def all_are_positive_integer_powers_of_two(expr):
    '''Is true when `expr` is a sequence and all elements in `expr`
    are positive integer powers of two.


        >>> mathtools.all_are_nonnegative_integer_powers_of_two([1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 32, 32])

    Is true when `expr` is an empty sequence:


        >>> mathtools.all_are_nonnegative_integer_powers_of_two([])

    Otherwise false:


        >>> mathtools.all_are_nonnegative_integer_powers_of_two(17)

    Returns true or false.
    from import mathtools

        return all(
            mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(x) for x in expr
    except TypeError:
        return False
 def _make_container(self, division):
     from import rhythmmakertools
     duration_spelling_specifier = self._get_duration_spelling_specifier()
     forbidden_written_duration = \
     time_signature = indicatortools.TimeSignature(division)
     implied_prolation = time_signature.implied_prolation
     numerator, denominator = division.pair
     denominator = mathtools.greatest_power_of_two_less_equal(denominator)
     assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator)
     exponent = self.exponent or 0
     denominator_multiplier = 2 ** exponent
     denominator *= denominator_multiplier
     unit_duration = durationtools.Duration(1, denominator)
     if forbidden_written_duration is not None:
         multiplier = 1
         while forbidden_written_duration <= unit_duration:
             unit_duration /= 2
             multiplier *= 2
         numerator *= multiplier
     numerator *= denominator_multiplier
     notes = scoretools.make_notes(numerator * [0], [unit_duration])
     if implied_prolation == 1:
         result = scoretools.Container(notes)
         multiplier = implied_prolation
         result = scoretools.Tuplet(multiplier, notes)
     return result
Exemple #3
 def _make_container(self, division):
     from import rhythmmakertools
     duration_spelling_specifier = self.duration_spelling_specifier
     if duration_spelling_specifier is None:
         duration_spelling_specifier = \
     forbidden_written_duration = \
     time_signature = indicatortools.TimeSignature(division)
     implied_prolation = time_signature.implied_prolation
     numerator, denominator = division.pair
     denominator = mathtools.greatest_power_of_two_less_equal(denominator)
     assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator)
     exponent = self.exponent or 0
     denominator_multiplier = 2**exponent
     denominator *= denominator_multiplier
     unit_duration = durationtools.Duration(1, denominator)
     if forbidden_written_duration is not None:
         multiplier = 1
         while forbidden_written_duration <= unit_duration:
             unit_duration /= 2
             multiplier *= 2
         numerator *= multiplier
     numerator *= denominator_multiplier
     notes = scoretools.make_notes(numerator * [0], [unit_duration])
     if implied_prolation == 1:
         result = scoretools.Container(notes)
         multiplier = implied_prolation
         result = scoretools.Tuplet(multiplier, notes)
     return result
def all_are_positive_integer_powers_of_two(expr):
    '''Is true when `expr` is a sequence and all elements in `expr`
    are positive integer powers of two.


        >>> mathtools.all_are_nonnegative_integer_powers_of_two([1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 32, 32])

    Is true when `expr` is an empty sequence:


        >>> mathtools.all_are_nonnegative_integer_powers_of_two([])

    Otherwise false:


        >>> mathtools.all_are_nonnegative_integer_powers_of_two(17)

    Returns true or false.
    from import mathtools

        return all(mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(x) for x in expr)
    except TypeError:
        return False
Exemple #5
 def _make_music(self, divisions, seeds):
     #assert not seeds, repr(seeds)
     if seeds is None:
         seeds = 0
     selections = []
     divisions = [durationtools.Division(_) for _ in divisions]
     denominators = datastructuretools.CyclicTuple(self.denominators)
     extra_counts_per_division = self.extra_counts_per_division or (0,)
     extra_counts_per_division = datastructuretools.CyclicTuple(
     for i, division in enumerate(divisions, seeds):
         # not yet extended to work with non-power-of-two divisions
         assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(
             division.denominator), repr(division)
         denominator = denominators[i]
         extra_count = extra_counts_per_division[i]
         basic_duration = durationtools.Duration(1, denominator)
         unprolated_note_count = None
         if division < 2 * basic_duration:
             notes = scoretools.make_notes([0], [division])
             unprolated_note_count = division / basic_duration
             unprolated_note_count = int(unprolated_note_count)
             unprolated_note_count = unprolated_note_count or 1
             if 0 < extra_count:
                 modulus = unprolated_note_count
                 extra_count = extra_count % modulus
             elif extra_count < 0:
                 modulus = int(math.ceil(unprolated_note_count / 2.0))
                 extra_count = abs(extra_count) % modulus
                 extra_count *= -1
             note_count = unprolated_note_count + extra_count
             durations = note_count * [basic_duration]
             notes = scoretools.make_notes([0], durations)
             assert all(
                 _.written_duration.denominator == denominator
                 for _ in notes
         tuplet_duration = durationtools.Duration(division)
         tuplet = scoretools.FixedDurationTuplet(
         if unprolated_note_count is not None:
             preferred_denominator = unprolated_note_count
             tuplet.preferred_denominator = preferred_denominator
         selection = selectiontools.Selection(tuplet)
     return selections
Exemple #6
 def _make_container(self, division):
     numerator, denominator = division
     # eventually allow for non-power-of-two divisions
     assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator)
     denominator_multiplier = 2 ** self.denominator_multiplier_exponent
     denominator *= denominator_multiplier
     unit_duration = durationtools.Duration(1, denominator)
     numerator *= denominator_multiplier
     notes = scoretools.make_notes(numerator * [0], [unit_duration])
     container = scoretools.Container(notes)
     if self.beam_each_cell:
         beam = spannertools.MultipartBeam()
         attach(beam, container)
     return container
Exemple #7
    def generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(
        r'''Generate a dictionary of all offsets in a meter up
        to `denominator`, where the keys are the offsets and the values
        are the normalized weights of those offsets:


            >>> meter = \
            ...     metertools.Meter((4, 4))
            >>> kernel = \
            ...     meter.generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(8)
            >>> for offset, weight in sorted(kernel.kernel.iteritems()):
            ...     print '{!s}\t{!s}'.format(offset, weight)
            0       3/16
            1/8     1/16
            1/4     1/8
            3/8     1/16
            1/2     1/8
            5/8     1/16
            3/4     1/8
            7/8     1/16
            1       3/16

        This is useful for testing how strongly a collection of offsets
        responds to a given meter.

        Returns dictionary.
        from import metertools
        assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(
            denominator / self.denominator)

        inventory = list(self.depthwise_offset_inventory)
        old_flag_count = durationtools.Duration(1, self.denominator).flag_count
        new_flag_count = durationtools.Duration(1, denominator).flag_count
        extra_depth = new_flag_count - old_flag_count
        for _ in range(extra_depth):
            old_offsets = inventory[-1]
            new_offsets = []
            for first, second in \
                new_offsets.append((first + second) / 2)

        total = 0
        kernel = {}
        for offsets in inventory:
            for offset in offsets:
                if offset not in kernel:
                    kernel[offset] = 0
                kernel[offset] += 1
                total += 1

        if normalize:
            for offset, response in kernel.iteritems():
                kernel[offset] = durationtools.Multiplier(response, total)

        return metertools.MetricAccentKernel(kernel)
Exemple #8
    def _make_gridded_test_rhythm(grid_length, rhythm_number, denominator=16):
        r'''Make test rhythm number `rhythm_number` that fits `grid_length`.

        Returns selection of one or more possibly tied notes.

        ..  container:: example

            **Example 1.** The eight test rhythms that fit a length-``4``


                >>> from import Meter
                >>> for rhythm_number in range(8):
                ...     notes = Meter._make_gridded_test_rhythm(
                ...         4, rhythm_number, denominator=4)
                ...     measure = Measure((4, 4), notes)
                ...     print '{}\t{}'.format(rhythm_number, str(measure))
                0   |4/4 c'1|
                1   |4/4 c'2. c'4|
                2   |4/4 c'2 c'4 c'4|
                3   |4/4 c'2 c'2|
                4   |4/4 c'4 c'4 c'2|
                5   |4/4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4|
                6   |4/4 c'4 c'2 c'4|
                7   |4/4 c'4 c'2.|

        ..  container:: example

            **Example 2.** The sixteenth test rhythms for that a length-``5``


                >>> for rhythm_number in range(16):
                ...     notes = Meter._make_gridded_test_rhythm(
                ...         5, rhythm_number, denominator=4)
                ...     measure = Measure((5, 4), notes)
                ...     print '{}\t{}'.format(rhythm_number, str(measure))
                0   |5/4 c'1 ~ c'4|
                1   |5/4 c'1 c'4|
                2   |5/4 c'2. c'4 c'4|
                3   |5/4 c'2. c'2|
                4   |5/4 c'2 c'4 c'2|
                5   |5/4 c'2 c'4 c'4 c'4|
                6   |5/4 c'2 c'2 c'4|
                7   |5/4 c'2 c'2.|
                8   |5/4 c'4 c'4 c'2.|
                9   |5/4 c'4 c'4 c'2 c'4|
                10  |5/4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4|
                11  |5/4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2|
                12  |5/4 c'4 c'2 c'2|
                13  |5/4 c'4 c'2 c'4 c'4|
                14  |5/4 c'4 c'2. c'4|
                15  |5/4 c'4 c'1|

        Use for testing meter establishment.
        from import scoretools
        # check input
        assert mathtools.is_positive_integer(grid_length)
        assert isinstance(rhythm_number, int)
        assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator)
        # find count of all rhythms that fit grid length
        rhythm_count = 2 ** (grid_length - 1)
        # read rhythm number cyclically to allow large and
        # negative rhythm numbers
        rhythm_number = rhythm_number % rhythm_count
        # find binary representation of rhythm
        binary_representation = \
        binary_representation = binary_representation.zfill(grid_length)
        # partition binary representation of rhythm
        parts = sequencetools.partition_sequence_by_value_of_elements(
        # find durations
        durations = [
            durationtools.Duration(len(part), denominator)
            for part in parts
        # make notes
        notes = scoretools.make_notes([0], durations)
        # return notes
        return notes
Exemple #9
    def _make_gridded_test_rhythm(grid_length, rhythm_number, denominator=16):
        r'''Make test rhythm number `rhythm_number` that fits `grid_length`.

        Returns selection of one or more possibly tied notes.

        ..  container:: example

            **Example 1.** The eight test rhythms that fit a length-``4``


                >>> from import Meter
                >>> for rhythm_number in range(8):
                ...     notes = Meter._make_gridded_test_rhythm(
                ...         4, rhythm_number, denominator=4)
                ...     measure = Measure((4, 4), notes)
                ...     print('{}\t{}'.format(rhythm_number, str(measure)))
                0	Measure((4, 4), "c'1")
                1	Measure((4, 4), "c'2. c'4")
                2	Measure((4, 4), "c'2 c'4 c'4")
                3	Measure((4, 4), "c'2 c'2")
                4	Measure((4, 4), "c'4 c'4 c'2")
                5	Measure((4, 4), "c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4")
                6	Measure((4, 4), "c'4 c'2 c'4")
                7	Measure((4, 4), "c'4 c'2.")

        ..  container:: example

            **Example 2.** The sixteenth test rhythms for that a length-``5``


                >>> for rhythm_number in range(16):
                ...     notes = Meter._make_gridded_test_rhythm(
                ...         5, rhythm_number, denominator=4)
                ...     measure = Measure((5, 4), notes)
                ...     print('{}\t{}'.format(rhythm_number, str(measure)))
                0	Measure((5, 4), "c'1 ~ c'4")
                1	Measure((5, 4), "c'1 c'4")
                2	Measure((5, 4), "c'2. c'4 c'4")
                3	Measure((5, 4), "c'2. c'2")
                4	Measure((5, 4), "c'2 c'4 c'2")
                5	Measure((5, 4), "c'2 c'4 c'4 c'4")
                6	Measure((5, 4), "c'2 c'2 c'4")
                7	Measure((5, 4), "c'2 c'2.")
                8	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'4 c'2.")
                9	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'4 c'2 c'4")
                10	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4")
                11	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'4 c'4 c'2")
                12	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'2 c'2")
                13	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'2 c'4 c'4")
                14	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'2. c'4")
                15	Measure((5, 4), "c'4 c'1")

        Use for testing meter establishment.
        from import scoretools
        # check input
        assert mathtools.is_positive_integer(grid_length)
        assert isinstance(rhythm_number, int)
        assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator)
        # find count of all rhythms that fit grid length
        rhythm_count = 2**(grid_length - 1)
        # read rhythm number cyclically to allow large and
        # negative rhythm numbers
        rhythm_number = rhythm_number % rhythm_count
        # find binary representation of rhythm
        binary_representation = \
        binary_representation = binary_representation.zfill(grid_length)
        # partition binary representation of rhythm
        parts = sequencetools.partition_sequence_by_value_of_elements(
        # find durations
        durations = [
            durationtools.Duration(len(part), denominator) for part in parts
        # make notes
        notes = scoretools.make_notes([0], durations)
        # return notes
        return notes
Exemple #10
    def generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(
        r'''Generates a dictionary of all offsets in a meter up
        to `denominator`.

        Keys are the offsets and the values are the normalized weights of
        those offsets.

        ..  container:: example


                >>> meter = metertools.Meter((4, 4))
                >>> kernel = meter.generate_offset_kernel_to_denominator(8)
                >>> for offset, weight in sorted(kernel.kernel.items()):
                ...     print('{!s}\t{!s}'.format(offset, weight))
                0       3/16
                1/8     1/16
                1/4     1/8
                3/8     1/16
                1/2     1/8
                5/8     1/16
                3/4     1/8
                7/8     1/16
                1       3/16

        This is useful for testing how strongly a collection of offsets
        responds to a given meter.

        Returns dictionary.
        from import metertools
        assert mathtools.is_positive_integer_power_of_two(denominator //

        inventory = list(self.depthwise_offset_inventory)
        old_flag_count = durationtools.Duration(1, self.denominator).flag_count
        new_flag_count = durationtools.Duration(1, denominator).flag_count
        extra_depth = new_flag_count - old_flag_count
        for _ in range(extra_depth):
            old_offsets = inventory[-1]
            new_offsets = []
            for first, second in \
                new_offsets.append((first + second) / 2)

        total = 0
        kernel = {}
        for offsets in inventory:
            for offset in offsets:
                if offset not in kernel:
                    kernel[offset] = 0
                kernel[offset] += 1
                total += 1

        if normalize:
            for offset, response in kernel.items():
                kernel[offset] = durationtools.Multiplier(response, total)

        return metertools.MetricAccentKernel(kernel)