def ensure_win_exists(self): no_shared_buffer = self.buf_nr is None has_no_window = no_shared_buffer or self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr( self.buf_nr) == -1 log_debug("buf_nr is {}", self.buf_nr) log_debug("has window? {}", has_no_window) if no_shared_buffer or has_no_window: self.random = random.randint(0, 100) cmds = [ 'file acid://meta-repl-{}'.format(self.random), 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader><CR> :e<CR>', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader><localleader> kdggjdG', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>D kdgg', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>d jdG', ] self.buf_nr = build_window( self.nvim, close=1, commands=cmds, throwaway=1, ) log_debug("Set buf_nr to {}", self.buf_nr)
def ensure_cmd_win_exists(self): use_cmd_win = bool( self.nvim.vars.get('acid_meta_repl_use_cmd_window', False)) log_debug("use cmd win? is {}", self.use_cmd_win) if use_cmd_win: no_cmd = self.cmd_buf_nr is None has_no_cmd_window = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.cmd_buf_nr) == -1 if no_cmd or has_no_cmd_window: send = """:call AcidSendNrepl({ 'op': 'eval', 'code': join(getline(1, '$'), '\\n') }, 'MetaRepl')<CR>""".splitlines() send = "map <buffer> <silent> <localleader><CR> {}".format( "".join(map(str.strip, send))) meta_repl_window = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.buf_nr) nvim.command("{} wincmd w".format(meta_repl_window)) self.cmd_buf_nr = build_window( self.nvim, close=1, throwaway=1, orientation="rightbelow 20 split", commands=[ 'file acid://meta-repl-{}/scratchpad'.format( self.random), 'set ft=clojure', send, "let b:acid_ns_strategy='ns:user'" ])
def on_handle(self, msg, *_): if 'no-info' in msg.get('status', []): warning(self.nvim, "No information for symbol") return try: lines = self.transform(msg) except Exception as e: warning(self.nvim, "Couldn't transform msg into doc.") log_error(e) return no_doc_buffer = self.doc_buf_nr is None buf_win_nr = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.doc_buf_nr) doc_len = len(lines) if no_doc_buffer or buf_win_nr == -1: cmds = ['file acid://doc', 'wincmd p'] self.doc_buf_nr = build_window( self.nvim, close=1, commands=cmds, throwaway=1, orientation="leftabove {} split".format(doc_len)) else: self.nvim.command('{} wincmd w | resize {} | wincmd p'.format( buf_win_nr, doc_len)) log_debug(lines) self.nvim.buffers[self.doc_buf_nr][:] = lines
def on_pre_handle(self, *_): no_shared_buffer = self.buf_nr is None has_no_window = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.buf_nr) == -1 if no_shared_buffer or has_no_window: cmds = ['file acid://meta-repl', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader><CR> :e<CR>', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader><localleader> kdggjdG', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>D kdgg', 'nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>d jdG',] if self.nvim.funcs.exists(':AnsiEsc'): cmds.append('AnsiEsc') self.buf_nr = build_window( self.nvim, close=1, commands=cmds, throwaway=1 ) use_cmd_win = bool(self.nvim.vars.get( 'acid_meta_repl_use_cmd_window', False )) if use_cmd_win: no_cmd = self.cmd_buf_nr is None has_no_cmd_window = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.cmd_buf_nr) == -1 if no_cmd or has_no_cmd_window: send = """:call AcidSendNrepl({ 'op': 'eval', 'code': join(getline(1, '$'), '\\n') }, 'MetaRepl')<CR>""".splitlines() send = "map <buffer> <silent> <localleader><CR> {}".format( "".join(map(str.strip, send)) ) meta_repl_window = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.buf_nr) nvim.command("{} wincmd w".format(meta_repl_window)) self.cmd_buf_nr = build_window( self.nvim, close=1, throwaway=1, orientation="rightbelow 20 split", commands=['file acid://scratchpad', 'set ft=clojure', send, "let b:acid_ns_strategy='ns:user'"] )
def prepare_payload(self): send = "map <buffer> <silent> <localleader><CR> {}".format("".join( map( str.strip, """:call AcidSendNrepl({'op': 'eval', 'code': join(getline(1, '$'), '\\n')}, 'MetaRepl') <CR>""".splitlines()))) cmds = [ 'file acid://scratch-buffer-{}'.format(random.randint(0, 100)), 'set ft=clojure', 'let b:acid_ns_strategy="ns:user"', 'nmap <buffer> <silent> q :bd! %<CR>', send, ] build_window( self.nvim, throwaway=1, orientation="rightbelow 20 split", commands=cmds, ) return None
def on_handle(self, msg, *_): if not 'no-info' in msg.get('status', []): name = msg['name'] ns = msg.get('ns', '') arglist = msg.get('arglists-str', []) doc = msg.get('doc', '') javadoc = msg.get('javadoc', '') added = msg.get('added', '') super_ = msg.get('super', '') modifiers = msg.get('modifiers', []) see_also = msg.get('see-also', []) interfaces = msg.get('interfaces', []) if arglist: fn_calls = ["({}{})".format(name, " {}".format(i) if i else "") for i in arglist[2:-2].split('] [')] else: fn_calls = [name] if see_also: see_also = ["{}".format(i) for i in see_also] docl = [i for i in [ " ".join(fn_calls), ns, modifiers, " ", javadoc, *doc.split('\n'), " ", added and "Since version {}".format(added), interfaces and "Implements: {}".format( ",".join(interfaces) ) or "", super_ and "Extends: {}".format(super_) or "", see_also and "See also:" or "", *see_also, ] if i ] no_doc_buffer = self.doc_buf_nr is None buf_win_nr = self.nvim.funcs.bufwinnr(self.doc_buf_nr) doc_len = len(docl) if no_doc_buffer or buf_win_nr == -1: cmds = ['file acid://doc', 'wincmd p', ] self.doc_buf_nr = build_window( self.nvim, close=1, commands=cmds, throwaway=1, orientation="leftabove {} split".format(doc_len) ) else: self.nvim.command('{} wincmd w | resize {} | wincmd p'.format( buf_win_nr, doc_len )) info(self.nvim, "Documentation for {}/{}".format(ns, name)) log_debug(docl) exec_cmd = "bd {} | au! AcidDoc".format(self.doc_buf_nr) self.nvim.buffers[self.doc_buf_nr][:] = docl self.nvim.command('augroup AcidDoc') self.nvim.command('au!') self.nvim.command( 'au CursorMoved * exec "{}"'.format(exec_cmd)) self.nvim.command('augroup END') else: warning(self.nvim, "No information for symbol")