Exemple #1
def iabel_basex_transform(Q0):
    # basex requires a whole image
    IM = put_image_quadrants((Q0, Q0, Q0, Q0), odd_size=True)
    print ("basex uses whole image reconstructed from Q0 shape ",IM.shape)
    rows, cols = IM.shape
    center = (rows//2+rows%2, cols//2+cols%2)
    AIM = BASEX (IM, center, n=rows, verbose=True)
    return get_image_quadrants(AIM)[0]  # only return Q0
Exemple #2
def iabel_basex_transform(Q0):
    # basex requires a whole image
    IM = put_image_quadrants((Q0, Q0, Q0, Q0), odd_size=True)
    print("basex uses whole image reconstructed from Q0 shape ", IM.shape)
    rows, cols = IM.shape
    center = (rows // 2 + rows % 2, cols // 2 + cols % 2)
    AIM = BASEX(IM, center, n=rows, verbose=True)
    return get_image_quadrants(AIM)[0]  # only return Q0
Exemple #3
ntrans = np.size(transforms.keys())  # number of transforms

# Image:   O2- VMI 1024x1024 pixel ------------------
IM = np.loadtxt('data/O2-ANU1024.txt.bz2')
# this is even size, all methods except 'onion' require an odd-size

# recenter the image to an odd size

IModd, offset = find_image_center_by_slice (IM, radial_range=(300,400))
np.savetxt("O2-ANU1023.txt", IModd)

h, w = IModd.shape
print ("centered image 'data/O2-ANU2048.txt' shape = {:d}x{:d}".format(h,w))

Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 = get_image_quadrants (IModd, reorient=True)
Q0fresh = Q0.copy()    # keep clean copy
print ("quadrant shape {}".format(Q0.shape))

# Intensity mask used for intensity normalization
#   quadrant image region of bright pixels 

mask = np.zeros(Q0.shape,dtype=bool)
mask[500:512, 358:365] = True   

# process Q0 quadrant using each method --------------------

iabelQ = []  # keep inverse Abel transformed image
Exemple #4
transforms = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(transforms.items()))
ntrans = np.size(transforms.keys())  # number of transforms

# Image:   O2- VMI 1024x1024 pixel ------------------
IM = np.loadtxt('data/O2-ANU1024.txt.bz2')
# this is even size, all methods except 'onion' require an odd-size

# recenter the image to an odd size

IModd, offset = find_image_center_by_slice(IM, radial_range=(300, 400))
np.savetxt("O2-ANU1023.txt", IModd)

h, w = IModd.shape
print("centered image 'data/O2-ANU2048.txt' shape = {:d}x{:d}".format(h, w))

Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 = get_image_quadrants(IModd, reorient=True)
Q0fresh = Q0.copy()  # keep clean copy
print("quadrant shape {}".format(Q0.shape))

# Intensity mask used for intensity normalization
#   quadrant image region of bright pixels

mask = np.zeros(Q0.shape, dtype=bool)
mask[500:512, 358:365] = True

# process Q0 quadrant using each method --------------------

iabelQ = []  # keep inverse Abel transformed image

for q, method in enumerate(transforms.keys()):