Exemple #1
class UnionTypeExampleVisitor(ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {})):
    def _string_example(self, string_example):
        # type: (StringExample) -> Any

    def _set(self, set):
        # type: (List[str]) -> Any

    def _this_field_is_an_integer(self, this_field_is_an_integer):
        # type: (int) -> Any

    def _also_an_integer(self, also_an_integer):
        # type: (int) -> Any

    def _if(self, if_):
        # type: (int) -> Any

    def _new(self, new):
        # type: (int) -> Any

    def _interface(self, interface):
        # type: (int) -> Any
def mk_awaitable():
    from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta

    def __await__(self):

    def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
        if cls is Awaitable:
            for B in C.__mro__:
                if '__await__' in B.__dict__:
                    if B.__dict__['__await__']:
                        return True
        return NotImplemented

    # calling metaclass directly as syntax differs in Py2/Py3
    Awaitable = ABCMeta(
        'Awaitable', (), {
            '__slots__': (),
            '__await__': __await__,
            '__subclasshook__': __subclasshook__,

    return Awaitable
Exemple #3
class ServerSetProvider(ABCMeta('ABCMeta', (object, ), {})):
    """Base class for providing a set of servers, as well as optionally
  notifying the pool of servers joining and leaving the set."""
    def Initialize(self, on_join, on_leave):
        """Initialize the provider.
    This method is called before any calls to GetServers().

      on_join - A function to be called when a server joins the set.
      on_leave - A function to be called when a server leaves the set.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def Close(self):
        """Close the provider and any resources associated.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def GetServers(self):
        """Get all the current servers in the set.

      An iterable of servers.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def endpoint_name(self):
        return None
Exemple #4
def _bake(name):

    class Doc(str):

        def __init__(self, registry, *argv, **kwarg):
            self.registry = registry
            super(Doc, self).__init__(*argv, **kwarg)

        def __repr__(self):
            return repr(self.registry['doc'])

        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.registry['doc'])

        def expandtabs(self, ts=4):
            return self.registry['doc'].expandtabs(ts)

    class Registry(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.target = {}

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            if not self.target:
                module = __import__(_modules[name],
                                    [name], 0)
                self.target['class'] = getattr(module, name)
                self.target['doc'] = self.target['class'].__doc__
                    self.target['doc'] += _DISCLAIMER
                except TypeError:
                    # ignore cases, when __doc__ is not a string, e.g. None
            return self.target[key]

    def __hook__(cls, C):
        if hasattr(C, 'registry'):
                return issubclass(C.registry['class'], cls.registry['class'])
            except Exception:
        return issubclass(C, cls.registry['class'])

    def __new__(cls, *argv, **kwarg):
        return cls.registry['class'](*argv, **kwarg)

    registry = Registry()
    doc = Doc(registry)

    proxy = ABCMeta('proxy', (object, ), {'__new__': __new__,
                                          '__doc__': doc,
                                          '__subclasshook__': __hook__,
                                          'registry': registry})
    return proxy
class Agent(ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {})):
    def is_done(self, action_result):
        Method should return a Boolean denoting whether your agent is done with
        the task or not. The 'action_result' argument should be used to inform
        your decision. 

        Note that if the value is 'ActionResult.COLLIDED' or
        'BenchBot.FINISHED', BenchBot will no longer report any available
        actions via 'BenchBot.actions' so your method needs to return True in
        these cases
        return False

    def pick_action(self, observations, action_list):
        Method should return a selected action from the list provided by
        'BenchBot.actions', & a dictionary of argument values required for the
        action. The following example would move the robot forward 10cm:
            return 'move_distance', {'distance': 0.1}

        This method is also where your agent should also use the observations
        to update its semantic understanding of the world.

        The list of available actions returned from 'BenchBot.actions' will
        change based on the mode selected, & the last action_result returned by
        'BenchBot.step'. Your code below should select a valid action from the
        list, otherwise 'BenchBot.step' will throw an exception trying to
        execute an invalid action.

        The current list of possible actions (& required arguments) is
        available here:
        return None

    def save_result(self, filename, empty_results, results_format_fns):
        Method should write your results for the task to the file specified by
        'filename'. The method returns no value, so if there is any failure in
        writing results an exception should be raised.

        Results must be specified in the format defined by the current task
        (see 'BenchBot.config' for details). 

        The 'empty_results' argument is pre-populated with necessary fields
        common to all results ('environment_details' & 'task_details'), as well
        as the return of the results format's 'create' function.

        The 'results_format_fns' contains all of the functions defined for that
        format, and can be useful for specialist actions (e.g. creating objects
        in scene understanding object maps).
class Listening(ABCMeta('ABC', (), {})):
    # https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples/blob/
    # speech-continuous/speech/cloud-client/transcribe_streaming_indefinite.py
    DEFAULT_RATE = 16000
    DEFAULT_CHUNK = 1600
    DEFAULT_LANG = 'en-US'

    def __init__(self, rate = DEFAULT_RATE,
                 chunk = DEFAULT_CHUNK,
                 language_code = DEFAULT_LANG):
        # add google auth info for speech recognition (assuming file location)
        auth_location = real_dirname() + '/google-speech-recog-auth.json'
        os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = auth_location
        # add instance variables
        self._rate = rate
        self._chunk = int(self._rate / 10)
        self.language_code = language_code

    def process_speech(transcript):

    def config_and_start(self, wake_word):
        client = speech.SpeechClient()
        config = types.RecognitionConfig(
                encoding = enums.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16,
                sample_rate_hertz = self._rate,
                language_code = self.language_code)
        streaming_config = types.StreamingRecognitionConfig(
                config = config,
                interim_results = True)
        with MicrophoneStream(self._rate, self._chunk) as stream:
            audio_generator = stream.generator()
            requests = (types.StreamingRecognizeRequest(audio_content = audio)
                        for audio in audio_generator)
            responses = client.streaming_recognize(streaming_config, requests)
            self._transcription_loop(responses, wake_word)

    def _transcription_loop(self, responses, wake_word):
        num_chars_printed = 0
        if responses:
            for response in responses:
                if not response.results:
                result = response.results[0]
                if not result.alternatives:
                transcript = result.alternatives[0].transcript
                # Only process responses if they have the wake word
                if lazy_regex_search(wake_word, transcript):
                    if result.is_final:
                        if lazy_regex_search('QUIT', transcript):  # ask to quit
    def register(cls, symbol, **kwargs):
        Register/update a token class in the symbol table.

        :param symbol: The identifier symbol for a new class or an existent token class.
        :param kwargs: Optional attributes/methods for the token class.
        :return: A token class.
                if ' ' in symbol:
                    raise ValueError("%r: a symbol can't contain whitespaces" % symbol)
            except TypeError:
                assert isinstance(symbol, type) and issubclass(symbol, Token), \
                    "A %r subclass requested, not %r." % (Token, symbol)
                symbol, token_class = symbol.symbol, symbol
                assert symbol in cls.symbol_table and cls.symbol_table[symbol] is token_class, \
                    "Token class %r is not registered." % token_class
                token_class = cls.symbol_table[symbol]

        except KeyError:
            # Register a new symbol and create a new custom class. The new class
            # name is registered at parser class's module level.
            if symbol not in cls.SYMBOLS:
                raise NameError('%r is not a symbol of the parser %r.' % (symbol, cls))

            kwargs['symbol'] = symbol
            label = kwargs.get('label', 'symbol')
            if isinstance(label, tuple):
                label = kwargs['label'] = MultiLabel(*label)

            token_class_name = "_{}{}".format(
                symbol_to_classname(symbol), str(label).title().replace(' ', '')
            token_class_bases = kwargs.get('bases', (cls.token_base_class,))
                '__module__': cls.__module__,
                '__qualname__': token_class_name,
                '__return__': None
            token_class = ABCMeta(token_class_name, token_class_bases, kwargs)
            cls.symbol_table[symbol] = token_class
            setattr(sys.modules[cls.__module__], token_class_name, token_class)

            for key, value in kwargs.items():
                if key == 'lbp' and value > token_class.lbp:
                    token_class.lbp = value
                elif key == 'rbp' and value > token_class.rbp:
                    token_class.rbp = value
                elif callable(value):
                    setattr(token_class, key, value)

        return token_class
Exemple #8
class UnionWithImportsVisitor(ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {})):
    def _string(self, string):
        # type: (str) -> Any

    def _imported(self, imported):
        # type: (AnyMapExample) -> Any
class Subcommand(ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ),
                          ()})):  # compatible metaclass with Python 2 *and* 3
    Abstract base class for cli subcommands
    def help(self):
        Help text to display at the cli for the subcommand
        :rtype: str

    def name(self):
        Name of the subcommand, used as the argument to identify the subcommand
        on the command line
        :rtype: str

    def parents(self):
        List of parent :class:`argparser.ArgumentParser` instances whose
        options should be included for the subcommand.

        :rtype: list(argparse.ArgumentParser) or \
            tuple(argparse.ArgumentParser) or \
        return ()

    def add_parser_args(self, parser):
        Method invoked with the :class:`argparser.ArgumentParser` added to the
        base parser for this subcommand. In this method call, the subcommand
        can add any extra subcommand-specific arguments to the parser before
        the cli processes them.

        :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: the subcommand parser

    def execute(self, args):
        Execution entry point for the subcommand. This method is called when
        the `name` of this subcommand is entered in the cli args
        :param argparse.Namespace args: arguments supplied to the subcommand
Exemple #10
def test_cachedproperty_maintains_func_abstraction():
    ABC = ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {})

    class AbstractExpensiveCalculator(ABC):
        def calculate(self):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemple #11
def abstractclass(cls):
    """Abstract class decorator with compatibility for python 2 and 3."""
    orig_vars = cls.__dict__.copy()
    slots = orig_vars.get('__slots__')
    if slots is not None:
        if isinstance(slots, str):
            slots = [slots]
        for slots_var in slots:
    orig_vars.pop('__dict__', None)
    orig_vars.pop('__weakref__', None)
    return ABCMeta(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, orig_vars)
Exemple #12
class six(object):
    A light-weight version of six (which works on IronPython)
    PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
        from abc import ABC
    except ImportError:
        from abc import ABCMeta # type: ignore
        ABC = ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {'__module__':__name__, '__slots__':()}) # type: ignore

    # Be sure to use named-tuple access, so that usage is not affected
        getfullargspec = staticmethod(inspect.getfullargspec)
    except AttributeError:
        getfullargspec = staticmethod(inspect.getargspec) # extra fields will not be available

    if PY3:
        integer_types = (int,)
        string_types = (str,)
        MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize
        ascii = ascii  # @UndefinedVariable
        bytes = bytes  # @ReservedAssignment
        unicode_type = str

        def b(s):
            return s.encode("latin-1", "replace")
        def u(s):
            return s
        def get_method_function(m):
            return m.__func__
        integer_types = (int, long)
        string_types = (str, unicode)
        MAXSIZE = getattr(sys, "maxsize", sys.maxint)
        ascii = repr  # @ReservedAssignment
        bytes = str   # @ReservedAssignment
        unicode_type = unicode

        def b(st):
            return st
        def u(s):
            return s.decode("unicode-escape")
        def get_method_function(m):
            return m.im_func

    str = unicode_type
Exemple #13
class ParsedVideo(
        ABCMeta(native_str('ParsedVideoABCMeta'), (ParsedEntry, ), {})):
    _old_quality = None
    _assumed_quality = None

    def year(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def subtitle_languages(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def languages(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def quality2(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_3d(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def type(self):
        return 'video'

    def quality(self):
        if not self._old_quality:
            self._old_quality = self.quality2.to_old_quality(
        return self._old_quality

    def assume_quality(self, quality):
        self._assumed_quality = quality
        self._old_quality = None

    def assume_quality2(self, quality2):
        self._assumed_quality = quality2.to_old_quality()

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s(name=%s,year=%s,quality=%s)>" % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.year, self.quality)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        """Compares quality of parsed, if quality is equal, compares proper_count."""
        return cmp((self.quality), (other.quality))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self is other
Exemple #14
class Parser(ABCMeta(str('ParserABCMeta'), (object, ), {})):
    def parse(self, data, type_=None, name=None, **kwargs):
        :param data: string to parse
        :param type_: a PARSER_* type
        :param attended_name: an attended name, or None is unknown
        :raises ParseWarning

        :return: an instance of :class:`ParsedEntry`
        raise NotImplementedError
Exemple #15
    def test_abstract_subclasses(self):
        AbstractSubclass = ABCMeta('AbstractSubclass', (greenlet, ),
                                   {'run': abstractmethod(lambda self: None)})

        class BadSubclass(AbstractSubclass):

        class GoodSubclass(AbstractSubclass):
            def run(self):

        GoodSubclass()  # should not raise
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, BadSubclass)
Exemple #16
class ABCSpec(ABCMeta('APIMetaBase', (), {})):

    _endpoint = None
    _query = None
    _params = None
    Query = Query

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._params = ParamList()
        self._query = Query()
        self.initialized(*args, **kwargs)

    def __str__(self):
        Classes such as a HTTP requester that are trying to use this API spec class can invoke `__str__` on its instance to get a formatted URL.

    def initialized(self):

    def extended_params(self):
        When Spec is holding extra params for some reason, this property can be used for extending parameters of `query` object. For example,

            URL = '{s.endpoint}/{s.query}'.format(s=self)

        this could be extended by rewriting like below.

            URL = '{s.endpoint}/{s.query.resource}?{s.extended_params}'.format(s=self)
        if self._query and self._params:
            return self._query.params + self._params
        raise AttributeError(
            'Attribute both `query` and `params` should not be missing in order to extend.'

    def endpoint(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._endpoint = EndPoint(*args, **kwargs)
        return self

    def query(self, resource):
        return self.Query(resource=resource, spec=self)

    def add_param(self, key, val):
        self._params.add_param(key, val)
        return self
Exemple #17
 def create_restricted_parser(cls, name: str, symbols: Sequence[str]) \
         -> Type['XPath1Parser']:
     """Get a parser subclass with a restricted set of symbols.s"""
     _symbols = frozenset(symbols)
     symbol_table = {
         k: v
         for k, v in cls.symbol_table.items() if k in _symbols
     return cast(
         ABCMeta(f"{name}{cls.__name__}", (cls, ), {
             'symbol_table': symbol_table,
             'SYMBOLS': _symbols
    def schema_constructor(self, atomic_type_name: str, bp: int = 90) \
            -> Type[XPathFunction]:
        """Registers a token class for a schema atomic type constructor function."""
        if atomic_type_name in (XSD_ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE, XSD_NOTATION):
            raise xpath_error('XPST0080')

        def nud_(self_: XPathFunction) -> XPathFunction:
            self_[0:] = self_.parser.expression(5),

                self_.value = self_.evaluate()  # Static context evaluation
            except MissingContextError:
                self_.value = None
            return self_

        def evaluate_(self_: XPathFunction, context: Optional[XPathContext] = None) \
                -> Union[List[None], AtomicValueType]:
            arg = self_.get_argument(context)
            if arg is None or self_.parser.schema is None:
                return []

            value = self_.string_value(arg)
                return self_.parser.schema.cast_as(value, atomic_type_name)
            except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
                raise self_.error('FORG0001', err)

        symbol = get_prefixed_name(atomic_type_name, self.namespaces)
        token_class_name = "_%sConstructorFunction" % symbol.replace(':', '_')
        kwargs = {
            'symbol': symbol,
            'nargs': 1,
            'label': 'constructor function',
            'pattern': r'\b%s(?=\s*\(|\s*\(\:.*\:\)\()' % symbol,
            'lbp': bp,
            'rbp': bp,
            'nud': nud_,
            'evaluate': evaluate_,
            '__module__': self.__module__,
            '__qualname__': token_class_name,
            '__return__': None
        token_class = cast(
            ABCMeta(token_class_name, (XPathFunction, ), kwargs))
        self.symbol_table[symbol] = token_class
        return token_class
Exemple #19
def _():
    MyType = ABCMeta(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        (object, ),

    class MyRecord(Record):
        value = MyType

Exemple #20
def test_cachedmethod_maintains_func_abstraction():
    ABC = ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {})

    class Car(ABC):
        def __init__(self, cache=None):
            self.h_cache = LRI() if cache is None else cache
            self.hand_count = 0

        def hand(self, *a, **kw):
            self.hand_count += 1

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemple #21
class ParsedMovie(ABCMeta(str('ParsedMovieABCMeta'), (ParsedVideo, ), {})):
    def parsed_name(self):
        return self.title

    def type(self):
        return 'movie'

    def title(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def is_movie(self):
        return True
Exemple #22
    def schema_constructor(self, atomic_type, bp=90):
        """Registers a token class for a schema atomic type constructor function."""
        if atomic_type in {XSD_ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE, XSD_NOTATION}:
            raise xpath_error('XPST0080')

        def nud_(self_):
            self_[0:] = self_.parser.expression(5),

                self_.value = self_.evaluate()  # Static context evaluation
            except MissingContextError:
                self_.value = None
            return self_

        def evaluate_(self_, context=None):
            arg = self_.get_argument(context)
            if arg is None:
                return []

            value = self_.string_value(arg)
                return self_.parser.schema.cast_as(value, atomic_type)
            except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
                raise self_.error('FORG0001', err)

        symbol = get_prefixed_name(atomic_type, self.namespaces)
        token_class_name = str("_%s_constructor_token" %
                               symbol.replace(':', '_'))
        kwargs = {
            'symbol': symbol,
            'label': 'constructor function',
            'pattern': r'\b%s(?=\s*\(|\s*\(\:.*\:\)\()' % symbol,
            'lbp': bp,
            'rbp': bp,
            'nud': nud_,
            'evaluate': evaluate_,
            '__module__': self.__module__,
            '__qualname__': token_class_name,
            '__return__': None
        token_class = ABCMeta(token_class_name, (self.token_base_class, ),
        self.symbol_table[symbol] = token_class
        return token_class
Exemple #23
class six(object):
    A light-weight version of six (which works on IronPython)
    PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
    ABC = ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {'__module__': __name__})

    if PY3:
        integer_types = (int, )
        string_types = (str, )
        MAXSIZE = sys.maxsize
        ascii = ascii  # @UndefinedVariable
        bytes = bytes  # @ReservedAssignment
        unicode_type = str

        def b(s):
            return s.encode("latin-1", "replace")

        def u(s):
            return s

        def get_method_function(m):
            return m.__func__
        integer_types = (int, long)
        string_types = (str, unicode)
        MAXSIZE = getattr(sys, "maxsize", sys.maxint)
        ascii = repr  # @ReservedAssignment
        bytes = str  # @ReservedAssignment
        unicode_type = unicode

        def b(st):
            return st

        def u(s):
            return s.decode("unicode-escape")

        def get_method_function(m):
            return m.im_func
Exemple #24
def _new_in_ver(name, ver,
    if ver:
        return getattr(abc, name)

    # TODO: It's a shame to have to repeat the bases when
    # the ABC is missing. Can we DRY that?
    missing = ABCMeta(name, bases_if_missing, {
        '__doc__': "The ABC %s is not defined in this version of Python." % (

    for c in register_if_missing:

    return missing
Exemple #25
class ParsedVideoQuality(
        ABCMeta(native_str('ParsedVideoQualityABCMeta'), (object, ), {})):
    def screen_size(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def source(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def format(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def video_codec(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def video_profile(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def audio_codec(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def audio_profile(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def audio_channels(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_old_quality(self, assumed_quality=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s(screen_size=%s,source=%s,video_codec=%s,audio_channels=%s)>" % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.screen_size, self.source,
            self.video_codec, self.audio_channels)
Exemple #26
class MessageSink(ABCMeta('ABCMeta', (object, ), {})):
    """A base class for all message sinks.

  MessageSinks form a cooperative linked list, which each sink calling the
  next sink in the chain once it's processing is complete.
    __slots__ = '_next',

    def __init__(self):
        super(MessageSink, self).__init__()
        self._next = None

    def next_sink(self):
        """The next sink in the chain."""
        return self._next

    def next_sink(self, value):
        self._next = value
Exemple #27
    def decorator(clazz):
        assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz

        calls = []
        for name, function in clazz.__dict__.items():
            if isfunction(function):
                except AttributeError:
                    raise DevelError('No call for method at:\n%s' %
                del function._ally_call

        services = [typeFor(base) for base in clazz.__bases__]
        services = [
            typ.service for typ in services if isinstance(typ, TypeService)
        names = {call.name for call in calls}
        for srv in services:
            assert isinstance(srv, Service)
            for name, call in srv.calls.items():
                assert isinstance(call, Call)
                if name not in names:
                    calls.append(processGenericCall(call, generic))

        service = Service(calls)
        if type(clazz) != ABCMeta:
            attributes = dict(clazz.__dict__)
                '__dict__', None
            )  # Removing __dict__ since is a reference to the old class dictionary.
            attributes.pop('__weakref__', None)
            clazz = ABCMeta(clazz.__name__, clazz.__bases__, attributes)
        abstract = set(clazz.__abstractmethods__)
        clazz.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(abstract)

        clazz._ally_type = TypeService(clazz, service)
        # This specified the detected type for the model class by using 'typeFor'
        return clazz
class Item(ABCMeta('ABC', (object, ), {'__slots__': ()})):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.active = True
        self.id = id(self)
        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.logic_attribute_name_list = [
            'logic_attribute_name_list', 'name', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'alive'

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = self.__dict__.copy()
        newstate = {k: state[k] for k in self.logic_attribute_name_list}
        return newstate

    def __setstate__(self, state):

    def use(self, benefitor):
Exemple #29
def processAsService(clazz, service):
    Processes the provided class as a service.
    @param clazz: class
        The class to be processed.
    @param service: TypeService
        The service to process with.
    @return: class
        The processed class.
    assert isclass(clazz), 'Invalid class %s' % clazz
    assert isinstance(service, TypeService), 'Invalid service %s' % service

    if type(clazz) != ABCMeta:
        attributes = dict(clazz.__dict__)
            '__dict__', None
        )  # Removing __dict__ since is a reference to the old class dictionary.
        attributes.pop('__weakref__', None)
        clazz = service.clazz = ABCMeta(clazz.__name__, clazz.__bases__,

    abstract = set(clazz.__abstractmethods__)

    clazz.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(abstract)
    for name, callType in service.calls.items():
        callAPI = CallAPI(callType)
        callAPI.__isabstractmethod__ = True  # Flag that notifies the ABCMeta that is is an actual abstract method.
        # We provide the original function code and name.
        callAPI.__code__ = getattr(clazz, name).__code__
        callAPI.__name__ = getattr(clazz, name).__name__
        updateWrapper(callAPI, getattr(clazz, name))
        setattr(clazz, name, callAPI)

    return clazz
Exemple #30
# For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                                #
# For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.                    #

import functools
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod

import ROOT
from DistRDF.Backends import Utils
from DistRDF.HeadNode import TreeHeadNode

# Abstract class declaration
# This ensures compatibility between Python 2 and 3 versions, since in
# Python 2 there is no ABC class
ABC = ABCMeta("ABC", (object, ), {})

class BaseBackend(ABC):
    Base class for RDataFrame distributed backends.

        supported_operations (list): List of operations supported by the
        initialization (function): Store user's initialization method, if
        headers (list): List of headers that need to be declared for the
        shared_libraries (list): List of shared libraries needed for the