Exemple #1
 def publish(self, topic, message):
     if topic in self.subscriptions:
         for thread in self.subscriptions[topic]:
             _thread.notify(thread, _thread.RESUME) # Resume the task
             _thread.sendmsg(thread, json.dumps({"topic": topic, "message": message})) # Encode topic and message
     # Publish every message to the wildcard topic
     if "*" in self.subscriptions:
         for thread in self.subscriptions["*"]:
             _thread.notify(thread, _thread.RESUME) # Resume the task
             _thread.sendmsg(thread, json.dumps({"topic": topic, "message": message})) # Encode topic and message
Exemple #2
def thrainbow():
    pos = 0
    while True:
        np.rainbow(pos, 3)
        notif = _thread.getnotification()
        if (notif > 0) and (notif <= 100):
            np.brightness(math.trunc(notif * 2.55))
        elif notif == 1000:
            _thread.sendmsg(_thread.getReplID(), "[%s] Run counter = %u" % (_thread.getSelfName(), pos))
        pos = pos + 1
Exemple #3
def thrainbow_py():
    pos = 0
    bri = 0.02
    while True:
        for i in range(0, num_np):
            dHue = 360.0/num_np * (pos+i);
            hue = dHue % 360;
            np.setHSB(i, hue, 1.0, bri, 1, False)
        notif = _thread.getnotification()
        if (notif > 0) and (notif <= 100):
            bri =  notif / 100.0
        elif notif == 1000:
            _thread.sendmsg(_thread.getReplID(), "[%s] Run counter = %u" % (_thread.getSelfName(), pos))
        pos = pos + 1
Exemple #4
def _httpHandlerPost(httpClient, httpResponse) :
    # read posted form data. If data (dictionary) received, convert to string and send threadMessage to mainThread
    formData = httpClient.ReadRequestPostedFormData()
    if formData:
        message = str(formData)
        _thread.sendmsg(_thread.getReplID(), message)

    # get system time and save it t datetime_dict
    datetime = utime.localtime()
    datetime_dict = { "year" : datetime[0], "month" : datetime[1], "mday" : datetime[2],
                    "hour": datetime[3], "minute" : datetime[4], "second" : datetime[5],
                    "weekday" : datetime[6], "yearday" : datetime[7]}

    htmlSite = htmlSite.format(**datetime_dict)
    # send htmlSite as response to client
    httpResponse.WriteResponseOk(   headers         = ({'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}),
                                    contentType     = 'text/html',
                                    contentCharset  = 'UTF-8',
                                    content = htmlSite)
Exemple #5
def test():
i = 0
while i<10:
print("Hello from thread")
mainID = _thread.getReplID()

while _thread.wait() :
#_thread.sendmsg(mainID, i)


thrID = _thread.start_new_thread("test",test,())
_thread.sendmsg(thrID, 5)
_thread.notify(thrID, 1)



while k<15:
    print("Hello from main")
Exemple #6
def bmerun(interval=60):
    sendmsg = True
    send_time = time.time() + interval
    while True:
        while time.time() < send_time:
            notif = _thread.getnotification()
            if notif == 10002:
                _thread.sendmsg(_thread.getReplID(), bmevalues())
            elif notif == 10004:
                sendmsg = False
            elif notif == 10006:
                sendmsg = True
            elif (notif <= 3600) and (notif >= 10):
                interval = notif
                send_time = time.time() + interval
                _thread.sendmsg(_thread.getReplID(), "Interval set to {} seconds".format(interval))
        send_time = send_time + interval
        if sendmsg:
            _thread.sendmsg(_thread.getReplID(), bmevalues())
Exemple #7
def rgbled(n=200, led=bled):
    notif_exit = 4718
    notif_replay = 2
    notif_count = 3
    x = 0
    while True:
        x = x + 1

        t = 10
        while t > 0:
            notif = _thread.getnotification()
            if notif == notif_exit:
                                "[%s] Exiting" % (_thread.getSelfName()))
            elif notif == notif_replay:
                    "[%s] I've been notified" % (_thread.getSelfName()))
            elif notif == notif_count:
                    "[%s] Run counter = %u" % (_thread.getSelfName(), x))
            elif notif == 777:
                    "[%s] Forced EXCEPTION" % (_thread.getSelfName()))
                zz = 234 / 0
            elif notif != 0:
                    _thread.getReplID(), "[%s] Got unknown notification: %u" %
                    (_thread.getSelfName(), notif))

            typ, sender, msg = _thread.getmsg()
            if msg:
                    _thread.getReplID(), "[%s] Message from '%s'\n'%s'" %
                    (_thread.getSelfName(), _thread.getThreadName(sender),
            t = t - 1
def th_cam_to_motor(threads: dict, thctm_values: dict, m, config: dict):

    cur_name = _thread.getSelfName()
    cur_id = threads[cur_name]

    print("{}: started with id {}".format(cur_name.upper(), cur_id))

    while True:
        """Notification Handling"""
        ntf = _thread.getnotification()
        if ntf:
            if ntf == _thread.EXIT:
                print("{}: terminated".format(cur_name.upper()))
            elif ntf == _thread.SUSPEND:
                print("{}: suspended".format(cur_name.upper()))
                # wait for RESUME notification indefinitely, some other thread must
                # send the resume notification: _thread.notify(th_id, _thread.RESUME)
                while _thread.wait() != _thread.RESUME:
                print("{}: resumed".format(cur_name.upper()))
                # Default notification handling

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # - Using sleep in thread function                              -
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # 'utime.sleep(sec, True)' & 'utime.sleep_ms(ms, True)' functions returns the
        # actual ellapsed sleep time. The sleep will be interrupted if
        # a notification is received and the returned value will be less
        # than the requested one
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example:
        # print("TH_FUNC: Loop started")
        # for i in range(0, 5):
        #     print("TH_FUNC: Loop no:", i)
        #     sleep_time = utime.sleep_ms(10000, True)
        #     if sleep_time < 10000:
        #         # Notification received while sleeping
        #         print("TH_FUNC: Notification while sleeping", st)
        #         # Sleep for the remaining interval if needed
        #         utime.sleep_ms(10000 - sleep_time)
        # print("TH_FUNC: Loop ended")

        # ===================================================================================
        # Handle inter thread message
        # Sender thread ID, message type (string or integer) and message itself are available
        # ===================================================================================

        # <MAIN CODE>
        """Line Parsing and Motor controlling"""
        line_angle = thctm_values["line"][1]
        line_type = thctm_values["line"][0]

        l_value = r_value = config["drive_speed"]

        if line_type == CUART.ltype_straight:
            x = line_angle
            # l_value = constrain(maprange([-90, 0], [0, config["drive_speed"]], line_angle), 0, config["drive_speed"])
            # r_value = constrain(maprange([0, 90], [config["drive_speed"], 0], line_angle), 0, config["drive_speed"])
            l_value = int(0.0006911 * x * x * x - 0.011111 * x * x +
                          0.044657 * x + 20)
            r_value = int(-0.0006911 * x * x * x - 0.011111 * x * x -
                          0.044657 * x + 20)
            # print(l_value, r_value)

        m.move(l_value, r_value)

        # </MAIN CODE>
        """Message handling"""
        typ, sender, msg = _thread.getmsg()
        if msg:
            if typ == 1 and msg == thr_msg.HEARTBEAT:
                _thread.sendmsg(sender, thr_msg.HEARTBEAT)

            # else:
            #     _thread.sendmsg(threads["log"], "[%s] Received message from '%s'\n'%s'" % (
            #         _thread.getSelfName(), _thread.getThreadName(sender), msg))

        utime.sleep_ms(10)  # Weird bug (was 10 before, trying to minimize)
def th_func(threads: dict):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # Allow suspending this thread from other threads using
    # _thread.suspend(th_id) / _thread.resume(th_id) functions.
    # If not set, the thread connot be suspended.
    # Still, "soft" suspend handling via notifications can be used
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    cur_name = _thread.getSelfName()
    cur_id = threads[cur_name]

    print("{}: started with id {}".format(cur_name.upper(), cur_id))

    # ---------------------------------------------
    # Thread function usually runs in infinite loop
    # ---------------------------------------------
    while True:
        # ================================================
        # It is recommended to handle thread notifications
        # ================================================
        ntf = _thread.getnotification()
        if ntf:
            # some notification received
            if ntf == _thread.EXIT:
                # -------------------------------------------------
                # Return from thread function terminates the thread
                # -------------------------------------------------
                print("{}: terminated".format(cur_name.upper()))
            elif ntf == _thread.SUSPEND:
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------
                # The thread can be suspended using _thread.suspend(th_id) function,
                # but sometimes it is more convenient to implement the "soft" suspend
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------
                print("{}: suspended".format(cur_name.upper()))
                # wait for RESUME notification indefinitely, some other thread must
                # send the resume notification: _thread.notify(th_id, _thread.RESUME)
                while _thread.wait() != _thread.RESUME:
                print("{}: resumed".format(cur_name.upper()))
            # ---------------------------------------------
            # Handle the application specific notifications
            # ---------------------------------------------
            elif ntf == 1234:
                # Your notification handling code
                # -----------------------------
                # Default notification handling
                # -----------------------------

        # ----------------------------------
        # Put your thread function code here
        # ----------------------------------

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Thread function execution can be suspended until a notification is received
        # Without argument '_thread.wait' will wait for notification indefinitely
        # If the timeout argument is given, the function will return even if
        # no notification is received after the timeout expires with result 'None'
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ntf = _thread.wait(30000)
        # if ntf:
        #     # --------------------------------------------
        #     # Check if terminate notification was received
        #     # --------------------------------------------
        #     if ntf == _thread.EXIT:
        #         return
        #     #print("TH_FUNC: Notification received: ", ntf)
        #     # ---------------------------------------------
        #     # Execute some code based on notification value
        #     # ---------------------------------------------
        #     if ntf == 77:
        #         print("Notification 77 received")
        #     elif ntf == 8888:
        #         myvar += 100
        # else:
        #     # ---------------------------------
        #     # Execute some code on wait timeout
        #     # ---------------------------------
        #     print("TH_FUNC: Wait notification timeout")

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # - Using sleep in thread function                              -
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # 'utime.sleep(sec, True)' & 'utime.sleep_ms(ms, True)' functions returns the
        # actual ellapsed sleep time. The sleep will be interrupted if
        # a notification is received and the returned value will be less
        # than the requested one
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------
        # Example:
        # print("TH_FUNC: Loop started")
        # for i in range(0, 5):
        #     print("TH_FUNC: Loop no:", i)
        #     sleep_time = utime.sleep_ms(10000, True)
        #     if sleep_time < 10000:
        #         # Notification received while sleeping
        #         print("TH_FUNC: Notification while sleeping", st)
        #         # Sleep for the remaining interval if needed
        #         utime.sleep_ms(10000 - sleep_time)
        # print("TH_FUNC: Loop ended")

        # ===================================================================================
        # Handle inter thread message
        # Sender thread ID, message type (string or integer) and message itself are available
        # ===================================================================================
        typ, sender, msg = _thread.getmsg()
        if msg:
            # -------------------------------------
            # message received from 'sender' thread
            # -------------------------------------

            if typ == 1 and msg == thr_msg.HEARTBEAT:
                # Reply to sender, we can analyze the message first
                _thread.sendmsg(sender, thr_msg.HEARTBEAT)

                # We can inform the main MicroPython thread (REPL) about received message
                    threads["log"], "[%s] Received message from '%s'\n'%s'" %
                    (_thread.getSelfName(), _thread.getThreadName(sender),
Exemple #10
def keyUp(key):
    sendmsg(threads.UI, key)
Exemple #11
def keyDown(key):
    sendmsg(threads.UI, _KEYDOWN | key)
Exemple #12
def rawKeyUp(key):
    sendmsg(threads.UI, _RAWKEY | key)
Exemple #13
def rawKeyDown(key):
    sendmsg(threads.UI, _KEYDOWN | _RAWKEY | key)