def test_blankpattern(self):
     # Make sure when tuple or something has no values no regex is generated.
     # Fixes bug #661354
     test_locale = _strptime.LocaleTime(timezone=('', ''))
         _strptime.TimeRE(test_locale).pattern("%Z") == '',
         "with timezone == ('',''), TimeRE().pattern('%Z') != ''")
Exemple #2
 def test_blankpattern(self):
     # Make sure when tuple or something has no values no regex is generated.
     # Fixes bug #661354
     test_locale = _strptime.LocaleTime()
     test_locale.timezone = (frozenset(), frozenset())
     self.assertEqual(_strptime.TimeRE(test_locale).pattern("%Z"), '',
                      "with timezone == ('',''), TimeRE().pattern('%Z') != ''")
Exemple #3
 def test_locale_data_w_regex_metacharacters(self):
     locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
     locale_time.timezone = frozenset(('utc', 'gmt',
         'Tokyo (standard time)')), frozenset('Tokyo (daylight time)')
     time_re = _strptime.TimeRE(locale_time)
     self.assertTrue(time_re.compile('%Z').match('Tokyo (standard time)'
         'locale data that contains regex metacharacters is not properly escaped'
Exemple #4
 def test_locale_data_w_regex_metacharacters(self):
     # Check that if locale data contains regex metacharacters they are
     # escaped properly.
     # Discovered by bug #1039270 .
     locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
     locale_time.timezone = (frozenset(("utc", "gmt",
                                         "Tokyo (standard time)")),
                             frozenset("Tokyo (daylight time)"))
     time_re = _strptime.TimeRE(locale_time)
     self.assertTrue(time_re.compile("%Z").match("Tokyo (standard time)"),
                     "locale data that contains regex metacharacters is not"
                     " properly escaped")
 def test_bad_timezone(self):
     # Explicitly test possibility of bad timezone;
     # when time.tzname[0] == time.tzname[1] and time.daylight
     if sys.platform == "mac":
         return  # MacOS9 has severely broken timezone support.
         original_tzname = time.tzname
         original_daylight = time.daylight
         time.tzname = ("PDT", "PDT")
         time.daylight = 1
         # Need to make sure that timezone is not calculated since that
         # calls time.tzset and overrides temporary changes to time .
         _strptime._locale_cache = _strptime.TimeRE(
             _strptime.LocaleTime(timezone=("PDT", "PDT")))
         tz_value = _strptime.strptime("PDT", "%Z")[8]
         self.failUnlessEqual(tz_value, -1)
         time.tzname = original_tzname
         time.daylight = original_daylight
         _strptime._locale_cache = _strptime.TimeRE()
def main():
    os.environ["TZ"] = 'EST5EDT'
    import _strptime
    _strptime._TimeRE_cache = _strptime.TimeRE()
    _strptime._regex_cache = {}

    from java.lang import System
    System.setProperty('', 'GFETEST')

    from com.raytheon.uf.viz.core.localization import LocalizationManager
    from com.raytheon.uf.common.localization import LocalizationContext
    LocalizationLevel = LocalizationContext.LocalizationLevel
    LocalizationManager.registerContextName(LocalizationLevel.USER, 'GFETEST')

    import loadConfig

    from com.raytheon.viz.gfe.core import DataManager
    dm = DataManager.getInstance(None)
    import IToolInterface
    # have to add the user dir to the python path here since we just switched users
    # TODO look into switching it from the java
    from com.raytheon.uf.common.dataplugin.gfe.python import GfePyIncludeUtil

    for s in sys.path:
        if 'textUtilities' in s \
        or 'textProducts' in s \
        or 'combinations' in s:

    for s in str(GfePyIncludeUtil.getHeadlineIncludePath()).split(':'):

    for s in str(GfePyIncludeUtil.getTextUtilitiesIncludePath()).split(':'):

    for s in str(GfePyIncludeUtil.getTextProductsIncludePath()).split(':'):

    for s in str(GfePyIncludeUtil.getCombinationsIncludePath()).split(':'):

    # create output directory for products
    except OSError, e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            self.output("%s: '%s'" % (e.strerror, e.filename))
 def _string_template_to_date_formater(self):
     ## Convert string template to date formater
     #ref = self.file_template.template.replace('$','%')
     ref = self.changing_path.template.replace('$','%')
     ref = ref.replace('{','')
     ref = ref.replace('}','')
     if 0:
         # hack to add custom parsing in strptime
         import _strptime
         TimeRE = _strptime.TimeRE()
         TimeRE.update({'E': '(.h5)?'}) # match 0 or 1 '.h5' pattern
         _strptime._TimeRE_cache = TimeRE
         ref = ref.replace('*','%E')
     return ref
Exemple #8
def strptime(data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
    """Return a time struct based on the input string and the format string.

    This has been taken from the Python2.5 distribution and slightly modified.
    time_re = _strptime.TimeRE()
    locale_time = time_re.locale_time
    format_regex = _regex_cache.get(format)
    if not format_regex:
            format_regex = time_re.compile(format)
        # KeyError raised when a bad format is found; can be specified as
        # \\, in which case it was a stray % but with a space after it
        except KeyError, err:
            bad_directive = err.args[0]
            if bad_directive == "\\":
                bad_directive = "%"
            del err
            raise ValueError("'%s' is a bad directive in format '%s'" %
                                (bad_directive, format))
        # IndexError only occurs when the format string is "%"
        except IndexError:
            raise ValueError("stray %% in format '%s'" % format)
Exemple #9
 def setUp(self):
     """Construct generic TimeRE object."""
     self.time_re = _strptime.TimeRE()
     self.locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self):
     # the child class must have initalized a few things already
     assert isinstance(self.locale_time, (AbstractLocaleTime, _strptime_module.LocaleTime))
     self._regex_cache = {}
     self._time_re = _strptime_module.TimeRE(locale_time=self.locale_time)
Exemple #11
 def test_blankpattern(self):
     test_locale = _strptime.LocaleTime()
     test_locale.timezone = frozenset(), frozenset()
     self.assertEqual(_strptime.TimeRE(test_locale).pattern('%Z'), '',
         "with timezone == ('',''), TimeRE().pattern('%Z') != ''")
    def get_continuous_intervals(self):
        Scan the provided directory to create a list of continuous intervals based on selected frequency:
        [ [t0,t1] , [t2,t3] , ... ]
        ti being datetime objects.
        ## date template
        dic_date = {'Y':'????', 'm':'??', 'd':'??', 'H':'??', 'M':'??'}
        self.valid_year = {}

        ## INFO: timing for 337055 files to list:
        # from timeit import default_timer as timer
        # t0 = timer()
        # out = list(self.fixed_path.glob(self.changing_path.substitute(**dic_date)))
        # print(len(out), timer()-t0)
        # t0 = timer()
        # out = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(self.fixed_path), self.changing_path.substitute(**dic_date))
        # print(len(out), timer()-t0)
        # Results:
        # 337055 1.685467129573226
        # 337055 0.328439112752676
        ## > 5x faster with fnmatch

        ## First select available (valid) years
        ## Use os.listdir() and fnmatch.filter() to perform quick selection
        t0 = timer()
        #flist = os.listdir(self.fixed_path)
        flist = [ f for dp, dn, fn in os.walk(self.fixed_path) for f in fn]
        for y in range(self.init_year, self.last_year+1):
            dic_date['Y'] = y
            #print(y, 'sub:', self.file_template.substitute(**dic_date))
            out = fnmatch.filter(flist, self.file_template.substitute(**dic_date))
            if len(out) > 0:
                self.valid_year[y] = []
        print("valid year:", self.valid_year.keys())


        ## Then iterate over months of valid years
        t0 = timer()
        for y in self.valid_year.keys():
            dic_date['Y'] = y
            for m in range(1,13):
                dic_date['m'] = str(m).zfill(2)
                #print('sub:', self.changing_path.substitute(**dic_date))
                out = fnmatch.filter(flist, self.file_template.substitute(**dic_date))
                out = [i for i in out if not i.endswith('.bz2')]
                # if there is data in the month
                if len(out)>0:
                    t00 = timer()
                    ## Get available file by month 
                    #convert string template to date formater
                    ref = self.file_template.template.replace('$','%')
                    ref = ref.replace('{','')
                    ref = ref.replace('}','')
                    # hack to add custom parsing in strptime
                    import _strptime
                    TimeRE = _strptime.TimeRE()
                    TimeRE.update({'x': '(.h5)?'}) # match 0 or 1 '.h5' pattern
                    _strptime._TimeRE_cache = TimeRE
                    ref = ref.replace('*','%x')
                    # process input list
                    # remove bz2 files
                    avail_date = np.array(sorted([datetime.datetime.strptime(f, ref) for f in out]))
                    ## INFO: Get all theoretical dates, actually not useful here
                    ## Note the use of MonthEnd to offset of one (or more)  month precisely
                    #start = datetime.datetime(y, m, 1)
                    #all_date = pd.date_range(start, start+pd.tseries.offsets.MonthEnd(1), freq=self.freq)

                    print(y, m, len(out), '>', len(avail_date))

                    ## Recorf all valid intervalls as [start_dat, end_date] of continuous range according to self.freq
                    inter = [avail_date[0]]
                    for d1,d2 in self.grouper(avail_date):
                        # check if there is more than one self.freq between two following date
                        if d2-d1!=pd.to_timedelta(self.freq):
                            inter = [d2]




        ## Merge continuous intervals when changing month.
        for y,inter in self.valid_year.items():
            merged = []
            for i1,i2 in self.grouper(inter):
                if i2[0]-i1[1]==pd.to_timedelta(self.freq):
                    merged[-1][-1] = i2[1] # [d1,d2],[d3,d4] -> [d1,d4]
            self.valid_year[y] = merged
