookUpClass, NSDecimal
import sys
import operator

NSDecimalNumber = lookUpClass('NSDecimalNumber')

def decimal_new(cls, value=None):
    if value is None:
        return cls.numberWithInt_(0)

        if isinstance(value, NSDecimal):
            return cls.decimalNumberWithDecimal_(value)
        elif isinstance(value, NSDecimalNumber):
            return cls.decimalNumberWithDecimal_(value.decimalValue())
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            return cls.numberWithDouble_(value)
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            value = NSDecimal(value)
            return cls.decimalNumberWithDecimal_(value)
            # The value is either an integer, or
            # invalid (and numberWithLongLong_ wil raise
Exemple #7
def addConvenienceForSelector(selector, methods):
    Add the list with methods to every class that has a selector with the
    given name.
    CONVENIENCE_METHODS[selector] = methods

def addConvenienceForClass(classname, methods):
    Add the list with methods to the class with the specified name
    CLASS_METHODS[classname] = methods

NSObject = lookUpClass("NSObject")

def isNative(sel):
    return not hasattr(sel, "callable")

def add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict):
        return _add_convenience_methods(super_class, name, type_dict)
        import traceback

Exemple #8
Convenience interface for NSSet/NSMutableSet
__all__ = ()

from objc._convenience import addConvenienceForClass, container_wrap, container_unwrap
from _objc import lookUpClass

import collections
import sys

NSSet = lookUpClass('NSSet')
NSMutableSet = lookUpClass('NSMutableSet')


def nsset_isdisjoint(self, other):
    if not hasattr(other, '__contains__'):
        other = list(other)

    for item in self:
        if item in other:
            return False
    return True

def nsset_union(self, *other):
    result = NSMutableSet()
Convenience interface for NSArray/NSMutableArray
__all__ = ()

from objc._convenience import addConvenienceForClass, container_wrap, container_unwrap
from _objc import lookUpClass, registerMetaDataForSelector, _C_NSInteger, _C_ID
from _objc import _NSNotFound as NSNotFound

import collections
import sys

NSArray = lookUpClass('NSArray')
NSMutableArray = lookUpClass('NSMutableArray')


if sys.version_info[0] == 2:  # pragma: no 3.x cover
    INT_TYPES = (int, long)
    STR_TYPES = (str, unicode)

else:  # pragma: no 2.x cover
    INT_TYPES = int
    STR_TYPES = str

    b"NSObject", b"sortUsingFunction:context:",
        2: {
            'callable': {
# Helper functions for converting data item to/from a representation
# that is usable inside Cocoa data structures.
# In particular:
# - Python "None" is stored as +[NSNull null] because Cocoa containers
#   won't store NULL as a value (and this transformation is undone when
#   retrieving data)
# - When a getter returns NULL in Cocoa the queried value is not present,
#   that's converted to an exception in Python.

_NULL = lookUpClass('NSNull').null()

def container_wrap(v):
    if v is None:
        return _NULL
    return v

def container_unwrap(v, exc_type, *exc_args):
    if v is None:
        raise exc_type(*exc_args)
    elif v is _NULL:
        return None
    return v