def scan(self, scan: AbstractScan, detectors: Union[AbstractDetector, Sequence[AbstractDetector]], potential: Union[Atoms, AbstractPotential], max_batch: int = 1, pbar: bool = True) -> dict: """ Raster scan the probe across the potential and record a measurement for each detector. :param scan: Scan object defining the positions of the probe wave functions. :param detectors: The detectors recording the measurements. :param potential: The potential across which to scan the probe . :param max_batch: The probe batch size. Larger batches are faster, but require more memory. :param pbar: If true, display progress bars. :return: Dictionary of measurements with keys given by the detector. """ self.grid.match(potential.grid) self.grid.check_is_defined() if isinstance(detectors, AbstractDetector): detectors = [detectors] measurements = {} for detector in detectors: measurements[detector] = detector.allocate_measurement( self.grid, self.wavelength, scan) scan_bar = ProgressBar(total=len(scan), desc='Scan', disable=not pbar) if isinstance(potential, AbstractTDSPotentialBuilder): probe_generators = self._generate_tds_probes( scan, potential, max_batch, pbar) else: if isinstance(potential, AbstractPotentialBuilder): potential = probe_generators = [ self._generate_probes(scan, potential, max_batch) ] for probe_generator in probe_generators: scan_bar.reset() for start, end, exit_probes in probe_generator: for detector, measurement in measurements.items(): scan.insert_new_measurement(measurement, start, end, detector.detect(exit_probes)) scan_bar.update(end - start) scan_bar.refresh() scan_bar.close() return measurements
def multislice(self, potential: AbstractPotential, pbar: Union[ProgressBar, bool] = True) -> 'Waves': """ Propagate and transmit wave function through the provided potential. :param potential: The potential through which to propagate the wave function. :param pbar: If true, display a progress bar. :return: Wave function at the exit plane of the potential. """ self.grid.match(potential) propagator = FresnelPropagator() if isinstance(potential, AbstractTDSPotentialBuilder): xp = get_array_module(self.array) N = len(potential.frozen_phonons) out_array = xp.zeros((N, ) + self.array.shape, dtype=xp.complex64) tds_waves = self.__class__(out_array, extent=self.extent, tds_pbar = ProgressBar(total=N, desc='TDS', disable=(not pbar) or (N == 1)) multislice_pbar = ProgressBar(total=len(potential), desc='Multislice', disable=not pbar) for i, potential_config in enumerate( potential.generate_frozen_phonon_potentials(pbar=pbar)): multislice_pbar.reset() exit_waves = _multislice(copy(self), potential_config, propagator=propagator, pbar=multislice_pbar) tds_waves.array[i] = exit_waves.array tds_pbar.update(1) multislice_pbar.close() tds_pbar.close() return tds_waves else: return _multislice(self, potential, propagator, pbar)
def _run_epie(object, probe: np.ndarray, diffraction_patterns: np.ndarray, positions: np.ndarray, maxiter: int, alpha: float = 1., beta: float = 1., fix_probe: bool = False, fix_com: bool = False, return_iterations: bool = False, seed=None): xp = get_array_module(probe) object = xp.array(object) probe = xp.array(probe) if len(diffraction_patterns.shape) != 3: raise ValueError() if len(diffraction_patterns) != len(positions): raise ValueError() if object.shape == (2, ): object = xp.ones((int(object[0]), int(object[1])), dtype=xp.complex64) elif len(object.shape) != 2: raise ValueError() if probe.shape != diffraction_patterns.shape[1:]: raise ValueError() if probe.shape != object.shape: raise ValueError() if return_iterations: object_iterations = [] probe_iterations = [] SSE_iterations = [] if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) diffraction_patterns = np.fft.ifftshift(np.sqrt(diffraction_patterns), axes=(-2, -1)) SSE = 0. k = 0 outer_pbar = ProgressBar(total=maxiter) inner_pbar = ProgressBar(total=len(positions)) while k < maxiter: indices = np.arange(len(positions)) np.random.shuffle(indices) old_position = xp.array((0., 0.)) inner_pbar.reset() SSE = 0. for j in indices: position = xp.array(positions[j]) diffraction_pattern = xp.array(diffraction_patterns[j]) illuminated_object = fft_shift(object, old_position - position) g = illuminated_object * probe gprime = xp.fft.ifft2(diffraction_pattern * xp.exp(1j * xp.angle(xp.fft.fft2(g)))) object = illuminated_object + alpha * ( gprime - g) * xp.conj(probe) / (xp.max(xp.abs(probe))**2) old_position = position if not fix_probe: probe = probe + beta * ( gprime - g) * xp.conj(illuminated_object) / (xp.max( xp.abs(illuminated_object))**2) # SSE += xp.sum(xp.abs(G) ** 2 - diffraction_pattern) ** 2 inner_pbar.update(1) object = fft_shift(object, position) if fix_com: com = center_of_mass(xp.fft.fftshift(xp.abs(probe)**2)) probe = xp.fft.ifftshift(fft_shift(probe, -xp.array(com))) # SSE = SSE / if return_iterations: object_iterations.append(object) probe_iterations.append(probe) SSE_iterations.append(SSE) outer_pbar.update(1) # if verbose: # print(f'Iteration {k:<{len(str(maxiter))}}, SSE = {float(SSE):.3e}') k += 1 inner_pbar.close() outer_pbar.close() if return_iterations: return object_iterations, probe_iterations, SSE_iterations else: return object, probe, SSE
def scan(self, potential: Union[Atoms, AbstractPotential], scan: AbstractScan, detectors: Sequence[AbstractDetector], max_batch_probes: int = 1, max_batch_expansion: int = None, pbar: bool = True): self.grid.match(potential.grid) self.grid.check_is_defined() measurements = {} for detector in detectors: measurements[detector] = detector.allocate_measurement( self.interpolated_grid, self.wavelength, scan) if isinstance(potential, AbstractTDSPotentialBuilder): probe_generators = self._generate_tds_probes( scan, potential, max_batch_probes=max_batch_probes, max_batch_expansion=max_batch_expansion, potential_pbar=pbar, multislice_pbar=pbar) else: if isinstance(potential, AbstractPotentialBuilder): potential = S = self.multislice(potential, max_batch=max_batch_probes, pbar=pbar) probe_generators = [ S._generate_probes(scan, max_batch_probes, max_batch_expansion) ] tds_bar = ProgressBar(total=len(potential.frozen_phonons), desc='TDS', disable=(not pbar) or (len(potential.frozen_phonons) == 1)) scan_bar = ProgressBar(total=len(scan), desc='Scan', disable=not pbar) for probe_generator in probe_generators: scan_bar.reset() for start, end, exit_probes in probe_generator: for detector, measurement in measurements.items(): scan.insert_new_measurement(measurement, start, end, detector.detect(exit_probes)) scan_bar.update(end - start) scan_bar.refresh() tds_bar.update(1) scan_bar.close() tds_bar.refresh() tds_bar.close() return measurements