def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.createdInputs = list() self.fileLabels = list() self.selectedFileLabels = list() self.newFiles = u'' self.newAnnotationKey = u'' self.newAnnotationValue = u'' self.pdfPassword = u'' # SuperTextFiles self.ocrForce = False # SuperTextFiles self.ocrLanguages = u'eng' # SuperTextFiles self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute='infoBox', sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, ) # GUI... # Advanced settings checkbox... self.advancedSettings.draw() # BASIC GUI... # Basic file box basicFileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Source', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) basicFileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicFileBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, value='file', orientation='horizontal', label=u'File path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"The path of the file."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting file."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBox, width=3) advancedEncodingsCombobox = gui.comboBox( widget=basicFileBox, master=self, value='encoding', items=getPredefinedEncodings(), sendSelectedValue=True, orientation='horizontal', label=u'Encoding:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Select input file(s) encoding."), ) addSeparatorAfterDefaultEncodings(advancedEncodingsCombobox) addAutoDetectEncoding(advancedEncodingsCombobox) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgets.append(basicFileBox) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgetsAppendSeparator() # ADVANCED GUI... defaultLabelWidth = 120 # SuperTextFiles # File box fileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Sources', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) fileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', addSpace=True, ) self.fileListbox = gui.listBox( widget=fileBoxLine1, master=self, value='selectedFileLabels', labels='fileLabels', callback=self.updateFileBoxButtons, tooltip=( u"The list of files whose content will be imported.\n" u"\nIn the output segmentation, the content of each\n" u"file appears in the same position as in the list.\n" u"\nColumn 1 shows the file's name.\n" u"Column 2 shows the file's annotation (if any).\n" # Start SuperTextFiles # u"Column 3 shows the file's encoding." # removed u"Column 3 shows the file's password (if any).\n" u"Column 4 shows the file's languages (if any).\n" u"Column 5 shows if OCR is forced.\n" u"Column 6 shows the file's encoding." # End SuperTextFiles ), ) font = QFont() font.setFamily('Courier') font.setStyleHint(QFont.Courier) font.setPixelSize(12) self.fileListbox.setFont(font) fileBoxCol2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBoxLine1, orientation='vertical', ) self.moveUpButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Up', callback=self.moveUp, tooltip=(u"Move the selected file upward in the list."), ) self.moveDownButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Down', callback=self.moveDown, tooltip=(u"Move the selected file downward in the list."), ) self.removeButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Remove', callback=self.remove, tooltip=(u"Remove the selected file from the list."), ) self.clearAllButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Clear All', callback=self.clearAll, tooltip=(u"Remove all files from the list."), ) self.exportButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Export List', callback=self.exportList, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a file where the file\n" u"list can be exported in JSON format."), ) self.importButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Import List', callback=self.importList, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a file list to\n" u"import (in JSON format). Files from this list\n" u"will be added to those already imported."), ) fileBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBox, box=False, orientation='vertical', ) # Add file box addFileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBoxLine2, box=True, orientation='vertical', ) addFileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFileBox, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBoxLine1, master=self, value='newFiles', orientation='horizontal', label=u'File path(s):', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"The paths of the files that will be added to the\n" u"list when button 'Add' is clicked.\n\n" u"Successive paths must be separated with ' / ' \n" u"(whitespace + slash + whitespace). Their order in\n" u"the list will be the same as in this field."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFileBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=addFileBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting files.\n\n" u"To select multiple files at once, either draw a\n" u"selection box around them, or use shift and/or\n" u"ctrl + click.\n\n" u"Selected file paths will appear in the field to\n" u"the left of this button afterwards, ready to be\n" u"added to the list when button 'Add' is clicked."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) basicEncodingsCombobox = gui.comboBox( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='encoding', items=getPredefinedEncodings(), sendSelectedValue=True, orientation='horizontal', label=u'Encoding:', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"Select input file(s) encoding."), ) addSeparatorAfterDefaultEncodings(basicEncodingsCombobox) addAutoDetectEncoding(basicEncodingsCombobox) self.encoding = self.encoding gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='newAnnotationKey', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Annotation key:', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify a custom annotation\n" u"key associated with each file that is about to be\n" u"added to the list."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='newAnnotationValue', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Annotation value:', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify the annotation value\n" u"associated with the above annotation key."), ) ### Start SuperTextFiles addition gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) # Field for PDF password gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='pdfPassword', orientation='horizontal', label=u'PDF password:'******'ocrLanguages', orientation='horizontal', label=u'OCR Language(s):', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify languages\n" u"for the OCR process. Ex.: fra+ita"), ) gui.checkBox( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='ocrForce', label=u'Force OCR', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"Force to use an OCR detection on this file"), ) ### End SuperTextFiles addition gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) self.addButton = gui.button( widget=addFileBox, master=self, label=u'Add', callback=self.add, tooltip=(u"Add the file(s) currently displayed in the\n" u"'Files' text field to the list.\n\n" u"Each of these files will be associated with the\n" u"specified encoding and annotation (if any).\n\n" u"Other files may be selected afterwards and\n" u"assigned a different encoding and annotation."), ) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(fileBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Options box... optionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Options', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) optionsBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine1, master=self, value='importFilenames', label=u'Import file names with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Import file names as annotations."), ) self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine1, master=self, value='importFilenamesKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotation key for importing file names."), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) optionsBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumber', label=u'Auto-number with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotate files with increasing numeric indices."), ) self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumberKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotation key for file auto-numbering."), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(optionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.adjustSizeWithTimer() QTimer.singleShot(0, self.sendButton.sendIf)
class SuperTextFiles(OWTextableBaseWidget): """Textable widget to import PDF files and if necessary to do an Optical Character Recognition (OCR)""" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget's metadata... name = "Super Text Files" description = "Import data from raw text and PDF files" icon = "icons/SuperTextFiles.svg" priority = 1 # TODO #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Channel definitions.... inputs = [('Message', JSONMessage, "inputMessage", widget.Single)] outputs = [('Text data', Segmentation)] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Layout parameters... want_main_area = False #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings... settingsHandler = VersionedSettingsHandler( version=__version__.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) files = settings.Setting([]) encoding = settings.Setting('(auto-detect)') autoNumber = settings.Setting(False) autoNumberKey = settings.Setting(u'num') importFilenames = settings.Setting(True) importFilenamesKey = settings.Setting(u'filename') lastLocation = settings.Setting('.') displayAdvancedSettings = settings.Setting(False) file = settings.Setting(u'') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.createdInputs = list() self.fileLabels = list() self.selectedFileLabels = list() self.newFiles = u'' self.newAnnotationKey = u'' self.newAnnotationValue = u'' self.pdfPassword = u'' # SuperTextFiles self.ocrForce = False # SuperTextFiles self.ocrLanguages = u'eng' # SuperTextFiles self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute='infoBox', sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, ) # GUI... # Advanced settings checkbox... self.advancedSettings.draw() # BASIC GUI... # Basic file box basicFileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Source', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) basicFileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicFileBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, value='file', orientation='horizontal', label=u'File path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"The path of the file."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting file."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBox, width=3) advancedEncodingsCombobox = gui.comboBox( widget=basicFileBox, master=self, value='encoding', items=getPredefinedEncodings(), sendSelectedValue=True, orientation='horizontal', label=u'Encoding:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Select input file(s) encoding."), ) addSeparatorAfterDefaultEncodings(advancedEncodingsCombobox) addAutoDetectEncoding(advancedEncodingsCombobox) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgets.append(basicFileBox) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgetsAppendSeparator() # ADVANCED GUI... defaultLabelWidth = 120 # SuperTextFiles # File box fileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Sources', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) fileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', addSpace=True, ) self.fileListbox = gui.listBox( widget=fileBoxLine1, master=self, value='selectedFileLabels', labels='fileLabels', callback=self.updateFileBoxButtons, tooltip=( u"The list of files whose content will be imported.\n" u"\nIn the output segmentation, the content of each\n" u"file appears in the same position as in the list.\n" u"\nColumn 1 shows the file's name.\n" u"Column 2 shows the file's annotation (if any).\n" # Start SuperTextFiles # u"Column 3 shows the file's encoding." # removed u"Column 3 shows the file's password (if any).\n" u"Column 4 shows the file's languages (if any).\n" u"Column 5 shows if OCR is forced.\n" u"Column 6 shows the file's encoding." # End SuperTextFiles ), ) font = QFont() font.setFamily('Courier') font.setStyleHint(QFont.Courier) font.setPixelSize(12) self.fileListbox.setFont(font) fileBoxCol2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBoxLine1, orientation='vertical', ) self.moveUpButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Up', callback=self.moveUp, tooltip=(u"Move the selected file upward in the list."), ) self.moveDownButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Down', callback=self.moveDown, tooltip=(u"Move the selected file downward in the list."), ) self.removeButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Remove', callback=self.remove, tooltip=(u"Remove the selected file from the list."), ) self.clearAllButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Clear All', callback=self.clearAll, tooltip=(u"Remove all files from the list."), ) self.exportButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Export List', callback=self.exportList, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a file where the file\n" u"list can be exported in JSON format."), ) self.importButton = gui.button( widget=fileBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Import List', callback=self.importList, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a file list to\n" u"import (in JSON format). Files from this list\n" u"will be added to those already imported."), ) fileBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBox, box=False, orientation='vertical', ) # Add file box addFileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=fileBoxLine2, box=True, orientation='vertical', ) addFileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFileBox, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBoxLine1, master=self, value='newFiles', orientation='horizontal', label=u'File path(s):', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"The paths of the files that will be added to the\n" u"list when button 'Add' is clicked.\n\n" u"Successive paths must be separated with ' / ' \n" u"(whitespace + slash + whitespace). Their order in\n" u"the list will be the same as in this field."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFileBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=addFileBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting files.\n\n" u"To select multiple files at once, either draw a\n" u"selection box around them, or use shift and/or\n" u"ctrl + click.\n\n" u"Selected file paths will appear in the field to\n" u"the left of this button afterwards, ready to be\n" u"added to the list when button 'Add' is clicked."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) basicEncodingsCombobox = gui.comboBox( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='encoding', items=getPredefinedEncodings(), sendSelectedValue=True, orientation='horizontal', label=u'Encoding:', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"Select input file(s) encoding."), ) addSeparatorAfterDefaultEncodings(basicEncodingsCombobox) addAutoDetectEncoding(basicEncodingsCombobox) self.encoding = self.encoding gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='newAnnotationKey', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Annotation key:', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify a custom annotation\n" u"key associated with each file that is about to be\n" u"added to the list."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='newAnnotationValue', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Annotation value:', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify the annotation value\n" u"associated with the above annotation key."), ) ### Start SuperTextFiles addition gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) # Field for PDF password gui.lineEdit( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='pdfPassword', orientation='horizontal', label=u'PDF password:'******'ocrLanguages', orientation='horizontal', label=u'OCR Language(s):', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify languages\n" u"for the OCR process. Ex.: fra+ita"), ) gui.checkBox( widget=addFileBox, master=self, value='ocrForce', label=u'Force OCR', labelWidth=defaultLabelWidth, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"Force to use an OCR detection on this file"), ) ### End SuperTextFiles addition gui.separator(widget=addFileBox, width=3) self.addButton = gui.button( widget=addFileBox, master=self, label=u'Add', callback=self.add, tooltip=(u"Add the file(s) currently displayed in the\n" u"'Files' text field to the list.\n\n" u"Each of these files will be associated with the\n" u"specified encoding and annotation (if any).\n\n" u"Other files may be selected afterwards and\n" u"assigned a different encoding and annotation."), ) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(fileBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Options box... optionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Options', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) optionsBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine1, master=self, value='importFilenames', label=u'Import file names with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Import file names as annotations."), ) self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine1, master=self, value='importFilenamesKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotation key for importing file names."), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) optionsBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumber', label=u'Auto-number with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotate files with increasing numeric indices."), ) self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumberKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotation key for file auto-numbering."), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(optionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.adjustSizeWithTimer() QTimer.singleShot(0, self.sendButton.sendIf) def inputMessage(self, message): """Handle JSON message on input connection""" if not message: return self.displayAdvancedSettings = True self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) self.clearAll() self.infoBox.inputChanged() try: json_data = json.loads(message.content) temp_files = list() for entry in json_data: path = entry.get('path', '') encoding = entry.get('encoding', '') annotationKey = entry.get('annotation_key', '') annotationValue = entry.get('annotation_value', '') pdfPassword = entry.get('pdf_password', '') # SuperTextFiles ocrLanguages = entry.get('ocr_languages', '') # SuperTextFiles ocrForce = entry.get('ocr_force', '') # SuperTextFiles if path == '' or encoding == '' or ocrForce == '': self.infoBox.setText( u"Please verify keys and values of incoming " u"JSON message.", 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) return temp_files.append(( path, encoding, annotationKey, annotationValue, pdfPassword, # SuperTextFiles ocrLanguages, # SuperTextFiles ocrForce, # SuperTextFiles )) self.files.extend(temp_files) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() except ValueError: self.infoBox.setText( u"Please make sure that incoming message is valid JSON.", 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) return def sendData(self): """Load files, create and send segmentation""" # Check that there's something on input... if ((self.displayAdvancedSettings and not self.files) or not (self.file or self.displayAdvancedSettings)): self.infoBox.setText(u'Please select input file.', 'warning') self.send('Text data', None, self) return # Check that autoNumberKey is not empty (if necessary)... if self.displayAdvancedSettings and self.autoNumber: if self.autoNumberKey: autoNumberKey = self.autoNumberKey else: self.infoBox.setText( u'Please enter an annotation key for auto-numbering.', 'warning') self.send('Text data', None, self) return else: autoNumberKey = None # Clear created Inputs... self.clearCreatedInputs() fileContents = list() annotations = list() counter = 1 if self.displayAdvancedSettings: myFiles = self.files else: myFiles = [[self.file, self.encoding, "", "", "", "eng", False]] self.infoBox.setText(u"Processing, please wait...", "warning") self.controlArea.setDisabled(True) progressBar = ProgressBar(self, iterations=len(myFiles)) # Open and process each file successively... for myFile in myFiles: filePath = myFile[0] encoding = myFile[1] encoding = re.sub(r"[ ]\(.+", "", encoding) annotation_key = myFile[2] annotation_value = myFile[3] pdf_password = myFile[4] # SuperTextFiles ocr_languages = myFile[5] # SuperTextFiles ocr_force = myFile[6] # SuperTextFiles myFiletype = filetype.guess(myFile[0]) # SuperTextFiles # Try to open the file... self.error() # Start SuperTextFiles try: if myFiletype is None: fileContent = self.extract_raw_text(filePath, encoding) elif myFiletype.extension == "pdf": if ocr_force is True: fileContent = self.get_pdf_content( filePath, ocr_languages, ) else: if self.is_textual_pdf_file(filePath) is True: fileContent = self.extract_text_from_pdf(filePath) else: fileContent = self.get_pdf_content( filePath, ocr_languages, ) elif myFiletype.extension in IMG_FILETYPES: fileContent = self.ocrize(filePath, ocr_languages) if fileContent == -1: message = u"Couldn't open file." self.infoBox.setText(message, 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) self.controlArea.setDisabled(False) return # End SuperTextFiles except IOError as e: if "tesseract" in str(e): QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Textable', str(e), QMessageBox.Ok) progressBar.finish() if len(myFiles) > 1: message = u"Couldn't open file '%s'." % filePath else: message = u"Couldn't open file." self.infoBox.setText(message, 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) self.controlArea.setDisabled(False) return # Remove utf-8 BOM if necessary... if encoding == u'utf-8': fileContent = fileContent.lstrip( codecs.BOM_UTF8.decode('utf-8')) # Normalize text (canonical decomposition then composition)... fileContent = normalize('NFC', fileContent) fileContents.append(fileContent) # Annotations... annotation = dict() if self.displayAdvancedSettings: if annotation_key and annotation_value: annotation[annotation_key] = annotation_value if self.importFilenames and self.importFilenamesKey: filename = os.path.basename(filePath) annotation[self.importFilenamesKey] = filename if self.autoNumber and self.autoNumberKey: annotation[self.autoNumberKey] = counter counter += 1 annotations.append(annotation) progressBar.advance() # Create an LTTL.Input for each file... if len(fileContents) == 1: label = self.captionTitle else: label = None for index in range(len(fileContents)): myInput = Input(fileContents[index], label) segment = myInput[0] segment.annotations.update(annotations[index]) myInput[0] = segment self.createdInputs.append(myInput) # If there's only one file, the widget's output is the created Input. if len(fileContents) == 1: self.segmentation = self.createdInputs[0] # Otherwise the widget's output is a concatenation... else: self.segmentation = Segmenter.concatenate( segmentations=self.createdInputs, label=self.captionTitle, copy_annotations=True, import_labels_as=None, sort=False, auto_number_as=None, merge_duplicates=False, progress_callback=None, ) message = u'%i segment@p sent to output ' % len(self.segmentation) message = pluralize(message, len(self.segmentation)) numChars = 0 for segment in self.segmentation: segmentLength = len(Segmentation.get_data(segment.str_index)) numChars += segmentLength message += u'(%i character@p).' % numChars message = pluralize(message, numChars) self.infoBox.setText(message) progressBar.finish() self.controlArea.setDisabled(False) self.send('Text data', self.segmentation, self) self.sendButton.resetSettingsChangedFlag() def extract_raw_text(self, filePath, encoding): """This function receive a filePath and an encoding value and return a string with the text of the given file.""" if encoding == "(auto-detect)": detector = UniversalDetector() fh = open(filePath, 'rb') for line in fh: detector.feed(line) if detector.done: break detector.close() fh.close() encoding = detector.result['encoding'] fh = open( filePath, mode='rU', encoding=encoding, ) try: i = 0 fileContent = "" chunks = list() for chunk in iter(lambda:, ""): chunks.append('\n'.join(chunk.splitlines())) i += CHUNK_LENGTH if i % (CHUNK_NUM * CHUNK_LENGTH) == 0: fileContent += "".join(chunks) chunks = list() if len(chunks): fileContent += "".join(chunks) del chunks return fileContent except UnicodeError: progressBar.finish() if len(myFiles) > 1: message = u"Please select another encoding " \ + u"for file %s." % filePath else: message = u"Please select another encoding." self.infoBox.setText(message, 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) self.controlArea.setDisabled(False) return finally: fh.close() def is_textual_pdf_file(self, filePath): """Evaluate the content of the pdf file""" with, password=self.pdfPassword) as fh: first_page = fh.pages[0] text = first_page.extract_text() if text is None or text.isspace() is True: return False else: return True def extract_text_from_pdf(self, filePath): """Extract all readable text contents""" fileContent = "" with, password=self.pdfPassword) as fh: for page in fh.pages: fileContent += page.extract_text() return fileContent def get_pdf_content(self, filePath, languages): """ First this function get all texts in the file if exist. Then it creates a list of pictures to make the OCR method.""" text = "" with as doc: images = [] for page in doc: text += page.getText("text") images += doc.getPageImageList(page.number) for image in images: xref = image[0] picture = fitz.Pixmap(doc, xref) if picture.n > 4: # CMYK colorspace picture = fitz.Pixmap(fitz.csRGB, picture) # convert to RGB bytes_img = BytesIO(picture.getImageData()) page_text = self.ocrize(bytes_img, languages) if page_text == -1: text = -1 break elif page_text: text += page_text return text def ocrize(self, image, languages): """Make an OCR on a list of images or an image file""" languages = languages.strip() # remove trailing spaces if languages == "": languages = "eng" try: ocrized_text = image_to_string(, lang=languages) return ocrized_text except TesseractError as e: if "load" in str(e): QMessageBox.warning( None, 'Textable', "Please make sure all Tesseract parameter files for " "language(s) '%s' have been installed." % languages, QMessageBox.Ok) return -1 def clearCreatedInputs(self): for i in self.createdInputs: Segmentation.set_data(i[0].str_index, None) del self.createdInputs[:] def importList(self): """Display a FileDialog and import file list""" filePath, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, u'Import File List', self.lastLocation, u'Text files (*)') if not filePath: return self.file = os.path.normpath(filePath) self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(filePath) self.error() try: fileHandle =, encoding='utf8') fileContent = fileHandle.close() except IOError: QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Textable', "Couldn't open file.", QMessageBox.Ok) return try: json_data = json.loads(fileContent) temp_files = list() for entry in json_data: path = entry.get('path', '') encoding = entry.get('encoding', '') annotationKey = entry.get('annotation_key', '') annotationValue = entry.get('annotation_value', '') pdfPassword = entry.get('pdf_password', '') # SuperTextFiles ocrLanguages = entry.get('ocr_languages', '') # SuperTextFiles ocrForce = entry.get('ocr_force', '') # SuperTextFiles if path == '' or encoding == '' or ocrForce == '': QMessageBox.warning( None, 'Textable', "Selected JSON file doesn't have the right keys " "and/or values.", QMessageBox.Ok) return temp_files.append(( path, encoding, annotationKey, annotationValue, pdfPassword, # SuperTextFiles ocrLanguages, # SuperTextFiles ocrForce, # SuperTextFiles )) self.files.extend(temp_files) if temp_files: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() except ValueError: QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Textable', "JSON parsing error.", QMessageBox.Ok) return def exportList(self): """Display a FileDialog and export file list""" toDump = list() for myfile in self.files: toDump.append({ 'path': myfile[0], 'encoding': myfile[1], }) if myfile[2] and myfile[3]: toDump[-1]['annotation_key'] = myfile[2] toDump[-1]['annotation_value'] = myfile[3] # Start SuperTextFiles if myfile[4]: toDump[-1]['pdf_password'] = myfile[4] if myfile[5]: toDump[-1]['ocr_languages'] = myfile[5] toDump[-1]['ocr_force'] = myfile[6] # End SuperTextFiles filePath, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, u'Export File List', self.lastLocation, ) if filePath: self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(filePath) outputFile = filePath, encoding='utf8', mode='w', errors='xmlcharrefreplace', ) outputFile.write( normalizeCarriageReturns( json.dumps(toDump, sort_keys=True, indent=4))) outputFile.close() QMessageBox.information(None, 'Textable', 'File list correctly exported', QMessageBox.Ok) def browse(self): """Display a FileDialog and select files""" if self.displayAdvancedSettings: filePathList, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames( self, u'Select Text File(s)', self.lastLocation, u'Text files (*)') if not filePathList: return filePathList = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in filePathList] self.newFiles = u' / '.join(filePathList) self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(filePathList[-1]) self.updateGUI() else: filePath, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, u'Open Text File', self.lastLocation, u'Text files (*)') if not filePath: return self.file = os.path.normpath(filePath) self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(filePath) self.updateGUI() self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def moveUp(self): """Move file upward in Files listbox""" if self.selectedFileLabels: index = self.selectedFileLabels[0] if index > 0: temp = self.files[index - 1] self.files[index - 1] = self.files[index] self.files[index] = temp self.selectedFileLabels = [index - 1] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def moveDown(self): """Move file downward in Files listbox""" if self.selectedFileLabels: index = self.selectedFileLabels[0] if index < len(self.files) - 1: temp = self.files[index + 1] self.files[index + 1] = self.files[index] self.files[index] = temp self.selectedFileLabels = [index + 1] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def clearAll(self): """Remove all files from files attr""" del self.files[:] del self.selectedFileLabels[:] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def remove(self): """Remove file from files attr""" if self.selectedFileLabels: index = self.selectedFileLabels[0] self.files.pop(index) del self.selectedFileLabels[:] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def add(self): """Add files to files attr""" filePathList = re.split(r' +/ +', self.newFiles) for filePath in filePathList: encoding = re.sub(r"[ ]\(.+", "", self.encoding) self.files.append(( filePath, encoding, self.newAnnotationKey, self.newAnnotationValue, self.pdfPassword, # SuperTextFiles self.ocrLanguages, # SuperTextFiles self.ocrForce, # SuperTextFiles )) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def updateGUI(self): """Update GUI state""" if self.displayAdvancedSettings: if self.selectedFileLabels: cachedLabel = self.selectedFileLabels[0] else: cachedLabel = None del self.fileLabels[:] if self.files: filePaths = [f[0] for f in self.files] filenames = [os.path.basename(p) for p in filePaths] encodings = [f[1] for f in self.files] annotations = ['{%s: %s}' % (f[2], f[3]) for f in self.files] maxFilenameLen = max([len(n) for n in filenames]) maxAnnoLen = max([len(a) for a in annotations]) # Start SuperTextFiles pdfPassword = [f[4] for f in self.files] ocrLanguages = [f[5] for f in self.files] ocrForce = [str(f[6]) for f in self.files] maxPdfPasswordLen = max([len(n) for n in pdfPassword]) maxOcrLanguagesLen = max([len(n) for n in ocrLanguages]) # End SuperTextFiles for index in range(len(self.files)): format = u'%-' + str(maxFilenameLen + 2) + u's' fileLabel = format % filenames[index] if maxAnnoLen > 4: if len(annotations[index]) > 4: format = u'%-' + str(maxAnnoLen + 2) + u's' fileLabel += format % annotations[index] else: fileLabel += u' ' * (maxAnnoLen + 2) # Start SuperTextFiles format = u'%-' + str(maxPdfPasswordLen + 2) + u's' fileLabel += format % pdfPassword[index] format = u'%-' + str(maxOcrLanguagesLen + 2) + u's' fileLabel += format % ocrLanguages[index] format = u'%-' + str(5 + 2) + u's' fileLabel += format % ocrForce[index] # End SuperTextFiles fileLabel += encodings[index] self.fileLabels.append(fileLabel) self.fileLabels = self.fileLabels if cachedLabel is not None: self.sendButton.sendIfPreCallback = None self.selectedFileLabels = [cachedLabel] self.sendButton.sendIfPreCallback = self.updateGUI if self.newFiles: if ((self.newAnnotationKey and self.newAnnotationValue) or (not self.newAnnotationKey and not self.newAnnotationValue)): self.addButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.addButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.addButton.setDisabled(True) if self.autoNumber: self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(False) else: self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(True) if self.importFilenames: self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(False) else: self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.updateFileBoxButtons() self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) else: self.advancedSettings.setVisible(False) def updateFileBoxButtons(self): """Update state of File box buttons""" if self.selectedFileLabels: self.removeButton.setDisabled(False) if self.selectedFileLabels[0] > 0: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(True) if self.selectedFileLabels[0] < len(self.files) - 1: self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(True) self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(True) self.removeButton.setDisabled(True) if len(self.files): self.clearAllButton.setDisabled(False) self.exportButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.clearAllButton.setDisabled(True) self.exportButton.setDisabled(True) def setCaption(self, title): if 'captionTitle' in dir(self): changed = title != self.captionTitle super().setCaption(title) if changed: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() else: super().setCaption(title) def onDeleteWidget(self): self.clearCreatedInputs()
class ECP(OWTextableBaseWidget): """Textable widget for importing XML-TEI data from the Eighteenth Century Poetry website ( """ #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Widget"s metadata... name = "18th Century Poetry" description = "Import XML-TEI data from ECP website" icon = "icons/18th_century_poetry.svg" priority = 10 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Channel definitions (NB: no input in this case)... inputs = [] outputs = [("XML-TEI data", Segmentation)] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings... settingsHandler = VersionedSettingsHandler( version=__version__.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) autoSend = settings.Setting(False) selectedTitles = settings.Setting([]) titleLabels = settings.Setting([]) filterCriterion = settings.Setting("author") filterValue = settings.Setting("(all)") importedURLs = settings.Setting([]) displayAdvancedSettings = settings.Setting(False) want_main_area = False def __init__(self): """Widget creator.""" super().__init__() # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.createdInputs = list() self.titleSeg = None self.filteredTitleSeg = None self.filterValues = dict() self.base_url = \ u"" self.document_base_url = \ u"" # Next two instructions are helpers from TextableUtils. Corresponding # interface elements are declared here and actually drawn below (at # their position in the UI)... self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute="infoBox", sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) # The AdvancedSettings class, also from TextableUtils, facilitates # the management of basic vs. advanced interface. An object from this # class (here assigned to self.advancedSettings) contains two lists # (basicWidgets and advancedWidgets), to which the corresponding # widgetBoxes must be added. self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.updateFilterValueList, ) # User interface... # Advanced settings checkbox (basic/advanced interface will appear # immediately after it... self.advancedSettings.draw() # Filter box (advanced settings only) filterBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box="Filter", orientation="vertical", ) filterCriterionCombo = gui.comboBox( widget=filterBox, master=self, value="filterCriterion", items=["author", "genre"], sendSelectedValue=True, orientation="horizontal", label="Criterion:", labelWidth=120, callback=self.updateFilterValueList, tooltip=( "Please select a criterion for searching the title list\n"), ) filterCriterionCombo.setMinimumWidth(120) gui.separator(widget=filterBox, height=3) self.filterValueCombo = gui.comboBox( widget=filterBox, master=self, value="filterValue", sendSelectedValue=True, orientation="horizontal", label="Value:", labelWidth=120, callback=self.updateTitleList, tooltip=("Please select a value for the chosen criterion."), ) gui.separator(widget=filterBox, height=3) # The following lines add filterBox (and a vertical separator) to the # advanced interface... self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(filterBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Title box titleBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box="Titles", orientation="vertical", ) self.titleListbox = gui.listBox( widget=titleBox, master=self, value="selectedTitles", # setting (list) labels="titleLabels", # setting (list) callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="The list of titles whose content will be imported", ) self.titleListbox.setMinimumHeight(150) self.titleListbox.setSelectionMode(3) gui.separator(widget=titleBox, height=3) gui.button( widget=titleBox, master=self, label="Refresh", callback=self.refreshTitleSeg, tooltip="Connect to ECP website and refresh list.", ) gui.separator(widget=titleBox, height=3) gui.separator(widget=self.controlArea, height=3) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Now Info box and Send button must be drawn... self.sendButton.draw() self.infoBox.draw() # This initialization step needs to be done after infoBox has been # drawn (because getTitleSeg may need to display an error message). self.getTitleSeg() # Send data if autoSend. self.sendButton.sendIf() self.setMinimumWidth(350) self.adjustSizeWithTimer() def sendData(self): """Compute result of widget processing and send to output""" # Skip if title list is empty: if self.titleLabels == list(): return # Check that something has been selected... if len(self.selectedTitles) == 0: self.infoBox.setText("Please select one or more titles.", "warning") self.send("XML-TEI data", None, self) return # Clear created Inputs. self.clearCreatedInputs() # Initialize progress bar. progressBar = gui.ProgressBar(self, iterations=len(self.selectedTitles)) # Attempt to connect to ECP and retrieve plays... xml_contents = list() annotations = list() try: for title in self.selectedTitles: doc_url = self.document_base_url + \ self.filteredTitleSeg[title].annotations["url"] print(doc_url) url = re.sub(r"/([^/]+)\.shtml", r"/\1/\1.xml", doc_url) print(url) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) xml_contents.append('utf-8')) source_annotations = \ self.filteredTitleSeg[title].annotations.copy() #source_annotations["url"] = source_annotations["href"] #del source_annotations["href"] annotations.append(source_annotations) progressBar.advance() # 1 tick on the progress bar... # If an error occurs (e.g. http error, or memory error)... except: #Set Info box and widget to "error" state. self.infoBox.setText("Couldn't download data from ECP website.", "error") # Reset output channel. self.send("XML-TEI data", None, self) return # Store downloaded XML in input objects... for xml_content_idx in range(len(xml_contents)): newInput = Input(xml_contents[xml_content_idx], self.captionTitle) self.createdInputs.append(newInput) # If there"s only one play, the widget"s output is the created Input. if len(self.createdInputs) == 1: self.segmentation = self.createdInputs[0] # Otherwise the widget"s output is a concatenation... else: self.segmentation = Segmenter.concatenate( self.createdInputs, self.captionTitle, import_labels_as=None, ) # Annotate segments... for idx, segment in enumerate(self.segmentation): segment.annotations.update(annotations[idx]) self.segmentation[idx] = segment # Store imported URLs as setting. self.importedURLs = [ self.filteredTitleSeg[self.selectedTitles[0]].annotations["url"] ] # Set status to OK and report data size... message = "%i segment@p sent to output " % len(self.segmentation) message = pluralize(message, len(self.segmentation)) numChars = 0 for segment in self.segmentation: segmentLength = len(Segmentation.get_data(segment.str_index)) numChars += segmentLength message += "(%i character@p)." % numChars message = pluralize(message, numChars) self.infoBox.setText(message) progressBar.finish() # Clear progress bar. progressBar.finish() # Send token... self.send("XML-TEI data", self.segmentation, self) self.sendButton.resetSettingsChangedFlag() def getTitleSeg(self): """Get title segmentation, either saved locally or online""" # Try to open saved file in this module"s directory... path = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) try: file = open(os.path.join(path, "cached_title_list_ecp"), "rb") self.titleSeg = pickle.load(file) file.close() # Else try to load list from ECP and build new seg... except IOError: self.titleSeg = self.getTitleListFromECP() # Build author and genre lists... if self.titleSeg is not None: self.filterValues["author"] = Processor.count_in_context( units={ "segmentation": self.titleSeg, "annotation_key": "author" }).col_ids self.filterValues["author"].sort() self.filterValues["genre"] = Processor.count_in_context( units={ "segmentation": self.titleSeg, "annotation_key": "genre" }).col_ids self.filterValues["genre"].sort() # Sort the segmentation alphabetically based on titles (nasty hack!)... self.titleSeg.buffer.sort(key=lambda s: s.annotations["title"]) # Update title and filter value lists (only at init and on manual # refresh, therefore separate from self.updateGUI). self.updateFilterValueList() def refreshTitleSeg(self): """Refresh title segmentation from website""" self.titleSeg = self.getTitleListFromECP() # Update title and filter value lists (only at init and on manual # refresh, therefore separate from self.updateGUI). self.updateFilterValueList() def getTitleListFromECP(self): """Fetch titles from the ECP website""" self.infoBox.customMessage( "Fetching data from ECP website, please wait") # Attempt to connect to ECP... try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(self.base_url) base_html ='utf-8') self.infoBox.customMessage("Done fetching data from ECP website.") # If unable to connect (somehow)... except: # Set Info box and widget to "warning" state. self.infoBox.noDataSent(warning="Couldn't access ECP website.") # Empty title list box. self.titleLabels = list() # Reset output channel. self.send("XML-TEI data", None, self) return None # Otherwise store HTML content in LTTL Input object. base_html_seg = Input(base_html) # Remove accents from the data... recoded_seg, _ = Segmenter.recode(base_html_seg, remove_accents=True) # Extract table containing titles... genresListSeg = Segmenter.import_xml( segmentation=recoded_seg, element="ul", conditions={"id": re.compile(r"^genres-list")}, ) # Extract genre annotation... genreSeg = Segmenter.tokenize( segmentation=genresListSeg, regexes=[(re.compile(r'<a id[^>]+>(.+?)</a.+?(?=<a id|$)(?s)'), \ "tokenize", {"genre": "&1"})], import_annotations=False, ) # Extract works... titleSeg = Segmenter.tokenize( segmentation=genreSeg, regexes=[(re.compile(r'<li class="bibl".+?</span>(?s)'), \ "tokenize")], ) # Extract annotations... titleSeg = Segmenter.tokenize( segmentation=titleSeg, regexes=[ (re.compile(r"^.*>\n(.+?)</span>.*$(?s)"), "tokenize", { "author": "&1" }), (re.compile(r'^.*href="(/works/.+?\.shtml)">.*$(?s)'), "tokenize", { "url": "&1" }), (re.compile(r'^.*shtml">(.*)</a>.*$(?s)'), "tokenize", { "title": "&1" }), ], merge_duplicates=True, ) # Try to save list in this module"s directory for future reference... path = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) try: file = open(os.path.join(path, "cached_title_list_ecp"), "wb") pickle.dump(titleSeg, file, -1) file.close() except IOError: pass # Remove warning (if any)... self.error(0) self.warning(0) return titleSeg def updateFilterValueList(self): """Update the list of filter values""" # In Advanced settings mode, populate filter value list... if self.titleSeg is not None and self.displayAdvancedSettings: self.filterValueCombo.clear() self.filterValueCombo.addItem("(all)") for filterValue in self.filterValues[self.filterCriterion]: self.filterValueCombo.addItem(filterValue) # Reset filterValue if needed... if self.filterValue not in [ self.filterValueCombo.itemText(i) for i in range(self.filterValueCombo.count()) ]: self.filterValue = "(all)" else: self.filterValue = self.filterValue self.updateTitleList() def updateTitleList(self): """Update the list of titles""" # If titleSeg has not been loaded for some reason, skip. if self.titleSeg is None: return # In Advanced settings mode, get list of selected titles... if self.displayAdvancedSettings and self.filterValue != "(all)": self.filteredTitleSeg, _ = segmentation=self.titleSeg, regex=re.compile(r"^%s$" % self.filterValue), annotation_key=self.filterCriterion, ) else: self.filteredTitleSeg = self.titleSeg # If criterion is not "genre" and his filter value not "all", # group titles with different genres... # Create a dictionary with "author" and "title" as key... unique_titles = dict() for title in self.filteredTitleSeg: title_id = ( title.annotations["author"], title.annotations["title"], ) try: unique_titles[title_id].append(title) except KeyError: unique_titles[title_id] = [title] # Create a list with new annotation comporting all genres... new_title_segments = list() for unique_title in unique_titles.values(): title_genres = list() new_title_segments.append(unique_title[0]) title_genres.append(unique_title[0].annotations["genre"]) for equivalent_title in unique_title[1:]: title_genres.append(equivalent_title.annotations["genre"]) new_title_segments[-1].annotations["genre"] = ", ".join( sorted(list(set(title_genres)))) self.filteredTitleSeg = Segmentation(None) self.filteredTitleSeg.extend(new_title_segments) # Populate titleLabels list with the titles... self.titleLabels = sorted( [s.annotations["title"] for s in self.filteredTitleSeg]) # Add specification (author, year and genre, depending on criterion)... titleLabels = self.titleLabels[:] for idx, titleLabel in enumerate(titleLabels): specs = list() if (self.displayAdvancedSettings == False or self.filterCriterion != "author" or self.filterValue == "(all)"): specs.append(self.filteredTitleSeg[idx].annotations["author"]) if (self.displayAdvancedSettings == False or self.filterCriterion != "genre" or self.filterValue == "(all)"): specs.append(self.filteredTitleSeg[idx].annotations["genre"]) titleLabels[idx] = titleLabel + " (%s)" % "; ".join(specs) self.titleLabels = titleLabels # Reset selectedTitles if needed... if not set(self.importedURLs).issubset( set(u.annotations["url"] for u in self.filteredTitleSeg)): self.selectedTitles = list() else: self.selectedTitles = self.selectedTitles self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def updateGUI(self): """Update GUI state""" if self.displayAdvancedSettings: self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) else: self.advancedSettings.setVisible(False) if len(self.titleLabels) > 0: self.selectedTitles = self.selectedTitles def clearCreatedInputs(self): """Delete all Input objects that have been created.""" for i in self.createdInputs: Segmentation.set_data(i[0].str_index, None) del self.createdInputs[:] def onDeleteWidget(self): """Free memory when widget is deleted (overriden method)""" self.clearCreatedInputs() # The following method need to be copied (without any change) in # every Textable widget... def setCaption(self, title): if 'captionTitle' in dir(self): changed = title != self.captionTitle super().setCaption(title) if changed: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() else: super().setCaption(title)
def __init__(self): """Widget creator.""" super().__init__() # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.createdInputs = list() self.titleSeg = None self.filteredTitleSeg = None self.filterValues = dict() self.base_url = \ u"" self.document_base_url = \ u"" # Next two instructions are helpers from TextableUtils. Corresponding # interface elements are declared here and actually drawn below (at # their position in the UI)... self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute="infoBox", sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) # The AdvancedSettings class, also from TextableUtils, facilitates # the management of basic vs. advanced interface. An object from this # class (here assigned to self.advancedSettings) contains two lists # (basicWidgets and advancedWidgets), to which the corresponding # widgetBoxes must be added. self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.updateFilterValueList, ) # User interface... # Advanced settings checkbox (basic/advanced interface will appear # immediately after it... self.advancedSettings.draw() # Filter box (advanced settings only) filterBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box="Filter", orientation="vertical", ) filterCriterionCombo = gui.comboBox( widget=filterBox, master=self, value="filterCriterion", items=["author", "genre"], sendSelectedValue=True, orientation="horizontal", label="Criterion:", labelWidth=120, callback=self.updateFilterValueList, tooltip=( "Please select a criterion for searching the title list\n"), ) filterCriterionCombo.setMinimumWidth(120) gui.separator(widget=filterBox, height=3) self.filterValueCombo = gui.comboBox( widget=filterBox, master=self, value="filterValue", sendSelectedValue=True, orientation="horizontal", label="Value:", labelWidth=120, callback=self.updateTitleList, tooltip=("Please select a value for the chosen criterion."), ) gui.separator(widget=filterBox, height=3) # The following lines add filterBox (and a vertical separator) to the # advanced interface... self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(filterBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Title box titleBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box="Titles", orientation="vertical", ) self.titleListbox = gui.listBox( widget=titleBox, master=self, value="selectedTitles", # setting (list) labels="titleLabels", # setting (list) callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="The list of titles whose content will be imported", ) self.titleListbox.setMinimumHeight(150) self.titleListbox.setSelectionMode(3) gui.separator(widget=titleBox, height=3) gui.button( widget=titleBox, master=self, label="Refresh", callback=self.refreshTitleSeg, tooltip="Connect to ECP website and refresh list.", ) gui.separator(widget=titleBox, height=3) gui.separator(widget=self.controlArea, height=3) gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Now Info box and Send button must be drawn... self.sendButton.draw() self.infoBox.draw() # This initialization step needs to be done after infoBox has been # drawn (because getTitleSeg may need to display an error message). self.getTitleSeg() # Send data if autoSend. self.sendButton.sendIf() self.setMinimumWidth(350) self.adjustSizeWithTimer()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.operation = "no" self.applyInclusion = False self.applyExclusion = False self.applySampling = True self.samplingRate = 100 self.createdInputs = list() self.folderLabels = list() self.selectedFolderLabels = list() self.rootFolderPath = u'' self.inclusionsUser = u'' self.exclusionsUser = u'' self.newAnnotationKey = u'' self.newAnnotationValue = u'' # self.folder is a dictionary whose keys are :'rootPath', 'maxDepth','inclusionsUser','exclusionsUser', ... # ... 'samplingRate' and 'fileList' self.folder = dict() # self.folders is a list of previously defined "self.folder" dictionaries self.folders = list() # self.inclusionList is the default inclusion list (used in minimal mode, ... # ... and in advanced mode when no inclusion has been selected) self.inclusionList = [".txt", ".html", ".xml", ".csv", ".rtf"] # self.inclusionList is the default null inclusion list (used in minimal mode, ... # ... and in advanced mode when no inclusion has been selected) self.exclusionList = [] self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute='infoBox', sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, ) # GUI... # Advanced settings checkbox... self.advancedSettings.draw() # BASIC GUI... # Basic folder box basicFolderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Source', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) basicFolderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicFolderBoxLine1, master=self, value='rootFolderPath', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Folder path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.add, tooltip=(u"The path of the folder."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFolderBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=basicFolderBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a top folder."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFolderBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgets.append(basicFolderBox) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgetsAppendSeparator() # ADVANCED GUI... # folder box folderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Sources', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) folderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', addSpace=True, ) self.folderListbox = gui.listBox( widget=folderBoxLine1, master=self, value='selectedFolderLabels', labels='folderLabels', callback=self.updatefolderBoxButtons, tooltip=(u"The list of folders whose content will be imported.\n" u"\nIn the output segmentation, the content of each\n" u"folder appears in the same position as in the list.\n" u"\nColumn 1 shows the folder's name.\n" u"Column 2 shows the folder's depth.\n" u"Column 3 shows the inclusions filter.\n" u"Column 4 shows the exclusions filter.\n" u"Column 5 shows the folder's level of sampling."), ) font = QFont() font.setFamily('Courier') font.setStyleHint(QFont.Courier) font.setPixelSize(12) self.folderListbox.setFont(font) folderBoxCol2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBoxLine1, orientation='vertical', ) self.moveUpButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Up', callback=self.moveUp, tooltip=(u"Move the selected folder upward in the list."), ) self.moveDownButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Down', callback=self.moveDown, tooltip=(u"Move the selected folder downward in the list."), ) self.removeButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Remove', callback=self.remove, tooltip=(u"Remove the selected folder from the list."), ) self.clearAllButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Clear All', callback=self.clearAll, tooltip=(u"Remove all folders from the list."), ) self.exportButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'', callback=self.exportList, disabled=True, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a folder where the folder\n" u"list can be exported in JSON format."), ) self.importButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'', callback=self.importList, disabled=True, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a folder list to\n" u"import (in JSON format). folders from this list\n" u"will be added to those already imported."), ) folderBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBox, box=False, orientation='vertical', ) # Add folder box addFolderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBoxLine2, box=True, orientation='vertical', ) addFolderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, orientation='horizontal', ) # Folder path input gui.lineEdit( widget=addFolderBoxLine1, master=self, value='rootFolderPath', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Folder path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"The paths of the folders that will be added to the\n" u"list when button 'Add' is clicked.\n\n" u"Successive paths must be separated with ' / ' \n" u"(whitespace + slash + whitespace). Their order in\n" u"the list will be the same as in this field."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFolderBoxLine1, width=5) # Button Browse gui.button( widget=addFolderBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a top folder.\n\n" u"Selected folder paths will appear in the field to\n" u"the left of this button afterwards, ready to be\n" u"added to the list when button 'Add' is clicked."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=10) # Filter box to input include gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) includeBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Include box gui.checkBox( widget=includeBoxLine1, master=self, value='applyInclusion', label=u'Include', labelWidth=100, callback=lambda: includeLineEdit.setDisabled(not self. applyInclusion), tooltip=(u"Choose the inclusion(s)"), ) includeLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=includeBoxLine1, master=self, value='inclusionsUser', orientation='horizontal', label=u'', disabled=True, labelWidth=101, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify a custom filter\n" u"to select the folders to be\n" u"added to the list."), ) # Filter box to exclude gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) excludeBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Exclude box gui.checkBox( widget=excludeBoxLine1, master=self, value='applyExclusion', label=u'Exclude', labelWidth=100, disabled=False, callback=lambda: includeLineEdit2.setDisabled(not self. applyExclusion), tooltip=(u"Exclude the inclusion(s)"), ) includeLineEdit2 = gui.lineEdit( widget=excludeBoxLine1, master=self, value='exclusionsUser', orientation='horizontal', label=u'', disabled=True, labelWidth=101, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify a custom filter\n" u"to select the folders to be\n" u"added to the list."), ) # Sampling box to input the level of sampling gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) samplingBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Check box for sampling gui.checkBox( widget=samplingBoxLine1, master=self, value='applySampling', label=u'Sampling', labelWidth=100, disabled=False, callback=lambda: samplingSpin.setDisabled(not self.applySampling), tooltip=(u"Choose the sampling level"), ) samplingSpin = gui.spin( widget=samplingBoxLine1, master=self, value='samplingRate', minv=10, maxv=100, labelWidth=50, orientation='horizontal', tooltip=(u"sampling level"), ) gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) self.addButton = gui.button( widget=addFolderBox, master=self, label=u'Add', callback=self.add, tooltip=(u"Add the folder(s) currently displayed in the\n" u"'folders' text field to the list.\n\n" u"Each of these folders will be associated with the\n" u"specified encoding and annotation (if any).\n\n" u"Other folders may be selected afterwards and\n" u"assigned a different encoding and annotation."), ) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(folderBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Options box... optionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Options', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) optionsBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) optionsBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumber', label=u'Auto-number with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotate folders with increasing numeric indices."), ) self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumberKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotation key for folder auto-numbering."), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(optionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.adjustSizeWithTimer() QTimer.singleShot(0, self.sendButton.sendIf)
class OWTextableTextTree(OWTextableBaseWidget): """Orange widget for loading text folders""" name = "Text Tree" description = "Import data from raw text trees" icon = "icons/Textfolders.png" icon = "icons/textTree.svg" priority = 2 # Input and output channels... inputs = [('Message', JSONMessage, "inputMessage", widget.Single)] outputs = [('Text data', Segmentation)] settingsHandler = VersionedSettingsHandler( version=__version__.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) # Settings... autoSend = settings.Setting(True) folders = settings.Setting([]) encoding = settings.Setting('iso-8859-1') operation = settings.Setting('nothing') sampling = settings.Setting(100) autoNumber = settings.Setting(False) autoNumberKey = settings.Setting(u'num') importFilenames = settings.Setting(True) importFolderName = settings.Setting(True) lastLocation = settings.Setting('.') displayAdvancedSettings = settings.Setting(False) folder = settings.Setting(u'') want_main_area = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.operation = "no" self.applyInclusion = False self.applyExclusion = False self.applySampling = True self.samplingRate = 100 self.createdInputs = list() self.folderLabels = list() self.selectedFolderLabels = list() self.rootFolderPath = u'' self.inclusionsUser = u'' self.exclusionsUser = u'' self.newAnnotationKey = u'' self.newAnnotationValue = u'' # self.folder is a dictionary whose keys are :'rootPath', 'maxDepth','inclusionsUser','exclusionsUser', ... # ... 'samplingRate' and 'fileList' self.folder = dict() # self.folders is a list of previously defined "self.folder" dictionaries self.folders = list() # self.inclusionList is the default inclusion list (used in minimal mode, ... # ... and in advanced mode when no inclusion has been selected) self.inclusionList = [".txt", ".html", ".xml", ".csv", ".rtf"] # self.inclusionList is the default null inclusion list (used in minimal mode, ... # ... and in advanced mode when no inclusion has been selected) self.exclusionList = [] self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute='infoBox', sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, ) # GUI... # Advanced settings checkbox... self.advancedSettings.draw() # BASIC GUI... # Basic folder box basicFolderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Source', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) basicFolderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicFolderBoxLine1, master=self, value='rootFolderPath', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Folder path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.add, tooltip=(u"The path of the folder."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFolderBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=basicFolderBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a top folder."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFolderBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgets.append(basicFolderBox) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgetsAppendSeparator() # ADVANCED GUI... # folder box folderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Sources', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) folderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', addSpace=True, ) self.folderListbox = gui.listBox( widget=folderBoxLine1, master=self, value='selectedFolderLabels', labels='folderLabels', callback=self.updatefolderBoxButtons, tooltip=(u"The list of folders whose content will be imported.\n" u"\nIn the output segmentation, the content of each\n" u"folder appears in the same position as in the list.\n" u"\nColumn 1 shows the folder's name.\n" u"Column 2 shows the folder's depth.\n" u"Column 3 shows the inclusions filter.\n" u"Column 4 shows the exclusions filter.\n" u"Column 5 shows the folder's level of sampling."), ) font = QFont() font.setFamily('Courier') font.setStyleHint(QFont.Courier) font.setPixelSize(12) self.folderListbox.setFont(font) folderBoxCol2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBoxLine1, orientation='vertical', ) self.moveUpButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Up', callback=self.moveUp, tooltip=(u"Move the selected folder upward in the list."), ) self.moveDownButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Down', callback=self.moveDown, tooltip=(u"Move the selected folder downward in the list."), ) self.removeButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Remove', callback=self.remove, tooltip=(u"Remove the selected folder from the list."), ) self.clearAllButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Clear All', callback=self.clearAll, tooltip=(u"Remove all folders from the list."), ) self.exportButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'', callback=self.exportList, disabled=True, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a folder where the folder\n" u"list can be exported in JSON format."), ) self.importButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'', callback=self.importList, disabled=True, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a folder list to\n" u"import (in JSON format). folders from this list\n" u"will be added to those already imported."), ) folderBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBox, box=False, orientation='vertical', ) # Add folder box addFolderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBoxLine2, box=True, orientation='vertical', ) addFolderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, orientation='horizontal', ) # Folder path input gui.lineEdit( widget=addFolderBoxLine1, master=self, value='rootFolderPath', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Folder path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=(u"The paths of the folders that will be added to the\n" u"list when button 'Add' is clicked.\n\n" u"Successive paths must be separated with ' / ' \n" u"(whitespace + slash + whitespace). Their order in\n" u"the list will be the same as in this field."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFolderBoxLine1, width=5) # Button Browse gui.button( widget=addFolderBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting a top folder.\n\n" u"Selected folder paths will appear in the field to\n" u"the left of this button afterwards, ready to be\n" u"added to the list when button 'Add' is clicked."), ) gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=10) # Filter box to input include gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) includeBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Include box gui.checkBox( widget=includeBoxLine1, master=self, value='applyInclusion', label=u'Include', labelWidth=100, callback=lambda: includeLineEdit.setDisabled(not self. applyInclusion), tooltip=(u"Choose the inclusion(s)"), ) includeLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=includeBoxLine1, master=self, value='inclusionsUser', orientation='horizontal', label=u'', disabled=True, labelWidth=101, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify a custom filter\n" u"to select the folders to be\n" u"added to the list."), ) # Filter box to exclude gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) excludeBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Exclude box gui.checkBox( widget=excludeBoxLine1, master=self, value='applyExclusion', label=u'Exclude', labelWidth=100, disabled=False, callback=lambda: includeLineEdit2.setDisabled(not self. applyExclusion), tooltip=(u"Exclude the inclusion(s)"), ) includeLineEdit2 = gui.lineEdit( widget=excludeBoxLine1, master=self, value='exclusionsUser', orientation='horizontal', label=u'', disabled=True, labelWidth=101, tooltip=(u"This field lets you specify a custom filter\n" u"to select the folders to be\n" u"added to the list."), ) # Sampling box to input the level of sampling gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) samplingBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addFolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Check box for sampling gui.checkBox( widget=samplingBoxLine1, master=self, value='applySampling', label=u'Sampling', labelWidth=100, disabled=False, callback=lambda: samplingSpin.setDisabled(not self.applySampling), tooltip=(u"Choose the sampling level"), ) samplingSpin = gui.spin( widget=samplingBoxLine1, master=self, value='samplingRate', minv=10, maxv=100, labelWidth=50, orientation='horizontal', tooltip=(u"sampling level"), ) gui.separator(widget=addFolderBox, width=3) self.addButton = gui.button( widget=addFolderBox, master=self, label=u'Add', callback=self.add, tooltip=(u"Add the folder(s) currently displayed in the\n" u"'folders' text field to the list.\n\n" u"Each of these folders will be associated with the\n" u"specified encoding and annotation (if any).\n\n" u"Other folders may be selected afterwards and\n" u"assigned a different encoding and annotation."), ) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(folderBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Options box... optionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Options', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) optionsBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) optionsBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumber', label=u'Auto-number with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotate folders with increasing numeric indices."), ) self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumberKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Annotation key for folder auto-numbering."), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(optionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.adjustSizeWithTimer() QTimer.singleShot(0, self.sendButton.sendIf) def inputMessage(self, message): """Handle JSON message on input connection""" if not message: return self.displayAdvancedSettings = True self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) self.clearAll() self.infoBox.inputChanged() try: jsonData = json.loads(message.content) tempFolders = list() for entry in jsonData: path = entry.get('path', '') encoding = entry.get('encoding', '') annotationKey = entry.get('annotation_key', '') annotationValue = entry.get('annotation_value', '') if path == '' or encoding == '': self.infoBox.setText( u"Please verify keys and values of incoming " u"JSON message.", 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) return depth = "0" options = "[i]:{unicorn}" tempFolders.append(( name, path, depth, options, )) self.folders.extend(tempFolders) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() except ValueError: self.infoBox.setText( u"Please make sure that incoming message is valid JSON.", 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) return def sendData(self): """Load folders, create and send segmentation""" # Check that there's something on input... if (self.displayAdvancedSettings and not self.folders) or not (self.rootFolderPath or self.displayAdvancedSettings): self.infoBox.setText(u'Please select input folder.', 'warning') self.send('Text data', None, self) return # Check that autoNumberKey is not empty (if necessary)... if self.displayAdvancedSettings and self.autoNumber: if self.autoNumberKey: autoNumberKey = self.autoNumberKey else: self.infoBox.setText( u'Please enter an annotation key for auto-numbering.', 'warning') self.send('Text data', None, self) return else: autoNumberKey = None # Clear created Inputs... self.clearCreatedInputs() annotations = list() counter = 1 if self.displayAdvancedSettings: myFolders = self.folders else: myFolders = [self.folder] # Annotations... allFileListContent = list() for myFolder in myFolders: myFiles = myFolder['fileList'] for myFile in myFiles: annotation = dict() annotation['file name'] = myFile['fileName'] annotation['file depth level'] = myFile['depthLvl'] annotation['file path'] = myFile['absoluteFilePath'] try: annotation['file encoding, confidence'] = myFile[ 'encoding'] + ", " + str(myFile['encodingConfidence']) except TypeError: annotation['file encoding, confidence'] = "unknown" depths = [k for k in myFile.keys() if k.startswith('depth_')] for depth in depths: annotation[depth] = myFile[depth] annotations.append(annotation) allFileListContent.append(myFile['fileContent']) # Create an LTTL.Input for each files... if len(allFileListContent) == 1: label = self.captionTitle else: label = None for index in range(len(allFileListContent)): myInput = Input(allFileListContent[index], label) segment = myInput[0] segment.annotations.update(annotations[index]) myInput[0] = segment self.createdInputs.append(myInput) # If there's only one file, the widget's output is the created Input. if len(allFileListContent) == 1: self.segmentation = self.createdInputs[0] # Otherwise the widget's output is a concatenation... else: self.segmentation = Segmenter.concatenate( segmentations=self.createdInputs, label=self.captionTitle, copy_annotations=True, import_labels_as=None, sort=False, auto_number_as=None, merge_duplicates=False, progress_callback=None, ) message = u'%i segment@p sent to output ' % len(self.segmentation) message = pluralize(message, len(self.segmentation)) numChars = 0 for segment in self.segmentation: segmentLength = len(Segmentation.get_data(segment.str_index)) numChars += segmentLength message += u'(%i character@p).' % numChars message = pluralize(message, numChars) self.infoBox.setText(message) self.send('Text data', self.segmentation, self) self.sendButton.resetSettingsChangedFlag() def clearCreatedInputs(self): for i in self.createdInputs: Segmentation.set_data(i[0].str_index, None) del self.createdInputs[:] def importList(self): """Display a folderDialog and import folder list""" folderPath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, u'Import folder List', self.lastLocation, u'Text folders (*)') if not folderPath: return self.rootFolderPath = os.path.normpath(folderPath) self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(folderPath) self.error() try: folderHandle =, encoding='utf8') folderContent = folderHandle.close() except IOError: QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Textable', "Couldn't open folder.", QMessageBox.Ok) return try: jsonData = json.loads(folderContent) tempFolders = list() for entry in jsonData: path = entry.get('path', '') encoding = entry.get('encoding', '') annotationKey = entry.get('annotation_key', '') annotationValue = entry.get('annotation_value', '') if path == '' or encoding == '': QMessageBox.warning( None, 'Textable', "Selected JSON folder doesn't have the right keys " "and/or values.", QMessageBox.Ok) return tempFolders.append(( path, encoding, annotationKey, annotationValue, )) self.folders.extend(tempFolders) if tempFolders: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() except ValueError: QMessageBox.warning(None, 'Textable', "JSON parsing error.", QMessageBox.Ok) return def exportList(self): """Display a folderDialog and export folder list""" toDump = list() myFolders = self.folders for myFolder in myFolders: toDump.append({ 'path': myFolder[0], 'encoding': myFolder[1], }) if myFolder[2] and myFolder[3]: toDump[-1]['annotation_key'] = myFolder[2] toDump[-1]['annotation_value'] = myFolder[3] folderPath = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, u'Export folder List', self.lastLocation, ) if folderPath: self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(folderPath) outputfolder = folderPath, encoding='utf8', mode='w', errors='xmlcharrefreplace', ) outputfolder.write( normalizeCarriageReturns( json.dumps(toDump, sort_keys=True, indent=4))) outputfolder.close() QMessageBox.information(None, 'Textable', 'folder list correctly exported', QMessageBox.Ok) def getFileList(self): initialRootParentPath, _ = os.path.split( # self.rootFolderPath is the initially selected's folder parent self.rootFolderPath) fileList = list() # fileListExt is a list of files matching default extension fileListExt = list() depthList = list() progressBarZero = gui.ProgressBar(self, iterations=1) # Using os.walk to walk through directories : # Variables descriptions : # currPath is a STRING, the path to the directory. # dirNames is a LIST of the names of subdirectories. # fileNames is a LIST of the names of the files in currPath # symlink are not considered in this analysis for currPath, dirNames, fileNames in os.walk(self.rootFolderPath): currRelPath = currPath[ len(initialRootParentPath) + 1:] # defines current relative path by similar initial parent path part currRelPathList = os.path.normpath(currRelPath).split( os.sep) # splits current relative path by os separator for fileName in fileNames: # file dict is a dictionary of the file's informations will get following keys : # file = { # "absoluteFilePath", # "fileName", # "depth_0", # "depth_X" # depthLvl", # "fileContent" # } # 'fileContent','encoding' and 'encodingConfidence' keys are defined when function "openFileList" is called file = dict() # Initial annotations correspond different subfolders browsed by each depth level (used for depth_X annot.) annotations = currRelPathList[:] currDepth = len(annotations) - 1 depthList.append(currDepth) file['absoluteFilePath'] = os.path.join(currPath, fileName) file['fileName'] = fileName file['depthLvl'] = currDepth file['depth_0'] = annotations[0] # Created an annotation by depth level, corresponding to folder names for i in range(1, currDepth + 1): file['depth_' + str(i)] = annotations[i] # Apply default file extension filter for extension in self.inclusionList: if fileName.endswith(extension): # FileListExt = file list created with default inclusion criteria (text extensions from inclusionList) fileListExt.append(file) fileList.append(file) # apply inclusion filter if self.applyInclusion: fileListIncl = [ file for file in fileList # match in inclusion list if self.match(file['fileName'], self.inclusionsUserAsList) ] else: fileListIncl = fileListExt # apply exclusion filter if self.applyExclusion: fileListExcl = [ file for file in fileListIncl # no match in exclusion list if not self.match(file['fileName'], self.exclusionsUserAsList) ] else: fileListExcl = fileListIncl # output file list self.fileList = fileListExcl if self.fileList: self.maxDepth = max(depthList) self.fileList = self.sampleFileList() self.openFileList() else: self.maxDepth = 0 progressBarZero.finish() # Test if file contains one of the patterns in patternList def match(self, file, patternList): for pattern in patternList: if pattern in file: return True return False def openFileList(self): tempFileList = list() progressBarOpen = gui.ProgressBar(self, iterations=len(self.fileList)) for file in self.fileList: fileContent = "" try: filePath = file['absoluteFilePath'] except TypeError: pass encodings = getPredefinedEncodings() try: with open(filePath, 'rb') as openedFile: fileContent = charsetDict = chardet.detect(fileContent) detectedEncoding = charsetDict['encoding'] detectedConfidence = charsetDict['confidence'] # Chunking functionnality should be added here try: encodings.remove(detectedEncoding) encodings.insert(0, detectedEncoding) except ValueError: pass for encoding in encodings: try: self.fileContent = fileContent.decode(encoding) except: pass file['encoding'] = detectedEncoding file['fileContent'] = self.fileContent file['encodingConfidence'] = detectedConfidence progressBarOpen.advance() tempFileList.append(file) except IOError: if len(myFiles) > 1: message = u"Couldn't open file '%s'." % filePath else: message = u"Couldn't open file." self.infoBox.setText(message, 'error') self.send('Text data', None, self) return self.fileList = tempFileList self.folder = { 'rootPath': self.rootFolderPath, 'maxDepth': self.maxDepth, 'inclusionsUser': self.inclusionsUser, 'exclusionsUser': self.exclusionsUser, 'samplingRate': self.samplingRate, 'fileList': self.fileList } progressBarOpen.finish() def browse(self): """Display a QFileDialog and select a folder""" rootFolderPath = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, u'Select Folder(s)', self.lastLocation, ) if not rootFolderPath: return rootFolderPath = os.path.normpath(rootFolderPath) self.rootFolderPath = rootFolderPath self.lastLocation = rootFolderPath if self.displayAdvancedSettings: pass else: self.getFileList() self.folder = { 'rootPath': self.rootFolderPath, 'maxDepth': self.maxDepth, 'fileList': self.fileList, } self.sendButton.settingsChanged() self.updateGUI() def moveUp(self): """Move folder upward in folders listbox""" if self.selectedFolderLabels: index = self.selectedFolderLabels[0] if index > 0: temp = self.folders[index - 1] self.folders[index - 1] = self.folders[index] self.folders[index] = temp self.selectedFolderLabels.listBox.item(index - 1).setSelected(1) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def moveDown(self): """Move folder downward in folders listbox""" if self.selectedFolderLabels: index = self.selectedFolderLabels[0] if index < len(self.folders) - 1: temp = self.folders[index + 1] self.folders[index + 1] = self.folders[index] self.folders[index] = temp self.selectedFolderLabels.listBox.item(index + 1).setSelected(1) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def clearAll(self): """Remove all folders from folders attr""" del self.folders[:] del self.selectedFolderLabels[:] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def remove(self): """Remove folder from folders attr""" if self.selectedFolderLabels: index = self.selectedFolderLabels[0] self.folders.pop(index) del self.selectedFolderLabels[:] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def add(self): """Add folders to folders attr""" # Identify sequences separated by a comma (,) and deletes existing whitespaces self.inclusionsUserAsList = [ x.strip() for x in self.inclusionsUser.split(",") if x.strip() ] self.exclusionsUserAsList = [ x.strip() for x in self.exclusionsUser.split(",") if x.strip() ] # Calling the GetFileList function returns a self.fileList list of all files corresponding to either defaults # or optional settings self.getFileList() self.folders.append(self.folder) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def sampleFileList(self): myList = list(self.fileList) # Sampling rate from input allows calculation of the sampling percentage samplePercentage = self.samplingRate / 100.0 # The initial list is shuffled so that files from all folders can be picked randomly random.shuffle(myList) # Files are picked randomly from the previously shuffled list nOfFiles = int(math.ceil(len(myList) * samplePercentage)) return myList[:nOfFiles] def updateGUI(self): """Update GUI state""" if self.displayAdvancedSettings: if self.selectedFolderLabels: cachedLabel = self.selectedFolderLabels[0] else: cachedLabel = None del self.folderLabels[:] folderLabels = [] if self.folders: folderRootPathsList = [f['rootPath'] for f in self.folders] maxDepthList = ['%s' % f['maxDepth'] for f in self.folders] inclusionsUserList = [ f['inclusionsUser'] for f in self.folders ] exclusionsUserList = [ f['exclusionsUser'] for f in self.folders ] samplingRatesList = [ '%s' % f['samplingRate'] for f in self.folders ] folderNamesList = [ os.path.basename(p) for p in folderRootPathsList ] maxFolderNameLen = max([len(n) for n in folderNamesList]) for index in range(len(self.folders)): format = u'%-' + str(maxFolderNameLen + 2) + u's' folderLabel = format % folderNamesList[index] folderLabel += "[d]:{" + maxDepthList[index] + "} " folderLabel += "[i]:{" + inclusionsUserList[index] + "} " folderLabel += "[e]:{" + exclusionsUserList[index] + "} " folderLabel += "[s]:{" + samplingRatesList[index] + "%}" folderLabels.append(folderLabel) self.folderLabels = folderLabels if cachedLabel is not None: self.sendButton.sendIfPreCallback = None self.selectedFolderLabels.listBox.item( cachedLabel).setSelected(1) self.sendButton.sendIfPreCallback = self.updateGUI if self.rootFolderPath: if (self.newAnnotationKey and self.newAnnotationValue) or ( not self.newAnnotationKey and not self.newAnnotationValue): self.addButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.addButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.addButton.setDisabled(True) if self.autoNumber: self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(False) else: self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.updatefolderBoxButtons() self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) else: self.advancedSettings.setVisible(False) def updatefolderBoxButtons(self): """Update state of folder box buttons""" if self.selectedFolderLabels: self.removeButton.setDisabled(False) if self.selectedFolderLabels[0] > 0: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(True) if self.selectedFolderLabels[0] < len(self.folders) - 1: self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(True) self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(True) self.removeButton.setDisabled(True) if len(self.folders): self.clearAllButton.setDisabled(False) self.exportButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.clearAllButton.setDisabled(True) self.exportButton.setDisabled(True) def setCaption(self, title): if 'captionTitle' in dir(self): changed = title != self.captionTitle super().setCaption(title) if changed: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() else: super().setCaption(title) def onDeleteWidget(self): self.clearCreatedInputs()
class OWTextableTextTree(OWTextableBaseWidget): """Orange widget for loading text folders""" name = "Text Tree" description = "Import data from raw text trees" icon = "icons/Textfolders.png" icon = "icons/textTree.svg" priority = 2 # Input and output channels... inputs = [ ('Message', JSONMessage, "inputMessage", widget.Single) ] outputs = [('Text data', Segmentation)] settingsHandler = VersionedSettingsHandler( version=__version__.rsplit(".", 1)[0] ) # Settings... autoSend = settings.Setting(True) folders = settings.Setting([]) encoding = settings.Setting('iso-8859-1') operation = settings.Setting('nothing') sampling =settings.Setting(100) autoNumber = settings.Setting(False) autoNumberKey = settings.Setting(u'num') importFilenames = settings.Setting(True) importFolderName = settings.Setting(True) importFolderNameKey = settings.Setting(u'folderName') importFileNameKey = settings.Setting(u'filename') FolderDepth1Key = settings.Setting(u'depth 1') FolderDepth2Key = settings.Setting(u'depth 2') FolderDepth2Key = settings.Setting(u'depth 3') FolderDepth2Key = settings.Setting(u'depth 4') FolderDepthLvl = settings.Setting(u'depth level') lastLocation = settings.Setting('.') displayAdvancedSettings = settings.Setting(False) folder = settings.Setting(u'') want_main_area = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Other attributes... self.segmentation = None self.operation = "no" self.applyInclusion = False self.applyExclusion = False self.applySampling = True self.samplingRate = 100 self.createdInputs = list() self.folderLabels = list() self.selectedfolderLabels = list() self.rootFolderPath = u'' self.inclusionsUser = u'' self.exclusionsUser = u'' self.newAnnotationKey = u'' self.newAnnotationValue = u'' self.folders = list() # self.folders is a list of dictionaries with each dictionaries being a a folder self.inclusionList = [".txt",".html",".xml",".csv"] #by default empty list # self.exclusionList = [".png,",".PNG",".jpg",".JPG",".gif",".GIF",".tiff",".TIFF",".jpeg",".JPEG",".DS_Store"] # by default exclusions : img files, .DS_Store (macOS) self.exclusionList = [] # by default null self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) # self.fileList = list() #output file list self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute='infoBox', sendIfPreCallback=self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, ) # GUI... # Advanced settings checkbox... self.advancedSettings.draw() # BASIC GUI... # Basic folder box basicfolderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Source', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) basicfolderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicfolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicfolderBoxLine1, master=self, value='rootFolderPath', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Folder path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.add, tooltip=( u"The path of the folder." ), ) gui.separator(widget=basicfolderBoxLine1, width=5) gui.button( widget=basicfolderBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=( u"Open a dialog for selecting a top folder." ), ) #gui.separator(widget=basicfolderBox, width=3) #gui.comboBox( # widget=basicfolderBox, # master=self, # value='encoding', # items=getPredefinedEncodings(), # sendSelectedValue=True, # orientation='horizontal', # label=u'Encoding:', # labelWidth=101, # callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, # tooltip=( # u"Select input folder(s) encoding." # ), # ) gui.separator(widget=basicfolderBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgets.append(basicfolderBox) self.advancedSettings.basicWidgetsAppendSeparator() # ADVANCED GUI... # folder box folderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Sources', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) folderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', addSpace=True, ) self.folderListbox = gui.listBox( widget=folderBoxLine1, master=self, value='selectedfolderLabels', labels='folderLabels', callback=self.updatefolderBoxButtons, tooltip=( u"The list of folders whose content will be imported.\n" u"\nIn the output segmentation, the content of each\n" u"folder appears in the same position as in the list.\n" u"\nColumn 1 shows the folder's name.\n" u"Column 2 shows the folder's annotation (if any).\n" u"Column 3 shows the folder's encoding." ), ) font = QFont() font.setFamily('Courier') font.setStyleHint(QFont.Courier) font.setPixelSize(12) self.folderListbox.setFont(font) folderBoxCol2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBoxLine1, orientation='vertical', ) self.moveUpButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Up', callback=self.moveUp, tooltip=( u"Move the selected folder upward in the list." ), ) self.moveDownButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Move Down', callback=self.moveDown, tooltip=( u"Move the selected folder downward in the list." ), ) self.removeButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Remove', callback=self.remove, tooltip=( u"Remove the selected folder from the list." ), ) self.clearAllButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Clear All', callback=self.clearAll, tooltip=( u"Remove all folders from the list." ), ) self.exportButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Export List', callback=self.exportList, tooltip=( u"Open a dialog for selecting a folder where the folder\n" u"list can be exported in JSON format." ), ) self.importButton = gui.button( widget=folderBoxCol2, master=self, label=u'Import List', callback=self.importList, tooltip=( u"Open a dialog for selecting a folder list to\n" u"import (in JSON format). folders from this list\n" u"will be added to those already imported." ), ) folderBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBox, box=False, orientation='vertical', ) # Add folder box addfolderBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=folderBoxLine2, box=True, orientation='vertical', ) addfolderBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addfolderBox, orientation='horizontal', ) # Folder path input gui.lineEdit( widget=addfolderBoxLine1, master=self, value='rootFolderPath', orientation='horizontal', label=u'Folder path:', labelWidth=101, callback=self.updateGUI, tooltip=( u"The paths of the folders that will be added to the\n" u"list when button 'Add' is clicked.\n\n" u"Successive paths must be separated with ' / ' \n" u"(whitespace + slash + whitespace). Their order in\n" u"the list will be the same as in this field." ), ) gui.separator(widget=addfolderBoxLine1, width=5) # Button Browse gui.button( widget=addfolderBoxLine1, master=self, label=u'Browse', callback=self.browse, tooltip=( u"Open a dialog for selecting a top folder.\n\n" u"Selected folder paths will appear in the field to\n" u"the left of this button afterwards, ready to be\n" u"added to the list when button 'Add' is clicked." ), ) gui.separator(widget=addfolderBox, width=10) # Filter choice to include only certain files or to exclude files # ------------ # self.applyInclusion = False à mettre dans le init # gui.checkbox() # callback = lambda t=self.applyInclusion : includeLineEdit.setDisabled(not t) # includeLineEdit = gui.lineEdit() # ------------ # Filter box to input include only gui.separator(widget=addfolderBox, width=3) includeBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addfolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Include only box gui.checkBox( widget=includeBoxLine1, master=self, value='applyInclusion', label=u'Include only', labelWidth=100, callback = lambda: includeLineEdit.setDisabled(not self.applyInclusion), tooltip=( u"Choose the inclusion" ), ) includeLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=includeBoxLine1, master=self, value='inclusionsUser', orientation='horizontal', label=u'', disabled = True, labelWidth=101, tooltip=( u"This field lets you specify a custom filter\n" u"to select the folders to be\n" u"added to the list." ), ) # Filter box to exclude only gui.separator(widget=addfolderBox, width=3) excludeBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addfolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Exclude only box gui.checkBox( widget=excludeBoxLine1, master=self, value='applyExclusion', label=u'Exclude', labelWidth=100, disabled = False, callback = lambda: includeLineEdit2.setDisabled(not self.applyExclusion), tooltip=( u"Exclude the inclusion" ), ) includeLineEdit2=gui.lineEdit( widget=excludeBoxLine1, master=self, value='exclusionsUser', orientation='horizontal', label=u'', disabled = True, labelWidth=101, tooltip=( u"This field lets you specify a custom filter\n" u"to select the folders to be\n" u"added to the list." ), ) # Sampling box to input the level of sampling gui.separator(widget=addfolderBox, width=3) samplingBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=addfolderBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # Check box for sampling gui.checkBox( widget=samplingBoxLine1, master=self, value='applySampling', label=u'Sampling', labelWidth=100, disabled = False, callback = lambda: samplingSpin.setDisabled(not self.applySampling), tooltip=( u"Choose the sampling level" ), ) # Box to input the level of samplig, spin minv = 10 and maxv = 100 # self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit = gui.spin( samplingSpin = gui.spin( widget=samplingBoxLine1, master=self, value='samplingRate', minv = 10, maxv = 100, labelWidth=50, orientation='horizontal', tooltip=( u"sampling level" ), ) gui.separator(widget=addfolderBox, width=3) self.addButton = gui.button( widget=addfolderBox, master=self, label=u'Add', callback=self.add, tooltip=( u"Add the folder(s) currently displayed in the\n" u"'folders' text field to the list.\n\n" u"Each of these folders will be associated with the\n" u"specified encoding and annotation (if any).\n\n" u"Other folders may be selected afterwards and\n" u"assigned a different encoding and annotation." ), ) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(folderBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Options box... optionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u'Options', orientation='vertical', addSpace=False, ) optionsBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) # gui.checkBox( # widget=optionsBoxLine1, # master=self, # value='importFilenames', # label=u'Import folder names with key:', # labelWidth=180, # callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, # tooltip=( # u"Import folder names as annotations." # ), # ) # self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( # widget=optionsBoxLine1, # master=self, # value='importFilenamesKey', # orientation='horizontal', # callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, # tooltip=( # u"Annotation key for importing folder names." # ), # ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) optionsBoxLine2 = gui.widgetBox( widget=optionsBox, box=False, orientation='horizontal', ) gui.checkBox( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumber', label=u'Auto-number with key:', labelWidth=180, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=( u"Annotate folders with increasing numeric indices." ), ) self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit = gui.lineEdit( widget=optionsBoxLine2, master=self, value='autoNumberKey', orientation='horizontal', callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=( u"Annotation key for folder auto-numbering." ), ) gui.separator(widget=optionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(optionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.adjustSizeWithTimer() QTimer.singleShot(0, self.sendButton.sendIf) def inputMessage(self, message): """Handle JSON message on input connection""" if not message: return self.displayAdvancedSettings = True self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) self.clearAll() self.infoBox.inputChanged() try: json_data = json.loads(message.content) temp_folders = list() for entry in json_data: path = entry.get('path', '') encoding = entry.get('encoding', '') annotationKey = entry.get('annotation_key', '') annotationValue = entry.get('annotation_value', '') if path == '' or encoding == '': self.infoBox.setText( u"Please verify keys and values of incoming " u"JSON message.", 'error' ) self.send('Text data', None, self) return depth = "0" options = "[i]:{unicorn}" temp_folders.append(( name, path, depth, options, )) self.folders.extend(temp_folders) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() except ValueError: self.infoBox.setText( u"Please make sure that incoming message is valid JSON.", 'error' ) self.send('Text data', None, self) return def sendData(self): """Load folders, create and send segmentation""" # Check that there's something on input... if ( (self.displayAdvancedSettings and not self.folders) or not (self.rootFolderPath or self.displayAdvancedSettings) ): self.infoBox.setText(u'Please select input folder.', 'warning') self.send('Text data', None, self) return # Check that autoNumberKey is not empty (if necessary)... if self.displayAdvancedSettings and self.autoNumber: if self.autoNumberKey: autoNumberKey = self.autoNumberKey else: self.infoBox.setText( u'Please enter an annotation key for auto-numbering.', 'warning' ) self.send('Text data', None, self) return else: autoNumberKey = None # Clear created Inputs... self.clearCreatedInputs() fileContents = list() annotations = list() counter = 1 if self.displayAdvancedSettings: myFolders = self.folders else: myFolders = [[self.rootFolderPath]] progressBar = gui.ProgressBar( self, iterations=len(myFolders) ) # Walk through each folder and open each files successively... fileContents = self.fileContents # Annotations... myFolders = self.folders for myFolder in myFolders: myFiles = myFolder['fileList'] for myFile in myFiles: # print(myFile) annotation = dict() if self.importFileNameKey: annotation[self.importFileNameKey] = myFile['fileName'] if self.importFolderNameKey: annotation[self.importFolderNameKey] = myFile['folderName'] if self.FolderDepth1Key: annotation[self.FolderDepth1Key] = myFile['depth1'] if self.FolderDepth2Key: annotation[self.FolderDepth2Key] = myFile['depth2'] if self.FolderDepthLvl: annotation[self.FolderDepthLvl] = myFile['depthLvl'] annotations.append(annotation) # progressBar.advance() # Create an LTTL.Input for each files... if len(fileContents) == 1: label = self.captionTitle else: label = None for index in range(len(fileContents)): myInput = Input(fileContents[index], label) segment = myInput[0] segment.annotations.update(annotations[index]) myInput[0] = segment self.createdInputs.append(myInput) # If there's only one file, the widget's output is the created Input. if len(fileContents) == 1: self.segmentation = self.createdInputs[0] # Otherwise the widget's output is a concatenation... else: self.segmentation = Segmenter.concatenate( segmentations=self.createdInputs, label=self.captionTitle, copy_annotations=True, import_labels_as=None, sort=False, auto_number_as=None, merge_duplicates=False, progress_callback=None, ) message = u'%i segment@p sent to output ' % len(self.segmentation) message = pluralize(message, len(self.segmentation)) numChars = 0 for segment in self.segmentation: segmentLength = len(Segmentation.get_data(segment.str_index)) numChars += segmentLength message += u'(%i character@p).' % numChars message = pluralize(message, numChars) self.infoBox.setText(message) progressBar.finish() self.send('Text data', self.segmentation, self) self.sendButton.resetSettingsChangedFlag() def clearCreatedInputs(self): for i in self.createdInputs: Segmentation.set_data(i[0].str_index, None) del self.createdInputs[:] def importList(self): """Display a folderDialog and import folder list""" folderPath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, u'Import folder List', self.lastLocation, u'Text folders (*)' ) if not folderPath: return self.rootFolderPath = os.path.normpath(folderPath) self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(folderPath) self.error() try: folderHandle =, encoding='utf8') folderContent = folderHandle.close() except IOError: QMessageBox.warning( None, 'Textable', "Couldn't open folder.", QMessageBox.Ok ) return try: json_data = json.loads(folderContent) temp_folders = list() for entry in json_data: path = entry.get('path', '') encoding = entry.get('encoding', '') annotationKey = entry.get('annotation_key', '') annotationValue = entry.get('annotation_value', '') if path == '' or encoding == '': QMessageBox.warning( None, 'Textable', "Selected JSON folder doesn't have the right keys " "and/or values.", QMessageBox.Ok ) return temp_folders.append(( path, encoding, annotationKey, annotationValue, )) self.folders.extend(temp_folders) if temp_folders: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() except ValueError: QMessageBox.warning( None, 'Textable', "JSON parsing error.", QMessageBox.Ok ) return def exportList(self): """Display a folderDialog and export folder list""" toDump = list() myFolders = self.folders for myFolder in myFolders: toDump.append({ 'path': myFolder[0], 'encoding': myFolder[1], }) if myFolder[2] and myFolder[3]: toDump[-1]['annotation_key'] = myFolder[2] toDump[-1]['annotation_value'] = myFolder[3] folderPath =QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, u'Export folder List', self.lastLocation, ) if folderPath: self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(folderPath) outputfolder = folderPath, encoding='utf8', mode='w', errors='xmlcharrefreplace', ) outputfolder.write( normalizeCarriageReturns( json.dumps(toDump, sort_keys=True, indent=4) ) ) outputfolder.close() QMessageBox.information( None, 'Textable', 'folder list correctly exported', QMessageBox.Ok ) def getFileList(self): #print("getFileList") initialRootParentPath, _ = os.path.split(self.rootFolderPath) #initial parent path is selected's folder parent folder fileListExt = list() # list of files matching default extension depthList = list() progressBar = gui.ProgressBar(self, iterations=1) for curr_path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.rootFolderPath): #curr_path is a STRING, the path to the directory. #dirnames is a LIST of the names of subdirectories. #filenames is a LIST of the names of the files in curr_path #symlink non traités curr_rel_path = curr_path[len(initialRootParentPath)+1:] #defines current relative path by similar initial parent path part curr_rel_path_list = os.path.normpath(curr_rel_path).split(os.sep) #splits current relative path by os separator for filename in filenames: file = dict() # file = {"absoluteFilePath","foldername","filename","depth1","depth2","depth3","depth4","depth5","depth lvl"} # prev_non_excl_check = False # curr_non_excl_check = prev_non_excl_check #importing previous state of the "non-exclusion check" (opposite of exclusion check) annotations = curr_rel_path_list[:] # annotations are different subfolders browsed # print(annotations) curr_depth = len(annotations) depthList.append(curr_depth) file['absoluteFilePath'] = os.path.join(curr_path,filename) file['fileName'] = filename file['depthLvl'] = curr_depth file['folderName'] = annotations[0] for i in range(1, curr_depth): file['depth' + str(i)] = annotations[i] for i in range(curr_depth, 5): file['depth' + str(i)] = "0" # apply default file extension filter for extension in self.inclusionList: if filename.endswith(extension): fileListExt.append(file) # apply inclusion filter if self.applyInclusion: fileListIncl = [file for file in fileListExt # match in inclusion list if self.match(file['fileName'], self.inclusionsUserAsList)] else: fileListIncl = fileListExt # apply exclusion filter if self.applyExclusion: fileListExcl = [file for file in fileListIncl # no match in exclusion list if not self.match(file['fileName'], self.exclusionsUserAsList)] else: fileListExcl = fileListIncl # output file list self.fileList = fileListExcl if self.fileList: self.maxDepth = max(depthList) self.openFileList() else: self.maxDepth = 0 progressBar.advance() progressBar.finish() # test if file contains one of the patterns in patternList def match(self, file, patternList): for pattern in patternList: if pattern in file: return True return False def openFileList(self): self.fileContents = list() for file in self.fileList: fileContent = "" try: file_path = file['absoluteFilePath'] except TypeError: pass encodings = getPredefinedEncodings() with open(file_path,'rb') as opened_file: fileContent = charset_dict = chardet.detect(fileContent) detected_encoding = charset_dict['encoding'] # i = 0 # chunks = list() # # for chunk in iter(lambda:, ""): # chunks.append('\n'.join(chunk.splitlines())) # i += CHUNK_LENGTH # if i % (CHUNK_NUM * CHUNK_LENGTH) == 0: # fileContent += "".join(str(chunks) # chunk = list() # # if len(chunks): # fileContent += "".join(str(chunks)) # del chunks try: encodings.remove(detected_encoding) encodings.insert(0,detected_encoding) except ValueError: pass for encoding in encodings: try: self.fileContent = fileContent.decode(encoding) except: pass # fileContent = normalize('NFC', str(fileContent)) # fileContents.append(fileContent) self.fileContents.append(self.fileContent) del self.fileContents[-1] # print(self.fileContents) def browse(self): """Display a QFileDialog and select a folder""" rootFolderPath = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( #Use QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory self, u'Select Folder(s)', self.lastLocation, ) if not rootFolderPath: return rootFolderPath = os.path.normpath(rootFolderPath) self.rootFolderPath = rootFolderPath self.lastLocation = rootFolderPath if self.displayAdvancedSettings: pass else: self.add() self.updateGUI() def moveUp(self): """Move folder upward in folders listbox""" if self.selectedfolderLabels: index = self.selectedfolderLabels[0] if index > 0: temp = self.folders[index - 1] self.folders[index - 1] = self.folders[index] self.folders[index] = temp self.selectedfolderLabels.listBox.item(index - 1).setSelected(1) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def moveDown(self): """Move folder downward in folders listbox""" if self.selectedfolderLabels: index = self.selectedfolderLabels[0] if index < len(self.folders) - 1: temp = self.folders[index + 1] self.folders[index + 1] = self.folders[index] self.folders[index] = temp self.selectedfolderLabels.listBox.item(index + 1).setSelected(1) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def clearAll(self): """Remove all folders from folders attr""" del self.folders[:] del self.selectedfolderLabels[:] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def remove(self): """Remove folder from folders attr""" if self.selectedfolderLabels: index = self.selectedfolderLabels[0] self.folders.pop(index) del self.selectedfolderLabels[:] self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def add(self): """Add folders to folders attr""" #rootFolderPathList = re.split(r' +/ +', self.rootFolderPath) #self.rootFolderPath = name # identify sequences separated by a "," and suppress the white spaces self.inclusionsUserAsList = [x.strip() for x in self.inclusionsUser.split(",") if x.strip()] self.exclusionsUserAsList = [x.strip() for x in self.exclusionsUser.split(",") if x.strip()] self.getFileList() # display the list of files print("Files: ", list(map(lambda f: f['fileName'], self.fileList))) sampleFileList = self.sampleFileList() # display the list of sampled files print("Files after sampling: ", list(map(lambda f: f['fileName'], sampleFileList))) self.folders.append( { 'rootPath' : self.rootFolderPath, 'maxDepth' : self.maxDepth, 'inclusionsUser' : self.inclusionsUser, 'exclusionsUser' : self.exclusionsUser, 'samplingRate' : self.samplingRate, 'fileList' : sampleFileList, } ) # print(self.folders) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() # for folderDict in self.folders: # fileList = folderDict['fileList'] def sampleFileList(self): # Utilisation de la variable fileList # On fait une copie pour eviter de modifier self.fileList avec shuffle plus bas myList = list(self.fileList) # Initialisation d'un parametre qui decidera de l'echantillonage samplePercentage = self.samplingRate / 100.0 # print(samplePercentage) # On melange la liste pour prendre ensuite les "samplePercentage" premiers random.shuffle(myList) # On definit le nombre de fichiers voulus selon le parametre d'echantillonage "samplePercentage", arrondi au superieur nOfFiles = int(math.ceil(len(myList) * samplePercentage)) # On prend les "nOfFiles" premiers fichiers de la liste melangee return myList[:nOfFiles] def updateGUI(self): """Update GUI state""" if self.displayAdvancedSettings: if self.selectedfolderLabels: cachedLabel = self.selectedfolderLabels[0] else: cachedLabel = None del self.folderLabels[:] folderLabels = [] if self.folders: folderRootPathsList = [f['rootPath'] for f in self.folders] maxDepthList = ['%s' % f['maxDepth'] for f in self.folders] inclusionsUserList = [f['inclusionsUser'] for f in self.folders] # print(inclusionsUserList) exclusionsUserList = [f['exclusionsUser'] for f in self.folders] samplingRatesList = ['%s' % f['samplingRate'] for f in self.folders] folderNamesList = [os.path.basename(p) for p in folderRootPathsList] maxFolderNameLen = max([len(n) for n in folderNamesList]) for index in range(len(self.folders)): format = u'%-' + str(maxFolderNameLen + 2) + u's' # folderLabel = format % folderNamesList[index], folderLabel = format % folderNamesList[index] # print(inclusionsUserList[index]) folderLabel += "[d]:{"+maxDepthList[index]+"} " folderLabel += "[i]:{"+inclusionsUserList[index]+"} " folderLabel += "[e]:{"+exclusionsUserList[index]+"} " folderLabel += "[s]:{"+samplingRatesList[index]+"%}" folderLabels.append(folderLabel) self.folderLabels = folderLabels if cachedLabel is not None: self.sendButton.sendIfPreCallback = None self.selectedfolderLabels.listBox.item( cachedLabel ).setSelected(1) self.sendButton.sendIfPreCallback = self.updateGUI if self.rootFolderPath: if ( (self.newAnnotationKey and self.newAnnotationValue) or (not self.newAnnotationKey and not self.newAnnotationValue) ): self.addButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.addButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.addButton.setDisabled(True) if self.autoNumber: self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(False) else: self.autoNumberKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(True) # if self.importFilenames: # self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(False) # else: # self.importFilenamesKeyLineEdit.setDisabled(True) self.updatefolderBoxButtons() self.advancedSettings.setVisible(True) else: self.advancedSettings.setVisible(False) def updatefolderBoxButtons(self): """Update state of folder box buttons""" if self.selectedfolderLabels: self.removeButton.setDisabled(False) if self.selectedfolderLabels[0] > 0: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(True) if self.selectedfolderLabels[0] < len(self.folders) - 1: self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(True) else: self.moveUpButton.setDisabled(True) self.moveDownButton.setDisabled(True) self.removeButton.setDisabled(True) if len(self.folders): self.clearAllButton.setDisabled(False) self.exportButton.setDisabled(False) else: self.clearAllButton.setDisabled(True) self.exportButton.setDisabled(True) def setCaption(self, title): if 'captionTitle' in dir(self): changed = title != self.captionTitle super().setCaption(title) if changed: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() else: super().setCaption(title) def onDeleteWidget(self): self.clearCreatedInputs()
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute="infoBox", #sendIfPreCallback = self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.showAdvancedSettings, ) # Initiates output segmentation self.segmentation = Input(text=u"") self.createdInputs = list() self.advancedSettings.draw() # Basic file box basicFileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u"File selection", orientation="vertical", addSpace=False, ) basicFileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicFileBox, box=False, orientation="horizontal", ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, value="file", orientation="horizontal", label=u"File path :", labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"The path of the file."), ) languageComboBox = gui.comboBox( widget=basicFileBox, master=self, value="language", # Displays the keys of the above dict of the multiple languages items=[(language) for language in AudioFile.dict_languages], sendSelectedValue=True, orientation=u"horizontal", label="Input language :", labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Select the language of the input text."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBoxLine1, width=3) gui.button( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, label=u"Browse", callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting file."), ) OptionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u"Segmentation at pauses", orientation="vertical", addSpace=False, ) OptionBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=OptionsBox, box=False, orientation="horizontal", ) gui.spin( widget=OptionsBox, master=self, value="selected_vol", label="Maximum volume (in dBFS) : ", callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="Select a value between 1 and 50", minv=1, maxv=50, step=1, ) gui.spin( widget=OptionsBox, master=self, value="selected_dur", label="Minimum duration (in milliseconds) : ", callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="Select a value between 1 and 1000", minv=1, maxv=1000, step=1, ) gui.checkBox( widget=OptionsBox, master=self, value="selected_seg", label="Segment the audio file with the parameters", box=None, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="Leave this box unchecked if you want one and only segment." ) gui.separator(widget=OptionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(OptionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Adding space between control area and send button gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.advancedSettings.setVisible(self.displayAdvancedSettings)
class AudioFile(OWTextableBaseWidget): # Widget info name = "AudioFile" description = "Import an audio file, transcribe it and segment it" icon = "icons/audioFile.png" priority = 20 inputs = [] outputs = [("Text data", Segmentation)] # Settings language = settings.Setting("French") want_main_area = False resizing_enabled = True displayAdvancedSettings = settings.Setting(False) file = settings.Setting(u"") lastLocation = settings.Setting(".") # Advanced settings selected_vol = settings.Setting(14) selected_dur = settings.Setting(500) selected_seg = settings.Setting(False) # Dictionnaries that contains all the languages and their corresponding encoding dict_languages = { "English": "en-US", "French": "fr-FR", "German": "de-DE", "Italian": "it-IT", "Japanese": "ja", "Mandarin Chinese": "zh-CN", "Portugese": "pt-PT", "Russian": "ru", "Spanish": "es-ES", } def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.infoBox = InfoBox(widget=self.controlArea) self.sendButton = SendButton( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.sendData, infoBoxAttribute="infoBox", #sendIfPreCallback = self.updateGUI, ) self.advancedSettings = AdvancedSettings( widget=self.controlArea, master=self, callback=self.showAdvancedSettings, ) # Initiates output segmentation self.segmentation = Input(text=u"") self.createdInputs = list() self.advancedSettings.draw() # Basic file box basicFileBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u"File selection", orientation="vertical", addSpace=False, ) basicFileBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=basicFileBox, box=False, orientation="horizontal", ) gui.lineEdit( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, value="file", orientation="horizontal", label=u"File path :", labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"The path of the file."), ) languageComboBox = gui.comboBox( widget=basicFileBox, master=self, value="language", # Displays the keys of the above dict of the multiple languages items=[(language) for language in AudioFile.dict_languages], sendSelectedValue=True, orientation=u"horizontal", label="Input language :", labelWidth=101, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip=(u"Select the language of the input text."), ) gui.separator(widget=basicFileBoxLine1, width=3) gui.button( widget=basicFileBoxLine1, master=self, label=u"Browse", callback=self.browse, tooltip=(u"Open a dialog for selecting file."), ) OptionsBox = gui.widgetBox( widget=self.controlArea, box=u"Segmentation at pauses", orientation="vertical", addSpace=False, ) OptionBoxLine1 = gui.widgetBox( widget=OptionsBox, box=False, orientation="horizontal", ) gui.spin( widget=OptionsBox, master=self, value="selected_vol", label="Maximum volume (in dBFS) : ", callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="Select a value between 1 and 50", minv=1, maxv=50, step=1, ) gui.spin( widget=OptionsBox, master=self, value="selected_dur", label="Minimum duration (in milliseconds) : ", callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="Select a value between 1 and 1000", minv=1, maxv=1000, step=1, ) gui.checkBox( widget=OptionsBox, master=self, value="selected_seg", label="Segment the audio file with the parameters", box=None, callback=self.sendButton.settingsChanged, tooltip="Leave this box unchecked if you want one and only segment." ) gui.separator(widget=OptionsBox, width=3) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgets.append(OptionsBox) self.advancedSettings.advancedWidgetsAppendSeparator() # Adding space between control area and send button gui.rubber(self.controlArea) # Send button... self.sendButton.draw() # Info box... self.infoBox.draw() self.advancedSettings.setVisible(self.displayAdvancedSettings) def get_large_audio_transcription(self, path, language, set_silence_len=500, set_silence_threshold=14): """ Splitting the large audio file into chunks and apply speech recognition on each of these chunks """ # Create a temporary folder to handle the chunks, will be deleted upon completion of the task with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempDict: # Initialize the recognizer r = sr.Recognizer() if 'wav' not in self.file or 'mp3' not in self.file: return # Check type of the audio file and change it to wav if mp3 audio_type = self.detect_format(path) if audio_type == "mp3": path = self.to_wav(path, tempDict) # Open the audio file using pydub sound = AudioSegment.from_wav(path) # Split audio sound where silence is 700 milliseconds or more and get chunks chunks = split_on_silence( sound, # Experiment with this value for your target audio file min_silence_len=set_silence_len, # Adjust this per requirement silence_thresh=sound.dBFS - set_silence_threshold, # Keep the silence for 1 second, adjustable as well keep_silence=500, ) # Initiates ouput variables (depending on advanced settings) whole_text = "" segments = list() #Initiate alert message and progress bar progressBar = ProgressBar(self, iterations=len(chunks)) # Process each chunk for i, audio_chunk in enumerate(chunks, start=1): # export audio chunk and save it in # the tempDict directory. chunk_filename = os.path.join(tempDict, f"chunk{i}.wav") audio_chunk.export(chunk_filename, format="wav") # recognize the chunk with sr.AudioFile(chunk_filename) as source: audio_listened = r.record(source) # Try converting it to text try: # Get the value of the chosen language in the dictionnary text = r.recognize_google( audio_listened, language=AudioFile.dict_languages[self.language]) except sr.UnknownValueError as e: print("Error : ", str(e)) else: # Creates an entry of the list "segments" for each audio_chunk if self.selected_seg: segmented_text = f"{text.capitalize()}. " print(chunk_filename, " : ", segmented_text) segments.append(segmented_text) # Add the segment to the segmentation else: # Returns transciprtion as whole_text text = f"{text.capitalize()}. " print(chunk_filename, " : ", text) whole_text += text self.infoBox.setText(u"Processing, please wait...", "warning") progressBar.advance() # return the text for all chunks detected if self.selected_seg: progressBar.finish() return segments else: progressBar.finish() return whole_text def sendData(self): if not self.file: self.infoBox.setText(u"Please select input file.", "warning") self.send('Text data', None, self) return # Clear created Inputs. self.clearCreatedInputs() # Get transcription try: transcription = self.get_large_audio_transcription( self.file, language=self.language, set_silence_len=self.selected_dur, set_silence_threshold=self.selected_vol) except speech_recognition.UnknownValueError as err: self.infoBox.setText( u"You seem to have overuseed the built-in API key, refer to the documentation for further informations.", "warning") self.send('Text data', None, self) return # Checks if there is a transcription if transcription is None: self.infoBox.setText(u"You must use mp3 or wav audio files.", "warning") self.send('Text data', None, self) return # Regex to get the name of the input file title = self.file regex = re.compile("[^(/\\)]+[mp3|wav]$") match = re.findall(regex, title) if self.selected_seg: for chunk in transcription: new_input = Input(chunk, label=match) self.createdInputs.append(new_input) else: new_input = Input(transcription, label=match) self.createdInputs.append(new_input) # Concatenates the segmentations in the output segmentation self.segmentation = Segmenter.concatenate( segmentations=self.createdInputs, label=self.captionTitle, copy_annotations=False, import_labels_as="") #Sending segments length message = " Succesfully transcripted ! % i segment@p sent to output" % len( self.segmentation) message = pluralize(message, len(self.segmentation)) # Send token... self.send("Text data", self.segmentation, self) self.infoBox.setText(message) self.sendButton.resetSettingsChangedFlag() def setCaption(self, title): if "captionTitle" in dir(self): changed = title != self.captionTitle super().setCaption(title) if changed: self.sendButton.settingsChanged() else: super().setCaption(title) def browse(self): audioPath, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, u"open Text File", self.lastLocation, u"Audio Files(*.wav;*.mp3)", ) if not audioPath: return self.file = os.path.normpath(audioPath) self.lastLocation = os.path.dirname(audioPath) self.sendButton.settingsChanged() def showAdvancedSettings(self): self.advancedSettings.setVisible(self.displayAdvancedSettings) def detect_format(self, file): """A function that detects the format of a file""" file_type = filetype.guess(file) return file_type.extension def to_wav(self, file, tempDict): """A function to convert mp3 files to wav files""" # Destination file in the temporary directory destination = os.path.join(tempDict, 'temp.wav')['/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg', '-i', file, destination]) return destination def clearCreatedInputs(self): """Delete all Input objects that have been created.""" for i in self.createdInputs: Segmentation.set_data(i[0].str_index, None) del self.createdInputs[:] def onDeleteWidget(self): """Free memory when widget is deleted (overriden method)""" self.clearCreatedInputs()