Exemple #1
    def setUp(self):
        R = QQ['x,y']
        x, y = R.gens()

        f1 = y**2 - x
        self.f1 = f1
        self.X1 = RiemannSurface(f1)

        f2 = y**3 - x
        self.f2 = f2
        self.X2 = RiemannSurface(f2)
    def setUp(self):
        R = QQ['x,y']
        x,y = R.gens()

        f1 = y**2 - x
        self.f1 = f1
        self.X1 = RiemannSurface(f1)

        f2 = y**2 - (x**2 + 1)
        self.f2 = f2
        self.X2 = RiemannSurface(f2)

        f3 = y**2 - (x**4 - 1)
        self.f3 = f3
        self.X3 = RiemannSurface(f3)
Exemple #3
    def test_hyperelliptic_regular_places(self):
        R = QQ['x,y']
        x, y = R.gens()
        X = RiemannSurface(y**2 - (x + 1) * (x - 1) * (x - 2) * (x + 2))
        omegas = differentials(X)

        # the places above x=0 are regular
        places = X(0)
        for P in places:
            a, b = P.x, P.y
            for omega in omegas:
                omega_P = omega.centered_at_place(P)
                val1 = omega(a, b)
                val2 = omega_P(CC(0))
                self.assertLess(abs(val1 - val2), 1e-8)

        # the places above x=oo are regular: P = (1/t, \pm 1/t**2 + O(1))
        # (however, all places at infinity are treated as discriminant)
        # in this particular example, omega[0] = 1/(2*y). At the places at
        # infinity, these are equal to \mp 0.5, respectively. (the switch in
        # sign comes from the derivative dxdt = -1/t**2)
        places = X('oo')
        for P in places:
            sign = P.puiseux_series.ypart[-2]
            for omega in omegas:
                omega_P = omega.centered_at_place(P)
                val1 = -sign * 0.5
                val2 = omega_P(CC(0))
                self.assertLess(abs(val1 - val2), 1e-8)
Exemple #4
    def test_f1_regular_places(self):
        X = RiemannSurface(self.f1)
        omegas = differentials(X)

        # the places above x=-1 are regular
        places = X(-1)
        for P in places:
            a, b = P.x, P.y
            for omega in omegas:
                omega_P = omega.centered_at_place(P)
                val1 = omega(a, b)
                val2 = omega_P(CC(0))
                self.assertLess(abs(val1 - val2), 1e-8)
    def test_f2_from_cycle_issue(self):
        # there is an unlabeled issue with the construction of certain cycles
        # on the curve f2. it turned out that RiemannSurfacePath_from_cycle had
        # incorrectly created a ComplexPath from the segments
        # this tests is here just to assert that no errors are raised or that
        # the calculation doesn't time out
        R = QQ['x,y']
        x,y = R.gens()
        f = -x**7 + 2*x**3*y + y**3

        X = RiemannSurface(f)
        PF = X.path_factory
        a_tuples = PF.skeleton.a_cycles()
        b_tuples = PF.skeleton.b_cycles()
        for cycle in a_tuples + b_tuples:
            gamma = PF.RiemannSurfacePath_from_cycle(cycle)
 def setUp(self):
     R = QQ['x,y']; x,y = R.gens()
     f43 = y**3*((y**4-16)**2 - 2*x) - x**12
     self.f43 = f43
     self.X43 = RiemannSurface(f43)
     _ = self.X43.discriminant_points
Exemple #7
    f1 = (x**2 - x + 1)*y**2 - 2*x**2*y + x**4
    f2 = -x**7 + 2*x**3*y + y**3
    f3 = (y**2-x**2)*(x-1)*(2*x-3) - 4*(x**2+y**2-2*x)**2
    f4 = y**2 + x**3 - x**2
    f5 = (x**2 + y**2)**3 + 3*x**2*y - y**3
    f6 = y**4 - y**2*x + x**2
    f7 = y**3 - (x**3 + y)**2 + 1
    f8 = (x**6)*y**3 + 2*x**3*y - 1
    f9 = 2*x**7*y + 2*x**7 + y**3 + 3*y**2 + 3*y
    f10 = (x**3)*y**4 + 4*x**2*y**2 + 2*x**3*y - 1
    f11 = y**2 - (x-2)*(x-1)*(x+1)*(x+2)
    f12 = x**4 + y**4 - 1

    f = f2

    X = RiemannSurface(f,x,y)
    print '=== base point ==='
    print X.base_point()

    print '\n=== base sheets ==='
    print X.base_sheets()

    PF = X.PF

    # print '\n=== plotting x-path ==='
    # t = linspace(0,1,32)
    # gamma.plot_x(t)
    print '\n=== branch_points ==='
    b = PF.branch_points()
    print b