def __init__(self, functions, name, map2atoms=None, map2bonds=None): A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name='ensamble of support functions', verbose=False) if isinstance(functions, list): = functions else: raise IOError("must provide at least an empty list, and fill it using append") = name self.map2atoms = map2atoms self.map2bonds = map2bonds
def __init__(self, coordinates: np.ndarray, atomic_numbers: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], charge: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], topology: List[List[int]], parameters=None, verbose=False, atom_labels=None, segments=None): """ A2MD,models.molecule This object stores the information and the methods to generate models of electron density based on the linear combination of exponential-family functions. :param coordinates: nuclei coordinates :param charge: charge of each of the atoms :param topology: list of atoms joined to each atom :param parameters: electron density model parameters :param verbose: :param atomic_numbers: atomic number of each atom (integer) :param segments: to use in polymers :type coordinates: np.ndarray :type charge: np.ndarray :type topology: list :type parameters: list :type verbose: bool :type atomic_numbers: np.ndarray """ A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name='A2MD', verbose=verbose) self.natoms = coordinates.shape[0] self.coordinates = coordinates.copy() self.atom_charges = charge self.topology = topology self.parameters = parameters self.atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers self.map_function2center = None self.map_frozenfunctions = None self.functions = None self.opt_params = None self.nfunctions = None self.atom_labels = atom_labels self.function_names = [] self.function_types = [] self.regularization = 0.0001 self.is_clusterized = False self.is_optimized = False self.segments = segments # segments allows to perform semi-restricted optimizations, in which # a part of the molecule corresponding to a given segment must match the sum of charges of that # fragment. It's an intermediate step between fully atom-charge restriction and molecule-wide single # restriction. if segments is not None: self.nsegments = np.unique(np.array(self.segments)).size if parameters is not None:
def __init__(self, coordinates, atomic_numbers, charge, topology, parameters=None, verbose=False, atom_labels=None, segments=None): """ :param coordinates: nuclei coordinates :param charge: atoms in molecule charges :param topology: list of linked nuclei :param parameters: parameters for bonding :param verbose: :param atomic_numbers :param segments :type coordinates: np.ndarray :type charge: np.ndarray :type topology: list :type parameters: list :type verbose: bool :type atomic_numbers: np.ndarray """ A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name='A2MD', verbose=verbose) self.natoms = coordinates.shape[0] self.coordinates = coordinates.copy() self.atom_charges = charge self.topology = topology self.parameters = parameters self.atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers self.map_function2center = None self.map_frozenfunctions = None self.functions = None self.opt_params = None self.nfunctions = None self.atom_labels = atom_labels self.function_names = [] self.function_types = [] self.regularization = 0.0001 self.is_clusterized = False self.is_optimized = False self.segments = segments # segments allows to perform semi-restricted optimizations, in which # a part of the molecule corresponding to a given segment must match the sum of charges of that # fragment. It's an intermediate step between fully atom-charge restriction and molecule-wide single # restriction. if segments is not None: self.nsegments = np.unique(np.array(self.segments)).size if parameters is not None:
def __init__(self, file=None): """ :param file: """ from a2mdio.molecules import Mol2 A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name='symfeats', verbose=False) if file is not None: self.__mol = Mol2(file=file, verbose=False) self.__mol.change_units('au') else: self.__mol = None self.__x = None self.__l = None
def __init__(self, m, input_format='json'): """ :param m: :param input_format: """ A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name='model parser', verbose=False) if input_format == 'json': self.model_contents = self.read_json(m) elif input_format == 'dict': self.model_contents = m else: raise IOError("not allowed format. Please, use: {:s}".format( ' '.join(self.allowed_formats)))
def __init__(self, file=None, input_format=None, verbose=True): """ preprocessor eases the parametrization of aAMD. - aAMD uses a list of individual atom features - parameters are specified as a dictionary in which entries appear as functions of element name - so aAMD makes a new list by reading the molecular coordinates and then it uses them to feed aAMD :param verbose: """ from a2md import AMD_PARAMS_19 A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name='aAMD preprocessor', verbose=verbose) self.__params = copy.copy(AMD_PARAMS_19) self.__molecule_coordinates = None self.__molecule_elements = None self.__molecule_topo = None self.__molecule_charge = None if file is not None: self.read_molecule(file=file, input_format=input_format)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): r""" Support functions. It requires: - coordinates : where function is centered - radial function type : 0 - sum of exp, 1 - exp, 2 - xexp - angular function type : 0 - isotropic, 1 - expansion of size 1, 2- expansion of size 2... :param \**kwargs['coordinates']: See below :keyword Arguments: * *coordinates* *(``np.ndarray``) * *radial_function_type* *(``int``) * *angular_function_type* *(``int``) """ A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name ='support function ', verbose=False) self.coordinates = kwargs['coordinates'] self.coordinate_system = None self.eval_method = None self.eval_ep_method = None self.integral_method = None self.support_type = None self.params_kw = None self.anisotropic = False
def __init__(self, name, verbose=False): A2MDBaseClass.__init__(self, name="cluter tool / {:s}".format(name), verbose=verbose) self.cluster_method = None