def _config_file_build(self, applicationGroup):
     ''' Builds the expected configuration file or command output for later comparison. 
     self.configurationFileSettings = {} ## Clears the dictionary for use
     # Create the output folder to store the generated files
     generatedFilesPath = _utils._setup_output_folders(os.path.join(GLOBAL_VARIABLES['${OUTPUTDIR}'], "generatedFiles_%s" % self.environment, applicationGroup))
     if not os.path.exists(generatedFilesPath):
     for configFile in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][applicationGroup]['configurationFiles']:
         # Only run if there are variables to replace in the config file.
         for server in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][applicationGroup]['servers']:
             self.configurationFileSettings = {} # Clears the dictionary for use
             for key, value in self.templateData[configFile].items(): # Adds the variables from the template configuration file to the main settings dict
                 self.configurationFileSettings[key] = value
             self._config_file_build_helper(("environment:%s") % (configFile)) # Add the variables from the environment configuration file to the main settings dict
             self._config_file_build_helper(("applicationGroups:%s:%s") % (applicationGroup, configFile))
             self._config_file_build_helper(("applicationGroups:%s:servers:%s:%s") % (applicationGroup, server, configFile))      
             self._config_file_build_check(applicationGroup, configFile, server) # Checks to ensure all variables defined in the template have some type of value set.
             self._config_file_build_write(generatedFilesPath, configFile, server) # Writes the generated file
     return generatedFilesPath
    def _config_file_get_server_files(self, applicationGroup):
        ''' Function that gets the configuration file for diffing or runs the remote command and saves the output to a file.
        # Create the output folder to store the generated files
        serverFilesPath = _utils._setup_output_folders(
                         "serverFiles_%s" % self.environment,
        if not os.path.exists(serverFilesPath):

        for configFile in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][
            for server in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][

                # Creates the connection to the remote server
                self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword("Open Connection", server)
                returnValues = self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword(
                    "RSA Get Key Locations")
                    "Login With Public Key",
                    returnValues['privateKey'].replace("/", "\\\\").replace(
                        "\\", "\\\\"), returnValues['privateKeyPass'].replace(
                            "/", "\\\\").replace("\\", "\\\\"))

                # Creates the file destination name
                destFileName = os.path.join(serverFilesPath,
                                            (("%s_%s") % (server, configFile)))

                if self.templateData[configFile]['configuration'][
                        'type'] == "file":
                    sourceFileName = self.templateData[configFile][
                    returnResult = self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword_and_ignore_error(
                        "Get File", sourceFileName,
                        destFileName.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
                    if returnResult[0] == "FAIL":
                        _utils._result_logger(self.resultFile, server,
                                              configFile, "Fail",
                        raise Exception(
                            ("There were no files matching %s on server %s") %
                            (sourceFileName, server))

                if self.templateData[configFile]['configuration'][
                        'type'] == "command":
                    cmd = self.templateData[configFile]['configuration'][
                    actualResult = self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword(
                        'Execute Command', cmd)
                    _utils._write_file(destFileName, actualResult)

                # Disconnect ssh session
                self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword("Close Connection")

        return serverFilesPath
    def _config_file_build(self, applicationGroup):
        ''' Builds the expected configuration file or command output for later comparison. 
        self.configurationFileSettings = {}  ## Clears the dictionary for use

        # Create the output folder to store the generated files
        generatedFilesPath = _utils._setup_output_folders(
                         "generatedFiles_%s" % self.environment,
        if not os.path.exists(generatedFilesPath):

        for configFile in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][
            # Only run if there are variables to replace in the config file.
            for server in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][
                self.configurationFileSettings = {
                }  # Clears the dictionary for use

                for key, value in self.templateData[configFile].items(
                ):  # Adds the variables from the template configuration file to the main settings dict
                    self.configurationFileSettings[key] = value

                    ("environment:%s") % (configFile)
                )  # Add the variables from the environment configuration file to the main settings dict
                self._config_file_build_helper(("applicationGroups:%s:%s") %
                                               (applicationGroup, configFile))
                    ("applicationGroups:%s:servers:%s:%s") %
                    (applicationGroup, server, configFile))

                    applicationGroup, configFile, server
                )  # Checks to ensure all variables defined in the template have some type of value set.
                    generatedFilesPath, configFile,
                    server)  # Writes the generated file

        return generatedFilesPath
    def _config_file_get_server_files(self, applicationGroup):
        ''' Function that gets the configuration file for diffing or runs the remote command and saves the output to a file.
        # Create the output folder to store the generated files
        serverFilesPath = _utils._setup_output_folders(os.path.join(GLOBAL_VARIABLES['${OUTPUTDIR}'], "serverFiles_%s" % self.environment, applicationGroup))
        if not os.path.exists(serverFilesPath):
        for configFile in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][applicationGroup]['configurationFiles']:
            for server in self.environmentData['applicationGroups'][applicationGroup]['servers']:
                # Creates the connection to the remote server
                self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword("Open Connection", server)
                returnValues = self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword("RSA Get Key Locations")
                self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword("Login With Public Key", 
                                              returnValues['privateKey'].replace("/", "\\\\").replace("\\", "\\\\"),
                                              returnValues['privateKeyPass'].replace("/", "\\\\").replace("\\", "\\\\"))

                # Creates the file destination name
                destFileName = os.path.join(serverFilesPath, (("%s_%s") % (server, configFile)))
                if self.templateData[configFile]['configuration']['type'] == "file":
                    sourceFileName =  self.templateData[configFile]['configuration']['fileLocation']                
                    returnResult = self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword_and_ignore_error("Get File", sourceFileName, destFileName.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
                    if returnResult[0] == "FAIL":
                        _utils._result_logger(self.resultFile, server, configFile, "Fail", sourceFileName)
                        raise Exception (("There were no files matching %s on server %s") % (sourceFileName, server))                
                if self.templateData[configFile]['configuration']['type'] == "command":
                    cmd = self.templateData[configFile]['configuration']['command']
                    actualResult = self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword('Execute Command', cmd)
                    _utils._write_file(destFileName, actualResult)
                # Disconnect ssh session
                self.robotBuiltIn.run_keyword("Close Connection")

        return serverFilesPath