Exemple #1
    def _get_pytest_config(self, argv):
        Return the ``pytest`` configuration object based on the
        command-line arguments
        import _pytest.config as _config

        plugins = [self]

        # disable pytest-cov
        argv += ['-p', 'no:pytest_cov']

        # Do not load any conftests initially.
        # This is a hack to avoid ConftestImportFailure raised when the
        # pytest does its initial import of conftests in the source directory.
        # This prevents any manipulation of the command-line via conftests
        argv += ['--noconftest']

        # get the pytest configuration object
            config = _config._prepareconfig(argv, plugins)
        except _config.ConftestImportFailure as e:
            tw = _config.py.io.TerminalWriter(sys.stderr)
            for line in traceback.format_exception(*e.excinfo):
                tw.line(line.rstrip(), red=True)
            tw.line("ERROR: could not load %s\n" % (e.path), red=True)

        # Restore the loading of conftests, which was disabled earlier
        # Conftest files will now be loaded properly at test time
        config.pluginmanager._noconftest = False

        return config
def get_cases_from_pytest(group):
    config = _prepareconfig(args=str(""))
    session = Session(config)
    session._fixturemanager = FixtureManager(session)
    ret = [i for i
           in session.perform_collect() if
           group in list(MarkMapping(i.keywords)._mymarks)]
    return ret
def group_in_pytest(group):
    config = _prepareconfig(args=str(""))
    session = Session(config)
    session._fixturemanager = FixtureManager(session)
    l = [list(MarkMapping(i.keywords)._mymarks) for i
         in session.perform_collect()]
    groups = set([item for sublist in l for item in sublist])

    return group in groups
Exemple #4
def group_in_pytest(group):
    from _pytest.config import _prepareconfig
    from _pytest.main import Session
    from _pytest.python import FixtureManager
    from _pytest.mark import MarkMapping
    config = _prepareconfig(args="")
    session = Session(config)
    session._fixturemanager = FixtureManager(session)
    l = [list(MarkMapping(i.keywords)._mymarks) for i
         in session.perform_collect()]
    groups = set([item for sublist in l for item in sublist])

    return group in groups
def exec_file(filename, globals=None, locals=None):
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    if locals is None:
        locals = globals
    locals['__file__'] = filename
    from py import path
    from _pytest import config
    from _pytest.assertion import rewrite
    f = path.local(filename)
    filename2 = os.path.relpath(filename, os.getcwd())
    config = config._prepareconfig([], [])
    _, code = rewrite._rewrite_test(config, f)
    exec(code, globals, locals)
def exec_file(filename, globals=None, locals=None):
    """Execute the specified file, optionaly setup its context by using globals and locals."""
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    if locals is None:
        locals = globals
    locals['__file__'] = filename
    from py import path
    from _pytest import config
    from _pytest.assertion import rewrite
    f = path.local(filename)
    filename2 = os.path.relpath(filename, os.getcwd())
    config = config._prepareconfig([], [])
    _, code = rewrite._rewrite_test(config, f)
    exec(code, globals, locals)
Exemple #7
def exec_file(filename, globals=None, locals=None):
    """Execute the specified file, optionaly setup its context by using globals and locals."""
    if globals is None:
        globals = {}
    if locals is None:
        locals = globals
    locals['__file__'] = filename
    from py import path
    from _pytest import config
    from _pytest.assertion import rewrite
    f = path.local(filename)
    config = config._prepareconfig([], [])
    source_stat, code = rewrite._rewrite_test(config, f)
    logger.debug('filename: {} source_stat: {} code: {}'.format(filename, source_stat, code))
    exec(code, globals, locals)
Exemple #8
def group_in_pytest(group):
    from _pytest.config import _prepareconfig
    from _pytest.main import Session
    from _pytest.python import FixtureManager
    from _pytest.mark import MarkMapping
    config = _prepareconfig(args="")
    session = Session(config)
    session._fixturemanager = FixtureManager(session)
    l = [
        for i in session.perform_collect()
    groups = set([item for sublist in l for item in sublist])

    return group in groups
Exemple #9
    def run(index: int, host: str, port: int, start_sem: Semaphore,
            fixture_sem: Semaphore, test_q: JoinableQueue, result_q: Queue,
            node_port: int) -> None:

        worker = WorkerSession(index, host, port, test_q, result_q)
        worker._node_fixture_manager = Node.Manager(as_main=False,
        worker._fixture_sem = fixture_sem
        args = sys.argv[1:]
        # remove coverage args, as pytest_cov handles multiprocessing already and will applyt coverage to worker
        # as a proc that was launched from main thread which itsalef has coverage (otherwise it will attempt
        # duplicate coverage processing and file conflicts galore)
        args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith("--cov=")]
        config = _prepareconfig(args, plugins=[])
        # unregister terminal (don't want to output to stdout from worker)
        # as well as xdist (don't want to invoke any plugin hooks from another distribute testing plugin if present)
        config.pluginmanager.register(worker, "mproc_worker")
        config.option.mproc_worker = worker
        from pytest_mproc.main import Orchestrator
        worker._client = Orchestrator.Manager(addr=(worker._host,
        workerinput = {
            "worker-%d" % worker._index,
            "worker-%d" % worker._index,
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "worker-%d" % worker._index),
        config.slaveinput = workerinput
        config.slaveoutput = workerinput
            # and away we go....
            worker._reporter.write(f"\nWorker-{index} finished\n")
Exemple #10
    config.option.maxprocesses = None
    config.option.basetemp = basetemp

if __name__ == "__channelexec__":
    channel = channel  # noqa
    workerinput, args, option_dict, change_sys_path = channel.receive()

    if change_sys_path:
        importpath = os.getcwd()
        sys.path.insert(0, importpath)
        os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = (importpath + os.pathsep +
                                    os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", ""))

    os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_TESTRUNUID"] = workerinput["testrunuid"]
    os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER"] = workerinput["workerid"]
    os.environ["PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER_COUNT"] = str(workerinput["workercount"])

    if hasattr(Config, "InvocationParams"):
        config = _prepareconfig(args, None)
        config = remote_initconfig(option_dict, args)
        config.args = args

    setup_config(config, option_dict.get("basetemp"))
    config._parser.prog = os.path.basename(workerinput["mainargv"][0])
    config.workerinput = workerinput
    config.workeroutput = {}
    interactor = WorkerInteractor(config, channel)
Exemple #11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""For debugging in ide"""

from tests.conftest import *
from pytest_mock import mocker
from _pytest.config import _prepareconfig

from tests.test_cmdb_attribute import test_create_attribute

for a in app():
    for d in database(a):
        for s in session(d, a):
            for c in client(a):
                for m in mocker(_prepareconfig()):
                    test_create_attribute(s, c)
Exemple #12
# coding=utf-8
import re
import sys

import pytest
from _pytest.config import _prepareconfig

from _jb_runner_tools import jb_start_tests, jb_patch_separator, jb_doc_args
from teamcity import pytest_plugin

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path, targets, additional_args = jb_start_tests()
    sys.argv += additional_args
    joined_targets = jb_patch_separator(targets,
    # When file is launched in py.test it should be file.py: you can't provide it as bare module
    joined_targets = [t + ".py" if ":" not in t else t for t in joined_targets]
    sys.argv += [path] if path else joined_targets
    jb_doc_args("py.test", sys.argv[1:])

    # plugin is discovered automatically in 3, but not in 2
    # to prevent "plugin already registered" problem we check it first
    plugins_to_load = []
    if not _prepareconfig().pluginmanager.hasplugin("pytest-teamcity"):
    pytest.main(sys.argv[1:], plugins_to_load)