Exemple #1
def _bio_get_str(biobuf):
    bio_buf = ffi.new("char[]", 2048)
    length = lib.BIO_gets(biobuf, bio_buf, len(bio_buf) - 1)
    if length < 0:
        if biobuf: lib.BIO_free(biobuf)
        raise ssl_error(None)
    return _str_with_len(bio_buf, length)
Exemple #2
def _test_decode_cert(path):
    cert = lib.BIO_new(lib.BIO_s_file())
    if cert is ffi.NULL:
        raise ssl_error("Can't malloc memory to read file")

    epath = path.encode()
    if lib.BIO_read_filename(cert, epath) <= 0:
        raise ssl_error("Can't open file")

    x = lib.PEM_read_bio_X509(cert, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL)
    if x is ffi.NULL:
        ssl_error("Error decoding PEM-encoded file")

    retval = _decode_certificate(x)

    if cert != ffi.NULL:
    return retval
Exemple #3
def _get_peer_alt_names(certificate):
    # this code follows the procedure outlined in
    # OpenSSL's crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c:X509v3_EXT_print()
    # function to extract the STACK_OF(GENERAL_NAME),
    # then iterates through the stack to add the
    # names.
    peer_alt_names = []

    if certificate == ffi.NULL:
        return None

    # get a memory buffer
    biobuf = lib.BIO_new(lib.BIO_s_mem())

    i = -1
    while True:
        i = lib.X509_get_ext_by_NID(certificate, lib.NID_subject_alt_name, i)
        if i < 0:

        # now decode the altName
        ext = lib.X509_get_ext(certificate, i)
        method = lib.X509V3_EXT_get(ext)
        if method is ffi.NULL:
            raise ssl_error("No method for internalizing subjectAltName!")

        ext_data = lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)
        ext_data_len = ext_data.length
        ext_data_value = ffi.new("unsigned char**", ffi.NULL)
        ext_data_value[0] = ext_data.data

        if method.it != ffi.NULL:
            names = lib.ASN1_item_d2i(ffi.NULL, ext_data_value, ext_data_len,
            names = method.d2i(ffi.NULL, ext_data_value, ext_data_len)

        names = ffi.cast("GENERAL_NAMES*", names)
        count = lib.sk_GENERAL_NAME_num(names)
        for j in range(count):
            # get a rendering of each name in the set of names
            name = lib.sk_GENERAL_NAME_value(names, j)
            _type = name.type
            if _type == lib.GEN_DIRNAME:
                # we special-case DirName as a tuple of
                # tuples of attributes
                v = _create_tuple_for_X509_NAME(name.d.dirn)
                peer_alt_names.append(("DirName", v))
            # GENERAL_NAME_print() doesn't handle NULL bytes in ASN1_string
            # correctly, CVE-2013-4238
            elif _type == lib.GEN_EMAIL:
                v = _string_from_asn1(name.d.rfc822Name)
                peer_alt_names.append(("email", v))
            elif _type == lib.GEN_DNS:
                v = _string_from_asn1(name.d.dNSName)
                peer_alt_names.append(("DNS", v))
            elif _type == lib.GEN_URI:
                v = _string_from_asn1(name.d.uniformResourceIdentifier)
                peer_alt_names.append(("URI", v))
            elif _type == lib.GEN_RID:
                v = "Registered ID"
                buf = ffi.new("char[2048]")

                length = lib.OBJ_obj2txt(buf, 2047, name.d.rid, 0)
                if length < 0:
                    # TODO _setSSLError(NULL, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    raise NotImplementedError
                elif length >= 2048:
                    v = "<INVALID>"
                    v = _str_with_len(buf, length)
                peer_alt_names.append(("Registered ID", v))
                # for everything else, we use the OpenSSL print form
                if _type not in (lib.GEN_OTHERNAME, lib.GEN_X400, \
                                 lib.GEN_EDIPARTY, lib.GEN_IPADD, lib.GEN_RID):
                    warnings.warn("Unknown general type %d" % _type,
                lib.GENERAL_NAME_print(biobuf, name)
                v = _bio_get_str(biobuf)
                idx = v.find(":")
                if idx == -1:
                    raise ValueError("Invalid value %s", v)
                peer_alt_names.append((v[:idx], v[idx + 1:]))

        free_func_addr = ffi.addressof(lib, "GENERAL_NAME_free")
        lib.sk_GENERAL_NAME_pop_free(names, free_func_addr)
    if peer_alt_names is not None:
        return tuple(peer_alt_names)
    return peer_alt_names
Exemple #4
def _decode_certificate(certificate):
    retval = {}

    peer = _create_tuple_for_X509_NAME(lib.X509_get_subject_name(certificate))
    if not peer:
        return None
    retval["subject"] = peer

    issuer = _create_tuple_for_X509_NAME(lib.X509_get_issuer_name(certificate))
    if not issuer:
        return None
    retval["issuer"] = issuer

    version = lib.X509_get_version(certificate) + 1
    if version == 0:
        return None
    retval["version"] = version

        biobuf = lib.BIO_new(lib.BIO_s_mem())

        serialNumber = lib.X509_get_serialNumber(certificate)
        # should not exceed 20 octets, 160 bits, so buf is big enough
        lib.i2a_ASN1_INTEGER(biobuf, serialNumber)
        buf = ffi.new("char[]", 2048)
        length = lib.BIO_gets(biobuf, buf, len(buf) - 1)
        if length < 0:
            raise ssl_error(None)
        retval["serialNumber"] = _str_with_len(buf, length)

        notBefore = lib.X509_get_notBefore(certificate)
        lib.ASN1_TIME_print(biobuf, notBefore)
        length = lib.BIO_gets(biobuf, buf,
                              len(buf) - 1)
        if length < 0:
            raise ssl_error(None)
        retval["notBefore"] = _str_with_len(buf, length)

        notAfter = lib.X509_get_notAfter(certificate)
        lib.ASN1_TIME_print(biobuf, notAfter)
        length = lib.BIO_gets(biobuf, buf,
                              len(buf) - 1)
        if length < 0:
            raise ssl_error(None)
        retval["notAfter"] = _str_with_len(buf, length)

        # Now look for subjectAltName
        peer_alt_names = _get_peer_alt_names(certificate)
        if peer_alt_names is None:
            return None
        if len(peer_alt_names) > 0:
            retval["subjectAltName"] = peer_alt_names

        # Authority Information Access: OCSP URIs
        obj = _get_aia_uri(certificate, lib.NID_ad_OCSP)
        if obj:
            retval["OCSP"] = obj

        obj = _get_aia_uri(certificate, lib.NID_ad_ca_issuers)
        if obj:
            retval["caIssuers"] = obj

        # CDP (CRL distribution points)
        obj = _get_crl_dp(certificate)
        if obj:
            retval["crlDistributionPoints"] = obj

    return retval
def _bio_get_str(biobuf):
    length = lib.BIO_gets(biobuf, STATIC_BIO_BUF, len(STATIC_BIO_BUF) - 1)
    if length < 0:
        if biobuf: lib.BIO_free(biobuf)
        raise ssl_error(None)
    return _str_with_len(STATIC_BIO_BUF, length)