def show_all(cls, details): """ Print out information about all the projects in the registry and in OCPI_PROJECT_PATH enviroment variable """ reg = AssetFactory.factory("registry", Registry.get_registry_dir()) json_dict = reg.get_dict(True) env_proj_dict = cls.collect_projects_from_path() proj_dict = json_dict["projects"] proj_dict = ocpiutil.merge_two_dicts(env_proj_dict, proj_dict) json_dict["projects"] = proj_dict if details == "simple": print(" ".join(sorted(json_dict["projects"]))) elif details == "table": rows = [["Project Package-ID", "Path to Project", "Valid/Exists"]] for proj in json_dict["projects"]: rows.append([ proj, json_dict["projects"][proj]["real_path"], json_dict["projects"][proj]["exists"] ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(json_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_components(self, details, verbose, **kwargs): """ Show all the components in all the projects in the registry """ reg_dict = self._collect_components_dict() if details == "simple": for proj in reg_dict["projects"]: for comp in reg_dict["projects"][proj].get("components", []): print(comp + " ", end="") for lib in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"]: for comp in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"][lib][ "components"]: print(comp + " ", end="") print() elif details == "table": rows = [["Project", "Component Spec Directory", "Component"]] for proj in reg_dict["projects"]: for comp in reg_dict["projects"][proj].get("components", []): rows.append([ proj, reg_dict["projects"][proj]["directory"] + "/specs", comp ]) for lib in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"]: for comp in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"][lib][ "components"]: lib_dict = reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"][lib] rows.append( [proj, lib_dict["directory"] + "/specs", comp]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(reg_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def _show_libary_workers_table(proj_dict): """ Prints out the table for any workers that are located in a project """ print("Workers:") rows = [["Library Directory", "Worker"]] lib_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("libraries", []) for lib in lib_dict: wkr_dict = lib_dict[lib].get("workers", []) for wkr in wkr_dict: rows.append( [os.path.dirname(ocpiutil.rchop(wkr_dict[wkr], "/")), wkr]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-")
def _show_libary_comps_table(proj_dict): """ Prints out the table for any components that are located in a project """ print("Components:") rows = [["Library Directory", "Component"]] lib_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("libraries", []) for lib in lib_dict: comp_dict = lib_dict[lib].get("components", []) for comp in comp_dict: rows.append([ os.path.dirname(ocpiutil.rchop(comp_dict[comp], "/")), comp ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-")
def show_all(cls, details): """ shows all of the rcc platforms in the format that is specified using details (simple, table, or json) """ plat_dict = cls.get_all_dict() if details == "simple": for plat in plat_dict: print(plat + " ", end='') print() elif details == "table": ocpiutil.print_table(cls.get_all_table(plat_dict), underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(plat_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_tests(self, details, verbose, **kwargs): """ Print out all the tests ina project in the format given by details (simple, verbose, or json) JSON format: {project:{ name: proj_name directory: proj_directory libraries:{ lib_name:{ name: lib_name directory:lib_directory tests:{ test_name : test_directory ... } } } } """ if self.lib_list is None: raise ocpiutil.OCPIException( "For a Project to show tests \"init_libs\" " "must be set to True when the object is constructed") json_dict = self.get_show_test_dict() if details == "simple": for lib in json_dict["project"]["libraries"]: print("Library: " + json_dict["project"]["libraries"][lib]["directory"]) tests_dict = json_dict["project"]["libraries"][lib]["tests"] for test in tests_dict: print(" Test: " + tests_dict[test]) elif details == "table": rows = [["Library Directory", "Test"]] for lib in json_dict["project"]["libraries"]: tests_dict = json_dict["project"]["libraries"][lib]["tests"] for test in tests_dict: rows.append([ json_dict["project"]["libraries"][lib]["directory"], test ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") else: json.dump(json_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show(self, details, verbose, **kwargs): """ Print out the ports, properties, and slaves of a given worker in the format that is provided by the caller Function attribtes: details - the mode to print out the informoton in table or simple are the only valid options verbose - integer for verbosity level 0 is default and lowest and anything above 1 shows struct internals and hidden properties kwargs - no extra kwargs arguments expected """ json_dict = self._get_show_dict(verbose) # add worker specific stuff to the dictionary prop_dict = json_dict["properties"] for prop in self.property_list: if verbose > 0 or prop.get("hidden", "0") == "0": prop_dict[prop["name"]]["isImpl"] = prop.get("isImpl", "0") access_dict = prop_dict[prop["name"]]["accessibility"] if prop_dict[prop["name"]]["isImpl"] == "0": access_dict["specinitial"] = prop.get("specinitial", "0") access_dict["specparameter"] = prop.get( "specparameter", "0") access_dict["specwritable"] = prop.get("specwritable", "0") access_dict["specreadback"] = prop.get("specreadable", "0") access_dict["specvolitile"] = prop.get("specvolitile", "0") slave_dict = {} for slave in self.slave_list: slave_dict[slave] = {"name": slave} json_dict["slaves"] = slave_dict if details == "simple" or details == "table": print("Component: " + json_dict["name"] + " Package ID: " + json_dict["package_id"]) print("Directory: " + json_dict["directory"]) self._show_ports_props(json_dict, details, verbose, True) if json_dict.get("slaves"): rows = [["Slave Name"]] for slave in json_dict["slaves"]: rows.append([json_dict["slaves"][slave]["name"]]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") else: json.dump(json_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_libraries(self, details, verbose, **kwargs): """ Print out all the libraries that are in this project in the format specified by details (simple, table, or json) """ json_dict = {} project_dict = {} libraries_dict = {} for lib_directory in self.get_valid_libraries(): lib_dict = {} lib_package = Library.get_package_id(lib_directory) lib_dict["package"] = lib_package lib_dict["directory"] = lib_directory # in case two or more libraries have the same package id we update the key to end # with a number i = 1 while lib_package in libraries_dict: lib_package += ":" + str(i) i += 1 libraries_dict[lib_package] = lib_dict project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make( + "/Makefile", mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1", verbose=True) project_dict["dependencies"] = project_vars['ProjectDependencies'] project_dict["directory"] = project_dict["libraries"] = libraries_dict project_dict["package"] = self.package_id json_dict["project"] = project_dict if details == "simple": lib_dict = json_dict["project"]["libraries"] for lib in lib_dict: print("Library: " + lib_dict[lib]["directory"]) elif details == "table": rows = [["Library Directories"]] lib_dict = json_dict["project"]["libraries"] for lib in lib_dict: rows.append([lib_dict[lib]["directory"]]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") else: json.dump(json_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_all(cls, details): """ shows all of the rcc targets in the format that is specified using details (simple, table, or json) """ target_dict = cls.get_all_dict() if details == "simple": for plat in target_dict: print(target_dict[plat]["target"] + " ", end='') print() elif details == "table": row_1 = ["Platform", "Target"] rows = [row_1] for plat in target_dict: rows.append([plat, target_dict[plat]["target"]]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(target_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_all(cls, details): """ shows all of the hdl platforms in the format that is specified using details (simple, table, or json) """ plat_dict = cls.get_all_dict() if details == "simple": for plat in plat_dict: print(plat + " ", end='') print() elif details == "table": ocpiutil.print_table(cls.get_all_table(plat_dict), underline="-") print( "* An asterisk indicates that the platform has not been built yet.\n" + " Assemblies and tests cannot be built until the platform is built.\n" ) elif details == "json": json.dump(plat_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def _show_non_verbose(self, details, **kwargs): """ show all the information about a project with level 1 of verbocity in the format specified by details (simple, table, or json) """ project_vars = ocpiutil.set_vars_from_make( + "/Makefile", mk_arg="projectdeps ShellProjectVars=1", verbose=True) #TODO output the project's registry here too proj_depends = project_vars['ProjectDependencies'] if not proj_depends: proj_depends.append("None") proj_dict = { 'project': { 'directory':, 'package': self.package_id, 'dependencies': proj_depends } } if details == "simple": print("Project Directory: " + proj_dict["project"]["directory"]) print("Package-ID: " + proj_dict["project"]["package"]) print("Project Dependencies: " + ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"])) elif details == "table": rows = [[ "Project Directory", "Package-ID", "Project Dependencies" ]] rows.append([ proj_dict["project"]["directory"], proj_dict["project"]["package"], ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"]) ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") else: json.dump(proj_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show(self, details, verbose, **kwargs): """ show information about the registry in the format specified by details (simple, table, or json) """ reg_dict = self.get_dict(False) if details == "simple": print(" ".join(sorted(reg_dict["projects"]))) elif details == "table": print("Project registry is located at: " + reg_dict["registry_location"]) # Table header row_1 = ["Project Package-ID", "Path to Project", "Valid/Exists"] rows = [row_1] for proj in reg_dict["projects"]: rows.append([ proj, reg_dict["projects"][proj]["real_path"], reg_dict["projects"][proj]["exists"] ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(reg_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_all(cls, details): """ shows all of the hdl targets in the format that is specified using details (simple, table, or json) """ target_dict = cls.get_all_dict() if details == "simple": for vendor in target_dict: for target in target_dict[vendor]: print(target + " ", end='') print() elif details == "table": rows = [["Target", "Parts", "Vendor", "Toolset"]] for vendor in target_dict: for target in target_dict[vendor]: rows.append([ target, ", ".join(target_dict[vendor][target]["parts"]), vendor, target_dict[vendor][target]["tool"] ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(target_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_all(cls, details): """ shows the list of all rcc and hdl platforms in the format specified from details (simple, table, or json) """ if details == "simple": print("RCC:") RccPlatform.show_all(details) print("HDL:") HdlPlatform.show_all(details) elif details == "table": #need to combine rcc and hdl into a single table rcc_table = RccPlatform.get_all_table(RccPlatform.get_all_dict()) rcc_table[0].insert(1, "Type") rcc_table[0].append("HDL Part") rcc_table[0].append("HDL Vendor") for my_list in rcc_table[1:]: my_list.append("N/A") for my_list in rcc_table[1:]: my_list.append("N/A") for my_list in rcc_table[1:]: my_list.insert(1, "rcc") hdl_table = HdlPlatform.get_all_table(HdlPlatform.get_all_dict()) for my_list in hdl_table[1:]: my_list.insert(1, "hdl") for my_list in hdl_table[1:]: rcc_table.append(my_list) ocpiutil.print_table(rcc_table, underline="-") elif details == "json": rcc_dict = RccPlatform.get_all_dict() hdl_dict = HdlPlatform.get_all_dict() plat_dict = {"rcc": rcc_dict, "hdl": hdl_dict} json.dump(plat_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def show_workers(self, details, verbose, **kwargs): """ Show all the workers in all the projects in the registry """ reg_dict = self._collect_workers_dict() if details == "simple": for proj in reg_dict["projects"]: for lib in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"]: for wkr in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"][lib][ "workers"]: print(wkr + " ", end="") print() elif details == "table": rows = [["Project", "Library Directory", "Worker"]] for proj in reg_dict["projects"]: for lib in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"]: for wkr in reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"][lib][ "workers"]: lib_dict = reg_dict["projects"][proj]["libraries"][lib] rows.append([proj, lib_dict["directory"], wkr]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") elif details == "json": json.dump(reg_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def _show_verbose(self, details, **kwargs): """ print out information about the project with verbocity level 1 in the format specified by details (simple, table, or json) """ proj_dict = self._collect_verbose_dict() if details == "simple": print("Project Directory: " + proj_dict["project"]["directory"]) print("Package-ID: " + proj_dict["project"]["package"]) print("Project Dependencies: " + ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"])) comp_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("components", []) comps = [] for comp in comp_dict: comps.append(comp) if comp_dict: print("Top Level Components: " + ", ".join(comps)) lib_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("libraries", []) for lib in lib_dict: print(" Library: " + lib_dict[lib]) elif details == "table": print("Overview:") rows = [[ "Project Directory", "Package-ID", "Project Dependencies" ]] rows.append([ proj_dict["project"]["directory"], proj_dict["project"]["package"], ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"]) ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") comp_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("components", []) if comp_dict: print("Top Level Components:") rows = [["Component Name"]] for comp in comp_dict: rows.append([comp]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") lib_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("libraries", []) if lib_dict: print("Libraries:") rows = [["Library Directories"]] for lib in lib_dict: rows.append([lib_dict[lib]]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") else: json.dump(proj_dict, sys.stdout) print()
def __show_table_ports_props(self, json_dict, verbose, is_worker): if json_dict.get("properties"): rows = ([[ "Property Name", "Spec Property", "Type", "Accessability" ]] if is_worker else [["Property Name", "Type", "Accessability"]]) for prop in json_dict["properties"]: access_str = "" for access in json_dict["properties"][prop]["accessibility"]: if json_dict["properties"][prop]["accessibility"][ access] == "1": access_str += access + " " if is_worker: rows.append([ prop, json_dict["properties"][prop]["isImpl"] == 1, self.get_type_from_dict(json_dict["properties"][prop]), access_str ]) else: rows.append([ prop, self.get_type_from_dict(json_dict["properties"][prop]), access_str ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") if verbose > 0: #output any structs for prop in json_dict["properties"]: if json_dict["properties"][prop]["type"] == "Struct": print("Struct for " + prop) rows = [["Member Name", "Type"]] for member in json_dict["properties"][prop]["Struct"]: member_dict = json_dict["properties"][prop][ "Struct"][member] rows.append( [member, self.get_type_from_dict(member_dict)]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") if json_dict.get("ports"): rows = [["Port Name", "Protocol", "Producer"]] for port in json_dict["ports"]: rows.append([ port, json_dict["ports"][port]["protocol"], json_dict["ports"][port]["producer"] ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-")
def _show_very_verbose_table(self, proj_dict, have_any_tests, have_any_wkrs, have_any_comps): """ Prints out information about a project with verbocity level 2 in table format Arguments: proj_dict - dictonary with all the project information have_any_tests - boolean flag denoting if this project has any tests have_any_wkrs - boolean flag denoting if this project has any workers have_any_comps - boolean flag denoting if this project has any components """ print("Overview:") rows = [["Project Directory", "Package-ID", "Project Dependencies"]] rows.append([ proj_dict["project"]["directory"], proj_dict["project"]["package"], ", ".join(proj_dict["project"]["dependencies"]) ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") comp_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("components", []) if comp_dict: print("Top Level Components:") rows = [["Compenent Name"]] for comp in comp_dict: rows.append([comp]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") prim_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("primitives", []) if prim_dict: print("Primitives:") rows = [["Primitive Directory", "Primitive"]] for prim in prim_dict: rows.append([ + "/hdl/primitives", prim]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") assembly_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("assemblies", []) if assembly_dict: print("Assemblies:") rows = [["Assembly Directory", "Assembly"]] for assy in assembly_dict: rows.append([ + "/hdl/assemblies", assy]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") lib_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("libraries", []) if lib_dict: print("Libraries:") rows = [["Library Directories"]] for lib in lib_dict: rows.append([lib_dict[lib]["directory"]]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") if have_any_tests: print("Tests:") rows = [["Library Directory", "Test"]] lib_dict = proj_dict["project"].get("libraries", []) for lib in lib_dict: test_dict = lib_dict[lib].get("tests", []) for test in test_dict: rows.append([ os.path.dirname(ocpiutil.rchop(test_dict[test], "/")), test ]) ocpiutil.print_table(rows, underline="-") if have_any_wkrs: self._show_libary_workers_table(proj_dict) if have_any_comps: self._show_libary_comps_table(proj_dict)