Exemple #1
def main():
    Main execution routine
    description = (
        'Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
        ' and displays all the tenant info of the contract_interface related to the imported contract.'
    creds = Credentials('apic', description)
                       help="Tenant Name of where the contract is created")
    creds.add_argument("-i", "--contract_name", help="Imported Contract Name")
    args = creds.get()

    if (args.tenant_name is not None) and (args.contract_name is None):
        args.contract_name = raw_input("Contract Name: ")

    session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    tenants = Tenant.get_deep(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        contracts_interfaces = tenant.get_children(
        for contract_interface in contracts_interfaces:
            imported_contract = contract_interface.get_import_contract()
            if imported_contract is not None:
                if args.tenant_name is not None:
                    if (imported_contract.name == args.contract_name) and (
                            == args.tenant_name):
                        apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
                        for app in apps:
                            epgs = EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
                            for epg in epgs:
                                             tenant.name, app.name, epg.name))
                    apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
                    for app in apps:
                        epgs = EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
                        for epg in epgs:
                            data.append((imported_contract.name, tenant.name,
                                         app.name, epg.name))
    print tabulate(
        data, headers=["IMPORTED_CONTRACT", "TENANT", "APP_PROFILE", "EPG"])
def get_epg(session, tenant):
    Get the EPG
    :param session: Session class instance
    :param tenant: String containing the Tenant name
    apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)

    if len(apps) == 0:
        print("No APs for this tenant")

        for app in apps:
            epgs = EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
            if len(epgs) == 0:
                print("No EPGS for this AP: ", app)
                for epg in epgs:
                    print("Epg:", epg.name, "AP: ", app.name)
                epg_name = input("Select name of EPG: ")
                for epg in epgs:
                    if epg_name == epg.name:
                        print("EPG exists")
                        return epg
            print("EPG does not exist")
Exemple #3
def get_epg(session, tenant):
    Get the EPG
    :param session: Session class instance
    :param tenant: String containing the Tenant name
    apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
    for app in apps:
        check_longest_name(app.name, "Application Profile")
        epgs = EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
        for epg in epgs:
            check_longest_name(epg.name, "EPG")
            data.append((tenant.name, app.name, epg.name))
def main():
    Main execution routine
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all the tenant info of the contract_interface related to the imported contract.')
    creds = Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument("-t", "--tenant_name", help="Tenant Name of where the contract is created")
    creds.add_argument("-i", "--contract_name", help="Imported Contract Name")
    args = creds.get()

    if (args.tenant_name is not None) and (args.contract_name is None):
        args.contract_name = raw_input("Contract Name: ")

    session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    tenants = Tenant.get_deep(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        contracts_interfaces = tenant.get_children(only_class=ContractInterface)
        for contract_interface in contracts_interfaces:
            imported_contract = contract_interface.get_import_contract()
            if imported_contract is not None:
                if args.tenant_name is not None:
                    if (imported_contract.name == args.contract_name) and (imported_contract.get_parent().name == args.tenant_name):
                        apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
                        for app in apps:
                            epgs = EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
                            for epg in epgs:
                                data.append((imported_contract.name, tenant.name, app.name, epg.name))
                    apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
                    for app in apps:
                        epgs = EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
                        for epg in epgs:
                            data.append((imported_contract.name, tenant.name, app.name, epg.name))
    print tabulate(data, headers=["IMPORTED_CONTRACT", "TENANT", "APP_PROFILE", "EPG"])
def get_subnet(session, tenant):
    Get the subnet
    :param session: Session class instance
    :param tenant: String containing tenant name
    apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
    for app in apps:
        check_longest_name(app.name, "Application Profile")
        bds = BridgeDomain.get(session, tenant)
        for bd in bds:
            check_longest_name(bd.name, "Bridge Domain")
            subnets = Subnet.get(session, bd, tenant)
            if len(subnets) == 0:
                data.append((tenant.name, app.name, bd.name, "", ""))
                for subnet in subnets:
                    check_longest_name(subnet.addr, "Subnet")
                    check_longest_name(subnet.get_scope(), "Scope")
                    data.append((tenant.name, app.name, bd.name,
                                 subnet.addr, subnet.get_scope()))
Exemple #6
def main():
    Main routine
    :return: None
    # Login to APIC
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the External Subnets.')
    creds = Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('-f', '--find_ip', help='IP address to search for')
    args = creds.get()

    session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    if not args.find_ip:
        print("Error: -f|--find_ip <ip_address> argument required")

    print("searching for " + args.find_ip)
    # Download all of the tenants, app profiles, and Subnets
    # and store the names as tuples in two lists
    priv = []
    publ = []
    ip = args.find_ip
    tenants = Tenant.get_deep(session, limit_to=['fvTenant',

    for tenant in tenants:
        apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
        for app in apps:
            bds = BridgeDomain.get(session, tenant)
            for bd in bds:
                subnets = Subnet.get(session, bd, tenant)
                for subnet in subnets:
                    net = IPNetwork(subnet.addr)
                    if net.Contains(IPNetwork(ip)):
                        priv.append((tenant.name, app.name, bd.name,
                                     subnet.addr, subnet.get_scope()))

    for tenant in tenants:
        outside_l3s = tenant.get_children(only_class=OutsideL3)
        for outside_l3 in outside_l3s:
            outside_epgs = outside_l3.get_children(only_class=OutsideEPG)
            for outside_epg in outside_epgs:
                outside_networks = outside_epg.get_children(only_class=OutsideNetwork)
                for outside_network in outside_networks:
                    net = IPNetwork(outside_network.addr)
                    if net.Contains(IPNetwork(ip)):

    # Display
    template = "{0:20} {1:20} {2:20} {3:18} {4:15}"
    if len(priv):
                              "Bridge Domain",
        print(template.format("-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20,
                              "-" * 18,
                              "-" * 15))
        for rec in priv:
    if len(publ):
        print(template.format("-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20,
                              "-" * 18,
                              "-" * 15))
        for rec in publ:
Exemple #7
def main():
    Main routine
    :return: None
    # Login to APIC
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the External Subnets.')
    creds = Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('-f', '--find_ip', help='IP address to search for')
    args = creds.get()

    session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    if not args.find_ip:
        print("Error: -f|--find_ip <ip_address> argument required")

    print("searching for " + args.find_ip)
    # Download all of the tenants, app profiles, and Subnets
    # and store the names as tuples in two lists
    priv = []
    publ = []
    ip = args.find_ip
    tenants = Tenant.get_deep(session,
                                  'fvTenant', 'fvSubnet', 'l3extOut',
                                  'l3extInstP', 'l3extSubnet'

    for tenant in tenants:
        apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
        for app in apps:
            bds = BridgeDomain.get(session, tenant)
            for bd in bds:
                subnets = Subnet.get(session, bd, tenant)
                for subnet in subnets:
                    net = IPNetwork(subnet.addr)
                    if net.Contains(IPNetwork(ip)):
                            (tenant.name, app.name, bd.name, subnet.addr,

    for tenant in tenants:
        outside_l3s = tenant.get_children(only_class=OutsideL3)
        for outside_l3 in outside_l3s:
            outside_epgs = outside_l3.get_children(only_class=OutsideEPG)
            for outside_epg in outside_epgs:
                outside_networks = outside_epg.get_children(
                for outside_network in outside_networks:
                    net = IPNetwork(outside_network.addr)
                    if net.Contains(IPNetwork(ip)):
                        publ.append((tenant.name, outside_l3.name,
                                     outside_epg.name, outside_network.addr,

    # Display
    template = "{0:20} {1:20} {2:20} {3:18} {4:15}"
    if len(priv):
            template.format("Tenant", "App", "Bridge Domain", "Subnet",
        print(template.format("-" * 20, "-" * 20, "-" * 20, "-" * 18,
                              "-" * 15))
        for rec in priv:
    if len(publ):
            template.format("Tenant", "OutsideL3", "OutsideEPG", "Subnet",
        print(template.format("-" * 20, "-" * 20, "-" * 20, "-" * 18,
                              "-" * 15))
        for rec in publ:
# What to look for?
mission_tenant = "SnV"
mission_anp = "Evolution_X"
success_message = "I completed the WebArya Mission and added Application {} to Tenant {}!".format(
    mission_anp, mission_tenant)

session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD)
resp = session.login()
if not resp.ok:
    print('%% Could not login to APIC')

# Query for ACI Tenants
tenants = Tenant.get(session)
for tenant in tenants:
    # Search for Mission Tenant
    if tenant.name == mission_tenant:
        # Get Apps in Tenant
        apps = AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
        for app in apps:
            # Search for mission app
            if app.name == mission_anp:
                print("Success!  Well done !")

# Tenant and/or App not found, exit
sys.exit("\nMission Failed: Application {} not found in Tenant {}\n".format(
    mission_anp, mission_tenant))