Exemple #1
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: info -- a short overview of a blog."""

    limit = options.max if options.max > 0 else 5
    entrylist = sorted(
            Entry(e, conf)
            for e in utils.filelist(conf["content_dir"], conf.get("entries_ignore", []))
            if utils.istext(e)
        key=lambda k: k.date,

    print "acrylamid", blue(env["version"]) + ",",
    print "cache size:", blue("%0.2f" % (cache.size / 1024.0 ** 2)) + " mb"

    for entry in entrylist[:limit]:
        print "  ", green(ago(entry.date).ljust(13)),
        print white(entry.title) if entry.draft else entry.title

    print "%s published," % blue(len([e for e in entrylist if not e.draft])),
    print "%s drafted articles" % blue(len([e for e in entrylist if e.draft]))

    time = localtime(getmtime(join(conf.get("cache_dir", ".cache/"), "info")))
    print "last compilation at %s" % blue(strftime("%d. %B %Y, %H:%M", time))
Exemple #2
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: check -- run W3C over generated output and check destination
    of linked items"""

    paths = [path for path in utils.filelist(conf['output_dir']) if path.endswith('.html')]

    if options.random:

    if options.links:
        validate(paths, options.jobs)
        w3c(paths, conf, warn=options.warn, sleep=options.sleep)
Exemple #3
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: ping -- notify external ressources via Pingback etc."""

    initialize(conf, env)  # we access the cache, so we must initialize first

    entrylist = sorted([Entry(e, conf) for e in filelist(conf['content_dir'],
        conf.get('entries_ignore', []))], key=lambda k: k.date, reverse=True)
    entrylist = [entry for entry in entrylist if not entry.draft]

    print joinurl(conf['www_root'], entrylist[0].permalink)

    links = re.findall('https?://[^ ]+', entrylist[0].source)
    print links
Exemple #4
def autocompile(conf, env, **options):
    """Subcommand: autocompile -- automatically re-compiles when something in
    content-dir has changed and parallel serving files."""

    mtime = -1

    while True:
        ntime = max(getmtime(e) for e in utils.filelist(conf['content_dir']) if utils.istext(e))
        if mtime != ntime:
                compile(conf, env, **options)
            except AcrylamidException as e:
            mtime = ntime
Exemple #5
def compile(conf, env, force=False, **options):
    """The compilation process.

    Current API:

        #. when we require context
        #. when we called an event

    New API:

        #. before we start with view Initialization
        #. after we initialized views
        #. before we require context
        #. after we required context
        #. before we template
        #. before we write a file
        #. when we called an event
        #. when we finish

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    request = initialize(conf, env)

    if force:
        # acrylamid compile -f

    # list of Entry-objects reverse sorted by date.
    entrylist = sorted([Entry(e, conf) for e in utils.filelist(conf['content_dir'],
        conf.get('entries_ignore', [])) if utils.istext(e)], key=lambda k: k.date, reverse=True)

    # here we store all found filter and their aliases
    ns = defaultdict(set)

    # get available filter list, something like with obj.get-function
    # list = [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and conf.py
    found = sum((x.filters for x in entrylist+_views), []) + request['conf']['filters']

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx = filters.disable(fx)
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](conf, env, val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    for entry in entrylist:
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and conf.py
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + request['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx, _ = next((k for k in ns.iteritems() if fn in k[1]))
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k: (-k.priority, k.name)),

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags or so
    # XXX this API component needs a review
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(env, {'entrylist': filter(v.condition, entrylist)})

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        # XXX the entry should automatically determine its caller (using
        # some sys magic to recursively check wether the calling class is
        # derieved from `View`.)
        for entry in entrylist:
            entry.context = v.__class__.__name__

        request['entrylist'] = filter(v.condition, entrylist)
        tt = time.time()

        for html, path in v.generate(request):
            helpers.mkfile(html, path, time.time()-tt, **options)
            tt = time.time()

    # remove abandoned cache files

    # print a short summary
    log.info('%i new, %i updated, %i skipped [%.2fs]', event.count('create'),
             event.count('update'), event.count('identical') + event.count('skip'),
             time.time() - ctime)
Exemple #6
def compile(conf, env, force=False, **options):

    # time measurement
    ctime = time.time()

    # populate env and corrects some conf things
    request = initialize(conf, env)

    if force:
        # acrylamid compile -f

    # list of FileEntry-objects reverse sorted by date.
    entrylist = sorted([FileEntry(e, conf) for e in utils.filelist(conf['content_dir'],
                                                             conf.get('entries_ignore', []))],
                       key=lambda k: k.date, reverse=True)

    # here we store all possible filter configurations
    ns = set()

    # get available filter list, something like with obj.get-function
    # list = [<class head_offset.Headoffset at 0x1014882c0>, <class html.HTML at 0x101488328>,...]
    aflist = filters.get_filters()

    # ... and get all configured views
    _views = views.get_views()

    # filters found in all entries, views and conf.py
    found = sum((x.filters for x in entrylist+_views), []) + request['conf']['filters']

    for val in found:
        # first we for `no` and get the function name and arguments
        f = val[2:] if val.startswith('no') else val
        fname, fargs = f.split('+')[:1][0], f.split('+')[1:]

            # initialize the filter with its function name and arguments
            fx = aflist[fname](val, *fargs)
            if val.startswith('no'):
                fx.transform = lambda x, y, *z: x
                fx.__hash__ = lambda : 0
        except ValueError:
                fx = aflist[val.split('+')[:1][0]](val, *fargs)
            except ValueError:
                raise AcrylamidException('no such filter: %s' % val)


    for entry in entrylist:
        for v in _views:

            # a list that sorts out conflicting and duplicated filters
            flst = filters.FilterList()

            # filters found in this specific entry plus views and conf.py
            found = entry.filters + v.filters + request['conf']['filters']

            for fn in found:
                fx = filter(lambda k: fn == k.name, ns)[0]
                if fx not in flst:

            # sort them ascending because we will pop within filters.add
            entry.filters.add(sorted(flst, key=lambda k: (-k.priority, k.name)),

    # lets offer a last break to populate tags or so
    # XXX this API component needs a review
    for v in _views:
        env = v.context(env, {'entrylist': filter(v.condition, entrylist)})

    # now teh real thing!
    for v in _views:

        # XXX the entry should automatically determine its caller (using
        # some sys magic to recursively check wether the calling class is
        # derieved from `View`.)
        for entry in entrylist:
            entry.context = v.__class__.__name__

        request['entrylist'] = filter(v.condition, entrylist)
        tt = time.time()

        for html, path in v.generate(request):
            helpers.mkfile(html, path, time.time()-tt, **options)
            tt = time.time()

    # remove abandoned cache files

    log.info('Blog compiled in %.2fs' % (time.time() - ctime))