def setup(self): self.bandpoints = ibz_points['hexagonal'] self.bandpath = ['Gamma', 'M', 'K', 'Gamma'] if self.pot == 1: debug("graphene potential chosen:SiC_1994.tersoff") self.potential = 'pair_style tersoff\npair_coeff * * %s/SiC_1994.tersoff %s' % ( config.lammpspot, ' '.join(['C' for i in self.elements]))
def submit(self): cmd = "cd %s;qsub %s 2>&1" % (self.path, self.filename) tl.debug(cmd) print(cmd) x = self.ssh_cmd('xggong', 'cluster', cmd) # assert not x.strip()=='' tl.debug(x)
def run(): a = time.time() m = App().m # before cd tl.debug('one vasprun mv etc.:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) a = time.time() getVaspRun_lammps(m) tl.debug('one vasprun lmp:%f s' % (time.time() - a))
def check(self): jobdone = np.array( [tl.exists(job.path + "/done") for job in]) tl.debug('entering loop waiting for vasp...') while not jobdone.all(): time.sleep(3) jobdone = np.array( [tl.exists(job.path + "/done") for job in]) # debug(paths[jobdone]) tl.debug('done')
def setup(self): self.bandpoints = { 'K': [0.5, 0.5, 0], 'Gamma': [0, 0, 0], 'X': [0.5, 0.0, 0], 'Y': [0.0, 0.5, 0] } self.bandpath = ['X', 'Gamma', 'Y'] tl.debug("graphene potential chosen:Si.tersoff.mod") self.potential = 'pair_style tersoff/mod\n' +\ 'pair_coeff * * %s/Si.tersoff.mod Si' % ( config.lammpspot)
def run(self): m = self.m a = time.time() self.generate_supercells() debug('generate_supercells:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) files = shell_exec("ls *-*").split('\n') assert len(files) > 0 and not files[0] == "" # self.runSPOSCAR() a = time.time() self.getvasprun(files) debug('getvasprun:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) a = time.time() self.fc2() debug('force_constant:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) if m.phofc: return self self.postp()
def generate(self): m = self.m self.minimizePOSCAR() a = time.time() self.generate_supercells() tl.debug('generate_supercells:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) tl.shell_exec("rm *-*") tl.cp("SPOSCAR", "POSCAR001") a = time.time() files = ['POSCAR001'] self.getvasprun(files) tl.debug('getvasprun:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) a = time.time() self.force_constant() tl.debug('force_constant:%f s' % (time.time() - a)) if m.phofc: return self self.postp()
def ssh_cmd(self, user, ip, cmd): passwd = 'AdminYu@224' ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh %s@%s "%s"' % (user, ip, cmd)) try: i = ssh.expect( ['password:'******'continue connecting (yes/no)?'], timeout=5) if i == 0: ssh.sendline(passwd) elif i == 1: ssh.sendline('yes') ssh.expect('password: ') ssh.sendline(passwd) except pexpect.EOF: tl.debug("EOF") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: tl.debug("TIMEOUT") else: r = tl.debug(r) ssh.close()
def ssh_cmd(self, user, ip, cmd): passwd = 'AdminYu@224' ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh %s@%s "%s"' % (user, ip, cmd)) try: i = ssh.expect(['password:'******'continue connecting (yes/no)?'], timeout=5) if i == 0: ssh.sendline(passwd) elif i == 1: ssh.sendline('yes') ssh.expect('password: ') ssh.sendline(passwd) except pexpect.EOF: tl.debug("EOF") except pexpect.TIMEOUT: tl.debug("TIMEOUT") else: r = tl.debug(r) ssh.close()
def generate(self): m = self.m hook = Hook() if m.method == 'nvt': nvtDevice(hook, m) elif m.method == 'muller': mpDevice(hook, m) elif m.method == 'inject': ijDevice(hook, m) elif m.method == 'greenkubo': gkDevice(hook, m) tl.debug("tcfactor=" + str(m.tcfactor)) # settings print("units %s" % m.units) print("dimension 3") pbcx = pbcy = pbcz = 's' if m.xp == 1: pbcx = 'p' if m.yp == 1: pbcy = 'p' if m.zp == 1: pbcz = 'p' print("boundary %s %s %s" % (pbcx, pbcy, pbcz)) print("atom_style atomic") print("read_restart minimize/restart.minimize") print("change_box all boundary %s %s %s" % (pbcx, pbcy, pbcz)) print("lattice fcc 5") # needed to define the regions print("thermo %d" % m.dumpRate) print("thermo_modify lost warn") print("timestep %f" % m.timestep) # regions and groups hook.doAction('region') # computes print("compute ke all ke/atom") print("compute pe all pe/atom") print("compute stress all stress/atom NULL virial") print("compute jflux all heat/flux ke pe stress") hook.doAction('compute') # variables hook.doAction('variable') # init atoms to T print(m.masses) print(m.potential) print("reset_timestep 0") print("velocity all create %f %d mom yes rot yes dist gaussian" % (m.T, m.seed)) if m.dimension == 1: print("velocity all set NULL 0.0 0.0 units box") elif m.dimension == 2: print("velocity all set NULL NULL 0.0 units box") hook.doAction('equ') # /* 定时输出dump文件并按id排序*/ if (m.dumpxyz): print("dump dump1 all atom %d dump.lammpstrj" % (m.dumpRate)) print("dump_modify dump1 sort id") print("run %d" % m.equTime) print("unfix getEqu") print("reset_timestep 0") hook.doAction('elimination') print("fix flux_out all ave/time 1 " + "%d %d c_jflux[1] c_jflux[2] c_jflux[3] file flux.txt " % (m.aveRate, m.aveRate)) print("variable T_atom atom c_ke/(1.5*%f)" % m.kb) print("fix T_atom all ave/atom 1 %d %d v_T_atom " % (m.aveRate, m.aveRate)) print("dump dump_T all custom %d dump.T type xs ys zs f_T_atom" % (m.dumpRate)) hook.doAction('temp') hook.doAction('flux') hook.doAction('swap') # /* 定时输出速度文件用于计算速度关联函数*/ if (m.dumpv): print("dump dump2 all custom %d dump.velocity type vx vy vz" % (m.dumpRate)) print("dump_modify dump2 sort id") if m.dimension == 1: print("fix 1d1 all setforce NULL 0. 0.") print("run %d" % (m.runTime))