Exemple #1
 def set_dut_secondary_dns(self, ip_addr):
     Sets DUT secondary DNS address.
     :type ip_addr: str
     :param ip_addr: the IP address to set.
     (err, msg) = W.SetDutSecondaryDns(self.get_root(), ip_addr)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #2
 def get_dut_primary_dns(self):
     Gets DUT primary DNS address.
     :rtype: str
     :return: the IP address of the primary DNS of the DUT.
     (err, ip_addr, msg) = W.GetDutPrimaryDns(self.get_root())
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
     return ip_addr
Exemple #3
 def get_dut_secondary_dns(self):
     Gets DUT secondary DNS address.
     :rtype: str
     :return: the IP address of the device under test secondary DNS
     (err, ip_addr, msg) = W.GetDutSecondaryDns(self.get_root())
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
     return ip_addr
Exemple #4
    def set_pdtch_coding_scheme(self, dl_coding_scheme, ul_coding_scheme):
        Sets the downlink and uplink coding scheme
        :type dl_coding_scheme: str
        :param dl_coding_scheme: the downlink coding scheme to set
        :type ul_coding_scheme: str
        :param ul_coding_scheme: the uplink coding scheme to set
        # Setting downlink coding scheme
        (err, msg) = W.SetPdtchDownlinkCodingScheme(self.get_root(),
        err_msg = "Cannot set DL coding scheme (%s)" % msg
        self.__error_check(err, msg, err_msg)

        # Setting uplink coding scheme
        (err, msg) = W.SetPdtchUplinkCodingScheme(self.get_root(),
        err_msg = "Cannot set UL coding scheme (%s)" % msg
        self.__error_check(err, msg, err_msg)
Exemple #5
 def set_initial_ps_data_rrc_state(self, state):
     Sets initial PS data RRC state.
     :type state: str
     :param state: the desired state. Possible values:
         - "DCH"
         - "FACH"
     (err, msg) = W.SetInitialPsDataRRCState(self.get_root(), state)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #6
 def set_dut_ip_address(self, ip_num, ip_addr):
     Sets the DUT IP address.
     :type ip_num: integer
     :param ip_num: number of the IP address to set (1 to 4).
     :type ip_addr: str
     :param ip_addr: the IP address to set.
     (err, msg) = W.SetDutIpAddress(self.get_root(), ip_num, ip_addr)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #7
 def set_pdtch_puncturing_scheme(self, scheme):
     Sets the PDTCH puncturing scheme.
     :type scheme: str
     :param scheme: the PDTCH puncturing scheme to set. Possible values:
         - "PS1"
         - "PS2"
         - "PS3"
     (err, msg) = W.SetPdtchPuncturingScheme(self.get_root(), scheme)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #8
 def get_dut_ip_address(self, ip_num):
     Gets the DUT IP address.
     :type ip_num: integer
     :param ip_num: the number of the IP address to return (1 to 4).
     :rtype: str
     :return: the IP address of the DUT.
     (err, ip_addr, msg) = W.GetDutIpAddress(self.get_root(), ip_num)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
     return ip_addr
Exemple #9
 def clear_all_dut_ip_addresses(self):
     Clears all configured DUT IP addresses and sets them to " "
     during the clear process, the network simulator may complain because of no IP addresses assigned
     # Agilent8960 has four DUT IP addresses
     for ip_num in range(1, 5):
         (err, msg) = W.SetDutIpAddress(self.get_root(), ip_num, "")
         self.__error_check(err, msg)
             "the network simulator ip_addresses are temporary cleared, please ignore the previous warning displayed"
Exemple #10
 def set_pdtch_downlink_coding_scheme(self, scheme):
     Sets PDTCH downlink coding scheme.
     :type scheme: str
     :param scheme: the PDTCH downlink coding scheme to set. Possible values:
         - "CS1"
         - "CS2"
         - "CS3"
         - "CS4"
     (err, msg) = W.SetPdtchDownlinkCodingScheme(self.get_root(), scheme)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #11
    def get_network_type(self):
        Returns the expected network type

        :rtype: str
        :return: the expected network type.
        # Get 2G cell service type on network simulator
        (err, network_type, msg) = W.GetServingCell(self.get_root())
        self.__error_check(err, msg)
        self.get_logger().info("Cell Service is %s", network_type)

        return network_type
Exemple #12
 def set_connection_type(self, conn_type):
     Sets the connection type.
     :type conn_type: str
     :param conn_type: the connection type to set.
     Possible values:
         - "A"
         - "B"
         - "ACKB"
         - "BLER"
         - "AUTO"
         - "SRBL"
     (err, msg) = W.SetConnectionType(self.get_root(), conn_type)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #13
 def set_multislot_config(self, config):
     Sets multislot configuration.
     :type config: str
     :param config: the multislot configuration to set. Possible values:
         - "D1U1" | "D1U2" | "D1U3" | "D1U4" | "D1U5" | "D1U6"
         - "D2U1" | "D2U2" | "D2U3" | "D2U4" | "D2U5"
         - "D3U1" | "D3U2" | "D3U3" | "D3U4"
         - "D4U1" | "D4U2" | "D4U3"
         - "D5U1" | "D5U2"
         - "D6U1"
         - "CUST"
     (err, msg) = W.SetMultislotConfig(self.get_root(), config)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #14
 def set_pdtch_modulation_coding_scheme(self, downlink, uplink):
     Sets the PDTCH modulation coding scheme.
     :type downlink: str
     :param downlink: the downlink coding scheme to set. Possible values:
         - "MCS1" | "MCS2" | "MCS3" | "MCS4" | "MCS5" | "MCS6" |
           "MCS7" | "MCS8" | "MCS9"
     :type uplink: str
     :param uplink: the uplink coding scheme to set. Possible values:
         - "MCS1" | "MCS2" | "MCS3" | "MCS4" | "MCS5" | "MCS6" |
           "MCS7" | "MCS8" | "MCS9"
     (err, msg) = W.SetPdtchModulationCodingScheme(self.get_root(),
                                                   downlink, uplink)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #15
 def get_data_connection_status(self):
     Gets data connection status.
     :rtype: str
     :return: the data connection status. Possible returned values:
         - "IDLE"
         - "ATTACHING"
         - "DETACHING"
         - "ATTACHED"
         - "STARTING"
         - "ENDING"
         - "TRANSFERRING"
         - "PDP_ACTIVATING"
         - "PDP_ACTIVE"
         - "CS_DATA_CON_ACTIVE"
         - "SUSPENDED"
     (err, status, msg) = W.GetDataConnectionStatus(self.get_root())
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
     return status
Exemple #16
 def set_custom_multislot_config(self, main_timeslot, dl_slot_enabled,
                                 dl_slot_level, ul_slot_enabled,
     Sets a custom multislot configuration.
     :type mainTimeslot: integer
     :param mainTimeslot: The number of the main time slot (0 to 7).
     :type dlSlotEnabled: str
     :param dlSlotEnabled: a str of 8 "ON" | "OFF" words separated by ','.
     :type dlSlotLevel: str
     :param dlSlotLevel: a str of 8 levels in dB separated by ','
     (each level is a double from -127.0 to +127.0).
     :type ulSlotEnabled: str
     :param ulSlotEnabled: a str of 8 "ON" | "OFF" words separated by ','.
     :type ulSlotGamma: str
     :param ulSlotGamma: a str of 8 gamma power control separated by ','
     (each gamma is an integer from 0 to 31).
     (err, msg) = W.SetCustomMultislotConfig(self.get_root(), main_timeslot,
                                             dl_slot_enabled, dl_slot_level,
                                             ul_slot_enabled, ul_slot_gamma)
     self.__error_check(err, msg)
Exemple #17
    def check_data_connection_transferring_time(self,
        Check data connection, looking for "transferring" state.

        :type transferring_timeout: integer
        :param transferring_timeout: allowed time in seconds to reach 'transferring' state

        :type transferring_time: integer
        :param transferring_time: time in seconds of continuous transfer

        :type check_ota_throughput: boolean
        :param check_ota_throughput: boolean defining if check is done on Over The Air
        throughputs (True) or IP throughput (False).

        :type blocking: boolean
        :param blocking: boolean defining if the function is blocking (returns
        an Exception) or not (returns True or False)

        :rtype: boolean
        :return: True if state is reached, else returns False

        .. warning:: check_ota_throughput set to True will
        test connection by checking OTA throughputs (Tx and Rx),
        whereas check_ota_throughput set to False will test connection
        by checking IP throughputs (Tx and Rx).
        timer = transferring_timeout
            "Check if there is a continuous data transfer during %d seconds before %d seconds" \
            % (transferring_time, transferring_timeout))

        (err, current_state, msg) = W.GetDataConnectionStatus(self.get_root())
        self.__error_check(err, msg)
        transfer_count = 0

        while timer > 0:
            (err, current_state, msg) = \
            self.__error_check(err, msg)

            if (current_state == "TRANSFERRING"):
                transfer_count += 1
                transfer_count = 0
            timer -= 1
            if transfer_count >= transferring_time:
                    "Continuous data transfer during %d seconds has been reached",
                return True

        if blocking:
            # Failed to transfer data continuously
            msg = "Failed to transfer data continuously during %d seconds!" % transferring_time
            raise TestEquipmentException(
                TestEquipmentException.TIMEOUT_REACHED, msg)
            # Failed to transfer data continuously (Test failed no TestEquipmentException raised)
                "Failed to transfer data continuously during %d seconds!" %
        return False
Exemple #18
    def check_data_connection_state(self,
        Checks that the data connection is set at the required state
        before the given timeout. If timeout is <= 0, only one test is performed.
        :raise TestEquipmentException: the required status has not been reached before the timeout
        :type state: str
        :param state: the expected state. Possible values:
            - "ATTACHED"
            - "PDP_ACTIVE"
            - "TRANSFERRING"
            - "SUSPENDED"
        :type timeout: integer
        :param timeout: allowed time to reach expected state
        :type blocking: boolean
        :param blocking: boolean to know if the function raises an error
        or simply return true or false if the status is reached or not
        :rtype: boolean
        :return: True if state is reached, else returns False
        :type cell_id : str
        :param cell_id: cell used for the test. Possible values:
            - "A"
            - "B"
        .. warning:: This parameter is only used in 4G (LTE)
        attached = False
        timer = timeout
        self.get_logger().info("Check data connection is %s before %d seconds",
                               state, timeout)

        (err, current_state, msg) = W.GetDataConnectionStatus(self.get_root())
        self.__error_check(err, msg)

        while (timer > 0) and (current_state != state):
            if state == "ATTACHED" and current_state == "PDP_ACTIVE":
                attached = True
            (err, current_state, msg) = \
            self.__error_check(err, msg)
            timer -= 1

        if current_state != state and not attached:
            if blocking:
                # Failed to reach desired state
                msg = "Failed to reach %s data state!" % state
                raise TestEquipmentException(
                    TestEquipmentException.TIMEOUT_REACHED, msg)
                # Failed to reach desired state (Test failed no TestEquipmentException raised)
                self.get_logger().error("Failed to reach %s data state!",

            return False
                "Data connection is %s and has been reached in %d seconds" %
                (current_state, timeout - timer))
            return True