def _getJyDictionary(self, obj):
        ret = {}
        found = java.util.HashMap()

        original = obj
        if hasattr(obj, '__class__') and obj.__class__ == java.lang.Class:

            #get info about superclasses
            classes = []
            c = obj.getSuperclass()
            while c != None:
                c = c.getSuperclass()

            #get info about interfaces
            interfs = []
            for obj in classes:

            #now is the time when we actually get info on the declared methods and fields
            for obj in classes:

                declaredMethods = obj.getDeclaredMethods()
                declaredFields = obj.getDeclaredFields()
                for i in xrange(len(declaredMethods)):
                    name = declaredMethods[i].getName()
                    ret[name] = declaredMethods[i].toString()
                    found.put(name, 1)

                for i in xrange(len(declaredFields)):
                    name = declaredFields[i].getName()
                    found.put(name, 1)
                    #if declaredFields[i].isAccessible():
                    #ret[name] = declaredFields[i].get( declaredFields[i] )
                        ret[name] = declaredFields[i].get(original)
                        ret[name] = declaredFields[i].toString()

        #this simple dir does not always get all the info, that's why we have the part before
        #(e.g.: if we do a dir on String, some methods that are from other interfaces such as
        #charAt don't appear)
            d = dir(original)
            for name in d:
                if found.get(name) is not 1:
                    ret[name] = getattr(original, name)
            #sometimes we're unable to do a dir

        return ret
Exemple #2
def array_to_meta_xml(array, name, format):
    type = array.dtype.kind
    slice = name
    l = len(array.shape)

    # initial load, compute slice
    if format == '%':
        if l > 2:
            slice += '[0]' * (l - 2)
            for r in xrange(l - 2):
                array = array[0]
        if type == 'f':
            format = '.5f'
        elif type == 'i' or type == 'u':
            format = 'd'
            format = 's'
        format = format.replace('%', '')

    l = len(array.shape)
    reslice = ""
    if l > 2:
        raise Exception("%s has more than 2 dimensions." % slice)
    elif l == 1:
        # special case with 1D arrays arr[i, :] - row, but arr[:, i] - column with equal shape and ndim
        # explanation:
        # we use kind of a hack - get information about memory from C_CONTIGUOUS
        is_row = array.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']

        if is_row:
            rows = 1
            cols = min(len(array), MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
            if cols < len(array):
                reslice = '[0:%s]' % (cols)
            array = array[0:cols]
            cols = 1
            rows = min(len(array), MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
            if rows < len(array):
                reslice = '[0:%s]' % (rows)
            array = array[0:rows]
    elif l == 2:
        rows = min(array.shape[-2], MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
        cols = min(array.shape[-1], MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
        if cols < array.shape[-1] or rows < array.shape[-2]:
            reslice = '[0:%s, 0:%s]' % (rows, cols)
        array = array[0:rows, 0:cols]

    # avoid slice duplication
    if not slice.endswith(reslice):
        slice += reslice

    bounds = (0, 0)
    if type in "biufc":
        bounds = (array.min(), array.max())
    xml = '<array slice=\"%s\" rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\" format=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" max=\"%s\" min=\"%s\"/>' % \
          (slice, rows, cols, format, type, bounds[1], bounds[0])
    return array, xml, rows, cols, format
    def get_dictionary(self, obj):
        ret = {}

        for i in xrange(len(obj)):
            ret[ i ] = obj[i]

        ret['__len__'] = len(obj)
        return ret
Exemple #4
def array_to_xml(array, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    xml = ""
    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)

    # there is no obvious rule for slicing (at least 5 choices)
    if len(array) == 1 and (rows > 1 or cols > 1):
        array = array[0]
    if array.size > len(array):
        array = array[roffset:, coffset:]
        rows = min(rows, len(array))
        cols = min(cols, len(array[0]))
        if len(array) == 1:
            array = array[0]
    elif array.size == len(array):
        if roffset == 0 and rows == 1:
            array = array[coffset:]
            cols = min(cols, len(array))
        elif coffset == 0 and cols == 1:
            array = array[roffset:]
            rows = min(rows, len(array))

    xml += "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>" % (rows, cols)
    for row in xrange(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>" % to_string(row)
        for col in xrange(cols):
            value = array
            if rows == 1 or cols == 1:
                if rows == 1 and cols == 1:
                    value = array[0]
                    if rows == 1:
                        dim = col
                        dim = row
                    value = array[dim]
                    if "ndarray" in str(type(value)):
                        value = value[0]
                value = array[row][col]
            value = format % value
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml
Exemple #5
def array_to_xml(array, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    xml = ""
    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)

    # there is no obvious rule for slicing (at least 5 choices)
    if len(array) == 1 and (rows > 1 or cols > 1):
        array = array[0]
    if array.size > len(array):
        array = array[roffset:, coffset:]
        rows = min(rows, len(array))
        cols = min(cols, len(array[0]))
        if len(array) == 1:
            array = array[0]
    elif array.size == len(array):
        if roffset == 0 and rows == 1:
            array = array[coffset:]
            cols = min(cols, len(array))
        elif coffset == 0 and cols == 1:
            array = array[roffset:]
            rows = min(rows, len(array))

    xml += "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>" % (rows, cols)
    for row in xrange(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>" % to_string(row)
        for col in xrange(cols):
            value = array
            if rows == 1 or cols == 1:
                if rows == 1 and cols == 1:
                    value = array[0]
                    if rows == 1:
                        dim = col
                        dim = row
                    value = array[dim]
                    if "ndarray" in str(type(value)):
                        value = value[0]
                value = array[row][col]
            value = format % value
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml
    def set_args(self, frame, recursive=False):
        self.args = []

        code = frame.f_code
        locals = frame.f_locals

        for i in xrange(0, code.co_argcount):
            name = code.co_varnames[i]
            class_name = get_type_of_value(locals[name], recursive=recursive)

            self.add_arg(name, class_name)
Exemple #7
    def set_args(self, frame, recursive=False):
        self.args = []

        code = frame.f_code
        locals = frame.f_locals

        for i in xrange(0, code.co_argcount):
            name = code.co_varnames[i]
            class_name = get_type_of_value(locals[name], recursive=recursive)

            self.add_arg(name, class_name)
Exemple #8
    def get_dictionary(self, obj):
        ret = {}

        declaredFields = obj.__class__.getDeclaredFields()
        for i in xrange(len(declaredFields)):
            name = declaredFields[i].getName()
                ret[name] = declaredFields[i].get(obj)

        return ret
    def get_dictionary(self, obj):
        ret = {}

        declaredFields = obj.__class__.getDeclaredFields()
        for i in xrange(len(declaredFields)):
            name = declaredFields[i].getName()
                ret[name] = declaredFields[i].get(obj)

        return ret
def do_find(f, mod):
    import linecache
    if inspect.ismodule(mod):
        return f, 0, 0

    lines = linecache.getlines(f)

    if inspect.isclass(mod):
        name = mod.__name__
        pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*' + name + r'\b')
        for i in xrange(len(lines)):
            if pat.match(lines[i]):
                return f, i, 0

        return f, 0, 0

    if inspect.ismethod(mod):
        mod = mod.im_func

    if inspect.isfunction(mod):
            mod = mod.func_code
        except AttributeError:
            mod = mod.__code__  #python 3k

    if inspect.istraceback(mod):
        mod = mod.tb_frame

    if inspect.isframe(mod):
        mod = mod.f_code

    if inspect.iscode(mod):
        if not hasattr(mod, 'co_filename'):
            return None, 0, 0

        if not hasattr(mod, 'co_firstlineno'):
            return mod.co_filename, 0, 0

        lnum = mod.co_firstlineno
        pat = re.compile(r'^(\s*def\s)|(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))|^(\s*@)')
        while lnum > 0:
            if pat.match(lines[lnum]):
            lnum -= 1

        return f, lnum, 0

    raise RuntimeError('Do not know about: ' + f + ' ' + str(mod))
def do_find(f, mod):
    import linecache
    if inspect.ismodule(mod):
        return f, 0, 0

    lines = linecache.getlines(f)

    if inspect.isclass(mod):
        name = mod.__name__
        pat = re.compile(r'^\s*class\s*' + name + r'\b')
        for i in xrange(len(lines)):
            if pat.match(lines[i]):
                return f, i, 0

        return f, 0, 0

    if inspect.ismethod(mod):
        mod = mod.im_func

    if inspect.isfunction(mod):
            mod = mod.func_code
        except AttributeError:
            mod = mod.__code__ #python 3k

    if inspect.istraceback(mod):
        mod = mod.tb_frame

    if inspect.isframe(mod):
        mod = mod.f_code

    if inspect.iscode(mod):
        if not hasattr(mod, 'co_filename'):
            return None, 0, 0

        if not hasattr(mod, 'co_firstlineno'):
            return mod.co_filename, 0, 0

        lnum = mod.co_firstlineno
        pat = re.compile(r'^(\s*def\s)|(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))|^(\s*@)')
        while lnum > 0:
            if pat.match(lines[lnum]):
            lnum -= 1

        return f, lnum, 0

    raise RuntimeError('Do not know about: ' + f + ' ' + str(mod))
    def create_signature(self, frame, with_args=True):
            code = frame.f_code
            locals = frame.f_locals
            filename, modulename, funcname = self.file_module_function_of(
            res = Signature(filename, funcname)
            if with_args:
                for i in xrange(0, code.co_argcount):
                    name = code.co_varnames[i]
                    class_name = get_type_of_value(locals[name])

                    res.add_arg(name, class_name)
            return res
            import traceback
Exemple #13
    def create_signature(self, frame):
            code = frame.f_code
            locals = frame.f_locals
            filename, modulename, funcname = self.file_module_function_of(frame)
            res = Signature(filename, funcname)
            for i in xrange(0, code.co_argcount):
                name = code.co_varnames[i]
                tp = type(locals[name])
                class_name = tp.__name__
                if class_name == 'instance':  # old-style classes
                    tp = locals[name].__class__
                    class_name = tp.__name__

                if hasattr(tp, '__module__') and tp.__module__ and tp.__module__ not in self._ignore_module_name:
                    class_name = "%s.%s"%(tp.__module__, class_name)

                res.add_arg(name, class_name)
            return res
            import traceback
Exemple #14
def getVariable(thread_id, frame_id, scope, attrs):
    returns the value of a variable


    BY_ID means we'll traverse the list of all objects alive to get the object.

    :attrs: after reaching the proper scope, we have to get the attributes until we find
            the proper location (i.e.: obj\tattr1\tattr2).

    :note: when BY_ID is used, the frame_id is considered the id of the object to find and
           not the frame (as we don't care about the frame in this case).
    if scope == 'BY_ID':
        if thread_id != get_thread_id(threading.currentThread()):
            raise VariableError("getVariable: must execute on same thread")

            import gc
            objects = gc.get_objects()
            pass  # Not all python variants have it.
            frame_id = int(frame_id)
            for var in objects:
                if id(var) == frame_id:
                    if attrs is not None:
                        attrList = attrs.split('\t')
                        for k in attrList:
                            _type, _typeName, resolver = get_type(var)
                            var = resolver.resolve(var, k)

                    return var

        # If it didn't return previously, we coudn't find it by id (i.e.: alrceady garbage collected).
        sys.stderr.write('Unable to find object with id: %s\n' % (frame_id, ))
        return None

    frame = find_frame(thread_id, frame_id)
    if frame is None:
        return {}

    if attrs is not None:
        attrList = attrs.split('\t')
        attrList = []

    for attr in attrList:
        attr.replace("@_@TAB_CHAR@_@", '\t')

    if scope == 'EXPRESSION':
        for count in xrange(len(attrList)):
            if count == 0:
                # An Expression can be in any scope (globals/locals), therefore it needs to evaluated as an expression
                var = evaluate_expression(thread_id, frame_id, attrList[count],
                _type, _typeName, resolver = get_type(var)
                var = resolver.resolve(var, attrList[count])
        if scope == "GLOBAL":
            var = frame.f_globals
            del attrList[
                0]  # globals are special, and they get a single dummy unused attribute
            # in a frame access both locals and globals as Python does
            var = {}

        for k in attrList:
            _type, _typeName, resolver = get_type(var)
            var = resolver.resolve(var, k)

    return var
Exemple #15
def getVariable(thread_id, frame_id, scope, attrs):
    returns the value of a variable


    BY_ID means we'll traverse the list of all objects alive to get the object.

    :attrs: after reaching the proper scope, we have to get the attributes until we find
            the proper location (i.e.: obj\tattr1\tattr2)

    :note: when BY_ID is used, the frame_id is considered the id of the object to find and
           not the frame (as we don't care about the frame in this case).
    if scope == 'BY_ID':
        if thread_id != get_thread_id(threading.currentThread()):
            raise VariableError("getVariable: must execute on same thread")

            import gc
            objects = gc.get_objects()
            pass  # Not all python variants have it.
            frame_id = int(frame_id)
            for var in objects:
                if id(var) == frame_id:
                    if attrs is not None:
                        attrList = attrs.split('\t')
                        for k in attrList:
                            _type, _typeName, resolver = get_type(var)
                            var = resolver.resolve(var, k)

                    return var

        # If it didn't return previously, we coudn't find it by id (i.e.: alrceady garbage collected).
        sys.stderr.write('Unable to find object with id: %s\n' % (frame_id,))
        return None

    frame = find_frame(thread_id, frame_id)
    if frame is None:
        return {}

    if attrs is not None:
        attrList = attrs.split('\t')
        attrList = []

    for attr in attrList:
        attr.replace("@_@TAB_CHAR@_@", '\t')

    if scope == 'EXPRESSION':
        for count in xrange(len(attrList)):
            if count == 0:
                # An Expression can be in any scope (globals/locals), therefore it needs to evaluated as an expression
                var = evaluate_expression(thread_id, frame_id, attrList[count], False)
                _type, _typeName, resolver = get_type(var)
                var = resolver.resolve(var, attrList[count])
        if scope == "GLOBAL":
            var = frame.f_globals
            del attrList[0]  # globals are special, and they get a single dummy unused attribute
            # in a frame access both locals and globals as Python does
            var = {}

        for k in attrList:
            _type, _typeName, resolver = get_type(var)
            var = resolver.resolve(var, k)

    return var
def dataframe_to_xml(df, name, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    :type df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
    :type name: str
    :type coffset: int
    :type roffset: int
    :type rows: int
    :type cols: int
    :type format: str

    num_rows = min(df.shape[0], MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
    num_cols = min(df.shape[1], MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
    if (num_rows, num_cols) != df.shape:
        df = df.iloc[0:num_rows, 0:num_cols]
        slice = '.iloc[0:%s, 0:%s]' % (num_rows, num_cols)
        slice = ''
    slice = name + slice
    xml = '<array slice=\"%s\" rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\" format=\"\" type=\"\" max=\"0\" min=\"0\"/>\n' % \
          (slice, num_rows, num_cols)

    if (rows, cols) == (-1, -1):
        rows, cols = num_rows, num_cols

    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE), num_cols)
    # need to precompute column bounds here before slicing!
    col_bounds = [None] * cols
    for col in xrange(cols):
        dtype = df.dtypes.iloc[coffset + col].kind
        if dtype in "biufc":
            cvalues = df.iloc[:, coffset + col]
            bounds = (cvalues.min(), cvalues.max())
            bounds = (0, 0)
        col_bounds[col] = bounds

    df = df.iloc[roffset:roffset + rows, coffset:coffset + cols]
    rows, cols = df.shape

    xml += "<headerdata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\">\n" % (rows, cols)
    format = format.replace('%', '')
    col_formats = []

    get_label = lambda label: str(label) if not isinstance(
        label, tuple) else '/'.join(map(str, label))

    for col in xrange(cols):
        dtype = df.dtypes.iloc[col].kind
        if dtype == 'f' and format:
            fmt = format
        elif dtype == 'f':
            fmt = '.5f'
        elif dtype == 'i' or dtype == 'u':
            fmt = 'd'
            fmt = 's'
        col_formats.append('%' + fmt)
        bounds = col_bounds[col]

        xml += '<colheader index=\"%s\" label=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" format=\"%s\" max=\"%s\" min=\"%s\" />\n' % \
               (str(col), get_label(df.axes[1].values[col]), dtype, fmt, bounds[1], bounds[0])
    for row, label in enumerate(iter(df.axes[0])):
        xml += "<rowheader index=\"%s\" label = \"%s\"/>\n" % \
               (str(row), get_label(label))
    xml += "</headerdata>\n"
    xml += "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>\n" % (rows, cols)
    for row in xrange(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>\n" % str(row)
        for col in xrange(cols):
            value = df.iat[row, col]
            value = col_formats[col] % value
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml
Exemple #17
def dataframe_to_xml(df, name, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    :type df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
    :type name: str
    :type coffset: int
    :type roffset: int
    :type rows: int
    :type cols: int
    :type format: str

    num_rows = min(df.shape[0], MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
    num_cols = min(df.shape[1], MAX_SLICE_SIZE)
    if (num_rows, num_cols) != df.shape:
        df = df.iloc[0:num_rows, 0: num_cols]
        slice = '.iloc[0:%s, 0:%s]' % (num_rows, num_cols)
        slice = ''
    slice = name + slice
    xml = '<array slice=\"%s\" rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\" format=\"\" type=\"\" max=\"0\" min=\"0\"/>\n' % \
          (slice, num_rows, num_cols)

    if (rows, cols) == (-1, -1):
        rows, cols = num_rows, num_cols

    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE), num_cols)
    # need to precompute column bounds here before slicing!
    col_bounds = [None] * cols
    for col in xrange(cols):
        dtype = df.dtypes.iloc[coffset + col].kind
        if dtype in "biufc":
            cvalues = df.iloc[:, coffset + col]
            bounds = (cvalues.min(), cvalues.max())
            bounds = (0, 0)
        col_bounds[col] = bounds

    df = df.iloc[roffset: roffset + rows, coffset: coffset + cols]
    rows, cols = df.shape

    xml += "<headerdata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\">\n" % (rows, cols)
    format = format.replace('%', '')
    col_formats = []

    get_label = lambda label: str(label) if not isinstance(label, tuple) else '/'.join(map(str, label))

    for col in xrange(cols):
        dtype = df.dtypes.iloc[col].kind
        if dtype == 'f' and format:
            fmt = format
        elif dtype == 'f':
            fmt = '.5f'
        elif dtype == 'i' or dtype == 'u':
            fmt= 'd'
            fmt= 's'
        col_formats.append('%' + fmt)
        bounds = col_bounds[col]

        xml += '<colheader index=\"%s\" label=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" format=\"%s\" max=\"%s\" min=\"%s\" />\n' % \
               (str(col), get_label(df.axes[1].values[col]), dtype, fmt, bounds[1], bounds[0])
    for row, label in enumerate(iter(df.axes[0])):
        xml += "<rowheader index=\"%s\" label = \"%s\"/>\n" % \
               (str(row), get_label(label))
    xml += "</headerdata>\n"
    xml += "<arraydata rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\"/>\n" % (rows, cols)
    for row in xrange(rows):
        xml += "<row index=\"%s\"/>\n" % str(row)
        for col in xrange(cols):
            value = df.iat[row, col]
            value = col_formats[col] % value
            xml += var_to_xml(value, '')
    return xml