def robot_state_publisher(self): if self.current_robot_status['ready']: state_num = 0 if self.current_robot_status['busy']: state_num = 1 if self.current_robot_status['direct_teaching']: state_num = 2 if self.current_robot_status['collision']: state_num = 3 if self.current_robot_status['emergency']: state_num = 4 status_msg = GoalStatusArray() status_msg.header.stamp = status = GoalStatus() status.goal_id.stamp = = "" status.status = state_num status.text = ROBOT_STATE[state_num] status_msg.status_list = [status] self.indy_state_pub.publish(status_msg)
def publish_goal(self, x=0, y=0, z=0, yaw=0, roll=0, pitch=0): # Create move_base goal goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = rospy.get_param('~frame_id', 'map') goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = z quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw) goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] rospy.loginfo( 'Executing move_base goal to position (x,y) %s, %s, with %s degrees yaw.' % (x, y, yaw)) rospy.loginfo( "To cancel the goal: 'rostopic pub -1 /move_base/cancel actionlib_msgs/GoalID -- {}'" ) # Send goal self.move_base.send_goal(goal) rospy.loginfo('Inital goal status: %s' % GoalStatus.to_string(self.move_base.get_state())) status = self.move_base.get_goal_status_text() if status: rospy.loginfo(status) # Wait for goal result self.move_base.wait_for_result() rospy.loginfo('Final goal status: %s' % GoalStatus.to_string(self.move_base.get_state())) status = self.move_base.get_goal_status_text() if status: rospy.loginfo(status)
def navigation_goal_to(self, x, y): # Create move_base goal goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 rospy.loginfo('Executing move_base goal to position (x,y) %s, %s.' % (goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y)) rospy.loginfo( "To cancel the goal: 'rostopic pub -1 /move_base/cancel actionlib_msgs/GoalID -- {}'" ) # Send goal self.move_base.send_goal(goal) rospy.loginfo('Inital goal status: %s' % GoalStatus.to_string(self.move_base.get_state())) status = self.move_base.get_goal_status_text() if status: rospy.loginfo(status) # Wait for goal result self.move_base.wait_for_result() rospy.loginfo('Final goal status: %s' % GoalStatus.to_string(self.move_base.get_state())) status = self.move_base.get_goal_status_text() if status: rospy.loginfo(status)
def navToPose(goal): print "Starting Navigation!" # get path from A* while not stopDrive: # find the global path globalPathServ = getGlobalPath(navBot.cur.pose, goal.pose) globalPath = globalPathServ.path if globalPath.poses: # if there's something in the list of poses print " Global Navigation" navBot.rotateTowardPose(globalPath.poses[0]) # rotate to update local map localPathServ = getLocalPath(navBot.cur.pose, globalPath.poses[0].pose) localPath = localPathServ.path while not localPath.poses: # if there's nothing in the list of poses print " - blocked global waypoint, moving to next" del globalPath.poses[0] if not globalPath.poses: print " - no valid path, ending navigation" return localPathServ = getLocalPath(navBot.cur.pose, globalPath.poses[0].pose) localPath = localPathServ.path print " Local Navigation" navBot.goToPose(localPath.poses[0]) else: print " - goal not navigable, ending navigation" break gridDist = math.sqrt((globalPath.poses[-1].pose.position.x - navBot.cur.pose.position.x)**2 + (globalPath.poses[-1].pose.position.y - navBot.cur.pose.position.y)**2) if (len(globalPath.poses) == 1 and len(localPath.poses) == 1) or gridDist <= navBot.distThresh * 3: print " Finished All Navigation!" break navBot.rotateTo(getAngleFromPose(goal.pose)) statuses = GoalStatusArray() status = GoalStatus() status.status = 3 statuses.status_list.append(status) status_pub.publish(statuses)
def PubCancleRequest(self, ID, data): #pub cancle request to planner CanclePub = rospy.Publisher('/%s/cancle' % self.ControlBase, GoalStatus, queue_size=1) PubData = GoalStatus() PubData.goal_id = int(ID.split('/')[1]) PubData.status = data CanclePub.publish(PubData)
def make_goal_array(self): for path in range(0, len(self.path_points) - 1): new_goal = GoalStatus() = str(path) new_goal.status = 0 new_goal.text = 'PENDING' self.goal_arr.status_list.append(new_goal)
def goal_status_array(cls, msg, obj): obj.header = decode.header(msg, obj.header, "") for i in range(msg['_length']): goal_status = GoalStatus() goal_status.goal_id.stamp = decode.time_stamp(msg, goal_id.stamp, i) = msg['%s_id' % i] goal_status.status = msg['%s_status' % i] goal_status.text = msg['%s_text' % i] obj.status_list.append(goal_status) return(obj)
def navToPose(goal): print "Starting Navigation!" # get path from A* while not stopDrive: # find the global path globalPathServ = getGlobalPath(navBot.cur.pose, goal.pose) globalPath = globalPathServ.path if globalPath.poses: # if there's something in the list of poses print " Global Navigation" navBot.rotateTowardPose( globalPath.poses[0]) # rotate to update local map localPathServ = getLocalPath(navBot.cur.pose, globalPath.poses[0].pose) localPath = localPathServ.path while not localPath.poses: # if there's nothing in the list of poses print " - blocked global waypoint, moving to next" del globalPath.poses[0] if not globalPath.poses: print " - no valid path, ending navigation" return localPathServ = getLocalPath(navBot.cur.pose, globalPath.poses[0].pose) localPath = localPathServ.path print " Local Navigation" navBot.goToPose(localPath.poses[0]) else: print " - goal not navigable, ending navigation" break gridDist = math.sqrt((globalPath.poses[-1].pose.position.x - navBot.cur.pose.position.x)**2 + (globalPath.poses[-1].pose.position.y - navBot.cur.pose.position.y)**2) if (len(globalPath.poses) == 1 and len(localPath.poses) == 1) or gridDist <= navBot.distThresh * 3: print " Finished All Navigation!" break navBot.rotateTo(getAngleFromPose(goal.pose)) statuses = GoalStatusArray() status = GoalStatus() status.status = 3 statuses.status_list.append(status) status_pub.publish(statuses)
def start_job(self, job): result = TransportResult() try: goal = job.get_goal() color = goal.specification item = self.warehouse.get(color)() if item.available: rospy.loginfo( 'Call stacker for job: ' + str([item.x, item.z, goal.address, 1]) ) self.current_gh = self.stacker.send_goal( StackerGoal([item.x, item.z, goal.address, 1]) ) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # wait for stacker complete its job goal_status = self.current_gh.get_goal_status() rospy.logdebug( 'Goal status: ' + str(goal_status) ) if goal_status > 2: # actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus rospy.loginfo( 'Goal status: ' + str(goal_status) ) break rospy.sleep(1) result.act = 'Job %s %s' % ( str(job.get_goal_id()), GoalStatus.to_string(self.current_gh.get_terminal_state()) ) job.set_succeeded(result) else: result.act = 'Spec %s is not available' % color job.set_aborted(result) rospy.logwarn('Job aborted') except Exception: rospy.logwarn('Exception arise!') finally: rospy.loginfo('Finishing') self.finish() self.make_bids() self.busy = False
def __init__(self): self.ang_fwd_threshold = rospy.get_param('~ang_fwd_threshold', 0.5) self.ang_vel_intersection = rospy.get_param('~ang_vel_intersection', 1.82) self.dist_alarm_1 = rospy.get_param('~dist_alarm_1', 5.0) self.dist_alarm_2 = rospy.get_param('~dist_alarm_2', 3.0) self.spin_cycle = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param('~spin_cycle', 0.3)) self.plan_cycle = rospy.Duration(rospy.get_param('~plan_cycle', 1.0)) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, GVG 서비스 확인중...' + C_END) rospy.wait_for_service('gvg/nearest') rospy.wait_for_service('gvg/neighbors') rospy.wait_for_service('gvg/node') self.get_nearest = rospy.ServiceProxy('gvg/nearest', Nearest) self.get_neighbors = rospy.ServiceProxy('gvg/neighbors', Neighbors) self.get_node = rospy.ServiceProxy('gvg/node', Node) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, GVG 서비스 확인 완료' + C_END) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, 자율주행 서비스 확인중...' + C_END) self.publisher_cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.publisher_robot_motion = rospy.Publisher('interf/robot/motion', RobotMotion, queue_size=1) self.publisher_nav_cue = rospy.Publisher('interf/nav_cue', NavCue, queue_size=1) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, Action 서비스 확인중...' + C_END) self.move_result = GoalStatus() self.move_result.status = 3 self.client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.client.wait_for_server() self.percussion_time = rospy.get_time() print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, 토픽 구독중...' + C_END) rospy.Subscriber('interf/cmd/assist', CmdAssist, self.percussion) rospy.Subscriber('robot/pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.update_robot_pose) rospy.Subscriber('move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, self.update_move_result) self.time_start = rospy.Subscriber('time/start', Time, self.update_time) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, 초기자세로 이동중...' + C_END) self.robot_state = S_INDIRECT_WAIT self.mount_gvg() print(C_GREEN + '\rTask planner, 자율주행 서비스 초기화 완료' + C_END) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, BCI 서비스 확인중...' + C_END) rospy.wait_for_service('interf/nav2cmd') self.get_cmd = rospy.ServiceProxy('interf/nav2cmd', Nav2Cmd) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, BCI 서비스 확인 완료' + C_END) print(C_YELLO + '\rTask planner, 기동중...' + C_END) rospy.Timer(self.plan_cycle, self.explosion) print(C_GREEN + '\rTask planner, 초기화 완료\n' + C_END)
def execute_policy_cb(self, goal): self.cancelled = False self.policy_mdp = self.policy_utils.generate_policy_mdp( goal.spec, self.closest_waypoint, if self.policy_mdp is None: rospy.logerr("Failure to build policy for specification: " + goal.spec.ltl_task) self.mdp_as.set_aborted() return self.publish_feedback(None, None, self.policy_mdp.get_current_action()) if self.nav_before_action_exec: starting_exec = True #used to make sure the robot executes calls topological navigation at least once before executing non-nav actions. This is too ensure the robot navigates to the exact pose of a waypoint before executing an action there else: starting_exec = False while (self.policy_mdp.has_action_defined() and not self.cancelled) or starting_exec: next_action = self.policy_mdp.get_current_action() if next_action in self.mdp.nav_actions or starting_exec: starting_exec = False current_nav_policy = self.policy_utils.generate_current_nav_policy( self.policy_mdp) status = self.execute_nav_policy(current_nav_policy) rospy.loginfo( "Topological navigation execute policy action server exited with status: " + GoalStatus.to_string(status)) if status != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self.policy_mdp.set_current_state(None) break else: print("EXECUTE ACTION") (status, state_update) = self.action_executor.execute_action( self.mdp.action_descriptions[next_action]) executed_action = next_action print(executed_action) if not self.cancelled: next_flat_state = self.policy_utils.get_next_state_from_action_outcome( state_update, self.policy_mdp) self.policy_mdp.set_current_state(next_flat_state) if next_flat_state is None: rospy.logerr( "Error finding next state after action execution. Aborting..." ) break next_action = self.policy_mdp.get_current_action() self.publish_feedback(executed_action, status, next_action) if self.cancelled: self.cancelled = False rospy.loginfo("Policy execution preempted.") self.mdp_as.set_preempted() elif self.policy_mdp.current_flat_state is None: rospy.loginfo("Policy execution failed.") self.mdp_as.set_aborted() else: rospy.loginfo("Policy execution successful.") self.mdp_as.set_succeeded()
def done_cb(self, state, r): rospy.loginfo( gstr({ 'done state': GoalStatus.to_string(state), 'elapsed time': time.time() - self.start, 'loss': r.loss })) if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self.queue.put(r)
def waitOnGripperSuccess(self, lr): msg = GoalStatus() if lr == 'left' or lr == 'l': while(self.left_gripper_result != msg.SUCCEEDED): rospy.sleep(0.1) self.left_gripper_result = -1 if lr == "right" or lr == 'r': while(self.right_gripper_result != msg.SUCCEEDED): rospy.sleep(0.1) self.right_gripper_result = -1
def move_goal(self, point, frame_time=0): ''' 指定されたゴール地点に移動する Parameters ---------- point : geometry_msgs/Point カメラ座標系のオブジェクト位置 Returns ------- client.get_result : Bool actionlibの実行結果 ''' # tfを取得 tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer) try: # カメラ → ベースリンクへの座標変換を取得 trans1 = tfBuffer.lookup_transform('base_link', self.cam_frame, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(3.0)) # ベースリンク → マップへの座標変換を取得 trans2 = tfBuffer.lookup_transform('map', 'base_link', rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(3.0)) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException) as e: print(e) else: goal = self.transform_pose( self.calc_goal(self.transform_point(point, trans1)), trans2) goal_pose = MoveBaseGoal() goal_pose.target_pose.header.stamp = goal_pose.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' goal_pose.target_pose.pose = goal client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) client.wait_for_server() #rospy.loginfo('connected to server') client.send_goal(goal_pose) rospy.loginfo('Send goal pos : [%5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f]', goal.position.x, goal.position.y, goal.position.z) self.set_marker(goal_pose) #client.wait_for_result() client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(10)) rospy.loginfo(client.get_state()) # Status = GoalStatus() if client.get_state() != Status.SUCCEEDED: client.cancel_goal() rospy.loginfo('Failed to Move') else: rospy.loginfo('Succeed to Move') return #client.get_state()
def print_status(status): g_status = GoalStatus() if status == g_status.PREEMPTED: print("PREEMPTED") elif status == g_status.ABORTED: print("ABORTED") elif status == g_status.REJECTED: print("REJECTED") elif status == g_status.SUCCEEDED: print("SUCCEEDED")
def __init__(self, action_goal, transition_cb, feedback_cb, send_goal_fn, send_cancel_fn): self.action_goal = action_goal self.transition_cb = transition_cb self.feedback_cb = feedback_cb self.send_goal_fn = send_goal_fn self.send_cancel_fn = send_cancel_fn self.state = CommState.WAITING_FOR_GOAL_ACK self.mutex = threading.RLock() self.latest_goal_status = GoalStatus(status=GoalStatus.PENDING) self.latest_result = None
def __init__(self): = ProjectedGraspingFeedback() self.result = ProjectedGraspingResult() self.goal_received = False self.object_to_grasp = False self.action_name = 'projected_grasping_server' self.action_server = actionlib.ActionServer(self.action_name, ProjectedGraspingAction, self.action_callback, self.cancel_cb, auto_start=False) self.action_server.start() self.action_status = GoalStatus()
def updateGripperPosition(self, msg): print "Commanding", self.arm_name, 'gripper to', str( self.pause_control_loop = True # pause the control loop to free the serial bus rospy.sleep(1.0) angles = {self.arm_name+'_joint1':0.0, self.arm_name+'_joint2':0.0,self.arm_name+'_joint3':0.0, \ self.arm_name+'_joint4':0.0,self.arm_name+'_joint5':0.0,self.arm_name+'_joint6':0.0,self.arm_name+'_gripper':0.0} vels = {self.arm_name+'_joint1':0.0, self.arm_name+'_joint2':0.0,self.arm_name+'_joint3':0.0, \ self.arm_name+'_joint4':0.0,self.arm_name+'_joint5':0.0,self.arm_name+'_joint6':0.0,self.arm_name+'_gripper':0.0} angles[self.arm_name+"_gripper"] = int( vels[self.arm_name+"_gripper"] = 20.0 msg = GoalStatus() msg.status = msg.ACTIVE self.gripper_result_pub.publish(msg) self.commandAllJointAngles(angles, vels) msg.status = msg.SUCCEEDED self.gripper_result_pub.publish(msg) rospy.sleep(0.1) msg.status = msg.PENDING self.gripper_result_pub.publish(msg)
def __init__(self, name, anonymous=False): super(CalibrationMasterNode, self).__init__(name, anonymous=anonymous) self._replies = {} self._received = 0 self._status = GoalStatus() self._result = CalibrationResult() self._server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("/calibration/server", CalibrationAction, execute_cb=self._process, auto_start=False) self._server.register_preempt_callback(self._cancel) self._server.start()
def move_pose(self, pose_map): ''' 指定されたゴール姿勢に移動する Parameters ---------- pose_map : geometry_msgs/Pose map座標系のポーズ Returns ------- ret: int actionlibの実行結果 0:succeed 1:failed ''' goal = pose_map goal_pose = MoveBaseGoal() goal_pose.target_pose.header.stamp = goal_pose.target_pose.header.frame_id = self.map_frame goal_pose.target_pose.pose = goal client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) client.wait_for_server() # rospy.loginfo('connected to server') client.send_goal(goal_pose) rospy.loginfo('Send goal pos : [%5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f]', goal.position.x, goal.position.y, goal.position.z) self.set_marker(goal_pose) client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(10)) # Status = GoalStatus() while (client.get_state() != Status.SUCCEEDED): if ((client.get_state() != Status.ACTIVE) or (client.get_state() != Status.SUCCEEDED)): client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(5)) # timeout時間を設定 if (client.get_state() != Status.ACTIVE): break client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(1)) if (client.get_state() == Status.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo('Succeed to Move') ret = 0 else: client.cancel_goal() rospy.loginfo('Failed to Move') ret = 1 return ret
def __init__(self): self._feedback = RequestTrajectoryFeedback() self._result = RequestTrajectoryResult() self.goal_received = False self._action_name = 'request_trajectory' self.action_server = actionlib.ActionServer(self._action_name, RequestTrajectoryAction, self.action_callback, self.cancel_cb, auto_start=False) self.action_server.start() self.action_status = GoalStatus() # Variable definition self.grip_left = 'left_gripper_tool_frame' self.grip_right = 'right_gripper_tool_frame' self.gripper = self.grip_right self.frame_base = 'base_link' self.nJoints = 8 + 3 self.arm = 'left' self.joint_values = np.empty([self.nJoints]) self.joint_values_kdl = kdl.JntArray(self.nJoints) self.eef_pose = kdl.Frame() self.far = False # self.old_error = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # TODO: find appropriate max acceleration self.accel_max = np.array( [0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.01, 0.64, 0.64, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.05, 1.05]) #self.accel_max = np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.02, 1.9, 1.9, 1.95, 1.95, 1.95, 2.05, 2.05]) joint_topic = rospy.get_param('joint_topic') rospy.Subscriber(joint_topic, JointState, self.joint_callback) self.pub_clock = rospy.Publisher('/simulator/projection_clock', ProjectionClock, queue_size=3) self.pub_velocity = rospy.Publisher('/simulator/commands', JointState, queue_size=3) self.pub_plot = rospy.Publisher('/data_to_plot', PoseArray, queue_size=10) print 'Ready' # Wait until goal is received rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.05), self.generate_trajectory)
def main(): rospy.init_node("autonomy") client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for robot action server") client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Server found") while True: failure = True while failure: try: x = float( input("Enter x-coordinate of where you want to go\n")) y = float( input("Enter y-coordinate of where you want to go\n")) input("Hit <Enter> when you are ready") failure = False except ValueError: print("Oops enter a valid value\n") failure = True rospy.loginfo("Sent") action_goal = MoveBaseActionGoal() action_goal.goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "map" action_goal.goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x action_goal.goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y action_goal.goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 client.send_goal(action_goal.goal) input("Press <Enter> to stop robot or continue") if client.get_state() == GoalStatus.ACTIVE: rospy.loginfo("Canceling action") client.cancel_goal() try: print("result: ", GoalStatus.to_string(client.get_state())) except Exception as e: print(e) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.spin()
def rasterDone(self, status, result): if status == GoalStatus().SUCCEEDED: if result.max_concentration > self.max_conc_val: self.max_conc_val = result.max_concentration self.max_conc_at.x, self.max_conc_at.y, self.max_conc_at.z = result.max_concentration_point self.raster_scan_complete = True if self.initial_scan_complete: rospy.loginfo( "Non initial Raster Scan Complete. Following Wind") self.algorithm = self.FOLLOW_WIND self.lost_plume_max = 1 else: rospy.loginfo("Initial Raster scan complete") self.initial_scan_complete = True else: rospy.logerr("Raster Scan not completed. Status = %s" % status.text)
def update_status(self, status_array): with self.mutex: if self.state == CommState.DONE: return status = _find_status_by_goal_id(status_array, # You mean you haven't heard of me? if not status: if self.state not in [ CommState.WAITING_FOR_GOAL_ACK, CommState.WAITING_FOR_RESULT, CommState.DONE ]: self._mark_as_lost() return self.latest_goal_status = status # Determines the next state from the lookup table if self.state not in _transitions: rospy.logerr("CommStateMachine is in a funny state: %i" % self.state) return if status.status not in _transitions[self.state]: rospy.logerr( "Got an unknown status from the ActionServer: %i" % status.status) return next_state = _transitions[self.state][status.status] # Knowing the next state, what should we do? if next_state == NO_TRANSITION: pass elif next_state == INVALID_TRANSITION: rospy.logerr("Invalid goal status transition from %s to %s" % (CommState.to_string(self.state), GoalStatus.to_string(status.status))) else: if hasattr(next_state, '__getitem__'): for s in next_state: self.transition_to(s) else: self.transition_to(next_state)
def start_job(self, job): rospy.logdebug('Storage.start_job: ' + str(job)) result = TransportResult() try: goal = job.get_goal() color = goal.specification cell = self.warehouse.get(color)() if cell.available: self.conveyor_destination('warehouse') self.conveyor_load( goal.address ) # plant must already wait for low level unload premission rospy.logdebug('Address: ' + str(goal.address)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): product = self.conveyor_product_ready() if product.ready: break rospy.sleep(1) self.current_gh = self.stacker.send_goal( StackerGoal([12, 1, cell.x, cell.z])) # [12, 1] is conveyor while not rospy.is_shutdown( ): # wait for stacker complete its job goal_status = self.current_gh.get_goal_status() if goal_status > 2: # actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus break rospy.logdebug('Stacker goal status: ' + str(goal_status)) rospy.sleep(1) result.act = 'Job %s %s' % ( str(job.get_goal_id()), GoalStatus.to_string(self.current_gh.get_terminal_state())) job.set_succeeded(result) else: self.conveyor_destination('garbage') self.conveyor_load(goal.address) result.act = 'Place for %s is not available. Throwing to garbage.' % color rospy.sleep(10) # wait until chunk throwed down job.set_succeeded(result) finally: self.finish() self.make_bids() self.busy = False
def _send_command(self, client, goal, blocking=False, timeout=None): if client not in self.clients: return False self.clients[client].send_goal(goal) start_time = # rospy.loginfo(goal) rospy.sleep(0.1) if self.COMMAND_LOGS: rospy.loginfo("Command sent to %s client" % client) if not blocking: # XXX why isn't this perfect? return None status = 0 end_time = + rospy.Duration(timeout + 0.1) while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and \ ( < end_time) and \ (status < GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED) and \ (type(self.clients[client].action_client.last_status_msg) != type(None)): status = self.clients[ client].action_client.last_status_msg.status_list[ -1].status # XXX get to 80 self.rate.sleep() # It's reporting time outs that are too early # FIXED: See comments about rospy.Time(0) text = GoalStatus.to_string(status) if GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED <= status: if self.COMMAND_LOGS: rospy.loginfo("Goal status {} achieved. Exiting".format(text)) else: if self.ERROR_LOGS: rospy.loginfo("Ending due to timeout {}".format(text)) result = self.clients[client].get_result() elapsed_time = ( - start_time).to_sec() print('Executed in {:.3f} seconds. Predicted to take {:.3f} seconds.'. format(elapsed_time, timeout)) #state = self.clients[client].get_state() #print('Goal state {}'.format(GoalStatus.to_string(state))) # get_goal_status_text return result
def action_status_callback(msg): global action_current_status global action_current_id status_list = GoalStatus() status_list = msg.status_list # print(str("*** CB --- ACTION --- LENGTH OF A GOAL STATUS LIST IS:" + str(len(status_list)))) if (len(status_list) != 1): # assuming that there will always be 1 goal status # print(str("*** CB --- ACTION --- LENGTH OF A GOAL STATUS LIST IS NOT 1 but " + str(len(status_list)))) return id_goal_str = status_list[0] # print(str("*** CB --- id_goal_str:" + str(id_goal_str) )) # tuck_arm action is executed first, robot will wait until its finish idx = id_goal_str.find("tuck_arm") if (idx != -1): # found action_current_id = "tuck_arm" action_current_status = status_list[0].status
def __done_callback__(self, state, result): """ Callback when the execution of __goto_waypoint__ has finished We check if the execution was successful and trigger the next command """ if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: # Publish stop message and reduce number of random waypoints rospy.loginfo('Reached waypoint') self.stop_pub.publish(Empty()) # Sample was valid, so reduce count by one if self.random_waypoint_number > 0: self.random_waypoint_number -= 1 else: # Execution was not successful, so abort execution and reset the simulation rospy.loginfo('Action returned: {}'.format( GoalStatus.to_string(state))) self.abort_pub.publish(Empty()) self.__reset_simulation__() if self.random_waypoint_number > 0: rospy.loginfo('Resample this random waypoint') # Wait shortly before publishing the next command rospy.sleep(0.5) if self.random_waypoint_number > 0: # Their are still random waypoints to generate item = self.mission[self.mission_index] self.__goto_random__(item[1]) else: # Previous command has finished, so go to the next command in the list self.mission_index += 1 self.__send_next_command__()
def PubCancleRequest(self, ID, data): #pub cancle request to planner CanclePub = rospy.Publisher('/%s/cancle'%self.ControlBase, GoalStatus, queue_size = 1) PubData = GoalStatus() PubData.goal_id = int(ID.split('/')[1]) PubData.status = data CanclePub.publish(PubData)
def do_gps_goal(lat, long, marker_only=False): rospy.init_node('gps_goal') # Check for degrees, minutes, seconds format and convert to decimal if ',' in lat: degrees, minutes, seconds = lat.split(',') degrees, minutes, seconds = float(degrees), float(minutes), float( seconds) if lat[0] == '-': # check for negative sign minutes = -minutes seconds = -seconds lat = degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600 if ',' in long: degrees, minutes, seconds = long.split(',') degrees, minutes, seconds = float(degrees), float(minutes), float( seconds) if long[0] == '-': # check for negative sign minutes = -minutes seconds = -seconds long = degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600 goal_lat = float(lat) goal_long = float(long) rospy.loginfo('Given GPS goal: lat %s, long %s.' % (goal_lat, goal_long)) # Get the lat long coordinates of our map frame's origin which must be publshed on topic /local_xy_origin. We use this to calculate our goal within the map frame. origin_topic = '/local_xy_origin' rospy.loginfo('Listening for origin location on topic %s' % origin_topic) origin_pose = rospy.wait_for_message(origin_topic, PoseStamped, timeout=10) origin_lat = origin_pose.pose.position.y origin_long = origin_pose.pose.position.x rospy.loginfo('Received origin: lat %s, long %s.' % (origin_lat, origin_long)) # Calculate distance and azimuth between GPS points geod = Geodesic.WGS84 # define the WGS84 ellipsoid g = geod.Inverse( origin_lat, origin_long, goal_lat, goal_long ) # Compute several geodesic calculations between two GPS points hypotenuse = distance = g['s12'] # access distance rospy.loginfo( "The distance from the origin to the goal is {:.3f} m.".format( distance)) azimuth = g['azi1'] rospy.loginfo( "The azimuth from the origin to the goal is {:.3f} degrees.".format( azimuth)) # Convert polar (distance and azimuth) to x,y translation in meters (needed for ROS) by finding side lenghs of a right-angle triangle x = adjacent = math.cos(azimuth) * hypotenuse y = opposite = math.sin(azimuth) * hypotenuse rospy.loginfo( "The translation from the origin to the goal is (x,y) {:.3f}, {:.3f} m." .format(x, y)) # TODO(Dan): Set target yaw pose # import tf_conversions # if yaw: # euler_tuple = tf_conversions.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) # else: # # Use azimuth as yaw # Publish goal as point message for visualization purposes marker_topic = 'point_to_marker' # publish GPS point in ROS coordinates for visualization point_publisher = rospy.Publisher(marker_topic, PointStamped, queue_size=10) rospy.sleep(1) # allow time for subscribers to join gps_point = PointStamped() gps_point.point.x = x gps_point.point.y = y gps_point.point.z = 0 point_publisher.publish(gps_point) rospy.loginfo("Published point {:.3f}, {:.3f} on topic {}.".format( x, y, marker_topic)) if marker_only: return # Create move_base goal rospy.loginfo("Connecting to move_base...") move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) move_base.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Connected.") goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map' goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = x goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = y goal.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 rospy.loginfo( 'Executing move_base goal to position (x,y) %s, %s.' % (goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y)) rospy.loginfo( "To cancel the goal: 'rostopic pub -1 /move_base/cancel actionlib_msgs/GoalID -- {}'" ) # Send goal move_base.send_goal(goal) rospy.loginfo('Inital goal status: %s' % GoalStatus.to_string(move_base.get_state())) status = move_base.get_goal_status_text() if status: rospy.loginfo(status) # Wait for goal result move_base.wait_for_result() rospy.loginfo('Final goal status: %s' % GoalStatus.to_string(move_base.get_state())) status = move_base.get_goal_status_text() if status: rospy.loginfo(status)
def print_status(line_limit=20): if all_tasks_data is None or active_tasks_data is None: return active_ids = set(t.task_id for t in active_tasks_data.execution_queue) non_active_tasks = [ t for t in all_tasks_data.execution_queue if not t.task_id in active_ids ] active_tasks = active_tasks_data.execution_queue line_count = 0 rospy.loginfo("") rospy.loginfo("") rospy.loginfo( datetime.fromtimestamp(rospy.get_rostime().secs).replace( tzinfo=localtz).strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y")) line_count += 1 if len(active_tasks) > 0: rospy.loginfo("Current tasks:") line_count += 1 for t in active_tasks: rospy.loginfo(" %s" % pretty(t)) line_count += 1 if goal_string is not None: rospy.loginfo("Policy:") rospy.loginfo(' as LTL string %s' % goal_string) line_count += 2 if feedback_data is not None: rospy.loginfo(' executed action: %s, status %s' % (, GoalStatus.to_string( rospy.loginfo(' next action: %s' % ( rospy.loginfo( ' policy completing with probability %d, expected time %ds' % (, line_count += 3 rospy.loginfo("Batch started at %s", start_time(active_tasks[0])) line_count += 1 rospy.loginfo(" finish by %s", end_time(active_tasks[0])) line_count += 1 else: rospy.loginfo("No active tasks") line_count += 1 if len(non_active_tasks) > 0: rospy.loginfo("Future tasks (in some order):") line_count += 1 printed = 0 for t in non_active_tasks: if line_count > line_limit - 2: rospy.loginfo(" ... and another %s tasks not printed" % (len(non_active_tasks) - printed)) return else: rospy.loginfo( " %s after %s" % (pretty(t), rostime_to_python( t.start_after, tz=localtz).strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%y"))) line_count += 1 printed += 1 else: rospy.loginfo("No additional tasks")
def dig_result_cb(self, userdata, status, result): rospy.loginfo("DIG state returned with status: " + GoalStatus.to_string(status)) userdata.direction_out = 'dump' return 'succeeded'
def dump_result_cb(self, userdata, status, result): rospy.loginfo("DUMP state returned with status: " + GoalStatus.to_string(status)) userdata.direction_out = 'dig' userdata.sub_run += 1 return 'succeeded'