Exemple #1
 def test_get_project_package(self):
     A handful of projects were created by ocpidev in setUp and listed in
     PROJECT_PACKAGES. Each one has different project name and package settings.
     Verify that each is correct from different CWDs.
     logging.info("===========================\nTesting 'get_project_package'")
     for proj, pkg in list(PROJECT_PACKAGES.items()):
         logging.info("Project \"" + proj + "\" should have full-package: " + pkg)
         self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package(proj), pkg)
     logging.info("Rerunning full-package name tests from " +
                  "within subdirs in each project.")
     for proj, pkg in list(PROJECT_PACKAGES.items()):
         with ocpiutil.cd(proj):
             logging.info("Project \"" + proj + "\" should have full-package: " + pkg)
             self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package(), pkg)
             self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package("."), pkg)
             components_dir = "components"
             if not os.path.exists("components"):
                 components_dir = "lib/components"
             if os.path.exists(components_dir):
                 with ocpiutil.cd(components_dir):
                     self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package(), pkg)
                     self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package("."), pkg)
                     self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package(".."), pkg)
     logging.info("Project package for a directory outside a project " +
                  "or invalid should be None.")
     self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package("/"), None)
     self.assertEqual(ocpiutil.get_project_package(None), None)
Exemple #2
    def contains(self, package_id=None, directory=None):
        Given a project's package-ID or directory, determine if the project is present
        in this registry.
        # If neither package_id nor directory are provided, exception
        if package_id is None:
            if directory is None:
                raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                    "Could determine whether project exists because " +
                    "the package_id and directory provided were both " +
                    "None.\nProvide one or both of these arguments.")
            # Project's package-ID is determined from its directory if not provided
            package_id = ocpiutil.get_project_package(directory)
            if package_id is None:
                raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                    "Could not determine package-ID of project located " +
                    "at \"" + directory + "\".\nDouble check this " +

        # If the project is registered here by package-ID, return True.
        # If not, or if a different project is registered here with that pacakge-ID, return False
        if package_id in self.__projects:
            # pylint:disable=bad-continuation
            if (directory is not None and os.path.realpath(directory) !=
                logging.warning("Registry at \"" + self.directory +
                                "\" contains a project with " +
                                "package-ID \"" + package_id +
                                "\", but it is not the same " +
                                "project as \"" + directory + "\".")
                return False
            # pylint:enable=bad-continuation
            return True
        return False
Exemple #3
    def remove(self, package_id=None, directory=None):
        Given a project's package-ID or directory, determine if the project is present
        in this registry. If so, remove it from this registry's __projects dictionary
        and remove the registered symlink.
        logging.debug("package_id=" + str(package_id) + " directory=" +
        if package_id is None:
            package_id = ocpiutil.get_project_package(directory)
            if package_id is None:
                raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                    "Could not unregister project located at \"" + directory +
                    "\" because the project's package-ID " +
                    "could not be determined.\nIs it really a project?")

        if package_id not in self.__projects:
            link_path = self.directory + "/" + package_id
            if os.path.exists(link_path) and not os.path.exists(
                    "Removing the following broken link from the registry:\n" +
                    link_path + " -> " + os.readlink(link_path))
                print("Successfully unregistered the " + package_id +
                      " project: " + os.path.realpath(directory) +
                      "\nFrom the registry: " +
                      os.path.realpath(self.directory) + "\n")
            raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                "Could not unregister project with package-ID \"" +
                package_id + "\" because the project is not in the " +
                "registry.\n Run 'ocpidev show registry --table' for " +
                "information about the currently registered projects.\n")

        # if a project is deleted from disk underneath our feet this could be None (AV-4483)
        if self.__projects[package_id] is not None:
            project_link = self.__projects[package_id].directory
            if directory is not None and os.path.realpath(
                    directory) != project_link:
                raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
                    "Failure to unregister project with package '" +
                    package_id + "'.\nThe registered project with link '" +
                    package_id + " --> " + project_link + "' does not " +
                    "point to the specified project '" +
                    os.path.realpath(directory) + "'." + "\nThis " +
                    "project does not appear to be registered.")

        if directory is None:
            directory = str(self.__projects[package_id].directory)
        # Remove the symlink registry/package-ID --> project
        # Remove the project from this registry's dict
        print("Successfully unregistered the " + package_id + " project: " +
              os.path.realpath(directory) + "\nFrom the registry: " +
              os.path.realpath(self.directory) + "\n")
Exemple #4
 def get_all_dict(cls):
     returns a dictionary with all available rcc platforms from the RccAllPlatforms make variable
     rcc_dict = ocpiutil.get_make_vars_rcc_targets()
         rcc_plats = rcc_dict["RccAllPlatforms"]
     except TypeError:
         raise ocpiutil.OCPIException(
             "No RCC platforms found. Make sure the core project is " +
             "registered or in the OCPI_PROJECT_PATH.")
     plat_dict = {}
     for plat in rcc_plats:
         plat_dict[plat] = {}
         plat_dict[plat]["target"] = rcc_dict["RccTarget_" + plat][0]
         proj_top = ocpiutil.get_project_package(rcc_dict["RccPlatDir_" +
         plat_dict[plat]["package_id"] = proj_top + ".platform." + plat
         plat_dict[plat]["directory"] = rcc_dict["RccPlatDir_" + plat][0]
     return plat_dict
Exemple #5
 def collect_projects_from_path(cls):
     Finds all projects in the OCPI_PROJECT_PATH envriment variable and in the registry
     project_path = os.environ.get('OCPI_PROJECT_PATH')
     projects_from_env = {}
     if not project_path is None and not project_path.strip() == "":
         projects_from_path = project_path.split(':')
         for proj in projects_from_path:
             proj_package = ocpiutil.get_project_package(proj)
             if proj_package is None:
                 proj_package = os.path.basename(proj.rstrip("/"))
                 proj_exists = False
                 proj_exists = True
             projects_from_env[proj_package] = {}
             projects_from_env[proj_package]["exists"] = proj_exists
             projects_from_env[proj_package]["registered"] = False
                 "real_path"] = os.path.realpath(proj)
     return projects_from_env
Exemple #6
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("ERROR: need to specify the path to the project")

    if ((len(sys.argv) == 3) and (sys.argv[2] == "force")):
        force = True
        force = False

    mydir = sys.argv[1]
    mydir = ocpiutil.get_path_to_project_top(mydir)

    if (isStale(mydir, force)):
        # Get the project name, add it as an attribute in the project element.
        strings = mydir.split("/")
        splitLen = strings.__len__()
        if splitLen == 1:
            projectName = strings[0]
            projectName = strings[splitLen - 1]

        full_proj_name = ocpiutil.get_project_package(mydir)
        root = ET.Element("project", {"name": full_proj_name})

        hdl = ET.SubElement(root, "hdl")
        rcc = ET.SubElement(root, "rcc")
        assys = ET.SubElement(hdl, "assemblies")
        prims = ET.SubElement(hdl, "primitives")

        if os.path.isdir(mydir + "/specs"):
            top_specs = ET.SubElement(root, "specs")
            addSpecs(top_specs, mydir)
        comps = None
        if os.path.isdir(mydir + "/components"):
            comps = ET.SubElement(root, "components")

        if os.path.isdir(mydir + "/applications"):
            apps = ET.SubElement(root, "applications")
            sub_dirs = onlyfiles = [
                dir for dir in os.listdir(mydir + "/applications") if
                not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mydir + "/applications", dir))
            addApplications(apps, sub_dirs, mydir + "/applications")

        for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(mydir):
            if "exports" in dirName or "imports" in dirName:
            elif dirName == mydir + "/components":
                if ocpiutil.get_dirtype(dirName) == "library":
                    addLibs(comps, ["components"])
                    addLibs(comps, subdirList)
            elif dirName.endswith("/hdl/platforms"):
                platforms = ET.SubElement(hdl, "platforms")
                addPlatforms(platforms, subdirList, dirName)
            elif dirName.endswith("/rcc/platforms"):
                platforms = ET.SubElement(rcc, "platforms")
                addPlatforms(platforms, subdirList, dirName)

            elif dirName.endswith("/cards"):
                hdlLibs = hdl.findall("libraries")
                if hdlLibs.__len__() == 0:
                    hdlLibs = [ET.SubElement(hdl, "libraries")]
                cards = ET.SubElement(hdlLibs[0], "library")
                cards.set('name', "cards")
                addWorkers(cards, subdirList, dirName)

            elif dirName.endswith("/devices"):
                if "/platforms/" not in dirName:
                    # This is the hdl/devices directory
                    hdlLibs = hdl.findall("libraries")
                    if hdlLibs.__len__() == 0:
                        hdlLibs = [ET.SubElement(hdl, "libraries")]
                    devs = ET.SubElement(hdlLibs[0], "library")
                    devs.set('name', "devices")
                    addWorkers(devs, subdirList, dirName)
                    # this is a devices directory under a platform
                    dirSplit = dirName.split('/')
                    platName = []
                    index = list(range(0, len(dirSplit) - 1))
                    for i, sub in zip(index, dirSplit):
                        if (sub == "platforms"):
                            platName = dirSplit[i + 1]
                    platformsEl = hdl.findall("platforms")
                    if platformsEl.__len__() > 0:
                        plats = platformsEl[0]
                        platformTag = "platform[@name='" + platName + "']"
                        plat = plats.findall(platformTag)
                        if plat.__len__() > 0:
                            devs = ET.SubElement(plat[0], "library")
                            devs.set('name', "devices")
                            addWorkers(devs, subdirList, dirName)

            elif dirName.endswith("hdl/assemblies"):
                addAssemblies(assys, subdirList, dirName)
            elif dirName.endswith("hdl/primitives"):
                addPrimitives(prims, subdirList, dirName)

            retVal = dirIsLib(dirName, comps)
            if (retVal[0]):
                addWorkers(retVal[1], subdirList, dirName)

        print("Updating project metadata...")
        tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
        tree.write(mydir + "/project.xml")
        print("metadata is not stale, not regenerating")