Exemple #1
def process_folder(folder_path, quantization, temporal_granularity):
    # Get instrus and prs from a folder name name
    pr0, instru0, _, name0, pr1, instru1, _, name1 = build_data_aux.get_instru_and_pr_from_folder_path(folder_path, quantization)

    # Temporal granularity
    if temporal_granularity == 'event_level':
        pr0 = warp_pr_aux(pr0, get_event_ind_dict(pr0))
        pr1 = warp_pr_aux(pr1, get_event_ind_dict(pr1))

    # Get trace from needleman_wunsch algorithm
    # Traces are binary lists, 0 meaning a gap is inserted
    trace_0, trace_1, this_sum_score, this_nbId, this_nbDiffs = needleman_chord_wrapper(sum_along_instru_dim(pr0), sum_along_instru_dim(pr1))

    # Wrap dictionnaries according to the traces
    assert(len(trace_0) == len(trace_1)), "size mismatch"
    pr0_warp = warp_dictionnary_trace(pr0, trace_0)
    pr1_warp = warp_dictionnary_trace(pr1, trace_1)

    # Get pr warped and duration# In fact we just discard 0 in traces for both pr
    trace_prod = [e1 * e2 for (e1,e2) in zip(trace_0, trace_1)]

    duration = sum(trace_prod)
    if duration == 0:
        return [None]*7
    pr0_aligned = remove_zero_in_trace(pr0_warp, trace_prod)
    pr1_aligned = remove_zero_in_trace(pr1_warp, trace_prod)

    return pr0_aligned, instru0, name0, pr1_aligned, instru1, name1, duration
def process_folder(folder_path, quantization, unit_type, temporal_granularity, gapopen=3, gapextend=1):
    # Get instrus and prs from a folder name name
    pr0, instru0, _, name0, pr1, instru1, _, name1 = get_instru_and_pr_from_folder_path(folder_path, quantization)

    # Unit type
    pr0 = Unit_type.from_rawpr_to_type(pr0, unit_type)
    pr1 = Unit_type.from_rawpr_to_type(pr1, unit_type)

    # Temporal granularity
    if temporal_granularity == 'event_level':
        event_0 = get_event_ind_dict(pr0)
        event_1 = get_event_ind_dict(pr1)
        pr0 = warp_pr_aux(pr0, event_0)
        pr1 = warp_pr_aux(pr1, event_1)
        event_0 = None
        event_1 = None

    # Align tracks
    pr0_aligned, trace_0, pr1_aligned, trace_1, trace_prod, duration = align_tracks(pr0, pr1, unit_type, gapopen, gapextend)

    # Clean events
    event0_aligned = clean_event(event_0, trace_0, trace_prod)
    event1_aligned = clean_event(event_1, trace_1, trace_prod)

    # Find which pr is orchestra, which one is piano
    pr_piano, event_piano, instru_piano, name_piano,\
        pr_orch, event_orch, instru_orch, name_orch,\
        duration =\
        discriminate_between_piano_and_orchestra(pr0_aligned, event0_aligned, instru0, name0,
                                                 pr1_aligned, event1_aligned, instru1, name1,

    return pr_piano, event_piano, instru_piano, name_piano, pr_orch, event_orch, instru_orch, name_orch, duration
Exemple #3
def get_dim_matrix(index_files_dict, meta_info_path='temp.p', quantization=12, temporal_granularity='frame_level', logging=None):
    # Determine the temporal size of the matrices
    # If the two files have different sizes, we use the shortest (to limit the use of memory,
    # we better contract files instead of expanding them).
    # Get instrument names
    instrument_list_from_dico = build_dico().keys()
    instru_mapping = {}
    # instru_mapping = {'piano': {'pitch_min': 24, 'pitch_max':117, 'ind_min': 0, 'ind_max': 92},
    #                         'harp' ... }
    T_dict = {}      # indexed by set_identifier
    for set_identifier, index_files in index_files_dict.iteritems():

        # Get the full size of the tracks and instrument present
        T = 0
        for index_file in index_files:
            # Read the csv file indexing the database
            with open(index_file, 'rb') as f:
                for folder_path in f:
                    folder_path = folder_path.rstrip()
                    if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):

                    # Read pr
                        pr0, instru0, T0, name0, pr1, instru1, T1, name1 = build_data_aux.get_instru_and_pr_from_folder_path(folder_path, quantization)
                        with open('log', 'wb') as f:
                            f.write('Bad file' + folder_path + '\n')

                    # Temporal granularity
                    if temporal_granularity == 'event_level':
                        new_event_0 = get_event_ind_dict(pr0)
                        pr0 = warp_pr_aux(pr0, new_event_0)
                        new_event_1 = get_event_ind_dict(pr1)
                        pr1 = warp_pr_aux(pr1, new_event_1)

                    # Get T
                    trace_0, trace_1, this_sum_score, this_nbId, this_nbDiffs = needleman_chord_wrapper(sum_along_instru_dim(pr0), sum_along_instru_dim(pr1))
                    trace_prod = [e1 * e2 for (e1,e2) in zip(trace_0, trace_1)]
                    T += sum(trace_prod)
                    # Modify the mapping from instrument to indices in pianorolls and pitch bounds
                    instru_mapping = build_data_aux.instru_pitch_range(instrumentation=instru0,
                    # remark : instru_mapping would be modified if it is only passed to the function,
                    #                   f(a)  where a is modified inside the function
                    # but i prefer to make the reallocation explicit
                    #                   a = f(a) with f returning the modified value of a.
                    # Does it change anything for computation speed ? (Python pass by reference,
                    # but a slightly different version of it, not clear to me)
                    instru_mapping = build_data_aux.instru_pitch_range(instrumentation=instru1,
                    # Delete prs
                    del pr0, pr1, instru0, instru1
        T_dict[set_identifier] = T

    # Build the index_min and index_max in the instru_mapping dictionary
    counter = 0
    for k, v in instru_mapping.iteritems():
        if k == 'piano':
            index_min = 0
            index_max = v['pitch_max'] - v['pitch_min']
            v['index_min'] = index_min
            v['index_max'] = index_max
        index_min = counter
        counter = counter + v['pitch_max'] - v['pitch_min']
        index_max = counter
        v['index_min'] = index_min
        v['index_max'] = index_max

    # Instanciate the matrices
    temp = {}
    temp['instru_mapping'] = instru_mapping
    temp['quantization'] = quantization
    temp['T'] = T_dict
    temp['N_orchestra'] = counter
    pickle.dump(temp, open(meta_info_path, 'wb'))
Exemple #4
    # orch = sum_along_instru_dim(pr)[start_ind:end_ind] 
    # orch[np.nonzero(orch)] = 1
    # orch[0, 30] = 1
    # orch[0, 92] = 1

    pianofile = Read_midi(piano_path, quantization)
    pr_piano = pianofile.read_file()

    # Event level representation
    event_piano = get_event_ind_dict(pr_piano)
    event_orch = get_event_ind_dict(pr_orch)
    pr_piano = warp_pr_aux(pr_piano, event_piano)
    pr_orch = warp_pr_aux(pr_orch, event_orch)

    def align_tracks(pr0, pr1, unit_type, gapopen, gapextend):
        # Get trace from needleman_wunsch algorithm

        # First extract binary representation, whatever unit_type is
        pr0_binary = Unit_type.from_type_to_binary(pr0, unit_type)
        pr1_binary = Unit_type.from_type_to_binary(pr1, unit_type)  
        pr0_trace = sum_along_instru_dim(pr0_binary)
        pr1_trace = sum_along_instru_dim(pr1_binary)

        # Traces are computed from binaries matrices
        # Traces are binary lists, 0 meaning a gap is inserted
        trace_0, trace_1, this_sum_score, this_nbId, this_nbDiffs = needleman_chord_wrapper(pr0_trace, pr1_trace, gapopen, gapextend)